vol VII: Notes
Sunday 3 July 2016 - Saturday 9 July 2016
[Notebook: DB 80: Cosmic plumbing]
[page 122]
Sunday 3 July 2016
Politics is a play of opposing forces whiich lives by raising taxes and spending. In a pure democracy it is a numbers game; in a pure monarchy everyone marches to the same drum. Maybe quantum mechanics is a numbers game, simpler processes happening more frequently and serving as foundations for less frequent and more complex processes. Fundamental physics is a four layer universe, gravitation, strong, weak, electrical. The more steps in a process (at constant energy) the longer it takes.
How do we formally account for the emergence of different behaviours at different energy scales? Einstein first faced this question while he was thinking about the quantum mechanics of specific heats. A quantum mechanical algorithm: simpler processes (at constant energy) are more frequent. Einstein solid - Wikipedia
We can understand an algorithm as a continuum, and a symmetry, because both are stationary points guiding the behaviour of some dyamics, as computer software algorithms control
[page 123]
the flow of electrons in the hardware.
What hardware does the universe run on? Answer God, just as Newton's world ran on (was made concrete by) 'god's sensorium'.
Absolute opposition = pure pursuit of power [the root state of the universe?]. The opposition will oppose any motion of the government rather than consider its costs and benefits in a scientific manner because they simply want power which means victory regardless of the consequences of their victory. Tony Abbott vs Julia Gillard Mysogeny Speech - Wikipedia
Mayer page 172: Eric Cantor: "We're not here to cut deals and get crumbs and stay in the minority for another forty years." Instead, he argues, the republicans ought to fight. They needed to unite in opposition to virtually anything Obama proposed in order to deny him single bipartisan victory." Mayer: Dark Money
Theology must embrace a loyal opposition. Once the bond between government and opposition is broken the society is broken. It is no longer a broad church but two separate churches each determined to exterminate the other. So we have the early versions of democracy in erstwhile totalitarian countries: first get elected, and then murder the oppositions, just like we have always been doing. It is the role of theology to explain and maintain the unity of the universe and maintain the unity of subsets of the universe by analogy to the way the universe works — variation
[page 124]
and selection is an irresistible process because total control is not possible, so there will be variation and because resources are limited there will be selection.
Natural selection in a network environment. Here we see the statistical beginnings of the Lagrangian.
The theological bond : the quantum mechanical bond.
Why do things bind [and how do they become distinct in the first place?]? Because they can reduce their energy by doing so. But what does this mean?: an increase in the spirit / matter ratio. ie a better deployment of the available processes (turing machines) to get something done, which is to be used by a higher layer which has a role in selecting the optimal elements of the layer below and so on down the line to the original bifurcation.
BIFURCATION WITHIN UNITY = bifurcation defined by unity [ψψ*].
Mayer page 172: 'The strategy of obstruction that they applied won the Republicans the nickname the Party of No.' Just like the Roman Catholic Church.
Bonding: loyal opposition, which works because two minds are better than one - parallel processing; cooperation. How does this work in the transfinite network? The transfinite tree, 2, 4, 16, 65k . . . = E(0.3010 × 65, 536) which is a big enough number for any particle in the universe.
[page 125]
Mayer page 172; Pete Sessions: "The purpose of the Majority is to govern . . . What is our purpose? . . . The purpose of the Minority is to become the Majority". Subject to the democratic proviso that their policies are judged better by the majority, but these people want power simpliciter, power to help themselves with no more general purpose.
Steve La Tourette: ' "Its not one man (sic) one vote anymore" . . . "Its all about money. Its not a function of anything else".'
We can built clocks that are accurate to seconds in the age of the universe because that is how stable the universe is and this stability is expressed as ratios of one size to another, and such ratios can only be exact of there is a deterministic computation coupling them.
La Tourette: ' "I understood that it was a contact sport, but whether it was transportation or student loans, they were things you'd do without thinking. Now you can't get anything done. Some people don't want the government to do anything".'page 175: Recovery Act 17 February 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia
All these rich people are behaving just like the CIA, financing 'astroturf' movements for political purposes. The RCC is just like the Republicans, the Church of No, eternal, apostolic, fossilized.
Mayer page 191: '. . . the industry that really set the standard for disruptive advertising, tobacco.'
[page 125]
The killer lie: post mortem beatific vision for the good people. The antidote: all experience is part of the beatific vision and we can act to get the pain out of this interaction with reality and increase the pleasure.
Monday 4 July 2016
Divine = sacred
It is very easy to be deluded by feeling. This is the aim of the advertising industry. A new direction for chapter 1: deceptive marketing.
Catholicism thinks that it is a religion just as US 'free enterprise system' thinks is is a politics.
Tuesday 5 July 2016
All the physical stuff is not really necessary from a theological point of view because we know that the structure of the universe must be computable, ie we are prepared to apply mathematical theories to reality. God, ie divine law, insofar as it is reliable and deterministic, must be computable because if not computable, not determined. The issue of continuity and discreteness is the heart of the matter, logical vs geometric continuity.
Can Gödel's proof be executed by a Turing machine? The answer must be yes, otherwise Gödel's proof is not a proof, at least by this version of the 'turing test'.
[page 127]
Clocks that do not gain or lose a second in the age of the universe. Atomic clock - Wikipedia
We assume that the universe is locally no more powerful than a Turing machine, but the networking of transfinite numbers of Turing machines gives us unbounded power.
These are mathematical considerations which suggest some misunderstanding of continuum and discretum.
CONTINUUM = UNBOUNDED communication channel, ie the 'inside' of an algorithm that couples some input to some output. One must become bogged in detail while keeping an eye on the sky to keep one's bearings. The transfinite network is the new 'god's sensorium', ie the stationary opints of the divine dynamics , ie divine consciousness, god mapping onto god. Why? because it is possible. Permutation is a step in the flow — by considering permutations we generalize our investigation to all possible mappings [the universal function space] and the feature that couples them is the flow of symbols from one point in the order to another, conserving the cardinal, conserving the individuals which are not just particles but quanta of action, ie physically embodied quanta, embodied turing machines.
Creating a message space. Quantum mechanics runs in a complex infinite dimensional Hilbert space, and we can envisage quantum events as rotations in that space ie flow of something from point to point. Quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, etc conserve the flow of probability, that is entropy. Quantum mechanics operates at constant entropy [between observations?] which can only make sense in a discrete (countable) space.
Wednesday 6 July 2016
[page 128]
Thursday 7 July 2016
Much drama in my respiratory system no doubt due to a invasion of bacteria previously unknown to my immune system. I hope this system is getting on top of them now and normal service will be resumed very soon. The worst damage may have been to my sense of humour which normally prevails on all difficulties but has been a little depressed lately.
Dark Money: The power of [misused] money is depressing.
What we need is a way to compute probability amplitudes and probabilities using the transfinite network as our basic tool. Whatever we come up with must be consistent with the current method which yields very precise results when the calculations [and measurements] are feasible. The basic guidance for these computations comes from the differential equations of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger and Dirac, and Klein Gordon to some extent All these equations are constrained by the conservation of probability which requires that our observation operators are self-adjoint. These considerations give us a probability structure for quantum events but do not really tell us what is going on. My assumption is that what we have is an infinite set of Turing machines communicating with one another through shared memory and we would like to understand this network in a way consistent with the methodology of quantum mechanics [but] which avoids some of the inconsistencies of quantum mechanics, particularly the infinities arising from the use of continuous mathematics. In effect we are using the laws of large numbers to explain reality rather than explaining the numbers we see by reality.
[page 129]
I feel that something is tantalizingly close but wonder if it is important for the overall task of propagating the 'good news' that the world is divine and that most of our troubles are not caused by 'original sin' as culpability but simply by the narrow world of animal evolution from which we have sprung and the breakdown of constraints on behaviour that were characteristic our historical tradition but which no longer hold in a world of unlimited wealth coupled to unlimited physical power. A bulldozer costing a mere $300 per hour to run can destroy [tens of] thousands of dollars worth of planetary heritage in that hour. We have to learn a new paradigm of cooperation with one another and with the planet, to replace the old. The foundation of the paradigm is human rights, and symmetry in general.
The world tends to respect the roles of parts in the whole because the energy scale of the parts is so much greater than the scale of the whole that the whole is unable to damage the parts. We see this, for instance, in the relationship between atoms and molecules. In the human space, however, larger human aggregates are able to kill and maim their members as we see nations doing everywhere.
The statistics of a network is determined by the probability that a will communicate with b and how much data will be transmitted. In quantum mechanics the figure is the inner product or overlap integral of the two states and although this number is fixed by large numbers of cases, it varies widely from individual to individual [quantum mechanics works because the mathematical foundation of the world is simple double-entry bookkeeping, ie two-dimensional (complex) addition and subtraction].
[page 130]
We simplify the problem by beginning with equiprobable two state systems, like the electron or a fair coin.
Perhaps a useful entry point might be entanglement and spooky action at a distance , which [with Bell's theorem] imply that quantum mechanics operates in a time / energy domain prior to space. Bell's theorem - Wikipedia
Though I am not making much progress I keep at it, hoping that the creator in me will ultimately yield the insights that convince me I am on the right track. The advantage of making a breakthrough at the physical level is that like special relativity or quantum mechanics, it will be relatively simple and irresistable, so we may gain almost instant traction.
The simplest computation is addition, or is is 'not'. Addition is 'and' and a binary operation. How do we make the leap from philosophy to quantification, measurement and computation [perhaps by recognising that physics is really only a count of symbols, like counting the letters in the bible, without taking into account the meaning of these symbols. This is a necessary abstraction]?
Looking at the perfection of a bird I am both impressed by the power of evolution and despairing at my inability to create something comparable.
Friday 8 July 2016
Back to computer_network.
[page 131]
Ferreiros: 'The case of Bolzano suggests that a liberation from metric concepts (which came with the development of theories of projective geometry and especially of topology) was to have a crucial role on making possible the abstract viewpoint of set theory. Jose Ferreiros
von Neumann: 'This simulation is such that man generally perceives the sum of many billions of elementary processes simultaneously so that the levelling law of large numbers completely obscures the real nature of the individual processes.' von Neumann
von Neumann, page 21: 'The fundamental problems of the matrix theory is the solution of the eigenvalue equation:
Σν hμνxν = λ.xν
Self-adjoint observable matrices normalize quantum sources.
Length in Hilbert space defined by inner product = probability
The geometry of Hilbert space: how does it map to real space? There is a Hilbert space at every point in real space and it represents the time dimension - quantum mechanics is one dimensional field theory. One dimension in time; countable dimensions in orthogonal turing machines - eigenvectors.
Complete orthonormal sets - digitized.
von N goes to a lot of trouble to render Hilbert spaces and their self adjoint operators complete in the sense of continuous and convergent so that the sum of probabilities is exactly 1 [does complete mean infinite dimensional?].
[page 132]
But is this necessary. Can we cover all the possibilities using Hilbert spaces of countable dimension, logical possibilities rather than metrical possibilities? This approach reflects incompleteness.All legitimate incomes come from making socially valuable things and maintaining them. Making includes creation.
Saturday 9 July 2016
von Neumann sets out to make Hilbert spaces and self-adjoint operators infinite dimensional and complete to facilitate the mapping of Hilbert space to Euclidean space or such continuous classical variables as time, space, energy and momentum. Maybe this is not necessary if space-time itself is a logical rather than a geometric entity.
Can we use Gödel to prove that completeness in a continuous space is impossible?
Gödel made mathematics self-conscious by coding a countable system in terms of an uncountable exponential representation of the countable system, and so introduced incompleteness and uncertainty.
Von Neumann's completeness in Hilbert space has the effect of rendering the evolution of the wave function deterministic so that the observed indeterminism has to be introduced st the observational level, which may be inappropriate.
The real trouble is in the ε δ argument which has uncomputable implications ie an infinite non-halting process.
[page 133]
Flu symptoms departing, happiness returning and at least for a few seconds the ε δ idea in the previous sentence looks like a killer - it describes a process that looks formally sound but is not executable in a world where all information is encoded physically, ie minimum sentence (subject, verb, object, ie bonding or transformation) has a physical footprint ≥h.
ie mathematical physics requires mathematics which can be implemented physically, ie is computable.
My mucous production system is still in overdrive. Yuk.
In communication, the metric is entropy = count.