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vol VII: Notes



[Notebook: DB 77 Discretion]

[Sunday 11 May 2014 - Saturday 17 May 2014]

[page 137]

Sunday 11 May 2014

The essence of going viral is striking the right note. A note, from a classical and quantum point of view is a superposition of orthogonal states or frequencies. In the case of a musical note, these frequencies are represented by different real phases [phased displacements] that add at every point to give the waveform we actually hear. In speech this waveform is modulated in real time to encode information. In the quantum system we can observe only one eigenfunction at a time and in order to see the actual superposition we must make many observations like the energy / frequency of a photon emitted by an atom. The act of observation requires that the observing system and the observed system share a common basis so that communication is possible. So we expect a note to go viral if its basis is shared by a sufficiently large number of people.

We intend to capture the invariant features of the creative power of the Universe in the mathematical theory of

[page 138]

computer networks.

The difference between mathematica and the world is that mathematics (in the context of the mathematical community) can give meaning to symbols that cannot be physically realized. So we say let N be the set of natural numbers. In the parts of the Universe that [are so simple that they] have no meaning the only way to represent N is with N physical symbols, each corresponding to one natural number, an impossibility in any finite region of Universe as small as the average mathematicians's study.

It is a mistake to identify the continuum with infinity. It is better represented by the number 1 since there are no marks in a real continuum to give it any multiplicity greater than being one unary object.

Kristina Keneally: 'Here are two institutions to whom is have given every ounce of my . . . energy and almost simultaneously they have displayed massive failures in living up to their highest ideals. Fitzsimons. Peter Fitzsimons

The reason why we have separated religion and politics is because religion and theology move very slowly and are stuck in the dark ages. Theology and religion have to get back into politics, but they must be new evidence based theology and religion.

Monday 12 May 2014

Dear Ms Keneally. . . .

Rational faith, rational hope, rational charity, ie

[page 139]

probabilistic cost benefit analysis, very short odds (a certain winner, but very small payoff) vs long odds rare winner, big payoff, As we become desperate we go for the long odds option.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Cantor's theorem gives us a formal foundation for the complexification of the Universe when coupled with fixed point theorems but both are in a sense dead formalism that only lives in the minds od the network of mathematicians that dreamt them up and uses them. So now we introduce the computer network, animated by computers, as a formal representation of the life of the UNiverse that leads to complexification by communicAtion, that is copying ('dowNloading'). We can use copying to explain the existence of discrete and identical elements n the Universe.

The truth shall make you free, they say. At present too many people are imprisoned in false truths that make them enemies of one another so curtailing their freedom since they must devote much of their energy to maintaining security from [their artificially induced] enemies.

The Catholic Church could be a good thing if the management moved into the 21st century.

Energy does not flow it is entropy / information / form that flows by communication [carried on a substrate of energy]. [gravitation describes this flow, the unmodulated energy that lies behind space-time.]

These days modern management, f it is to succeed without corruption, must be closely tied to reality. The management of the Church, instantiated in you, clearly lives in a land of

[page 140]


[page 140]

The Pope is primarily a politician who makes infallible promises he cannot keep.

Stationary points may last a long time in time but be localized in space. A simple point in spacetime is not a stationary point because time passes it by [it lasts oly for an instant]. Basically we need a point where f(x) = x.

Networks explain superposition as I, a social animal, confer with many people about what I am going to fo next and the net result is a superposition, not necessarily linear, of all our communications.

One very salient fact about my life is that time rolls relentlessly on, numerus motus secundum prius et posterius. It seems in a way that the idea that physics is symmetrical with repect to t, -t is something of a red herring, as is the plan to use the second law of thermodynamics to give direction to time's arrow. A memoryless clock has no direction, ie a simple harmonic oscillator with fixed energy, but as soon as we attach a counter to it it gets direction, increasing count being interpreted as increasing time maybe the entropy of the clock is the number of clicks it has counted, and the counter [entropy]always increases as long as the clock is not stopped.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Norman Abjorensen: 'Society is changed. White Australia is a think of the past; capitalism has evolved,

[page 141]

The Keynsian consensus has been abandoned and the mixed economy dismantled, globalization has internationalized the economy in a way one unimagined and the cold war has become the culture war. Norman Abjorensen

War arises when there is no basis for communication between two groups.

'. . . in a very real sense, the basic raison d'etre of the Liberal pParty remains as steadfast as ever: to keep Labor out of office.

'the notion that government somehow stands between powerful vested interests and powerless people, and mediates outcomes, has been completely and utterly trashed.'

'. . . the Abbott-Hockey regime is completely different: the party that did not want to become a party is now a government, apparently, that doesn't believe in government.

Abstract and outline the 'The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics revisited':

0. Abstract
1: Introduction: Language
2: The mathematical theory of communication
3: Physics
4: Quantum mechanics and fixed points
5: Continuity and Noether's theorem
6. The Universe as a digital computer network
7: Can a digital computer network do quantum mechanics?
8: Network layers and transfinite numbers
9: Gravitation:the zero entropy physical network
10: Mathematics as fixed points in the human intellectual layer

Einstein 1954 to Besso: 'I consider it quite possible that physics cannot be based on the field principle, ie on continuous structures. In that case nothing remains of my entire castle in the air, gravitation theory included.

0. Abstract

Wigner highlights the miraculous correspondence between mathematical symbolism and observations of the physical Universe: . . . the enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation for it.

Wigner's observation compels us to examine the relationship between mathematics and physics. Here I wish to suggest an explanation of Wigner's observation. The idea is essentially very simple. Science is devoted to detecting and connecting the fixed points of the Universe. Mathematics, on the other hand, represents the fixed points of a subset of the Universe, the mathematical community.

Insofar as the Universe is one and consistent, it is not surprising that we find a considerable degree of isomorphism or symmetry between these two sets of fixed points. The challenge here is to build a bridge from physics through the mathematical community to the Universe as a whole that clearly illustrates that symmetry.

Quantum mechanics has taught us that all the observable features of the Universe (upon which science is based) are quantized. Nevertheless, quantum mechanics assumes that the mechanism underlying these quantized observations can be represented by continuous mathematics. Here I suggest that this assumption is false, and that we can better describe the Universe by assuming that it is digital 'to the core'.

This digitization suggests that we can see the Universe as a logical, rather than a geometric continuum. The mathematical representation of a logical continuum is the Turing machine, a stepwise digital process that leads deterministically from an initial condition to a final condition. We may see such logical continua as the fixed points in the universal dynamics which form the goal and substance of science.

I guess that the theorems requiring fixed points in a dynamical system are indifferent to the complexity of the system, and I postulate an isomorphism between the dynamics of the mathematical community and the dynamics of the world. I propose that this isomorphism explains the 'unreasonable effectiveness' of mathematics in the sciences.

The cosmic constant problem (10100 discrepancy between quantum field theory and general relativity) perhaps arises because the huge density of the vacuum is taken as common to all regions of space instead of being concentrated at some early point in the expansion of the Universe where such a density is appropriate to the smallness and lack of spatial extension of the Universe.

Planck in Cercignani page 210: '. . . the essential feature of scientific research , ie the construction of a picture of the world which is rigorously stable, independent of the differences which mark the generations and peoples.'

[page 142]

Boltzmann; 'In the eighties and nineties of the last century personal experience taught me how much it cost a researcher who has an idea on which he has reflected at length to try to propagate it. He had to realize how little weight the best arguments he exhibited to that end carried since his voice had not sufficient authority to impress it on the world of science. In those days it was a vain enterprise to try to oppose such men as Wilhelm Oswald, Georg Helm, Ernst Mach.' And the Pope!

Science and art, Cercignani page 235: Boltzmann: 'Only those inferences are correct that lead to practical success.'

Thursday 15 May 2014

Zero entropy - determinism. Carnot cycle tells is how much determinism we can get out of a given temperature interval.

Feynman: Statistical mechanics: Both quantum and classical statistical mechanics are about the traffic on the universal network.

Friday 16 May 2014
Saturday 17 May 2014

Khinchin age 6: '. . . in the statistical problems of quantum physics it is necessary to develop computational methods for three fundamental statistical schemes: complete, symmetric and antisymmetric.'


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Deighton, Len, Spy Hook, Knopf 1988 Amazon Review: From Library Journal This is the first installment in a new espionage series, "Hook, Line, and Sinker," a sequel to Deighton's masterful "Game, Set, Match" trilogy. Bernard Samson, still trying to straighten out his life after his wife's defection to the KGB, finds top level Secret Service complicity in the disappearance of a half million dollars in departmental funds. Is this a simple case of embezzlement or of mismanagement, or is it the work of a KGB mole? Has Samson stumbled upon a top-secret operation, one in which his wife is a double agent? At novel's end Samson is on the run in Berlin, and the reader is eager for the next book. Deighton is the only worthy rival to John LeCarre.' Charles Michaud, Turner Free Lib., Randolph, Mass. Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. 
Emch, Gerard G, Mathematical and Conceptual Foundations of 20th-Century Physics, North Holland/Elsevier Science Publishers 1984 Preface: 'Aside from the primary aim of this book, which is to resent a unified mathematical account of the conceptual foundations of 20th-century Physics . . . it is hoped that . . . various parts of the book will be excerpted, and incorporated in separate courses pertaining to the Pure Mathematics curriculum, to provide illustrative examples, further motivations and testimony to the unity of the Mathematical Sciences.' 
Feynman, Richard P, Statistical Mechanics: A Set of Lectures, Westview Press 1998 Jacket: 'Physics, rather than mathematics, is the focus in this classic graduate lecture note volume on statistical mechanics and the physics of condensed matter. Containing many original contributions to the field, the book provides a concise introduction to basic concepts and a clear presentation of difficult topics, while challenging the student to reflect on as yet unanswered questions,' 
Khinchin, A Y, The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistics, Dover 1998 'In the area of quantum statistics, I show that a rigorous mathematical basis of the computational formulas of statistical physics ... may be obtained from an elementary application of the well-developed limit theorems of the theory of probability' 
Wickenden, Dorothy, "Comment: Going Positive", New Yorker, 84, , 5 May 2008, page 23-24. back
Black body - Wikipedia, Black body - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A black body is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation, regardless of frequency or angle of incidence. A black body in thermal equilibrium (that is, at a constant temperature) emits electromagnetic radiation called black-body radiation. The radiation is emitted according to Planck's law, meaning that it has a spectrum that is determined by the temperature alone (see figure at right), not by the body's shape or composition.' back
Error detection and correction - Wikipedia, Error detection and correction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, computer science, telecommunication, and information theory, error detection and correction has great practical importance in maintaining data (information) integrity across noisy channels and less-than-reliable storage media.' back
Garrett Hardin, The Tragedy of the Commons, 'The population problem has no technical solution; it requires a fundamental extension in morality.' back
Nazareth - Wikipedia, Nazareth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Nazareth . . . is the capital and largest city in the North District of Israel. It also serves as an Arab capital for Israel's Arab citizens who make up the vast majority of the population there.[2] In the New Testament, the city is described as the childhood home of Jesus, and as such is a center of Christian pilgrimage, with many shrines commemorating biblical associations.' back
Norman Abjorensen, Keeping Labour out: does the Liberal Party stand for anything else?, 'The Liberal party, formed in response to Labor, has always been a reluctant party. As they let business take over, it's becoming clear they're now reluctant about government itself back
Parmenides - Wikipedia, Parmenides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Parmenides of Elea (early 5th century BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher born in Elea, a Greek city on the southern coast of Italy. He was the founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy, his only known work is a poem which has survived only in fragmentary form. In it, Parmenides describes two views of reality. In the Way of Truth, he explained how reality is one; change is impossible; and existence is timeless, uniform, and unchanging. In the Way of Opinion, he explained the world of appearances, which is false and deceitful. These thoughts strongly influenced Plato, and through him, the whole of western philosophy.' back
Peter Fitzsimons, Sydney's multicultural heart still beats strong, '“Here are the two institutions to whom I have given nearly every ounce of my . . . energy, and almost simultaneously they have displayed massive failures in living up to their highest ideals.” Kristina Keneally on the Catholic Church and the Labor Party. This week she has a go at being a morning television host. I suspect she will go well.' Read more: back
Tragedy of the commons - Wikipedia, Tragedy of the commons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Tragedy of the Commons is a type of social trap, often economic, that involves a conflict over finite resources between individual interests and the common good. It states that free access and unrestricted demand for a finite resource ultimately structurally dooms the resource through over-exploitation. The term derives originally from a comparison noticed by William Forster Lloyd with medieval village land holding in his 1833 book on population.[1] It was then popularized and extended by Garrett Hardin in his 1968 Science essay "The Tragedy of the Commons."[2] However, the theory itself is as old as Thucydides[3] and Aristotle.' back
William Rowan Hamilton - Wikipedia, William Rowan Hamilton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Sir William Rowan Hamilton (August 4, 1805 – September 2, 1865) was an Irish mathematician, physicist, and astronomer who made important contributions to the development of optics, dynamics, and algebra. His discovery of quaternions is perhaps his best known investigation. Hamilton's work was also significant in the later development of quantum mechanics. Hamilton is said to have showed immense talent at a very early age, prompting astronomer Bishop Dr. John Brinkley to remark in 1823 of Hamilton at the age of eighteen: “This young man, I do not say will be, but is, the first mathematician of his age.” ' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2024 © Jeffrey Nicholls