vol VII: Notes
[Sunday 30 September 2012 - Saturday 6 October 2012]
[Notebook: DB 73 Spring2012]
[page 76]
Sunday 30 September 2012
[page 77]
Each mapping has a fixed point, and we can choose the fixed point by choosing the mapping as in the design of a steam engine. In fact we can use the fixed points to define the mapping, which is how potential relates to action.
Reading and writing are an easily understood example of the basic network structure of the Universe.
What did Jesus think when (if) he decided to be God, play the part of the Messiah outlined for him in his Bible?
Organizations use people as fixed points in their processes, sometimes fatally, as in armies, sometimes extractively, as in slavery, sometimes by mutual consent, as in [fairly] contracted employment .
A sufficiently intelligent being (like the Universe) could construct a function (by mapping or bonding) that behaved like me, a human being.
The game of life is played by choosing actions from the possibilities and then executing them, at all levels from crossing the Rubicon to changing a nappy and beyond. Alea jacta est - Wikipedia
A 'bureaucracy' is a planned set of human actions. We can understand actions as points in a network with a goal, like winning a football match by scoring goals for the side and preventing goals against. There is some conflict in almost every action because creation usually requires annihilation - Acemoglu 'creative destruction'. Acemoglu & Robinson
[page 78]
'Skills' are a set of algorithms from which a player may choose to execute the next step in the program. A match is a network of players.
The football analogy - football is also a religon.
Do I have to force myself to work? On the whole no. Each task incubates in my mind and then it is ready it seems natural and painless to do it, like the dishes. The motivation eventually builds up to the size of the task, at the same time as the task is broken down into comfortable steps that can be executed in order and left to rest safely before continuing. Like the computer who leaves his work in a state ready for continuation by any other worker.
WORK = MAPPING the WORLD onto itself. Annihilating and creating bonds [cutting and fixing].
The mathematics community analogy.
My experience is rather contrary to the climate of duty, service, pain, sinfulness, redemption and so on into which I was raised. and that led me into the dark, sterile, constrained corridors of life under a rule of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Perverse incentives lead to perverse acts. Perverse incentive - Wikipedia
A lid has popped, warmed by the morning sun, a delta function out of a continuum. Everywhere we see the emergence of discrete events, that is messages, out of continua, that is unobservable continua.
[page 79]
It is beautiful outside but I am engrossed in a spy story enjoying the diverse ways people thing and act when employed by governments to do their dirty work in the world of politics, diplomacy, corruption and violence.
The theology I grew up with is obsolete, but theology is a necessary element of human knowlege, the picture of the whole, and so we must rebuild it.
Deighton page 326: 'Machtpolitik . . . meant negotiations under threat of violence and was a uniquely German word. Deighton
The progress of knowledge is the gradual resolution (digitization) of objects in the mist, ie the creation of new fixed points in the dynamics; eg a house, an article, a baby.
I must work to live, that is bring things to be like clean dishes and results for which people will trade money, the key to survival in a monetary economy. The unit of currency is the gauge particle.
An agent is a physical embodiment of information and may cometimes need to be erased. Sinker page 332.
Insight and reduction of the wave function, both network operations.
Deighton page 359: 'Marxism is not a creed for those who question.'
Many people are deluded into staking their lives on very flimsy theories.
[page 80'
On martyrdom: murdered believers vs suicide bombers, kamikaze, the height of delusion.
Free Software Kelty Two Bits. Kelty
Free theology.
'Recursive public': it seems that any system is a recursive public that constructs and maintains its own infrastructure. page 28.
layer m < n: infrastructure
layer m = n: structure
layer m > n: superstructure
'running code'
Monday 1 October 2012
Having convinced myself that the world is divine I have to face the rather depressing fact that very few other people feel the same, or even care. Nevertheless I see it as a very important step in the renewal of theology and in the reconceptualization of our place in the world. What I have to do now is clear, and as been clear all along, is to continue making my case as clearly as possible. The mathematical approach has been with me since 1987 and still seems to be the most certain. One would like to be like Einstein and develop the theory to perfection and express it with unassailable clarity at the first try. So the article for Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics seems to be as good a start as any [this book] (page 61) and keep composing op eds, Haaretz, SMH, Eureka St, NYT WaPo etc.
[page 81]
Agatha: the correct hypothesis fits all the facts, Out of the mist comes truth, Ex miasma veritas A bit like the old Dominican motto [veritas], but false in their case.
This week a) write the paper; b) finish N's walls. [as if!]
Dominic, Dominicans and the Inquisition. So a letter to the Master General: Announce the project and seek collaboration.
Agatha Cat page 142: '. . . whoever feels most strongly will end up converting all the rest.'
. . .
Agatha page 164: 'Ideas are like everything else. They've got to be marketed'.
Recursive generation - fixed points are generated by fixed points, eg in Brouwer, fixed point is a consequence of compactness, containing one;s own boundary.
Again, as so often before, I feel as though I am on the verge of something splendid, approaching a broad vista by small steps through a forest. Will it come true? Wait and see. Rather dry recently, however, but no dark night of the soul which does not seem to me to be a necessary step toward enlightenment, maybe just depression arising from too much narcissism and lack of activity. Over the years I have come to see the contemplative life so highly rated in my youth as a cop out. Better to engage with God through lively activity.
[page 82]
Tuesday 2 October 2012
Religion, like computer code, must work without breaking the 'machines' (people) in the religious network, so it must respect the properties of people that have been embedded in us by genetic and epigenetic (including social) evolution. The problem is that most religious elites are potentially motivated to disempower the masses by defining them as in some way defective (original sinners) and using this definition as a means of control. The basic idea is to tame or domesticate us by making 'passion' subject to 'reason' (see Aquinas) where reason is understood in a very narrow sense of the monastic ideals of scholarship in a milieu of poverty, chastity and obedience, a severely pruned version of human reality. Aquinas 1036: The effects of sin; and first of the corruption of the good of nature
The Cantor symmetry enables me to use reflection on my own creativity to understand the creativity of the Universe, the procession of the word from my mysterious unconscious to words like this on paper, from featureless continuum to discrete symbols
Kelty: Collaborative software development is possible because everything is judged by the simple criterion of whether it works or not. The beauty of software is that is becomes clear very quickly if it does or does not work, so that the cycle of development and testing can be very fast. On the other hand the development and testing of human social aproaches to life can be very slow and failure (extinction) may take a long time to manifest. The momentum of reality thus suggests that we put a lot of thought into our actions and do our best to model their consequences. This enables abstract [software] development and testing without the costs of actual implementation.
[page 83]
Model and reality: is there more to the world than meets the eye?
The layered network model of the world is based on the mathematical fact that there is no process that can communicate all the details of its own process. When we watch a program executing step by step in a debugger, it takes thousands of operation of the real machine to model and communicate each step of the virtual machine,
A machine is a one to one and onto mapping of a set of staets which we call input and output. The essence of a machine is that the output of each step in the process completely determines the output, as in the Turing Machine. Turing machine - Wikipedia
Platonic = no physical constraint. Unconsciousness is the first constraint. All machine operation is communication and no machine can communicate all the details of the process of communication in real time. So behind the observations of quantum mechanics there is an unobservable substratum. The fact that we cannot observe it does not mean that we cannot have a general knowledge of the quantum processes to go on behind the scenes.
No regrets strategy.
The bond creates the entities bonded and vice versa. Potential and kinetic energy are bonded together by the arithmetic relations PE + KE = CONST, PE = KE EXTREMAL
Our society is disabled at the highest level = theology. OP ED Back to Science. [Biggest_error]
[page 84]
Domini Canes = the rottweiler, guard dog protecting the papal treasure, most of which is wrong and worthless. Disruptive theological change? Not really. Just change one bit and then work out the consequences. Dominican Order - Wikipedia
The atomic process is a computable function realized physically. We can only see the beginning and end of it because no process can fully communicate its own detailed operation because every communication is a process that take more actions to process than its own content. This is a limit to consciousness. I cannot know everything that is happening inside me because the physical substrate required to communicate all that knowledge is much bigger than that knowledge - no - I am my own knowledge of myself but only a fraction of that knowledge becomes conscious to me in my lifetime. The upshot of it all is that processes do not have the time to explain their every move to another process, they just want to get on with the job. Today we let a fire get away because we spent to much time explaining the fireground to the other crews instead of just going straight to work in the obvious way.
Concept is still not clear. The debugger analogy seems best, the simulation takes a lot more processing that the reality of the simulation simulates every detail of the reality. But what if the simulation uses exactly the same algorithm as the reality?
Only computable functions have algorithms.
[page 85]
This article is a fantasy written around transfinite numerical differences.
Quantum mechanics: fixed points are the inputs and outputs of Turing machines, The dynamics determines the fixed points, the fixed points determine that dynamics (indeterministic dynamics). Nevertheless when dynamics is not deterministic we have probabilities of various outcomes (in deterministic systems the only two probabilities are 0, never happens, and 1, always happens), not true and true = true always happens (AND).
Fixed points beget fixed points, so two fixed points on a guitar string generate (in principle) an infinity of fixed harmonics.
Wavelets. Wavelet - Wikipedia
Generating fixed points in pure dynamics - recursive function theory, the complex functions being built of simple components, like the decimal representation of a number.
FIXED POINT = representation.
The idea is to live dangerously very carefully to that the damage from the potential errors is minimized.
Wednesday 3 October 2012
Thursday 4 October 2012
Experience is a private thing but in the public world we see freedom as people being allowed to act on their experiences unless they involve a significant amount of harm, murder, pollution, destruction of habitat and so on, usually a consequence of poor governance.
An operation is the execution of a Turing machine and it may be mapped onto a quantum of action, each quantum being an event names by its coordinate 'volume' in space-time.
ACTION <--> VOLUME <--> SIZE (eg atomic radius calculated quantum mechanically).
The unobservability [invisibility] theorem: one cannot do something and describe every step in the time it takes to do it, because the telling is itself a doing, a physical action. This ideas is the key to mystery but it is still pretty vague.
Friday 5 October 2012
An insight is the discovery (becoming aware of) a fixed point in the subconscious neural network process. Maybe we become aware of it because it is fixed, like the final resting place of a die, whereas when the mind is in motion it is not in a position to communicate its state to its user.White in Marr: ' "All my life I have been rather bored, and I suppose in desperation I have inclined to weave these fantasies in which I become more 'involved'. Ignoble, au fond, but there have been a few results." '
Saturday 6 October 2012
Marr page 102: 'Curiosity, scepticism and doubt are second nature for those who choose the second path'.
[page 87]
'What mattered to [White] were the more difficult truths found in the gap between what humans pretend to be and what they are.'
A dissonance caused by the artificial demands of society causing people to shape themselves in order to "fit in".
Marr page 110: '. . . the life they led on their acres: working as labourers and living as grandees; spending their days in paddock and saleyard, and their nights talking sheep and politics and polo and weather.'
What am I? A catalyst, a centre of condensation. Each has the insight (change of state) that fits it to the growing crystal. When we say 'growing' of a crystal, the crystal itself remains stationary as a foundation for new particles that become parts of the crystal. Simple but true.
One needs to find a fixed point in mind before constructing one in reality - design of houses or sentences.
Marr page 113: 'Sex drove him away. "There was nothing in Australia and no prospect of it." '
Page 118: '. . . Houseman confirmed a more fundamental understanding in the young man: that writing is not willed but boils up from within.'
One beauty of mathematics is that its history transcends the breach in science when theology became separated from the rest of the sciences, though being too closely coupled to an intransigent institution.
[page 88]
I'm coming up from a long way down, Hades, where things are as bad as they can get (initial singularity, no structure = capital = good). To survive is to be a fixed point.
System <--> symmetry