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vol VII: Notes



[Notebook: DB 77 Discretion]

[Sunday 20 July 2014 - Saturday 26 July 2014]

Sunday 20 July 2014

[page 189]

. . .

Should I make myself work or just work when I feel like it? I was brought up on the 'work ethic' basically that one should work to earn money to 'get ahead'. My decision to enter the Order of Preachers and take a vow of poverty may have been something of a revolt against this conditioning, but on the other hand a Dominican is expected to work as hard or harder at 'improving'

[page 190]

himself and spreading the word as the average person who is happy to look after themselves and not join an organization designed to propagate a certain view of reality and sustain itself by charging for this work in one ay or another while giving it workers their keep, the tools of their trade and annual holidays.

On this job I am still working on the Dominican model, spending many hours each day elaborating my view of the divine Universe until I get it into a form that catches the imagination of other people.

Twisted theology: Norland Rod Norland

Financial salvation? [Share] creeping up +750.

One also works when one has to, that is one is logically committed to work by the coupling between work and money, so work gives us entre into the money system. It is not the only way in: there is also inheritance, windfall, commercial success etc. Whatever. I am a pensioner but I also have to work to earn an additional amount to meet all my commitments, To date I have made very little out of writing, but as I become less inclined to crawl around under houses it now seems the natural replacement source of money, What is needed here is product development and marketing. These are always going on as this book shows, and hopefully the vehicle will become sleek enough to attract buyers. My feeling is that the first people to pitch to are mathematicians and software engineers.

You should be so ashamed of raping a little girl like that that it would be good for you to honour kill yourself. Rod Norland: Struggling to Keep Afghan Girl Safe After a Mullah is Accused of Rape

[page 191]

We might say that the pressure to work arises from perceived or predicted error. Something is wrong and needs to be fixed; a failure is in the making and needs to be forestalled. This story works at all levels from plumbing to government: it is always a matter of getting stuff to the right place and preventing leakage. Our financial system leaks to the benefit of the rich.

Why are the rich always on the wrong side f history? Because their wealth and power lead them to construct their own reality which blinds them to true reality and so they cannot navigate through the changing environment, and crash

Monday 21 July 2014
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Human life is founded on technologies of all sorts and scales from physical through social to political engineering. The aim of technology is to make something happen, so the limits of technology are the limits of computability, a practical understanding of the Church-Turing thesis (?).

One can only make things happen with a deterministic process. Thus one might try to shoot down a plane with conventional anti aircraft fire and require many rounds to bring down the target. The alternatie, a self propelled missile has a high probability of bringing the plane down with one shot because it can see its target and steers itself toward it.

I have evolved a sort of guided approach to my work by more clearly defining the goal toward which I am working: that all political decisions be based on sound engineering principles.

Software engineering, like all engineering is recursive, each new layer

[page 192]

or round of development correcting the errors and expanding the functionality and reliability of the product line.

Politically conflicted advice. Potts David Potts

Software engineering embraces the drafting of treaties which set out to establish protocols to deal with some spets of the relations between countries, sharing the air, for instance, and more generally the land [,the Earth].

God, the way thing are, judges whether our software works or not, in a divine Universe God judges all our engineering efforts, deciding whether they succeed or fail, and to what degree.

Some may claim that the requirement for engineering to override political choices will restrict political choice but we can plead Goedel's incompleteness theorem to claim that there is an unlimited choice of outcomes built on an engineered foundation because aleph(0) Turing machines cannot control the aleph(1) permutations of Turing machines (or natural numbers. [we order Truing machines so that the output of one is the input of the next, just the way, in a machine, that the end of one operation is the initial state of the next operation.]

Our basic technical problem is the problem of error which has been treated in traditional theology as the problem of evil.

Should I drive myself harder or ease off? This dilemma suggests that I am going at about the right speed.

Eventually be able to say the model (sing it) with complete conviction, rather than the careful (once bitten) approach I am taking. One must be careful with conviction not to be deluded, always have a plan B, a seat belt or safety rope.

[page 193]

Eventually going to tour to preach the message? Would prefer to stick to print for the time being until the record is complete (?).

Wednesday 23 July 2014
We are gifted with a wonderful power of imagination whose nature is represented by Cantor's transfinite numbers. By permuting the finite number of things that we know, we generate transfinite numbers and by permuting permutations ad infinitum we can generate the endless variety and succession of the transfinite ordinal numbers. We may think of a tiny subset of these ordinal numbers as Turing machines that can produce the reproducible features of the Universe corresponding to the computable numbers.

A finite computer can represent operations on a transfinite set as an entity, as social security computers do with me.

National Security Agency - unnecessary overkill

To win a war we do not need to kill the people per se, but just the war machines, because once they are disarmed they have lost the war and enter the diplomatic / political world where it is decided what to do with the vanquished: rape, kill, plunder, enslave, assimilate, try to teach them democracy and capitalism, etc. It is probably a fact that trade is the greatest peacemaker of all, and it is to some degree under our control. Treating nations as units we control by embargo, hoping that by impoverishing the people not feeding off corruption we will force regimes to capitulate to what we would like to think are the demands of global citizenship.

I buy freedom through frugality, reducing the need for gainful

[page 194]


The imagination is the source of fiction. Some of this fiction is a practically useful representation of the real world. It is the task of science to filter such true fictions from those which do not fit the known world [but may nevertheless be beautiful in themselves]. Science seeks to represent in human language the nature of and communication between the various fixed points in the Universe, atoms, planets, animals and so on. We see a Universe built in layers, fundamental particles, atoms, molecules, crystals, cells, multicellular creatures, ecosystems, planets and so on. Each layer is constructed using parts [processes] provided by the layer beneath it, as molecules are made from atoms [and the future is made form the present].

A phase locked transition is computable. Transfinite dimensional phase (a continuous representation of computability, 1 to 0.

Zygon: theology for software engineers.

Turbulence / molecular chaos — try everything.

All softare can be built from / implemented by a binary representation and NAND gates.

What we can do with software, that is pure formalism, without considering the limitations of actual implementations and then see the Universe as the unlimited implementation of the set of all mathematical theorems, that is Turing machines, deterministic connections between initial and final states.

Transfinite numbers are written ion base aleph(0) [(?)].

The transfinite implementation, limited only by inconsistency,

[page 195]

which is a bound n mathematics.

Software engineering: Turing: consistent, complete, computable.

Hodges: A theological application of Turing's ideas Hodges: Alan Turing

Dear Pope, You are symbolic of all the forces that are holding people down. Conformity by violence rather than by truth. Truth works, as I can see in the functioning of my own body. Untruth hurts as I have also learnt from the recent discovery and removal of cancerous tissue in my neck.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Faith based = groundless James Boyce James Boyce

Extremists are apt to overegg their puddings. The Catholic Church insists that the Universe is not only not divine, but is positively evil, a quality it calls Original Sin. We can read about the original sin in the Old testament. The first humans, more or less egged on by God's prohibiion, succumbed to their curiosity and ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In this biblical context, curiosity is branded as sin and not one of the more interesting traits of all young animals, humans in particular. Unguided by convention, babies will try anything and often come up with unexpected, sometimes bad, results.

Things that we know how to do properly, ie in a manner that spans the whole space of possibility ruling out those possibilities defined as errors by the proper functioning of the machine, Religion disciplines us to do things properly, guided by

[page 196]

theological models of what properly means: taking into account the complete set of states. What errors can affect a nuclear reactor?

Chenobyl etc: large scale engineering mistakes.

Every opinion piece is a frame of reference in which interested people can locate themselves, for or against various propositions on a scale [0,1].

So science and theology are a species of literary criticism based on realism rather than any other artistic qualities.

It is simple leap from binary to transfinite in that both are built on the distinction that one is not the other.

A big evolutionary question: should I mate with / bond to x? This may be a rather simple decision for atom, but can be much more complex for people or nations.

A model of Hilbert space, a computer network. [Hilbert network] Hilbert space is a very large and mysterious world hard to imagine, but we are naturally networked creatures.

Internet, the coupling between networks. The couplings that make atoms into molecules are relatively weak compared to the most of the coupling within the atom.

Massive human sourced disasters like Chernobyl.

Religion: A set of [social] apps for dealing with life situations.

is the world a kinema, run by god, or is it dynamic,

[page 197]

run by itself?

Theology and software engineering.

From software engineering to theology via computers and transfinite numbers. Not very punchy, but disruptive.

What is the point? Fixed point theorems are self-fulfilling prophecies insofar as the existence of fixed points is predicted by a fixed argument in effect a Turing machine or proof, where by proof we mean a deterministic coupling between an initial and a final state so that given the initial state the final state is determined. So does an internal combustion engine proceed, cyclically proving its own existence (driven by chemical potential in fuel).

Friday 25 July 2014

The good news prophesied by Jesus was that love brings peace.

Just keep at it, many hours per day, and the product will eventually emerge [by writing I become a corrective network with myself].

What I seek is a formally correct and evolutionarily [consistent] statement of the conditions for peaceful human coexistence which can be accepted by all groups and, being mathematical, bringing minimal emotional baggage but nevertheless serving as a foundation for universal dialogue.

Saturday 26 July 2014

By concentrating on data and computable process rather

[page 198]

than meaning, software engineering has distinguished the more deterministic and controllable features of reality which are finite, from the transfinite space of meaning, which takes us beyond the complete world imagined by traditional logicians and mathematicians to the incomplete world of creative spirituality. By concentrating on God's hardware, sewer pipes and data links, we can lay the foundation for a healthy and peaceful society. We owe everything we have got to the meticulous skill of our engineers and we must bring [this fact to the forefront (physical theology)].

CISCO Cisco Systems - Wikipedia

Absolute truth (logical: one to one correspondence between ordered sets). Mediated truth: there exists an algorithm [lookup table?] by which one or other of the sets to be compared [is transformed to match the other].

Chernobyl Wikipedia: disabled emergency core cooling system: an error. Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia

Reactor operated a low power and high xenon poisoning.

Many automated and passive safety systems bypassed.

'The reactor was in an unstable configuration that was clearly outside the safe operating envelope established by the designers.'

'runaway prompt criticality similar to the explosion of a fizzled nuclear weapon.'


[page 1]

Francis August: True religion, engineering the perfect world using the system we call Catholicism 2.0: catholic manifesto

Life goes on, putting out a fixed point now and then, like this. Cooked a trifle, lit the fire, began finding the papers for an insurance appeal, and so on. The fixed point, once established has a lifetime, the trifle lives from when it is made to when it is eaten and both the making and eating are events with histories and futures in other parts of the network.

In the divine Universe all events are revelation of God.

Marijuana and wine increase the pain of extracted teeth (cancer doctor's orders) and have run out of pills. Self inflicted, with a state of mind in mind.

As assumption of spy literature is that secret agents may be liquidated at will, making their lives as precarious as the subjects of murderous monarchs and czars.

Making a pass at the Papacy, inviting it to a love affair, that is true communication.

Does the proof for the existence of fixed points depend for its existence on fixed points, and might there not be fixed points if the proof does not hold? Chicken and egg and the same answer, gradual evolution of some sort, or fluctuations. [All fixed points exist potentially in God?]

Quantum mechanics believe that the world works with the same precision as the real numbers. The belief underpins the idea

[page 2]

that it may be possible (at least in principle) to construct a quantum computer more powerful than a Turing machine, The problem is that although the hidden mechanism, of the Universe may work with continuous precision all our observations of the Universe are counts of discrete events whose size is measured by Planck's constant, and this places a bound on observational precision It is measured by the natural rather than the real numbers.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Hodges, Andrew, Alan Turing: The Enigma, Burnett 1983 Author's note: '... modern papers often employ the usage turing machine. Sinking without a capital letter into the collective mathematical consciousness (as with the abelian group, or the riemannian manifold) is probably the best that science can offer in the way of canonisation.' (530) 
Zurek, Wojciech Hubert, "Quantum origin of quantum jumps: Breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer in the transition from quantum to classical", Physical Review A, 76, 5, 16 November 2007, page . Abstract: 'Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus and then, further on, to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide a framework for 'wave-packet collapse', designating terminal points of quantum jumps and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment &mdash the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert the environment into carrying information about them &mdash into becoming a witness.'. back
Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia, Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Chernobyl disaster (locally Ukrainian: Чорнобильська катастрофа, Chornobylska Katastrofa – Chornobyl Catastrophe) was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then officially Ukrainian SSR), which was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the Soviet Union.' back
Cisco Systems - Wikipedia, Cisco Systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in San Jose, California, that designs, manufactures, and sells networking equipment' back
David Potts, What should financial advice cost?, 'But for all the worthy concern with conflicts of interest, the biggest one has been overlooked. That’s the food chain between fund managers owned by the banks and big institutions, and the advisers on their payroll. At least the Murray banking inquiry has noticed, pointing out this leads to cross-selling which “may reduce competitive pressures and contribute to higher costs.”' Read more: back
James Boyce, With child abuse, we need to talk about original sin, 'Despite the doubts of many (including possibly the current Pope), the Catholic Church still affirms the doctrine of original sin. Unlike the Jews or Orthodox Christians, for more than 1,500 years the Roman Church has maintained that the sin of Adam was passed on as an unfortunate inheritance to every subsequent human being. This meant that every baby was born guilty and bad, with its inherent human nature irrevocably corrupted and attracted to sin. This was not a marginal teaching but underpinned the distinctive brand of Christianity built out of the ruins of the Roman Empire. back
Rod Norland, Struggling to Keep Afghan Girl Safe After a Mullah is Accused of Rape, 'KUNDUZ, Afghanistan — It was bad enough that the alleged rape took place in the sanctity of a mosque, and that the accused man was a mullah who invoked the familiar defense that it had been consensual sex. But the victim was only 10 years old. And there was more: The authorities said her family members openly planned to carry out an “honor killing” in the case — against the young girl. The mullah offered to marry his victim instead.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls