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VII Notes



[Sunday 28 march 2010 - Saturday 3 April 2010]

[Notebook: DB 68: Salalah]

Sunday 28 march 2010
Monday 29 March 2010

[page 294]

Tuesday 30 March 2010

I am part of the universal process, whatever

[page 295]

that is, and we can learn a bit about the process as it becomes conscious in ourselves.

Human rights and human symmetries: a mathematical model of peerhood.

Cantor [made] a very bold claim when he presented his transfinite cardinal and ordinal numbers to the world. He wrote: 'The concept of "ordinal type" developed here, when it is transferred in like manner to "multiply ordered aggregates", embraces, in conjunction with the concept of "cardinal number" or "power" introduced in §1, everything capable of being numbered (Anzahlmassige that is thinkable and in this sense cannot be further generalized. It contains nothing arbitrary, but is the natural extension of the concept of number.' [page 117] Cantor

What does this mean?

What do we mean by numbering? : establishing a one to one correspondence between certain formal symbols and certain distinct elements of the world, like counting sheep. To be numbered is to be distinct and addressable. Every model inj mathematical physics is built in a space sometimes call the phase space of the model. Both relativity and quantum mechanics are worked out in vector and tensor spaces: Banach spaces. Banach space - Wikipedia

The power of computation lies in the ability to address and change the state of elements of memory. . . .

[page 296]

The philosophy paper. Philosophy is communication between philosophers and we begin this work by assuming that we lose no generality by requiring that this be conducted in writing, that is made available in publicly accessible memory, published.

We wish to explain explicitly how Cantor's model fits the world by introducing computation to make it dynamic.

How do we differentiate a binary digit, a two point graph whose range and domain are 0 and 1, {0, 1}?

What is the role of formal structure in the world? We see this when we make the world dynamic and find, nevertheless, certain invsriants (algorithms) in the dynamics. Algorithms are the fixed points of the Universe and vice versa, the fixed points of the Universe are algorithms, beginning with addition.

Logical space ⊃ Banach space.

Every point in logical space is a leaf on the transfinite tree defined by the path from root to leaf.

Who are the philosophers? Those who seek a consistent and useful formal model of the world we live in.

All conflicts are ended by 'going meta', ie creating something new. The mathematics of treaty design. We want formal structure in our relationship which is better than no formal structure.

[page 297]

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Philosophy might be considered the highest of the ivory tower sciences, remaining aloof from practical matters, To the contrary, we have the practical impact of nazism, communism and capitalism to see that philosophy is a critical input into human health at the individual, social and all other levels.

Every new beginning is speculative simply because the practical experience is not there to judge the new structure.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Heisenberg on Bohr: 'He spoke softly and with some hesitation, but behind every carefully chosen word onecould discern a long chain of thought which evntually faded somewhere in the background into a philosophical viewpoint which fascinated me. [van der Waerden page 21. van der Waerden

Friday 2 April 2010

Robustness in biochemical networks Shinar and Feinberg S327:1389 Shinar & Feinberg

Real = fully computed down to the quantum of action - this does not caputre it - no gaps in the history - GROUNDED - not a castle in the air

Saturday 3 April 2010

Suicide again. Birth and death are the termini of all life except perhaps the Universe as a whole.

[page 298]

If one observes Aquinas model of God independently of the academic milieu in which it was developed one can see that it is isomorphic to the empty set that Einstein's model of the Universe predicts to exist at the beginning of the current phase of cosmic expansion.

This is the first observation in this series. The first term. Series divide into convergent, divergent and neutral.

How do we understand the relationship between formalism, and reality? Fixed points, which are part of the dynamics even though they are stationary.

Initial singularity / duality / transfinity


It seems to me that NN's death, like NN1's, can be attributed to the dogma of the Catholic Church which imprisons the faithful in a space of contradiction whose only exit is death. My greatest achievement, and one which I want to propagagate, was to reconstruct my personal integrity from the fragments left of newborn blasted with Catholic errors.

The philosophy paper is to be a full exposition of the divine Universe hypothesis as it exists to date.

Anna Karenin: a network of people in action. Tolstoy

Although we might like to separate philosophy and theology, the following script, written with Aristotle in mind,

[page 299]

might suggest otherwise, He was in a way the last philosopher in the western tradition to see the world as a unit; Platonic ideas then came to develop in the Christian tradition, dividing God from the world, form from matter, spirit from body and establishing a divide that remained ascendant until Descartes began to question the coupling of mind and matter.

Being something of a bottom feeder, I have not noticed the layers of power above me very much but now with the help of Stiglitz and much other data on recent wars and crises and threats, I am beginning to see that the world could be better managed if the powers that be managed the world for the benefit of all rather than their own benefit. Stiglitz People become selfish naturally if they see that cooperation does not pay, due to some feature of the prevailing social structure that rewards self-sufficiency more than cooperation. This feature may lead to a downward spiral of ever decreasing cooperation which might [eventually] have us all acting as lone individuals. Unfortunately the productivity of such a system is so low that we would be forced back to hunter-gatherer levels of population, Cooperative activity brings economics of scale [and diversity] and increases in productivity that enable some of us to live as we do with adequate food, shelter, health care and companionship. Where cooperation breaks down, we find civil war, starvation, homelessness and loneliness.

'We shall understand all that in the next world' Tolstoy chapter 25 page 106.

Why do people kill themselves. Apoptosis. I can no longer fir in so I want to get out. Tautology -- the dead are dead

[page 299] not-being like the unborn. Some people who do not fit are executed by society; some execute themselves; most just muddle through.

One must go into production before the product is perfect to raise the funds to perfect the product.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Cantor, Georg, Contributions to the FoundinCantorg of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers (Translated, with Introduction and Notes by Philip E B Jourdain), Dover 1955 Jacket: 'One of the greatest mathematical classics of all time, this work established a new field of mathematics which was to be of incalculable importance in topology, number theory, analysis, theory of functions, etc, as well as the entire field of modern logic.' 
Stiglitz, Joseph E, Freefall: America, Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy, W. W. Norton & Company 2010 Amazon Product Description ' . . . The Great Recession, as it has come to be called, has impacted more people worldwide than any crisis since the Great Depression.

Few are more qualified to comment during this turbulent time than Joseph E. Stiglitz. Winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics, Stiglitz is “an insanely great economist, in ways you can’t really appreciate unless you’re deep into the field” (Paul Krugman, New York Times). In Freefall, Stiglitz traces the origins of the Great Recession, eschewing easy answers and demolishing the contention that America needs more billion-dollar bailouts and free passes to those “too big to fail,” while also outlining the alternatives and revealing that even now there are choices ahead that can make a difference. The system is broken, and we can only fix it by examining the underlying theories that have led us into this new “bubble capitalism.” ' 

Tolstoy, Leo, and Rosemary Edmonds (translation and Introduction), Anna Karenin, Penguin Classics 2009 Amazon Product Description 'Anna Karenin seems to have everything - beauty, wealth, popularity and an adored son. But she feels that her life is empy until the moment she encounters the impetuous officer Count Vronsky. Their subsequent affair scandalizes society and family alike, and soon brings jealousy and bitterness in its wake. Contrasting with this tale of love and self-destruction is the vividly observed story of Levin, a man striving to find contentment and a meaning to his life - and also a self-portrait of Tolstoy himself.' 
van der Waerden, B L, Sources of Quantum Mechanics, Dover Publications 1968 Amazon Book Description: 'Seventeen seminal papers, dating from the years 1917-26, in which the quantum theory as wenow know it was developed and formulated. Among the scientists represented: Einstein,Ehrenfest, Bohr, Born, Van Vleck, Heisenberg, Dirac, Pauli and Jordan. All 17 papers translatedinto English.' 
Shinar, Guy, Martin Feinberg, "Structural Sources of Robustness on Biochemical Reaction Networks", Science, 327, 5971, 12 March 2010, page 1389-1391. 'In vivo variations in the concentrations of biomolecular species are inevitable. These variations in turn propagate along networks of chemical reactions and modify the concentrations of still other species, which influence biological activity. Because excessive variations in the amounts of certain active species might hamper cell function, regulation systems have evolved that act to maintain concentrations within tight bounds. We identify simple yet subtle structural attributes that impart concentration robustness to any mass-action network possessing them. We thereby describe a large class of robustness-inducing networks that already embraces two quite different biochemical modules for which concentration robustness has been observed experimentally: the Escherichia coli osmoregulation system EnvZ-OmpR and the glyoxylate bypass control system isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase-phosphatase–isocitrate dehydrogenase. The structural attributes identified here might confer robustness far more broadly.'. back
Banach space - Wikipedia Banach space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Banach spaces are defined as complete normed vector spaces. This means that a Banach space is a vector space V over the real or complex numbers with a norm ||·|| such that every Cauchy sequence (with respect to the metric d(x, y) = ||x − y||) in V has a limit in V.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls