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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 19 July 2015 - Saturday 25 July 2015]

[Notebook: DB 79: Galileo Wins]

Sunday 19 July 2015

[page 26]

Monday 20 July 2015

Free society is based on evidence. Constrained societies deny evidence. The root of ethics is epistemology.

If you see something, say something. I have spent nearly seventy years looking at the Catholic Church and it is time to say a few words.

Communication = measurement.

[page 27]

Mental momentum = prejudice (?) lag in keeping up with events, rate of change of momentum = rate of change of state of system, ie number of memory cells 'reset' per unit time. Force changes momentum (and energy) state, more force, faster rate of change.

Process is measured by angular momentum, ωI, how fast the process is going around times its moment of inertia. linear momentum might be meaningless in a bounded system, only 'circular' (closed) motion is possible in a closed system (space). Moment of inertia - Wikipedia

We make space dynamic by conceiving it as a network as general relativity, imagining inertial frames connected by coupling constance which cause geodesic deviation but do not break the inertiality of the motion ie there is no momentum transfer between frames, ie no force on the frames so they remain inertial. American Physical Society

Tuesday 21 July 2015

'disruptive theology' First we take facebook!

We may think of metanoia as a change of mental momentum induced by the force of information.

Music is too beautiful for me. I often feel that I must avoid it and keep myself focussed on the reform of theology as the foundation for a life of heavenly music when the job is done.

Catholic theology and [modern] physics has served as the sources of my story, but the time is coming to tell this story without the sources but as a standalone structure, a closed castle in the air, even though it is all about the infinite divinity.

[page 28]

The fundamental error in Catholicism is the doctrine of original sin, It is an unverified and unverifiable fiction, It is now a scientifically well attested fact that we evolved over a period of four billion years on the planet Earth, and there is no credible way that an acts by a pair of early hominids could have suddenly introduced death, work and the pains of childbirth into the species. They were there all the time.

This fiction did not arise by accident, however. It has a solid political foundation, It is a component of the doctrine of the divine right of kings, prophets and popes, a means of reducing the masses to untermensch. This, in the hands of the warlords who rule the world, is a self fulfilling prophecy. People are very malleable I know. The Church convinced me that I was a sinner, and I went to the estreme of entering the Dominican order to try to correct this flaw.

The Catholic History of Salvation is the work of some of the smartest writers over the last 3000 or so years. It is a package deal, starting with the creation and ending on the last day when the good enter an eternity of bliss in the presence of God and the bad an eternity of pain caused by the loss of that very same God. For the first thirty years of my life I swallowed this story. The last forty have been spent developing an alternative.

The Catholics created their own God building on the Jehovah of the Hebrew Bible and the philosophy of ancient Greece, particularly the tradition descended from Plato. As far as I can

[page 29]

see their God is false. A mysterious and invisible fiction of their own dreams. Such an ancient fiction is interesting, but is no foundation on which to run a planet. Instead we take the scientific view that if we want to know what is going on we have to look. The only way for theology to be a science is for God to be visible. And why not? If the Universe is divine, every experience is experience of God.

The Church has a good reason to reject this view, and has murdered plenty of people to convince us that it knows what it is talking about. After all it rules by the divine right it wrote into its own constitution, the new testament of the Bible. If we take the scientific view of God, the Church is finished, unless, of course, it decides to bow to reality.

I explained this in a long series of letters to Pope Francis after he was elected, and I was very pleased to see his nod to science in Laudato Si', even though it was ramed on the ancient Catholic story. But now he has let science in the door, the old ways are finished. Pope Francis

The Church has taken its sense of God given power to the corrupt limit: almost a century of officially covering up the rape of children by its employees. Not just bodies, billions of young minds have been raped by the Church's false doctrines. I know how it destroyed my youth, and I hold it responsible. Science deals with everything we can observe, including ourselves. There is no more place for the dreams of greedy old men (and the odd woman). We have to look at what is actually happening and deal with it in a tradespersonlike manner. God is our judge, and God is right there, bending the mishit nail, discovering corrupt

[page 30]

organizations. These people are just guessing. It is time to start looking.

The dictatorial authoritarian Church is finished Only a scientific and democratic Church has a place in a divine Universe,

What Pell says about the Church having to scientific expertise applies also to to contraception and the downgrading of women. There are not two truths, there is one, one God, one Universe one human species all of common descent, all equal, all autonomous.

Theology is the traditional theory of everything. The central debate, for many thousands of years, has been about whether everything has two distinct components God and the Universe or just one, the divine Universe. Which is true?

That great gambler Pascal said we ought to bet on Catholicism. The promised payoff in the next life is well worth a few inconveniences in this life like believing fairy stories. Science offers us another look at the odds.

They devoted a lot of energy to loading me up with guilt. The limiting resource is computing power, that is energy/time (?), action = joule.second, power = joule.second-1. Still mixed up on dimensions. I am shooting in the dark as usual.

Action is integral of Lagrangian from initial point to final point, and (in most cases) it is minimized, ie the transformation from a to b is accomplished with the minimum expenditure of resources. This ocure when KE - PE = 0. [?]

Wednesday 22 July 2015
Thursday 23 July 2015

If the kinetic and potential energy of the Universe are equal, its Lagrangian is 0 and the time integral of the Lagrangian is zero!

Wilderness - error is corrected by reproduction. First the phenotype is checked and if it is good it stands a good chance in the reproductive stakes.

Fighting and fucking are our highest states of arousal, so we like to watch a fight transformed into an act of love [a happy ending].

Friday 24 July 2015
I begin to see the possibility of a payoff for my work, but it carries the cost of evangelism. In a way I have to get out there and preach, but I remain convinced that thes tarting point has to be the network we call academia. At present I am on the general network and my logs tell me that 95% of the users who land on my site leave within 30 seconds.

The important thing is to get the story right, ie finish Development Go through and do introductions and first article right to the end.

The talent of a politician is to get an adequate consensus behind a policy fixed poin,t ie something to be done, ie funded, researched, developed and executed.

Prayer: attempted telekinesis. Ambrose Bierce

[page 32]

Saturday 25 July 2015

Walking is digital, like peristalsis or heartbeat. In each case we have a sequence of discrete processes (steps, revolutions) which are nevertheless continuous, both within themselves and the way they are coupled together by communication, eg in heart muscle. Gut-brain axis - Wikipedia, Electrical conduction system of the heart - Wikipedia, Elizabeth Farelly



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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Deighton, Len, Winter: A Berlin Family 1899-1954, HarperCollins Publishers 1996 Amazon editorial review From Library Journal 'Brothers Peter and Paul Winter, separated by World War II, are reunited at the Nuremberg trials. Peter, a U.S. army colonel, is on the staff of prosecuting attorneys; Paul, a former influential Gestapo lawyer, may soon be on trial for his life. Through the Winter brothers, their influential financier father and American-born mother, their friends and colleagues, Deighton gives a recognizably human form to the shape of German history from 1900 through 1945 and makes comprehensible the awful appeal of Nazism to people of different persuasions. The somewhat contrived ending does not diminish the power of this fine novel, which again shows that Deighton's mastery is not limited to the spy story.' BOMC alternate. Charles Michaud, Turner Free Lib., Randolph, Mass. Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. 
Landauer, Rolf, "Information is a physical entity", Physica A, 263, 1, 1 February 1999, page 63-7. 'This paper, associated with a broader conference talk on the fundamental physical limits of information handling, emphasizes the aspects still least appreciated. Information is not an abstract entity but exists only through a physical representation, thus tying it to all the restrictions and possibilities of our real physical universe. The mathematician's vision of an unlimited sequence of totally reliable operations is unlikely to be implementable in this real universe. Speculative remarks about the possible impact of that, on the ultimate nature of the laws of physics are included.'. back
Li, Jesse W-H, John C Vederas, "Drug Discovery and Natural Products: End of an Era or Endless Frontier?", Science, 325, 5937, 10 July 2009, page 161-165. Science: Review: 'Historically, the majority of new drugs have been generated from natural products (secondary metabolites) and from compounds derived from natural products. During the past 15 years, pharmaceutical industry research into natural products has declined, in part because of an emphasis on high-throughput screening of synthetic libraries. Currently there is substantial decline in new drug approvals and impending loss of patent protection for important medicines. However, untapped biological resources, "smart screening" methods, robotic separation with structural analysis, metabolic engineering, and synthetic biology offer exciting technologies for new natural product drug discovery. Advances in rapid genetic sequencing, coupled with manipulation of biosynthetic pathways, may provide a vast resource for the future discovery of pharmaceutical agents.'. back
Ambrose Bierce, Pray, “Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner, confessedly unworthy.” back
American Physical Society, "The Happiest Thought of My Life": 100 years of General Relativty, 'Soon after Einstein published his theory of special relativity in 1905, he started trying to incorporate gravity into a more general theory. He envisioned a universe where gravity was not a force but a geometric property of curved spacetime, warped around massive objects. Einstein famously called this "the happiest thought of my life". John Wheeler, renowned black hole physicist, later summed up general relativity as "spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve".' back
Aquinas 593, Does happiness consist in wealth, 'Next we must consider happiness, first in which it consists, second what it is and third, how we are able to achieve it. . . . ' back
Arie Freiberg, When institutions et child sexual abise happen, that should be a crime, 'The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published a research paper that suggests organisations be held criminally responsible when their negligence results in harm to children. Released on July 17, it proposes, among other matters, the creation of offences that would hold organisations criminally responsible for the creation and/or management of risk of harm and for their response when harm is done to a child.' back
Arie Freiberg, Hugh Donelly and Karen Gelb, Sentencing for Child Sexual Abuse Institutional Context, 'The individualistic orientation of the crimina l trial and sentencing tends to produce explanations for offending behaviour grounded in the individual offender’s motivations or pathologies. However, focusing on individual motivations for crime fails to recognise organisational and institutional contrib utions to the problem of CSA. Institutions themselves may be criminogenic. If institutions or organisations are directly or indirectly responsible for criminal behaviour such as CSA , then the law should hold them to account. Historically, attempts to ascri be criminal responsibility to organisations have been difficult. There are many ways of holding organisations to account , but the basic principle advocated in this r eport is that an organisation should be held criminally responsible for the creation, management and response to risk whe n it has materialised in harm to a child.' back
Broken Rites reseacher, Paedophile priest Peter Searson worked under various bishops, including George Pell, 'For years, the Melbourne Catholic Archdiocese knew that Father Peter Searson was committing sexual offences against boys, girls and women but he was allowed to continue in parishes, including at the Doveton parish (in Melbourne's south-east), where he survived for years under the supervision of the regional bishop for the south-eastern suburbs, Auxiliary Bishop George Pell. The Victoria Police investigated Searson for sexual offences in parishes but found it difficult to extract evidence from "loyal" church people. Eventually, after 35 years as a priest, when Searson's record was about to become public, the church authorities dumped Searson from parish work. Later, hoping to protect the church's public image, the church also removed his name from the published list of retired priests.' back
Electrical conduction system of the heart - Wikipedia, Electrical conduction system of the heart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The normal electrical conduction in the heart allows the impulse that is generated by the sinoatrial node (SA node) of the heart to be propagated to, and stimulate, the cardiac muscle (myocardium). The myocardium contracts after stimulation. It is the ordered, rhythmic stimulation of the myocardium during the cardiac cycle that allows efficient contraction of the heart, thereby allowing blood to be pumped throughout the body.' back
Elizabeth Farelly, Links between gut and mental health suggest we should squat when going to the loo, 'This gut-brain, first popularised in The Second Brain (1998) by Michael Gershon​, chairman of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia University Medical Centre, is why we neglect our guts and also why we shouldn't. The gut-brain comprises about 100 million neurons arranged in sheaves in the wall of nine-metre tube between oesophagus and anus. It means that gut activity, unlike most muscle movement, can continue even if the brain is severed. And it has a significant impact on our emotional life. You knew it. Gut feeling is real.' back
Entrepreneur - Wikipedia, Entrepreneur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Entrepreneurship is often difficult and tricky, resulting in many new ventures failing. The word entrepreneur is often synonymous with founder. Most commonly, the term entrepreneur applies to someone who creates value by offering a product or service, by carving out a niche in the market that may not exist currently. Entrepreneurs tend to identify a market opportunity and exploit it by organizing their resources effectively to accomplish an outcome that changes existing interactions within a given sector. Observers see them as being willing to accept a high level of personal, professional or financial risk to pursue opportunity. Business entrepreneurs are viewed as fundamentally important in the capitalistic society. Some distinguish business entrepreneurs as either "political entrepreneurs" or "market entrepreneurs," while social entrepreneurs' principal objectives include the creation of a social and/or environmental benefit.' back
Gut-brain axis - Wikipedia, Gut-brain axis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The gut–brain axis refers to the biochemical signaling taking place between the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system, often involving intestinal microbiota,[1] which have been shown to play an important role in healthy brain function.' back
Hannah Jane Parkinson, Instagram, an artist and the $100,000 selfies - appropriation in the digital age, 'Richard Prince and the art of ‘rephotographing’ Richard Prince is a New York-based artist famous for appropriation. His work relies heavily on the work of others. Not all of his pieces or projects are appropriated, but his most famous pieces owe their existence to the technique.. . . Now, Prince is back in the spotlight. His current exhibition – New Portraits – opened in June at the Gagosian gallery in London, having debuted in New York in 2014. The portraits, however, are not new to everyone – and certainly not new to their subjects. This is because Prince’s New Portraits series comprises entirely of the Instagram photos of others.' back
Henrietta Cook, Catholic archbishop warned aginst 'tolerating' gay students, back
Untermensch - Wikipedia, Untermensch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Untermensch (German for underman, sub-man, subhuman; plural: Untermenschen) is a term that became infamous when the Nazis used it to describe "inferior people" often referred to as "the masses from the East," that is Jews, Roma, and Slavs (including Poles, Serbs, Belarusians, Russians, and Rusyns). The term was also applied to black people. Jewish people were to be exterminated[4] in the Holocaust, while the Slavs in Generalplan Ost were to be mostly deported to Siberia or Germanized. While the Nazis were inconsistent in the implementation of their policy, its genocidal death toll was in tens of millions of victims.' back
Kerry Armstrong, Cardinal George Pell criticizes Pope Francis over climate change stance, 'Cardinal George Pell has publicly criticised Pope Francis' decision to place climate change at the top of the Catholic Church's agenda. Cardinal Pell, a well-known climate change skeptic, told the Financial Times the church had "no particular expertise in science". "The church has got no mandate from the Lord to pronounce on scientific matters," he said, "We believe in the autonomy of science." Advertisement His comments come a month after Pope Francis released an historic encyclical calling on humanity to fight global warming.' back
Moment of inertia - Wikipedia, Moment of inertia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The moment of inertia, otherwise known as the angular mass or rotational inertia, of a rigid body determines the torque needed for a desired angular acceleration about a rotational axis. It depends on the body's mass distribution and the axis chosen, with larger moments requiring more torque to change the body's rotation. It is an extensive (additive) property: the moment of inertia of a composite system is the sum of the moments of inertia of its component subsystems (all taken about the same axis).' back
Pope Francis, Laudato Si': On care of our common home, '1. “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”. In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs”.[1] 2. This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life. This is why the earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor; she “groans in travail” (Rom 8:22). We have forgotten that we ourselves are dust of the earth (cf. Gen 2:7); our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air and we receive life and refreshment from her waters.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls