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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 14 April 2013 - Saturday 20 April 2013]

[Notebook: DB 75 Reconstruction]

[page 114]

Sunday 14 April 2013

Magnificent obsession. Timing / phase is everything? The theory of everything is the theory of timing. Quantum mechanics is a theory of pure timing. Quantum field theory introduces space and travel time into the mix.

Columba Nigel Tranter.

Tranter, page 15: 'On his knees, Colum sought to marhall his thoughts and petitions in suitable order and humble fashion to put before his Maker.' Ie prayer is conjecture guided by known reality seeking a course of action, through which to become effective. Tranter

page 19: 'Now, in 561, the Christian faith was endangered [small population, insufficient reproduction] and paganism was restoring itself everywhere.' When was Patrick? See page 22. Saint Patrick - Wikipedia

[page 115]

We observe the fixed points of the Universe and speculate about the dynamics that lies behind them. Quantum mechanics appears to represent the dynamics perfectly through the energy equation in any number of dimensions, finite or transfinite. Quantum mechanics describes the world in terms of complex amplitudes varying at a spectrum of frequencies which are tied to the energy associated with each amplitude, represented by the Planck-Einstein equation E = ℏω. The details of this process are well described by linear algebra in complex Hilbert space of appropriate dimension.

This mathematical mechanism predicts the nature and frequency of observable events. The eigenvalue equation picks out the observable fixed points from the continuum and the relative frequency of each event is predicted by the Born rule. An event is the transition of a system from one fixed point to another. Although the prediction of fixed points seems straightforward, the Born rule seems rather obscure, since it is associated with the quantum 'jump' or collapse of the wave function.

Zurek shows that quantization is required for communication of information. This is also the conclusion of the mathematical theory of communication which shows how to avoid the confusion of signals and consequent errors by placing signals far apart on message space so that they do not overlap, ie quantization [orthogonality]. Wojciech Hubert Zurek

These observations lead us naturally to see quantum mechanics as a description of a communication network. We imagine such a network as a set of addressed

[page 116]

memory locations which carry variables and a set of computers that read from and write to these locations.

The revelation is that everything is revelation.

We notice that a computer is also a network of memories and memory changing processes. We distinguish a computer from a network by saying that a computer is a deterministic logical process [the elements of which are] synchronized by a clock, whereas a network is asynchronous so that different computers on a network are not necessarily in phase with one another, ie, in quantum mechanics, coherent.

Quantum events are communication sources, with the same statistical constraint, normalization. A communication process operating at maximum efficiency has the following properties, also found in quantum mechanics: quantization, delay and apparent randomness.

The key to defeating error in communication theory lies in the algorithms for encoding and decoding messages known as codecs. For error free transmission, the two elements of the codec must both be deterministic and inverse to one another, so that inputting the plain text yields the code and inputting the code yields the plain text. In quantum mechanics this process is carried out by the eigenfunctions so we identify eigenfunctions with Turing machines and guess that there is a one to one correspondence between them, so that the set of eigenfunctions is the set of computable functions. Quantum mechanical transformations take place at constant entropy, since they are reversible.

Seventy years in the prison of ignorance, and now I'm out. One of the most enjoyable features of my life is the intellectual orgasm which we call insight or seeing the light. It has taken me my three score and ten to see my way out of Christianity, and thanks to modern development, I can look forward to another thirty years to enjoy my freedom and propagate it. Fides quaerens intellectum. It appears that I was born with a different faith: not that the world is the puppet of an unseen deity interpreted to us by a self serving elite; but that the world as a whole and at every point, eg me, is divine.

Write blurb for the book and send it to the agents.

I am perforce an amateur theologian. This is because from the Christian point of view I am a heretic, and not welcome in most schools of theology.

My heresy strikes at the very root of Christianity but leaves the leaves (the faithful) untouched, merely supported on a new verifiable foundation.

Monday 15 April 2013

We should not underestimate the power of the establishment which, like any very massive object, requires considerable force to obtain a significant rate of change. Science has done well to establish itself in opposition to tradition by two apparent strategies. One the one hand, it has kept below the radar by keeping out of the big questions and just conscientiously collecting data and pointing out where statistically significant conclusions can be drawn from the data.

[page 118]

[The other is similar, tying its conclusions to unassailable observations.]

A conclusion is a conclusion is a conclusion about something, and new conclusions usually emerge in well established fields populated by many workers using common languages to deal with common problems. We do not really have to explain all the difficulties and motivations for a new theology. A paradigm change in any discipline is a matter of both politics and science. The outcome of politics is spending decisions about possible courses of action. Shall we spend money on secret police to stifle community creativity, or shall we spend on communications, rights and education to enhance it? Etc. Developing a consensus which is in effect propagating a state, like the Papal election. Which one of us will run the show best?

At this stage in my career I am very pleased that I entered the monastery, because it gave me a glimpse of the medieval mind of Aquinas and his contemporaries and carried me back to their toots in the ancient world. That is now. Then? Why did I enter the monastery? I have since discovered that my parents were opposed to it and think I was hard done by but let me go, perhaps because it was the established thing for Catholic parents to do. But why me? Various reasons spring to mind, all of which relate directly or indirectly to Catholic indoctrination. The first motivation is that 'giving your life to God' [supererogation] is presented as the best and bravest thing for a person to do if they really believe that they have a vocation to do so. Presumably my mentors judged that I had a 'vocation' when they admitted me

[page 119]

first as a novice and then as a simple and solemnly professed brother. I don't think this motive was very strong. My principal motives seem to have been to escape the post mortem consequences of my sensual and sexual sins, another result of Catholic indoctrination (the stick corresponding to the carrot above).

The basic resource of a fit species is the ability to reproduce and the most efficient strategy for an elite to support its power os to have control of reproduction. Historically this has meant control of women, justified by the false claim that women are occasions of sin, starting with the Fall.

A stronger and more reasonable motivation was to avoid drafting into the Vietnam war. Clergy were exempt from the draft. The though of sneaking through a jungle with people shooting at me gave me the horrors [perhaps from listening to my father who had fought in Bougainville] . After I left the Order I devoted considerable energy to anti-war activities. Medcalf

Tuesday 16 April 2013
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Insert from Dodgy Book page 193

Much of the oldest extant literature deals with theological questions. Our earliest written documents model the Gods as invisible arbiters of human fate. In the western tradition, we may date the beginning ot the transition from theology from mythology to science to the time of Parmenides of Elea, who asked and answered a fundamental [scientific] question: how can we have certain knowledge of a changing world. His answer remains current in Christian theology. Reality has two elements. One, being, is full, rounded, perfect and eternal and can be known with certainty. The other, ephemeral, continually changing, is uncertain. His colleague, Zeno produced proofs that motion is less than real, an illusion. Plato developed Parmenides ideas and Plato's followers passed it on to the people who developed Christian theology.

The current standard Christian model of God is derived from the work of Aristotle; Plato's student. Aristotle laid the foundations for both physics, the study of the moving world, and metaphysics, (or as he called it theology ) the study of the unmoved mover that animates the physical world. Aristotle constructed a model of reality based on a duality he called potency and act. He defined motion as the passage from potency to act., and he assumed as an axiom that no potency could actualize itself, so establishing the need for an unmoved mover. This theory became central to Christian theology through the work of Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century.

Aristotle's principal contribution was to see the

[page 192]

world as something with a knowable nature of its own, laying the earliest foundation for science. The medieval rediscovery of Aristotle laid the foundations for modern science which came to a head in the conflict between the Church and science which exists today. We might identify two reasons for this dichotomy: first the scientific question raised by Parmenides [and second, the institutional inertia of the Church.

[Back to Reconstruction page 119]

Building is a metaphysical operation, embodying forms in matter. Engine building = approximating Carnot.

An ergodic principle tells us that there is the same amount of information in the dynamics and fixed points. They are effectively duals of one another because we can know no more about the dynamics but the information contained in the fixed points

[page 120]

The whole Christian thing is built on deprecation of the world, the flesh and the devil. Reality espouses all three exposing the fundamental problem of Christianity. It is built on a false conception of reality. Christians worship a false God, an idol created by the elite to consolidate their power.

A fundamental act of franciscanism for the Pope would be to cease denying obvious realities, like the equality of women.

We can see the origins of the current dichotomy between theology and science in the history surrounding the Galileo affair. What was at stake was the relative credibility of personal observation versus ancient and extensively documented [institutional] authority. Science won the battle in all fields except theology, which remains an outlier. We identify two reasons for this, institutional inertia and theoretical difficulties.

A modernist critique of the 24 theses.

It is time to reconsider theology from a scientific perspective, completely ignoring the ancient institutional mass as scientifically irrelevant. What if we replace the ancient hypothesis that the power that governs the Universe lies not outside it but within it, and that power is described by evolution, a process of randomization and selection. Like science, the Universe muddles through because there is no other way, no deterministic path to creation.

[page 121]

The Christian God has total control, the natural God has at best local control (?). How are we to understand the linkage of dynamics and fixed points = logical continuity.

'Conviction' Joseph Conrad, The Informer, Singer ed. Singer

Singer: page 122: ' "If I ever felt sure of anything, it was Severin's high minded motives".' [A common cover story for a system seeking power.]

Thursday 18 April 2013

Because a computer is itself a communication network it must be quantized, ie digital rather than continuous and analogue [and so subject to error by overlap of states.].

Friday 19 April 2013

The procession of the word is an early version of the theory of quantum measurement. 5 Theorems, page 88 [Cantor, Brouwer, Goedel, Turing, Shannon]

The world suffers much from a legacy of theological theories that appear to be inconsistent with reality.

Institutional inertia = the political power of the Vatican curial, establishment, which, rather like the fundamentalist Christian elements of the United States political elite, serves to pervert the democratic will of the people, as we have seen in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council and as we see in the current inability of the US to control guns in the community. Second Vatican Council - Wikipedia

[page 122]

Ungrounded fear is a cancerous psychological disease that we can trace to our theological heritage which depends upon fear of the Lord and his servants, Yahweh the Warrior King. List of War deities - Wikipedia

Recriminations may be comforting but possibly counterproductive. The principal task is to detect and eliminate errors, injustices and inefficiencies in our social system. This done, we can leave it to the historians to apportion blame and the lawyers and the courts to deal with breaches of the law.

Ontogensis: Fekete and Nodem Science 339:1396, Thompson and Tucker, 1453.

Sitting in the sun relaxed after a somewhat fraught morning thinking about the US program ofd murdering its so-called enemies from on high with fighters, bombers, helicopters and drones. The conversion of America from Christianity to natural religion is a prerequisite to global peace. The US is part of a self perpetuating cancerous clique of rogue nations which operate with the two-year-old child mentality that the world was made 'just for us'.Basically we are just dealing with greedy and power hungry warlords. The alternative is 'peacelords'.

Delusory theology, the Christian fiction. Obama like the kings and Tsars of old claims the right to kill anyone and to kill anyone who tries to prevent him from killing anyone.

Get this to You Tube, a denunciation of fundamentalism

[page 123]

bolstered by a new fundamentalism rooted in quantum mechanics. From 2BOB lectures to You Tube lectures. Put 2BOB lectures on You Tube with a video of a fire burning.

Noetically, there is for for us all, and this intelligence must guide our footprint so that all can be safely supported by the Earth. The transfinite computer network is the space of fixed points in the energy equation.

You've got to be in it to win it, so I am in the theology business, a form of think tank operation, putting hypotheses to the community seeking consensus and / or criticism.

Vonnegut: Monkey House Vonnegut

Vonnegut, page 72: Miss Temptation: ' "I had a kind of religious experience, ma" he said. "Something just made me speak out. . . . "What did I speak out against?" he said. Temp-ta-tion." '

Saturday 20 April 2013

Law and order by violence or intelligent investigation. The US more or less leads the world in violence, the violence inflicted by its inhabitants on one another, and the violence that corporate America, from the government on down, wreaks upon other nations and people all the in the name of its disproportionate consumption and destruction of the world's resources. At the root of all this stupidity is the frame of mind espoused by the fundamentalist religions, the religions of the book or books.

< p> [page 124]

The book of natural religion is the book of nature. Christianity teaches us to deprecate nature and the world. God created them perfect but the first people disobeyed God who punished that by crippling the wonderful world he had made. A stupid and vindictive God who followed by by having his own Son murdered to appease himself for the original lese majeste.

These notes are my primary source. Snippets of text presenting snippets of insight. The next task is to keep trying to fit all these pieces together in a coherent whole. The transfinite computer network is the formal framework upon which to hang my picture of the divine life, that is the set of possible fixed points in the cosmic dynamics.

One can see error in the context and networks of events and must understand the system to understand the error. It is only where we construct a new evidence based theology that we can pick out the problems of its predecessor.

You feel fucked but you don't feel loved because there is somebody else, so his love is divided, not whole.

From a political point of view Christianity has succeeded wonderfully. This is because the power of cooperation is so great that even if it is based on a false picture of reality it can work for a long time until its fundamental flaws become obvious. The child sexual abuse affair has exposed the weakness of absolute rule in a democratic society. Gradually, in the modern secular milieu, the failure of Catholicism as an institution has become more

[page 125]

and more obvious; first the exclusion of femininity, followed by the rape of children and now we require a massive 'conversion' from 'I believe that the Universe is not divine' to 'I believe that the Universe is divine'. Religious conversion - Wikipedia

For a scientist, I think God is the way thing are, everything. Although the whole Universe may contain an infinity of events, things in my local world are pretty finite and I can deal with them., flat tyres, divorce, childbirth, all that sort of thing. My variety is closely matched to the variety of my home patch in the Universal atlas.

A heretic's tale.

Human activity is an amalgam of knowledge and power. Politics determines how we spend our energy, knowledge shows us how to get the best value for effort, the best benefit for cost.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Medcalf, Peter, War in the Shadows: Bougainville 1944-45, Collins 1986 Jacket: '... written by an Australian infantryman who, as a nineteen year old, fought in the bloody campaigns on Bougainville, tells the dramatic truth about jungle warfare in the south-west Pacific during the second world war from the point of view of the combat soldier.' 
Singer, Kurt, Secret Agents: The World's Greatest Spy Stories, Brown Watson Ltd 1954 Jacket: 'This exciting book tells of courage against Nazism, Communism and other terrible forces. . . . Every page fgows with the kind of courage described by the late Ernest Hemingway, winner of the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes.' 
Tranter, Nigel, Columba, Hodder & Stoughton 1987 Amazon customer review: Beverly Ann Meiner 'Any book written by Nigel Tranter is a treasure. It is too bad that he passed away at 90 years old in January of 2000, because he has been writing about Scotish History since the 1930's. From the beginning of time with Druid Sacrifice, covering every Scotish monarch and history until the 1950's; his characters are rich and real, and his descriptions of this beautiful country with it's exciting history comes alive!' 
Vonnegut, Kurt, Welcome to the Monkey House, Paw Prints 2008 Book Description Release date: September 8, 1998 'Welcome to the Monkey House is a collection of Kurt Vonnegut’s shorter works. Originally printed in publications as diverse as The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and The Atlantic Monthly, these superb stories share Vonnegut’s audacious sense of humor and extraordinary range of creative vision.' 
Weinberg, Steven, The Quantum Theory of Fields Volume I: Foundations, Cambridge University Press 1995 Jacket: 'After a brief historical outline, the book begins anew with the principles about which we are most certain, relativity and quantum mechanics, and then the properties of particles that follow from these principles. Quantum field theory then emerges from this as a natural consequence. The classic calculations of quantum electrodynamics are presented in a thoroughly modern way, showing the use of path integrals and dimensional regularization. The account of renormalization theory reflects the changes in our view of quantum field theory since the advent of effective field theories. The book's scope extends beyond quantum elelctrodynamics to elementary partricle physics and nuclear physics. It contains much original material, and is peppered with examples and insights drawn from the author's experience as a leader of elementary particle research. Problems are included at the end of each chapter. ' 
List of War deities - Wikipedia List of War deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'A war deity is a god or goddess in mythology associated with war, combat or bloodshed. They occur commonly in both monotheistic and polytheistic religions.' back
Religious conversion - Wikipedia Religious conversion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'At the fundamental level conversion is the awakening of religious knowledge or understanding within a human being who had previously no belief in or concern with religious or spiritual matters. This awakening to moral and spiritual realities thus precedes a transformation of lifestyle and thought patterns often taking place over a long period of time and requiring a significant level of effort and commitment as described in the spiritual teachings of the world's great religions.' back
Saint Patrick - Wikipedia Saint Patrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Saint Patrick (Latin: Patricius; Proto-Irish: *Qatrikias;[2] Modern Irish: Pádraig;[3] Welsh: Padrig;[4] c. 387 – 17 March c. 460[5] or c. 492[6]) was a Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the "Apostle of Ireland", he is the primary patron saint of the island along with Saints Brigid and Columba.' back
Second Vatican Council - Wikipedia Second Vatican Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The Second Vatican Council (also known as Vatican II) addressed relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the modern world. It was the twenty-first Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church and the second to be held at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. It opened under Pope John XXIII on 11 October 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI on 8 December 1965.' back
The Holy See - Archive Documents of the II Vatican Council A collection of the Constitutions, Declarations, and Decrees of the Second Vatican Council. back
Wojciech Hubert Zurek Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) "Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on -- to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the ``wavepacket collapse'', designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment -- the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert it into carrying information about them -- into becoming a witness.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls