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vol VII: Notes



[Notebook: DB 76 Liberation]

[Sunday 20 October 2013 - Saturday 26 October 2013]

[page 180]

Sunday 20 October 2013

Market research: what parts of the story accept and listen to? The broad hope induced by knowledge of a reliable and benevolent God : creation is favoured.

I am beginning to feel that I should get stuck into this. But this has always been the case since (however misguided), I took up the monastic life. To be a greenie was relatively easy because the science was already there: people have been concerned about the future of the planet for a long time. In the religion business, however, there is precious little science and theology has to be rebuilt from scratch. Now that is done enough to go a bit activist. My preferred activity, millions of words later, is writing, and I keep up a gentle flow of my ideas into public space which will, one day, perhaps, synchronise with other people's ideas and become the foundation of a new vision of God.

The Church teaches that we are pure spirits living in a vacuum possessing an eternal life completely independent of our environment but nevertheless dependent on God for our existence, (ie God is our environment), another little inconsistency in the

[page 181]

Catholic picture.

Mathpages: Dirac equation: 'Quantum mechanics is based on a correspondence principle that maps classical dynamical variables to differential operators.' Mathpages

Does my failure to understand quantum mechanics help to open the way to the computer network model?

The γ matrices are the bases of a Clifford algebra with the properties γ02 = 1, γi2= -1, γi γj= - γj γi, i ≠ j.

What would Dirac do when trying to digitize the underlying universal communication process now described by continuous functions? Arithmetic takes care of quantities (the Bible contains 1 million symbols) but tells us nothing about meaning. So we are looking for the expression of meaning for a Universe whose basis is the γ matrices. The function of these matrices is to eliminate the cross terms in the product (γ0E + γipi - m)(γ0 + γipi + m), establishing an orthogonality of independence of the four dimensions of spacetime and mass.

'Beat your crazy head against the sky': Darling be home soon Lovin Spoonful

Monday 21 October 2013

[page 182]

Lovin Spoonful: Darlin Be Home Soon

[page 182]

I am slowly coming down to Earth.

How do we turn Dirac's equation into a simple Turing machine? We begin with a clock iℏ∂/∂t. And we have three memories pi, i∂/∂i. What does the mass mean? It represents the interior process of the particle which is transparent to the space-time dynamics of the particle.

I carry a very heavy mind: a lot going on in it (same as everybody, no doubt, but I am coupled strongly to the fraught issues of war, peace, religion, environment and theology).

From a human point of view, theology is the environmental science.

Classically (pre-relativistic) energy is conserved to give the equation E+pi/2m = 0. Plugging in the correspondence principle, we get, (ih∂/∂dt + H2/2m ∇2)ψ = 0

Relativistically E2 = m2 + |p|2.

ih∂/∂t is a linear factor because it represents the clock, which as the simplest structure in the Universe might naturally be linear simply a count mod(machine infinity), which in the simplest meaningful system mod(2) gives a two state system. Then we get space which is a 3 (or 3x2 = 6) state system [Lorentz group].

[page 183]

To be a failure is to prove incapable of solving the problems with which one is presented, in or out of an exam room (exam room failures are not potentially lethal like real world failures).

Dirac: '[the transformation theory] . . . had become my darling. . . . I was not interested in any theory that would not fit my darling. Therefore the linearity of ∂/∂t was absolutely essential to me; I just couldn't face giving up the transformation theory.' Mathpages

Just as the Pope and his Church could not give up the outside God theory, or me the inside God theory.

The world is linear in Energy and the conservation of energy is easily expressed by integral arithmetic, like a bank account.

Pauli matrices: Wikipedia: 'Each Pauli matrix is Hermitian and together with the identity matrix . . . the Pauli marices (being multiplied by real coefficients) span the full vector space of 2 x 2 Hermitean matrices. In the language of quantum mechanics, Hermitean matrices are observables, so the Pauli matrices span the space of observables of 2 dimensional complex Hilbert space.' Pauli matrices - Wikipedia

We may see a process in space and the erasure of one memory and the writing of another. So we move along the x by annihilating x1 and creating x2. Rotation in three space means annihilating xj and creating xi≠j.

General covariance means that any 'crystal structure' of space allows for any relative orientation between discrete systems (the dynamic version of abstract symbols). A written symbol

[page 184]

is a representation of the stationary points in the corresponding dynamic symbol, the physical embodiment of the information content of the symbol. So a protein, through its intricate structure, is an operator in the processing of a cell, as are all the other molecular symbols that execute the processes of life.

Wilde: Dorian '. . . it is personalities, not principles, that move the age.' Wilde

Space is polycrystalline, where crystals represent computers and we understand polycrystallinity as a network of computers.

Tuesday 22 October 2013
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Trying to make sense of how I feel. Emotions are the data of intellect.

'Basis of complexity: 1: real; 2: complex; 4: Pauli; 16:Dirac/gamma.

Dirac's equation is a fixed point in the dynamics of space.

Berekeley: Ese est percipi. Network theory of existence is Berkelian? Our perceptions we take to be messages from God, ie stationary popints in the divine dynamics.

Wilde: ' "Each of us has Heaven and Hell in Him, Basil," cried Dorian, with a wild gesture of despair."

'The Next World", a common dream, a discontinuous improvement unlike the continuous improvement that we generally witness.

[page 185]

To define is to limit, making deterministic possible at the expense of infinity.

Thursday 24 October 2013

We hope reality wins in the end, but the false Jewish/Christian God has had a disappointingly long run [probably because we have had to wait till now to find the ingredients of a viable replacement].

Friday 25 October 2013

Distinct dynamic systems communicate by sharing fixed points (messages). This text is a fixed point carrying information from me to you, both of us being distinct dynamic systems but sharing this language (English). [In relativity, the fixed points are the inertial frames shared by observers moving through spacetime, used by them (through geodesic deviation) to measure the structure of their spacetime.]

What we are trying to do is to put into words a vision of God that can be verified. What we want is that the fixed point in writing coincide with the fixed points in God. Most of my energy seems to be taken up with the aspects of this task I understand least, those elements of God that are currently described by physics, particularly the roots of physics identified in quantum mechanics and relativity. My ignorance makes this task very frustrating, but I feel that if my project is to be a success, I must press on.

To be a proper scientist I should investigate all this passionately and on the evidence, which I try to do, but like Dirac's transformation theory it is my darling and I will fight for it. Working from a practical point of view, however, we have to admit that we make incremental progress by reducing pain and discomfort, so we have developed analgesics, many of us live in comfortable houses, peaceful

[page 186]

communities and so on, all to some degree an expression of family relationships between 'unrelated people', we are all children of God. We interpret this statement in the way a software engineer might do.

A contribution to global cooling.

What was it? We understand everything as two poins of view coupled by an invariance, like co- and contravariant representatives and the metric. The metric is the invariant, the local fixed point. It is the spacetime answer to Parmenides question: where is there a solid foundation for knowledge?

My only ambition is to totally change our perception of realty by totally chaning our notion of God, the environment into which we can fit all our thoughts and deeds.

There is a coupling between certain beliefs and a tendency to kill for those beliefs, a form of denial: there is no opposition to my ideas because they are all dead.

Where is the ΔxΔp, ΔEΔT tradeoff to be found in human affairs? These two are unified in spacetime, where we interpret the minimum interval, ds, to be Planck's constant ℏ (to be measured by, ie to be equal to).

No 1 Observation: knowledge is possible, given the nature of the Universe, because we are subject to the laws of nature and we have knowledge, otherwise we would not be talking like this.

[page 187]

Political 'left' and 'right' are a duality in the political space, coupled by an invariant called reality whose metric is 'truth'.

The fundamental theological duality is God and the Word [dynamic reality and its fixed points].

My religion is driven by lust, that is Lonergan's 'unrestricted desire to know', taken from the first sentence of Aristotle's Metaphysics. Lonergan, Aristotle

I must first convince myself that the product is authentic, ie safe and effective, before I can throw my whole weight behind pushing it.

Can one patent a religion. ie a process for bringing peace (just like a process for making nitroglycerin)? Patent - Wikipedia

We worship a load of false God like Yahweh, God, money etc, and I am here to put us right.

Liberal and conservative is duality whose invariant connection sf the centre of gravity of political discourse. as it progresses under the influence of every person on the political entity, rather like a gas. [Political thermodynamics.]

The size of an industry (or unit of an industry) is measured by the number of persons employed in it.

General covariance = exploiting the complete set of permutations, no preferred structure, no fixed points, gravitation.

[page 188]

Loving somebody / thing is the best pleasure. Here Aquinas' view of beatitude may be off centre because he was motivated by rationality rather than passion.

Surrounding the human economy is the environmental economy which restores the resources consumed by humans. This is the economy of salvation, the economy of grace which is maintained by God and serves as the foundation for human (and all other) existence.

Bandwidth = entropy with a time dimension, ie space (parallel) x frequency (local serial).

Entropy always increases because time always increases and the past can control the future only insofar as the future is specified by a computable function in the present.

Zurek: Decoherence <==> communication <==> coherence.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Mathpages Dirac: '. . . unlike ordinary complex numbers the multiplication of the new basis variables γi is non-commutative, a fact which suggests some underlying structure.'

Secrecy ==> no error correction ++> unlimited deviance (ie random walk)

Writing revolutionized memory from a durability and accuracy point of view, at the cost of loss of bandwidth by exlcuding both those who cannot write and those events whose

[page 189]

witnesses consider them 'not worth writing down'. One may argue both ways about whether the effective entropy of a written word (a static element) is greater or less than the entropy of a spoken word.

'Iran is Saudi Arabia's nemesis in the region . . . Ben Hubbard and Robert F. Worth . . . And Syria has become the most important battleground in Saudi eyes, for the perennial conflict with Iran which is seen here as an almost existential threat to the kingdom becasue of its goal of exporting its own brand of revolutionary Shiite Islam across the Muslim world.' Ben Hubbard and Robert F. Worth

We take the digital rather than the continuous view of uncertainty. Between any two digits there is a continuum of interactions between digits, the dynamics.

Kevin Brown 2.1: The spacetime interval: 'The identification of the spacetime interval with quantum phase applies to null intervals as well, consistent with the fact that the quantum phase of a photon does not advance at all between emission and absorption.' The photon is outside time. Quantum spacetime interval is a quantum of action, ie spacetime is pixellated in units of h. 'Hence the physical significance of a null spacetime interval is that the quantum state of any system is constant along that interval. In a sense the interval represents a single quantum state of the system so (for example) the emission and absorption of a photon can be regarded as a single quantum event.' Kevin Brown: Reflections on Relativity

Acceleration is detectable = observable, velocity is undetectable (to the person riding the velocipede) [acceleration, force, communication].

Light: 'How can an entity have a well defined velocity and yet have no well defined rest frame? The only answer can be that

[page 190]

the transformation is singular for that velocity, ie the coordinate system moving with a uniform speed relative to an inertial frame is not well defined.' An unbroken symmetry. . . . 'The singularity of the Lorentz transformation for the speed c suggests that the conception of light as an entity in itself may be somewhat misleading and it is often useful to regard light simply as an interaction between two massive bodies along a null spacetime interval.'

Controlling emotion vs understanding emotion. The RCC sees emotions as disordered by original sin, in need of control by reason. Science sees emotions as the product of a long period of evolution that are inputs to human understanding. By controlling we reduce the variety of emotions and s truncate our lives. Formally this truncation is represented by the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Network: nodes - fermions; channels - bosons. Or vice versa. In the theory channel translates the signal from the source into the most efficient form for transmission, a reversible transformations. Jpeg algorithm. JPEG - Wikipedia

'The concept of speed does not apply to the vacuum'


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '... Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Ross , W D (editor) , Aristotle's Prior and Posterior Analytics. a Revised Text with Introduction and Commentary , Oxford University Press 2000  
Veltman, Martinus, Diagrammatica: The Path to the Feynman Rules, Cambridge University Press 1994 Jacket: 'This book provides an easily accessible introduction to quantum field theory via Feynman rules and calculations in particle physics. The aim is to make clear what the physical foundations of present-day field theory are, to clarify the physical content of Feynman rules, and to outline their domain of applicability. ... The book includes valuable appendices that review some essential mathematics, including complex spaces, matrices, the CBH equation, traces and dimensional regularization. ...' 
Wilde, Oscar, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Random House: Modern Library Paperbacks 1998 Jacket: Oscar Wilde's story of a fashionable young man who sells his soul for eternal youth is one of his most popular works. Written in Wilde's characteristically dazzling manner, full of stinging epigrams and shrewd observations, the tale of Dorian Gray's moral disintegration caused something of a scandal when it first appeared in 1890. Wilde was attacked for his decadence and corrupting influence. He responded that while he was "quite incapable of understanding how a work of art can be criticized from a moral standpoint," there is, in fact, "a terrible moral in Dorian Gray'. A few years later the book and the aesthetic/moral dilemma it presented became issues in the trials occasioned by Wilde's homosexual liaisons, trials that resulted in him imprisonment. Of the book's value as autobiography, Wilde wrote in a letter, "Basil Hallward is what I would like to be -- in other ages perhaps."'  
Zurek, Wojciech H., "Decoherence and the Transition from Quantum to Classical", Physics Today, 44, 10, October 1991, page 36-44. 'Quantum mechanics works exceedingly well in all practical applications. No example of conflict between its predictions and experiment is known. Without quantum physics we could not explain the behavior of solids, the structure and function of DNA, the color of the stars, the action of lasers or the properties of superfluids. Yet well over half a century after its inception, the debate about the relation of quantum mechanics to the familiar physical world continues. How can a theory that can account ith precision for everything we can measure still be deemed lacking?'. back
Aristotle, The Internet Classics Archive | Posterior Analytics by Aristotle, Translated by G R G Mure 'All instruction given or received by way of argument proceeds from pre-existent knowledge. This becomes evident upon a survey of all the species of such instruction. The mathematical sciences and all other speculative disciplines are acquired in this way, and so are the two forms of dialectical reasoning, syllogistic and inductive; for each of these latter make use of old knowledge to impart new, the syllogism assuming an audience that accepts its premisses, induction exhibiting the universal as implicit in the clearly known particular. Again, the persuasion exerted by rhetorical arguments is in principle the same, since they use either example, a kind of induction, or enthymeme, a form of syllogism. ' back
Aristotle, Metaphysics, 'Written 350 B.C.E, Translated by W. D. Ross. Book I Part 1 "ALL men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight. For not only with a view to action, but even when we are not going to do anything, we prefer seeing (one might say) to everything else. The reason is that this, most of all the senses, makes us know and brings to light many differences between things. ' back
Ben Hubbard and Robert F. Worth, Anger Over Syrian War, Saudis Fault U.S. Policy, 'RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia has abandoned its traditional policy of discretion in recent weeks, signaling deep anger at the Obama administration’s Middle East policies and threatening to break with its most powerful ally and pursue a more robust and independent role in supporting the rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.' back
Darlin' Be Home Soon - Wikipedia, Darlin' Be Home Soon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Darlin' Be Home Soon" (or "Darling Be Home Soon") is a song written by John Sebastian of The Lovin' Spoonful for the soundtrack of 1966 Francis Ford Coppola film You're a Big Boy Now. It has been described as " of the most heartfelt songs about being away from a loved one, written from the point of view of a musician on the road writing a letter. back
JPEG - Wikipedia, JPEG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In computing, JPEG - named after its creator the Joint Photographic Expert Group - (seen most often with the .jpg extension) is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital photography (i.e. images). The degree of compression can be adjusted, allowing a selectable tradeoff between storage size and image quality. JPEG typically achieves 10:1 compression with little perceptible loss in image quality, and is the file type most often produced in digital photography.' back
Kevin Brown, Reflections on Relativity, By Maciej Ceglowski on January 27, 2012 Format: Paperback 'This wonderful book has long been available online, but I'm delighted to see that the author has chosen to publish it in physical form. This is the kind of book you really want to be able to flip through and fill with marginalia. I've been reading through it about once a year, and each time I find myself understanding it a little better. The author has a great gift for presenting challenging material in a way that remains accessible to those of us who haven't made it past calculus. Equal parts history, philosophy of science, and physics textbook, it's an absolute treasure, and I'm delighted to finally be able to give the author some money.' back
Lorentz group - Wikipedia, Lorentz group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics (and mathematics), the Lorentz group is the group of all Lorentz transformations of Minkowski spacetime, the classical setting for all (nongravitational) physical phenomena. The Lorentz group is named for the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz. The mathematical form of the kinematical laws of special relativity, Maxwell's field equations in the theory of electromagnetism, the Dirac equation in the theory of the electron, are each invariant under the Lorentz transformations. Therefore the Lorentz group is said to express the fundamental symmetry of many of the known fundamental Laws of Nature.' back
Lovin Spoonful, Darlin be Home Soon, back
Mathpages, The Dirac Equation, 'Quantum mechanics is based on a correspondence principle that maps classical dynamical variables to differential operators' back
Nitroglycerin - Wikipedia, Nitroglycerin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Nitroglycerin (NG), also known as nitroglycerine, trinitroglycerin, trinitroglycerine, or nitro, is more correctly known as glyceryl trinitrate or more formally: 1,2,3-trinitroxypropane. It is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid most commonly produced by treating glycerol with white fuming nitric acid under conditions appropriate to the formation of the nitric acid ester.' back
Patent - Wikipedia, Patent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, A patent (. . . is a set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time, in exchange for the public disclosure of the invention. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem, and may be a product or a process. Patents are a form of intellectual property.' back
Pauli matrices - Wikipedia, Pauli matrices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematical physics and mathematics, the Pauli matrices are a set of three 2 × 2 complex matrices which are Hermitian and unitary.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls