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vol VII: Notes



[Notebook: DB 76 Liberation]

[Sunday 29 September 2013 - Saturday 5 October 2013]

[page 157]

Sunday 29 September 2013

More fucking fire.

An explanation is a boundary. The Universe is a system of bounded miracles, ie stationary points which induce infinite numbers of new stationary points in the same divine action. We want our world to be both eternal and exciting, we have often seen how this can come true, and how it can fail to come true; and learn from this how to make it always come true, as in a perfectly efficient industrial process.


Once the rate of error (that is the rate of failure of responsibility, equals the rate of failure under testing) gets too high in a peer level the level annihilates leaving the level beneath it uncontrolled, and the anarchy

[page 158]

begins to develop into a new system, a new round of self sustaining symmetry breaking.

Transfinite Hilbert spaces have a memory which countable spaces (described by quantum mechanics) do not have.

The transfinite emits the finite.

God is the ruling class's self image, and we want to make God the image of all of us as one self, the Trinity expanded to 7E9 persons.

Requisite variety says that the more complex can control the less complex and all we need to apply this to is an operational definition of complexity.

p10 Health (ex freedom)

Christianity (US) a failed religion which has failed to see its failure.

Goethe: Science 341:963: 'knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

The human life cycle: cost centre (baby) requiring continual love and care; profit centre: giving care to the local and global world; cost centre: old age care required. Long term survival of a group requires that phase 1 + phase 3 ≤ phase 2.

The leading edge of our thrust into the future is binary, breaking the cloud of unknowing into p and not-p

[page 159]

HEAVEN = ETERNAL EXCITEMENT (safe because eternal)

The generalization of quantum mechanics - transfinite quantum mechanics.

Money is an abstract measure, not a thing.

The money system must become closed, ie conservative using strict arithmetic to balance money and its dual, debt.

US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: "we clearly believe the crisis was the result of human mistakes, misjudgements, and misdeeds that resulted in systemic failures for which our nation [and everybody else] has paid dearly. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

Transparent: you can't see it; you can see through it.

Theologische Grundlagenwerke GmbH [Fundamental theological works]

Monday 30 September 2013
Tuesday 1 October 2013
Wednesday 2 October 2013

Tea Party: Psychologically damaged by a false sense of entitlement; ie a false understanding of divine providence.

The only constraint placed on divine support is not-inconsistent where the question of consistency is resolved locally in space and time.

Website proposes a new and exciting heresy.

How do we register an intellectual property? The Universe is Divine.

[page 160]

Physics: what am I? Here we take the physical view, that I am an immense complex system built upon layer after layer of less complex systems until we arrive at the physical bedrock, the initial singularity [isomorphic to the classical God, pure undifferentiated existence] from which the Universe has sprung. An embodied system.

The transfinite network is a representation of a soul, world soul, subsoul, the logically [dynamically] connected set of observable fixed points.

The transfinite computer network is a Platonic structure, each transfinite layer embracing all the permutations of the layer beneath it. This fantastic structure is cut down to realizable size by the constraints of embodiment [modelled by the relationship of the natural to the transfinite numbers].

We are all victimes of our needs: if they are not met we die.

Brand Booky "I've always had the analogy that people who are depressed are often living in the same way that England is a seafaring nation because we are an island; because you adapt to your circumstances, and if you're miserable you've got to become funny to keep afloat'. Brand: My Booky Wook

Thursday 3 October 2013
Friday 4 October 2013
Saturday 5 October 2013

Op Ed to Washington Post:


Many nations, not least the US, are imprisoned and tortured by powerful fundamentalist minorities.

The fundamenal problem with fundamentalists is that they worship a dead God. Their motto can be found at the end of the tridtional doxology: “as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, for ages without end. Amen” . This is clearly false. God is the way things are, and things are changing. Who would have ever thought the US would have a non-white President?

One of the most ancient theological dilemmas is the need to reconcile two traditional properties of God, eternity and life. In the western tradition, our first record of this problem is a poem written by Parmenides 2500 years ago. He opted for eternity, making life and change more of an illusion that a reality. His student Zeno gave much thought to proving that motion is impossible.

Plato took up Parmenides’ idea, and the eternity of God has enjoyed a premier position in Christian thought ever since. Yet the Christian God is also a living God, and theologians understand that life means self motion. Aquinas faced this problem and declared that there is no inconsistency between eternity and the life of God.

Unfortunately, fundamentalist theologians have not followed suit. They are stuck in the past, betting on a false God. Their denial of change (although it change is obvious to anybody who is not totally blind) is at the root of their denial of evolution, but denial does not stop reality. Times are changing, and we must learn to adapt or die.

There was a chance for a scientific breakthrough in theology in the time of Galileo, but so great was the political power of the Church that the opportunity was missed. Since Galileo’s time science has thrived and totally changed our lives. but Galileo himself lost the fight with the Church. To avoid worse punishment, he had to recant and and died under house arrest.

The fundamentalist churches are not the only ones to use their political power to hide the dynamism of reality. In the last few decades we have seen a concerted effort by oil companies and coal miners to deny the reality of human induced climate change.

The famous Bush era statement: "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” Thus was articulated the recipe for disaster which has brought the US, once a great nation, to the brink of ruin.

From a Western point of view, the Christian Churches long ago took control of God, and have used the God they created to justify their own position. They claim that God is mysterious, other than the world, completely outside the range of human observation and knowledge. There is little doubt that this Christian God is a false God. This is not unexpected, since their God was invented thousands of years ago long before scientific knowledge revealed the huge and self-sufficient Universe that we inhabit.

The disasters wrought by fundamentalists and the knowledge yielded by science give us both the motivation and the opportunity to revise our understanding of God. The only reason for separating God and the World is the political advantage it confers in the ruling elite. By taking possession of God, kings can claim to rule by divine right and happily murder everyone they disagree with, a settled feature of fundamentalist foreign policy worldwide.

If theologians were to accept that the Universe is divine, it would follow that all human experience is experience of God: God would no longer be the invisible tool of the oppressors, but the everyday visible source of all our life and action.

Theology is the foundation of all science. It tells us who we are and what we are doing here. For a long time we have been hooked on the idea that we are the special, exceptional children of God; that the world was created just for us; that we have a mandate to do with it as we will. These ideas are leading us toward an early death. It is time to grow up and take responsibility for our lives.

Christianity says love your neighbours. It does not say deny them healthcare because government is a bad thing. We are all in this together. The divine Universe is not an arbitrary capricious old person like most of the Gods we have inherited from antiquity. It is a vast, beautiful and intelligible system. We must recognise this and continue the good work that has made human life (in general) so much more pleasant and benign since science got a grip on our uncontrolled imaginations.

Jeffrey Nicholls

We may think of a quantum system like the electrons of an atom as a set of nodes (a chosen set of basis states to describe the atom) and a system for computing the density of traffic between these states, ie spectral lines and line weights.

The body electric: The Universe 'electric', ie a structure of potentials.

Quantum mechanics describes one-hop transitions [think Dirac canonical, Feynman path integral]. We now turn to programmed sequences (and random sequences) of such transitions, and the process of selection which picks out the programmed sequences from the random sequences. A sequence of operations.

MEMORY = FIXED POINTS ie (to some extent) invariant through time, the measure of dynamics, numerus motus secundum prius et posterius. Catholic Apologetics Information: time

We need coupled (bonded) fixed points to represent ordered sets. In the Platonic world we can just assume that sets can be placed in various fixed orders (permutations) without asking how a particular order can be stably embodied.

So what is embodiment anyway? Digitization into orthogonal physical states, that is stationary points So eigenvalues are embodiments of eigenfunctions, ie solutions of eigenfunctions, zeros of polynomials which are in effect the boundaries of the polynomials as


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Brand, Russell, My Booky Wook: A Memoir of Sex, Drugs and Stand-Up, Collins 2009 Jacket: ' Russell Brand learned early on to make a joke of fear and failure. From a troubled childhood in industrial Essex, England, to his descent into addictions to alcohol, drugs, and sex in the seamy underbelly of London, Brand has seen his share of both and miraculously lived to tell the tale. In My Booky Wook he leads readers on a rollicking journey through his disastrous school career, his infamous antics on MTV, and his multifarious sexual adventures. But this irreverent memoir is a story not simply of struggle but also of redemption, a testament to the difficulty of discovering what you want from life and the remarkable power of a bloody-minded determination to get it. My Booky Wook is a giddy trip through the brilliant mind of one of Britain's most valuable exports.' 
Catholic Apologetics Information, A Scholastic List of Definitions for Philosophical Terms , '117. Tempus = numerus motus secundum prius et posterius.' back
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Report, 'To view the report of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, you can download the report in full or download a section of the report by clicking on the links below. You can also order the Commission's authorized and official versions of the report by clicking on your preferred option in the box on the right.' back
Milind Sathye, HSBC money laundering scandal is more than just risky business practice, 'Recent news that HSBC executives admitted to allowing Iran, terrorists and drug dealers to launder nearly USD$16 billion over a six-year period would make earth underneath you shake. How is that the bank’s risk management system could not detect such sensitive transactions? Was the bank’s risk management system inadequate, or did the bank’s management knowingly turn a Nelson’s eye? What were the regulators doing? Were appropriate laws/mechanisms in place to detect and deter such activities? These and other questions would cloud the mind of ordinary tax payers the world over.' back
Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Tea Party movement is an American decentralized political movement that is primarily known for advocating a reduction in the U.S. national debt and federal budget deficit by reducing U.S. government spending and taxes.The movement has been called partly conservative, partly libertarian, and partly populist. It has sponsored protests and supported political candidates since 2009.' back
Walt Whitman, I sing the Body Electric, Whitman, Walt, 1900. Leaves of Grass, 'I SING the Body electric;   The armies of those I love engirth me, and I engirth them;   They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them,   And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the Soul. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls