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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 14 October 2012 - Saturday 20 October 2012]

[Notebook: DB 73 Spring2012]

[page 98]

Sunday 14 October 2012

[page 99]

Consciousness = self communication.

First, model, design and then fo, when a path from a given initial state (now) to a desired future state (then) becomes clear in the form of an algorithm [that extremalizes the Lagrangian]. Given a plan of the house, I can plot out and dig the foundations. With the invisibility theorem, the network description of the world seems ready to do, ie to write an article (a physical object) representing the functioning of the world which explains not only the existence os stationary structures but the invisibility of the dynamics which yields these [fixed] points.

We now wish to extend the idea that the mathematical literature represents the set of stationary points in the dynamics of the mathematical community. This extension will enable us to understand human insight (that is the formulation of a communicable message) and quantum measurement as examples of the same universal process. This extension is made possible by the symmetry with respect to complexity which we find in set theory. As Cantor found, the concepts of set embraces sets of all cardinalities from zero through finite to transfinite cardinals. This idea is captured by Cantor in his discussion of the generation of the transfinite cardinals. Given this symmetry, we can expect to find similarities in the processes in sets whose cardinal is appropriate to quantum mechanical dynamics and sets representing the dynamics of human communities.

We can develop this idea further by imagining the Universe as a communication network. A network is a set of addresses, which we represent by cardinal numbers and a set of processors which can manipulate the contents of these addresses, which we model with Turing machines or

[page 200]



Transparency and the invisibility theorem (not yet)

Quantum stationary points - eigenfunctions and eigenvalues - computable functions.

The invisibility theorem

Symmetry and determinism

Broken symmetry and creation

Plato, formalism, Pythagoreans, mathematics.

The biographies of Patrick White and Rachel Carson both emphasize the difficulties of writing in an artistic manner which truly represents natural phenomena: in White's case human lives and experiences; in Carson's case out impact on our global environment. Marr, Souder

At last I find I have got a grip on the whole story, but have now to face the construction details, which means work. I once thought that constructing a new theology was equivalent to building about ten houses, and this seems to have been roughly true One I have managed to get something written out and published I can being the marketing process which I look forward to as a lot more exciting than sitting at home alone building the product.

[page 101]

An interesting feature of this business is that sometimes I feel that I am reluctant to go ahead (writer's block) even though I appear to have assembled all the materials and be ready to go. Somewhere in the invisible unconscious as process that will finally give the go ahead remains to be completed, and then I fond myself drawn to go ahead. This phenomenon, although documented by writers, seems to me to apply to all my activities, like, for instance, being in love with someone but inhibited from expressing it.

'guided insight'—understanding (eg) a textbook. Creative isight: seeing something that one has never read before, a new reading of the phenomenal (experiential) text of life.

Pankaj Mishra From the Ruins of EmpireMishra

Page 18: 'To be a good Muslim was to belong to a community of like minded upholders of the moral and social order.

To which we might add respect for global physiology.

global physiology at all scales.

The physical layer of the transfinite network is described by quantum mechanics, emitting symbols from a countable alphabet corresponding to the countable set of computers.

Monday 15 October 2012

Mishra: Enlightenment page 63.

[page 102]

Mishra page 36: '. . . religion . . . as Marx shrewdly pointed out, was much more than a belief system: it was "a general theory of the world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritualistic point d'honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, sits solemn complement, its universal source of consolation and justification.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

The cybernetic loop, look, think, act, look operates at all scales from temperature controlled ovens to my own life, facing the events that arise from moment to moment, dealing with maintaining the household, writing, building and interaction with other people and corporations. One is always trying to minimize action and find the corresponding path, long ago dubbed 'generalized geodesic'. As in general relativity my own actions influence the shape of the space in which I work, somehow captured by the principles of equivalence (action and reaction are equal and opposite) and general covariance (the same action has different effects in different subspaces). Reading Mishra, one wonders how the course of the history of imperialism could have been different, given the general ignorance of the future consequences of their actions of all the actors involved. From it, however, one can see a general outline of the conditions that produce war and peace. Peace requires freedom and equality to minimize the destructive forces induced by control by an elite, whether this elite used military force, economic power or mind control to achieve its ends. My mission as an intellectual is to make all this clear by pointing out the basic creative nature of the world. Notes 7 October 2001

[page 103]

How intelligence works. The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics seems mysterious and miraculous because we cannot yet see it as part of the universal process. Our intelligence is not unique in kind, only in its instantiation (general covariance) and motivation (equivalence.

We ask how something can come from nothing, but it is in a way the wrong question because the world is already pure action whose origin is beyond question and must simply be a fact. What we call creation and annihilation in the dynamics of pure action is simply the appearance and disappearance of different fixed points in the river of action (4-momentum). These stationary points arise at random (from symmetry) and are sustained by periods of constant dynamics formally constrained by the logic of the fixed points.

Write to Papal science mob about rebuilding theology. Vatican

Does the way imperial powers raped, pillaged and destroyed the East point to a fundamental religious defect, a triumph of materialism over the ancient fictional theology powerless to resist it. Only now, are we beginning to see that our scientific vision of the world is laying the foundations for a new spirituality. Bronowski: Science and Human Values

The Roman Catholic Church, like its Roman parent, is by definition and constitution an imperialist power: 'go forth and preach to all nations'. This so often served as an excuse for invasion. Mark

Once again hammering my lungs for a few millimetres of intellectual progress, two more pages constructed out of the jungle of my mind.

[page 104]

Mishra page 163: Mao: ' "I began to have a certain amount of political consciousness, [I want to promote theological consciousness] especially after I read a pamphlet telling of the dismemberment of China. I remember even now that this pamphlet opened with the sentence: 'Alas China will be subjugated.' It told of Japan's occupation of Korea and Taiwan, the loss of suzerainty in Indo-China, Burma and elsewhere. After I read this I felt depressed about the future of my country, and began to realize that it was the duty of the people to help save it.

At a different income level, the elite class of 'money managers' is committing us all to a form of economic slavery. How does this work? In a similar way lawyers and professionals in general enjoy somewhat elite economic status.

Early in life I was careless of economic realities, then I entered a long period where economic issues occupied a lot of my thought (intensified by share trading through the GFC) but now I feel that period coming to an end and a more exciting period of 'theological activism' beginning now that I have a few bones of a presentable theology. Have left the classical God in place and explained creation by the fixed point theory—creation is communication and messages are fixed points, the output of invisible

Mishra page 167: Secular space grows within the established religious space or (the same thing) builds upon it by assering and denying the elements of theology in different permutations.

The imperialists invade; the locals resist are are executed as terrorists.

[page 105]

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Let us say the first thing to emergy from pure action is time / energy, followed by spin and then [3-]momentum. These things can only be relative—kinetic energy has no meaning unless contrasted with potential energy, spin 'up' when contrasted with spin 'down', 'here' contrasted with 'there', 'now' with 'then'.

Thursday 18 October 2012

On the whole it is easy to see human history as a succession of wars, massacres and terrible atrocities wreaked by one group upon another, never as much as in the twentieth century, but it seems that it has always been thus because our reproductive power continually brings us up against he carrying capacity of the land. It is little wonder then that we dream of heavens, utopias and benevolent Gods that spare us all the pain or at least reward us for our sufferings and punish those who inflict them. The one lesson arising from our history is that our fate is largely in our own hands. Locally, we must be prepared to defend ourselves against predators; globally we must control our reproduction and consumption so that we can live within the capacity of the world and no longer need to pillage and destroy. The global point of view is not easy to attain, however, given the daily turmoil of local life and the continual presence of those who would take from others rather than be sufficient unto themselves by environmentally sensitive production and fair trade. As ever, the long term solution to these problems seems to me to require global religion based on scientific theology so that we can all work together as one people on one planet.

[page 106]

Mishra page 296: "Certainly the dominance of the West already appears just another surprisingly short lived phase in the long history of empires and civilizations.

page 300: 'It took much public and private tumult and great physical and intellectual journeys to bring these [Asian] thinkers to the point where they could make sense of themselves and their environment, the then the knowledge that they achieved after so much toil was often full of pain and did not offer hope.'

page 306: '. . . this [Asian] success conceals an immense intellectual failure, . . .

'It is simply this: no convincingly universalist response exists today to Western ideas of politics and economy . . . '

This may be because we are working at too low a level. Even though Mishra almost equates Asia and Islam (and Confucianism) he does not mention the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity which lie behind the 'triumph' of the West. We have to recognise that everybody sees part of the elephant a, but instead of recognising it as a unified whole, they persist in the view that their own perception is the true one and miss the need to bring allt heir points of view into harmony instead of competition. Only a scientific theology can underpin this project, the toward natural religion project.

Mishra page 309: 'The war on terror has already blighted the first decade [of the 21st century]. In retrospect, however, it may seem a mere prelude to greater and bloodier conflicts over precious resources and commodities that modernizing as well as already modern economies need. The hope that

[page 107]

fuels the pursuit of endless economic growth—that billions of consumers in India and China will one day enjoy the lifestyle of Europeans and Americans—is as absurd and dangerous a fantasy as anything dreamt up by al=Qaeda. It condemns the global environment to early destruction and looks set to create reservoirs of nihilistic rage and disappointment among hundreds of millions of have nots—the bitter outcome of the universal triumph of Western modernity, which turns the revenge of the East into something darkly ambiguous and all its victories truly Pyrrhic.'

Nice; so to write 'Survival' (for, say, New Yorker) based on the five billion year view plus natural theology and religion to motivate the approach through appreciation of the divine spirit of the Universe.

Elites have a tendency to want complete freedom (anarchy, extraterritoriality) for themselves based on total control (and consequent exploitation) of the non-elite. This model seems to fit most dysfunctional political situations. The democratic ideal is that we shall al become elite but control ourselves on a way that tends towards our peaceful coexistence with ourselves and the Earth/ Sun system. Anarchy - Wikipedia, Extraterritoriality - Wikipedia

Low entropy energy from the sun is what amkes us go. The Sun is our local God in the same way that the initial singularity if tghe God of the Universe from withn which it all emerges, the groewth of fixed points, ie increase in entropy due to a bigger set of symbols.

[page 108]

An experience is prophecy, a revelation whose source is ultimately God.

Science is carefully tested prophecy. Is God really telling us something or are we just seeing spurious patterns in the noise?

The answers are simple:

get energy from the sun
get matter from the earth
get design from creativity

The constaints are:

100% recycling
equal opportunity
fair trade
social security
true information

But will we do this: force against the entrenched elite; foprce for the conscious minority; the mass to be moved: the body politic

Faith in the world, not in books, unless they are a true picture of the world.

God is both the source and the recipient of all the information moving through the Universe in packets moving in continuous space. The invisibility theorem is the resolution theorem.

Mishra page 127: Tokutami Soho: ' "The present day world is one in which civilised people tyranically destroy savage

[page 109]

people. The European countries stand at the very pinnacle of violence and base themselves on the doctrine of force. India, alas, has been destroyed. Burma will be next. The remaining countries will be independent in name only. What is the outlook for Persia? For China? For Korea?' An unbearable situation.

Any simple algorithm immediately complexifies when you try to implement it.

We must maintain our infrastructure if we are to survive [since survival is a matter of mind, this means maintain our physical health].

A good theology would go far toward calming the religious and political turmoil resulting from the lack of a comprehensive model into which all human experiences fit.

Friday 19 October 2012

My dreams of solar energy are coming true and now it seems reasonable to name the sun as a local God, the source of all Earthly life and humanity, replacing with fact the ancient Gods of imagination. Sol Invictus, the Solstice Party. A real God. Sol Invictus - Wikipedia

Saturday 20 October 2012
Scott: Ivanhoe . . . A neat parody of the prejudices of a bygone age. Trial by battle revealing the will of God, which seems true in a divine world, though chance must play a major part, making the decision rather insecure. Scott

[page 110]

. . .

Is thee a divine element in the Universe, and if so how do we find out what it wants from us so that we can fit in and [survive]. There are hints in mathematics and physics that the Universe is ultimately divine. If this is the case, we would expect all our experience to be experience of God , which opens the way to constructing an evidence based theology.

The first hint is the power of the Lagrangian method, another example of the close association between mathematics and physics.

Quantum mechanical equations evolve deterministically, but the results are statistical. But the deterministic evolution of a continuous function is on the whole impossible, since Turing machines can only deal with sets whose cardinal is less that 0 (?) or say 0, not 1 as is implied by continuity. So if the evolution is deterministic we must expect the presence of a deterministic digital machine. If such is there, why can't we see it? Here we plug in the invisibility theorem.

Unitary evolution defines the statistics of hte infomration source.

Physicist = physics, mathematician = mathematics when we consider symmetry with respect to complexity.

The invisibility theorem explains why I have said

[page 111]

so little for so long, I am too busy working on the project to taslk sbout it, until I get it boiled down to s simple communicable expression.

Feynman III 8-10: Quantum mechanics: 'The idea then is that to describe the quantum mechanical world we need to pick a set of base states i and write the physical laws by giving the matix of coefficients Hij

Unitarity H*ij = Hji.
Σi |Ci(t)|2 = constant.

QM and divinity - possibilities have a probability.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Bronowski, Jacob, Science and Human Values, Harper and Row 1972 Jacket: 'A classic collection of essays on the theme of science as an integral part of the culture of our age, ... by Dr Bronowski, a renowned leader in the modern movement for scientific humanism.' First given as lectures at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February and March 1953. 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Method in Theology, University of Toronto Press for Lonergan Research Institute 1996 Introduction: 'A theology mediates between a cultural matrix and the signifcance and role of religion in that matrix. ... When the classicist notion of culture prevails, theology is conceived as a permanent achievement, and then one discourses on its nature. When culture is conceived empirically, theology is known to be an ongoing process, and then one writes on its method. Method ... is a framework for collaborative creativity.' 
Marr, David, Patrick White: A Life, Knopf 1992 Editorial review from Library Journal : 'From Library Journal An admirably readable biography of the Nobel Prize-winning author of Voss , The Tree of Man , and many other books, this work is full of detail on White's family and prosperous background, the events and people in his life, his writing habits, his religious beliefs, his cantankerousness and temper, his causes and doubts, his attraction to the theater, and much more. White helped Marr gain access to people and material, even authorizing him to collect his letters, "the backbone of this book." Marr deals intelligently with important issues (among them, White's rootedness in and dissatisfaction with Australia, his sense of himself as an outsider, his relation to his mother, and, in particular his homosexuality, which White considered central to his novelistic and theatrical ability), avoiding psychoanalytical speculations and other intrusions. White reviewed the book shortly before he died, finding it "so painful he often found himself reading through tears. He did not ask Marr to change a line."' Richard Kuczkowski Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc. 
Mishra, Pankaj, From the Ruins of Empire: The Intellectuals Who Remade Asia, Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2012 'George Bush famously asked after 9/11, "why do they hate us"? This book answers that question and answers it brillantly, with passion and overwhelming examples of the human carnage inflicted by western imperialism throughout Asia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. If you want to truly understand why the world is in its current state this book is essential. It will forever change your understanding of history and of your country's place in the world. A great work of history.' C Bohl 
Scott, Sir Walter, Ivanhoe, Oxford University Press, 1998 'In Ivanhoe Scott fashioned an imperial myth of national cultural identity that has shaped the popular imagination ever since its first appearance at the end of 1819. With the secret return of King Richard and the disinherited Saxon knight Ivanhoe, Scott confronts his splendid and tumultuous romance, featuring the tournament at Ashby-de- a-Zouche, the siege of Torquilstone, and the clash of wills between the wicked Templar Bois-Guilbert and the sublime Rebecca. Based on the 1830 text of Ivanhoe, this is the first edition to make corrections against Scott's working materials and incorporates readings from Scott's own manuscript.' 
Souder, William, On Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson, Crown 2012 'Published on the fiftieth anniversary of her seminal book, Silent Spring, here is an indelible new portrait of Rachel Carson, founder of the environmental movement She loved the ocean and wrote three books about its mysteries, including the international bestseller The Sea Around Us. But it was with her fourth book, Silent Spring, that this unassuming biologist transformed our relationship with the natural world. Rachel Carson began work on Silent Spring in the late 1950s, when a dizzying array of synthetic pesticides had come into use. Leading this chemical onslaught was the insecticide DDT, whose inventor had won a Nobel Prize for its discovery. Effective against crop pests as well as insects that transmitted human diseases such as typhus and malaria, DDT had at first appeared safe. But as its use expanded, alarming reports surfaced of collateral damage to fish, birds, and other wildlife. Silent Spring was a chilling indictment of DDT and its effects, which were lasting, widespread, and lethal. Published in 1962, Silent Spring shocked the public and forced the government to take action-despite a withering attack on Carson from the chemicals industry. The book awakened the world to the heedless contamination of the environment and eventually led to the establishment of the EPA and to the banning of DDT and a host of related pesticides. By drawing frightening parallels between dangerous chemicals and the then-pervasive fallout from nuclear testing, Carson opened a fault line between the gentle ideal of conservation and the more urgent new concept of environmentalism. Elegantly written and meticulously researched, On a Farther Shore reveals a shy yet passionate woman more at home in the natural world than in the literary one that embraced her. William Souder also writes sensitively of Carson's romantic friendship with Dorothy Freeman, and of her death from cancer in 1964. This extraordinary new biography captures the essence of one of the great reformers of the twentieth century. ' 
Anarchy - Wikipedia Anarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Anarchy has more than one definition. In the United States, the term "anarchy" typically is used to refer to a society without a publicly enforced government or violently enforced political authority. When used in this sense, anarchy may or may not be intended to imply political disorder or lawlessness within a society. Outside of the US, and by most individuals that self-identify as anarchists, it implies a system of governance, mostly theoretical at a nation state level although there are a few successful historical examples, that goes to lengths to avoid the use of coercion, violence, force and authority, while still producing a productive and desirable society.' back
Extraterritoriality - Wikipedia Extraterritoriality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Extraterritoriality is the state of being exempt from the jurisdiction of local law, usually as the result of diplomatic negotiations. Extraterritoriality can also be applied to physical places, such as military bases of foreign countries, or offices of the United Nations. The three most common cases recognized today internationally relate to the persons and belongings of foreign heads of state, the persons and belongings of ambassadors and certain other diplomatic agents, and ships in foreign waters.' back
Mark Mark 16:15 'New International Version (©1984) He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.' back
Sol Invictus - Wikipedia Sol Invictus - Wikipedia, the feee encyclopedia 'Sol Invictus ("Invincible Sun") was the official sun god of the later Roman Empire. In 274 the Roman emperor Aurelian made it an official cult alongside the traditional Roman cults. Scholars disagree whether the new deity was a refoundation of the ancient Latin cult of Sol, a revival of the cult of Elagabalus or completely new. The god was favored by emperors after Aurelian and appeared on their coins until Constantine. The last inscription referring to Sol Invictus dates to 387 AD[5] and there were enough devotees in the 5th century that Augustine found it necessary to preach against them.' back
Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences 'Goals
– Promoting the progress of the mathematical, physical and natural sciences, and the study of related epistemological questions and issues – Recognising excellence in science – Stimulating an interdisciplinary approach to scientific knowledge – Encouraging international interaction – Furthering participation in the benefits of science and technology by the greatest number of people and peoples – Promoting education and the public’s understanding of science – Ensuring that science works to advance of the human and moral dimension of man – Achieving a role for science which involves the promotion of justice, development, solidarity, peace, and the resolution of conflict – Fostering interaction between faith and reason and encouraging dialogue between science and spiritual, cultural, philosophical and religious values – Providing authoritative advice on scientific and technological matters – Cooperating with the members of other Academies in a friendly spirit to promote such objectives.'
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