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vol 7: Notes



[Sunday 25 December 2011 - Saturday 8 December 2011]

[Notebook: DB 71 Israel]

Sunday 25 December 2011
Monday 26 December 2011
Tuesday 27 December 2011

[page 106]

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Laissez faire et laissez passer, la monde va de lui meme.

Wikipedia Wealth of Nations - 'The Liberal historian Lord Acton believed that The Wealth of Nations gave a "scientific backbone to liberal sentiment" and that it was a "classic English philosophy of history".' Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations - Wikipedia

Thursday 29 December 2011

We see the world as the source of Divine Revelation. The world reveals itself by symmetry breaking, creating messages which tell us something about the state of the world.

[page 107]

Friday 30 December 2011

The idea that work is symmetry breaking and that the unit of work is the quantum of action seems quite pregnant. We still have a dimensional problem hat has plagued me since the time we began to think of money as green energy. It would be nice to make the quantum of action equivalent to a unit of money, but energy is the rate of action, so we have a time dimension to deal with.

Every physical event is measured by an integral number of quanta of action, and the whole physical game is to model the energy, that is the frequency, of the event. Bohr opened up the field when he calculated the energy change accompanying the change of one quantum of angular momentum in the orbit of the electron in a hydrogen atom. The photon emitted or absorbed has spin 1, so that action is conserved, the photon carrying the action gained or lost by the electron. We can think of the emission or absorption of a photon as a little job of work, and the speed with which the job is done as the energy brought to bear, so the time dimension still niggles.

Decide that it is worth the damage of one joint to get s39 finished. Synopsit: page 39: Work

E = hf makes one think of energy in terms of frequency, but it makes just as much sense to think of the inverse of frequency, ie time interval, so then energy corresponds to how quickly something is done, and the more dollars per hour one spends on a job, the more quickly one expects it to be done.

[page 108]

I can only write at my own speed even though I want to get everything done at once,. A (web) page per day seems to be about the rate, so it does seem feasible to get a real promotable version of Natural Theology up in a yea, given the foundation I have already got.

All this is finding my own way around God, Work is continually flowing through my hands, this writing, car repairs, dishes, cooking, building houses, cleaning up and so on and on, all activities aimed at organizing my world and gaining income to live while my mind continues its slow peregrination around the world trying to find a place in it which is full of hope and pleasure and safe from despair and pain.

Romantic attraction: the ability to induce excitement in one another, joining the stationary points in one another.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Synopsis page 39: Work: Some interesting ideas about action and the Lagrangian that seem to be a bit far out but consistent with the quantization of the world. We are getting a bit closer to the quantum of action, seeing kinetic and potential energy as representing the dynamic and static elements of an action, conceived formally as a mapping, that is a function. Woke up as usual feeling rather desperate, but have read, written and thought myself pretty much into a state of bliss.

Now I am happily working, and am reminded that in the state of bliss we lose awareness of time.

[page 109]

Only those trajectories are followed for which action is integral. All others are figments of the mathematical imagination. In the quantum mechanical realm where there is no memory, all units are the same and there is no memory to hold a count.

Energy = counting rate. We are getting closer to the notion that quantum mechanics is isomorphic to arithmetic, and so as complex as arithmetic and so open to Cantor, Gödel, Turing, Shannon and Brouwer.

Bliss (beatitudo)


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Baring-Gould, William S, The Annotated Sherlock Holmes: the four novels and fifty six short stories complete , C. N. Potter; Distributed by Crown Publishers; 1st ed. 1967  
Ballard, Dana H, Geoffrey E Hinton, Terence J Sejnowski, "Parallel visual computation", Nature, 306, 5938, 3 November 1983, page 21. Review Article: "The funtional abilities and parallel architecture of the human visual system are a rich source of ideas about visual processing. Any visual task that we can perform quickly and effortlessly is likely to have a computational solution using a parallel algorithm. Recently, several such parallel algorithms have been found that exploit information implicit in an image to compute intrinsic properties of surfaces, such as surface orientation, reflectance and depth. These algorithms require a computational architecture that has similarities to that of visual cortex in primates.". back
The Wealth of Nations - Wikipedia The Wealth of Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, generally referred to by its shortened title The Wealth of Nations, is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist and moral philosopher Adam Smith. First published in 1776, it is a reflection on economics at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and argues that free market economies are more productive and beneficial to their societies. The book is a fundamental work in classical economics.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls