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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 31 January 2016 - Saturday 6 February 2016

[Notebook: DB 80: Cosmic plumbing]

[page 19]

Sunday 31 January 2016

Consciousness relates to second order, ie observation. Within the limits of network theory (applied in some yet to be seen way) I can observe myself and this log is a record of a subset of these observations deemed relevant to my theological hypothesis - universe is divine. Historically, natural theology is devoted to finding evidence for the existence of God in the observed world (which comprises both nuclear and human behaviour). The god most of them are talking about is the invisible, omniscient and omnipotent Christian God which exists (almost by definition) outside the universe and controls it by direct active intervention at every point. All my hypothesis does is move the source of direction from outside to inside the universe. In Thomistic terms this means explaining how the world

[page 20]

is itself pure act.

Disease, injury, error etc are all constraints on full functioning, ie completeness of a system.

Healthy = effectively complete (control).

. . . I am on a global search for anyone willing to collaborate on rebuilding [theology] as a science in the modern sense of the term, activities that attempt to confirm ideas by collecting physically encoded evidence from the output of the large hadron collider to observations made on injured, diseased or disabled people to isolate the root of their problem and set out to design ways to correct or otherwise accommodate this error (eg polio, ms).

An inaccessible address = invisible computer.

Barrow and Tipler page 253: 'Hoyle realized that this remarkable chain of coincidences—the unusual longevity of beryllium, the existence of an advantageous resonance level in C12 and the non-existence of a disadvantageous level in O16—were necessary and remarkable fine-tuned conditions for our own existence and indeed the existence of an carbon-based life in the Universe. Barrow & Tipler: The Anthropic Cosmological Principle

Explain this with a network. We begin with quantum mechanical linear superposition which is very complex because of the large number

[page 21]

of particles states involved. Quantum mechanics predicts the traffic on network links by considering the states linked, the unknown state of the observable and the known state of the observer. The eigenfunctions (basis states, code) of this interaction are precisely defined, but we observe random sequences of the corresponding eigenvalues just like the symbols being emitted by a communication source. Quantum mechanics predicts both the precise value of the eigenvalues and the statistical distribution of these values. This gives us the data necessary to compute the Shannon entropy of a quantum communication link whose terms we arbitrarily designated source and receiver. We embody both these ideas in the symbol 'source'. So the entropy of a quantum source. The elements of the entropy calculation are the frequencies pi of the eigenvalues ei. Frequency corresponds to energy, so we have a quantum mechanical route to computing energy levels. But why are the facts so good? Because of variation and selection which we express in terms of algorithmic information theory. Cantor gives us a formal world of symbols to play with. Quantum mechanics tells us that the real operations corresponding to the symbols take quanta of action to execute. To execute they must be computable, This is the first state of selection. And then the optimization to develop a system which reproduces itself faster than other systems which perform identical tasks, thus becoming dominant. So with the production of carbon?

The transfinite network has certain properties consequent upon its method of generation. Generates by permutation of identifiable symbols (particles). Each particle is a letter of the cosmic alphabet, which may nevertheless be composed of 'internal' letters and so on from me down to my current set of fundamental particles.

[page 22]

Barrow and Tipler, page 260: Brower: '. . . there is no bicontinuous surjective mapping of RN into (sic) RM if N ≠ M.'

Quantum mechanics deals with meaningless actions where relative frequencies are controlled by linear superposition which assumes that all actions are equivalent. The introduction of meaning breaks this symmetry because a meaningful system will bias frequencies in its own direction, as a competent driver of nails, for instance, will aim blows in a way designed not to bend the nail, at least until the wood is so hard that the Euler limit for buckling loaded columns is exceeded.

Monday 1 February 2016

We measure the probabilities of finding desirable minerals in kilograms per tonne of ore. Similarly we might measure documents by interesting observations per thousand pages of text. This house contains about 500 000 pages of text. How many interesting observations have I found in all this?

From the Barrow and Tipler point of view, the challenge of the network model is to explain the values of the constants of nature (page 386).

As quantum mechanics suggests, we can understand everything in terms of probabilities, that is relative frequencies , which are fundamentally measured in terms of time which is measured by phase.

[page 23]

Each of us is 'stretched' like a bubble bounded by an array of constraints ranging from the need to eat to our relationships with everybody else.

Unitarity means that the sum of the probabilities of the symbols available in any layer of the transfinite network is 1, so that in a completely random layer of n symbols, the probability of each symbol is n-1.

Tuesday 2 February 2016
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Whether they meant to or not my Catholic teachers convinced me that I could expect little pleasure in this vale of tears that is not sinful. Salve Regina - Wikipedia

Like many of my generation, I was seriously deceived by the Church. I was fortunate enough to see that the Church's history of salvation is incredible in the context of the world as we now know it. It is a relic of the days of blind and absolute authority that rule by the sword and arbitrary doctrine, a great and effective political power with no real contact with reality, simply a way for the ruling class to exploit their subjects. The Church is deceiving itself. Corporations that deliver unsatisfactory products are likely to suffer censure and bankruptcy, and the Church is on that path, as the rash in inquires into child sexual abuse demonstrate. Bankruptcy will not be far behind if the Church

[page 24]

does not reform itself.

Thursday 4 February 2016

As Euclid demonstrates, a proof is a construction.

Coyne: fighting a pointless rearguard action, they will not change their minds, even if proven wrong, Better to develop new theologies and religions that are founded in reality perceived by open minds. Coyne: Faith vs. Fact

The society is made by the technologies (arts) that it embraces even though most people do not know what goes into making clean water supplies or iphones, but their lives are guided by these things. So a few experts can develop new scientific theology and new social software and propagate it to the benefit of society even if people in general understand no more theology than physics or biology.

Bosons 2D - Frequency and phase
Fermions 4D - 2 x 2D, the invention of space by the 'halving of phase to give 180o out of phase superposition. What does this mean in terms of digital processing? an impossible result, 2 fermions in the same location: 2 fermions → 2 locations.

[page 25]

Friday 5 February 2016

From a digital point of view we may see the wave function as a square wave. The superposition of square waves with random phase but fixed periods can give us a continuous complex wave, which is what we observe if we if we observe enough events in, say, a two slit experiment. The fermion phenomenon requires waves of the same period exactly 180o out of phase to give zero probability of two fermions occupying the same start.

Boson - and; fermion - nand.

Information (and information processors) are physical. How does a physical information processor work? By changing its state in response to some input. How does it change its state? Quantum mechanics says it does so invisibly by the superposition of [wave functions]. How would it do this visibly? By changing colour, ie moving along some spectrum, or by changing shape. Space is not essential to changing colour (energy) but it is necessary to changing shape, since to change shape is to change physical [spatial] configuration. It is quite common for proteins and other molecules to change shape and composition in biological processes.

There are times when I am struck and times when I flow. I like to understand this in terms of communication theory: sometimes

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I need time to decode things, sometimes it is instantaneous, often deeper (higher) meanings become obvious after prolonged contemplation, conscious and unconscious, of a particular body of data.

God makes the integers (insofar as it wishes to communicate).

Perhaps we can see all processing in 4-space as shape changing / permutation as we see for instance in all physical human activities at scales ranging from molecular processes to whole body tasks like fighting and fucking.

The Catholic Church is reminiscent of children before the 'age of reason' when they believed that political pressure on the parents through screaming, crying and demanding (all forms of prayer) was the way to get what they wanted. The Church cares little for the reality of the world where meticulous scientific investigation and technological application is essential to our welfare through such things as rational agriculture, water supply, waste removal and government communication.

The Standard Model gives us no reason for the differentiation of particles but simply imagines them to be created as a dust by the various phase changes in the universe. The layered network, on the other hand gives us a treelike structure which explains the symmetries in the universe, and also gives each particle

[page 27]

a pedigree that links it through a series of breaking symmetries (branchings) that lead it back to the initial symmetry.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Waiting for the slow flash of insight to understand physical computation. It is clear enough in engineered computers but I still wonder how the hardware of the universe works. To a first approximation (at least) this is described by quantum mechanics, but the application of quantum mechanics via the collapse of the wavefunction and superposition still appear as stumbling blocks. I am love with the logical power of the discrete (digital) approach but still lack a comprehensive suite of applications to yield the traditional quantum mechanical results and go beyond. Something makes me think the clue lies in the Feynman path integral method digitized. The mathematical weak spot in the current formulations seems to lie in the assumption that we can analyze the quantum of action into a continuum (via a continuity of complex phase) when it is physically an atomic object.

The fixed point theory has been (to me) the greatest breakthrough yet, reconciling the absolutely simple god of old with the seriously complex world of experience. Quantum mechanics gives us a clear route to understanding the incidence of fixed points through the eigenvalue equation MΦ = mΦ where M is a measurement operator and m an eigenvalue corresponding to an eigenvector (eigenfunction, diophantine string) of M. The next step forward seems to be to interpret eigenvectors as Turing machines and eigenvalues as their outputs. The next step after this would be to actually implement such a computation that

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gives results consistent with observation and here I am stumped. So back to Nielsen and Chuang. Nielsen & Chuang: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information

Pure 1D quantum mechanics describes spooky action at a distance insofar as it ignores distance altogether, it is a property of a layer deeper than space.

Invisibility theorem — overloaded server getting nowhere because of high frequency interruptions.

Gravitation is a fundamental source of structure in the universe on a large scale.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Barrow, John D., and Frank J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University Press 1996 'This wide-ranging and detailed book explores the many ramifications of the Anthropic Cosmological Principle, covering the whole spectrum of human inquiry from Aristotle to Z bosons. Bringing a unique combination of skills and knowledge to the subject, John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler-two of the world's leading cosmologists-cover the definition and nature of life, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and the interpretation of the quantum theory in relation to the existence of observers.' 
Coyne, Jerry A., Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible, Penguin Viking 2015 Jacket: 'Using the clear-eyed, rational methodology of a world-class scientist, Coyne dismantles every claim to explaining the physical world, and the life in it, that religion proposes, from Genesis on. While science relies on observation, reason, testing and experiment, methods that have led to tremendous progress, religion's methods are based on faith—beliefs in things for which there is no evidence, insufficient evidence or even counter-evidence—as well as on dogma, authority and "confirmation bias," the tendency to see as true what you want to be true. Coyne irrefutable demonstrates the grave harm—to individuals and our planet—in mistaking faith for fact in making the most important decisions about the world we ive in.' 
Hanusch, Horst, Evolutionary Economics: Applications of Schumpeter's Ideas, Cambridge University Press 2008 Amazon Product Description 'This volume contains eleven papers - some theoretical, others empirical - given at the 1986 founding meeting of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society in Augsburg. By raising questions and offering additional statistical evidence, they further stimulate interest and discussion about the kinds of intuitive ideas that Schumpeter introduced in his seminal period before World War I. Whatever may be the academic mainline trend in economics, two policy-oriented 'disequilibrium' schools have flourished and still thrive: one stresses the need for social redistribution as a counterweight to a negative propensity to unemployment; the other emphasizes the explicit roles of the dynamic entrepreneur, innovation and stressful competition in stimulating economic growth. And while it is possible that the heyday of the demand-side 'age of Keynes' is passing, it also may be true that the time of the supply-side 'age of Schumpeter' is now emerging.' 
Hawking, Steven W, and G F R Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time , Cambridge UP 1975 Preface: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity . . . leads to two remarkable predictions about the universe: first that the final fate of massive stars is to collapse behind an event horizon to form a 'black hole' which will contain a singularity; and secondly that there is a singularity in our past which constitutes, in some sense, a beginning to our universe. Our discussion is principally aimed at developing these two results.' 
Hofstadter, Douglas R, and Daniel C Dennett, The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self & Soul, Bantam 1985 Jacket: 'In this unique, mind-jolting book, DH, the author of G¨del, Escher, Bach, the intellectual best seller that won the 1980 Pulitzer Prize, and Philosopher Daniel Dennett, author of the widely acclaimed Brainstorms, explore the meaning of self and consciousness through the perspectives of literature, artificial intelligence, psychology and much more. . . . ' 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '. . . Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Nielsen, Michael A, and Isaac L Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press 2000 Review: A rigorous, comprehensive text on quantum information is timely. The study of quantum information and computation represents a particularly direct route to understanding quantum mechanics. Unlike the traditional route to quantum mechanics via Schroedinger's equation and the hydrogen atom, the study of quantum information requires no calculus, merely a knowledge of complex numbers and matrix multiplication. In addition, quantum information processing gives direct access to the traditionally advanced topics of measurement of quantum systems and decoherence.' Seth Lloyd, Department of Quantum Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Nature 6876: vol 416 page 19, 7 March 2002. 
Wilson, Edward Osborne, Sociobiology: The new synthesis, Harvard UP 1975 Chapter 1: '... the central theoretical problem of sociobiology: how can altruism, which by definition reduces personal fitness, possibly evolve by natural selection? The answer is kinship. ... Sociobiology is defined as the systematic study of the biological basis of all social behaviour. ... It may not be too much to say that sociology and the other social sciences, as well as the humanities, are the last branches of biology waiting to be included in the Modern Synthesis.'  
Chris Mooney, The hidden environmental factors behind the spread of Zika and other devastating diseases, 'That mosquito, in particular, thrives in “artificially human-made habitats,” says Durland Fish, a professor of microbial diseases and also forestry and environmental studies at Yale University. “Tires and cans and plastic containers and rain barrels, and things like that.” What you need to know about the Zika virus Play Video1:10 [Zika virus: WHO declares global public health emergency, says causal link to brain defects ‘strongly suspected’] “It doesn’t live in the ground, or in swamps, or any other kinds of places where you would normally find mosquitoes,” Fish continues. “So humans have created an environment for it to proliferate, by having all of these water containing containers around, and the mosquito has adapted so well…it’s really kind of a human parasite. It’s like the cockroach of the mosquito world.” ' back
Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Einstein field equations (EFE) or Einstein's equations are a set of ten equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity which describe the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of spacetime being curved by matter and energy. First published by Einstein in 1915[ as a tensor equation, the EFE equate spacetime curvature (expressed by the Einstein tensor) with the energy and momentum within that spacetime (expressed by the stress-energy tensor).' back
Elahe Izadi, Obama, Thomas Jefferson and the fascinating history of Founding Fathers defending Muslim rights, '"When enshrining the freedom of religion in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, our Founders meant what they said when they said it applied to all religions," Obama said Wednesday at the Islamic Society of Baltimore. "Back then, Muslims were often called Mahometans, and Thomas Jefferson explained that the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom that he wrote was designed to protect all faiths — and I'm quoting Thomas Jefferson now — 'the Jew and the gentile, the Christian and the Mahometan.'" back
General covariance - Wikipedia, General covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, In theoretical physics, general covariance (also known as diffeomorphism covariance or general invariance) is the invariance of the form of physical laws under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations. The essential idea is that coordinates do not exist a priori in nature, but are only artifices used in describing nature, and hence should play no role in the formulation of fundamental physical laws.' back
Gerald Ryle, Firepower promoters suspended over sales, 'In all, more than $100 million was raised from selling Firepower shares to about 1300 investors - through these and other transactions - on the false premise that the company would deliver huge windfalls after it listed on a London stock exchange. At the centre of the optimism was a fraudulent claim by Firepower that it had invented a pill that could dramatically improve fuel consumption and decrease toxic emissions in motor vehicles.' back
Joesph Schumpeter - Wikipedia, Joesph Schumpeter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Joseph Alois Schumpeter (8 February 1883 – 8 January 1950) was an economist and political scientist born in Moravia, then Austria-Hungary, now Czech Republic. He popularized the term "creative destruction" in economics.' back
Leon Walras - Wikipedia, Leon Walras - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Marie-Esprit-Léon Walras (December 16, 1834 in Évreux, Eure - January 5, 1910 in Clarens, near Montreux, Switzerland) was a French mathematical economist associated with the creation of the general equilibrium theory. . . . In 1874 and 1877 Walras published Elements of Pure Economics, a work that led him to be considered the father of the general equilibrium theory. The problem that Walras set out to solve was one presented by Cournot, that even though it could be demonstrated that prices would equate supply and demand to clear individual markets, it was unclear that an equilibrium existed for all markets simultaneously. Walras created a system of simultaneous equations in an attempt to solve Cournot’s problem. He presented an informal argument for the existence of an equilibrium based on the assumption that an equilibrium exists whenever the number of equations equals the number of unknowns.' back
Salve Regina - Wikipedia, Salve Regina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Salve Regina, also known as the Hail Holy Queen, is a Marian hymn and one of four Marian antiphons sung at different seasons within the Christian liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. . . .
[English text] Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, Poor banished children of Eve; To thee do we send up our sighs, Mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. . . . ' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls