natural theology

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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 21 May 2017 - Saturday 27 2017

[Notebook: DB 81: Scientific theology]

[page 28]

Sunday 21 May 2017

The discovery of the conservation of energy requires the recognition of all forms of energy so that they can be added up. The basic distinction is between potential and kinetic energy, whose sum over the Universe we suspect to be zero. Then we come to heat, pressure etc as detailed items in the accounting which ideally extends to every event in the universe. The general theory of relativity implements the conservation of energy at the most fundamental [level]. It inherits this conservation from quantum mechanics and is the only consistent implementation of conservation of energy in fourspace. We want to try to see general relativity in consistent network terms. So the question is how do we make a consistent communication network that conserves energy. We think first it must be 4D, to enable orthogonality of messages (no crossed wires).

I look forward to a whole day of writing and am beginning

[page 29]

to feel more pressure to get it down before I get too old.

Quantum mechanics becomes creative when we introduce 'measurement', ie systems communicating with one another. The act of communication takes place in the tensor product of the Hilbert spaces of the communicating particles This product space is in effect a new creation, although communication can only take place of the two particles share an orthogonal basis (?) [code] Zurek Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical

Cantor writes of abstract correspondences. Real physical correspondences are established by physical bonding.

Roman Catholic Church: A magnificent but throughly evil tissue of lies [Bonum ex integro, malum ex quacumque causa].

Talking therapy: making realities out of vagueness - from non-computable to computed. Story = network of relationships, ie [time] ordered network.

Monday 22 May 2017

Why is there no quantum theory of gravitation? Becasue there are no quanta because there are no distinct messages to be separated by an error correcting mechanism, just pure act with no form or structure.

Could I say that no stress could match my heresy trials in the Dominicans coupled with fear of being found with a lover.

Pais page 187: Einstein followed 'wrong tracks for a long time' on the way to general relativity. Pais: 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein

Pais 190: Einstein (Gibson lecture, 1933) 'If [the equivalence principle] was true for all processes, it indicated that the

[page 30]

principle of relativity must be extended to include nonuniform motion of the coordinate systems if one desired to obtain an unforced and natural theory of the gravitational field. From 1908 until 1911 I concerned myself with considerations of this nature, which I need not describe here' [my italics].

The fixed point in general relativity is Einstein's field equation.

Pais, E, 1912 (page 202) Lorentz transformations are not enough. (page 206) A larger invariance group is required.

Pais 203: Derivation of field equation from variational principle.

Pais 205: 'E, "If energy density . . . generates a negative divergence of the lines of force of gravitation, then this must also hold for the nergy density of gravitation itself'" . . . from then on he was prepared for a non-linear theory of the gravitational field.

Pais page 210: 10 gravitational potentials needed [coupling all four dimensions pairwise in a triangular matrix].

page 211: E: 'I suddenly realized that Gauss's theory of surfaces held the key to unlocking this mystery. I realized that Gauss's surface has profound significance. However I did not know at that time that Riemann had studies the foundations of geometry in an even more profound way.

page 213: Einstein looking for the most general transformations that leave ds2 = gμνdxμdxν invariant [ie interval preserving].

page 219: 'The gravitational field influences the measuring bodies in a definite way.

[page 31]

Pais page 228: 'Toward the end of his stay in Prague, the technical concept of general covariance took shape in his mind and the fundamental role of the metric tensor as the carrier of gravitation became clear.

page 242: '. . . Planck notes: natural laws always imply certain restrictions on infinitely many possibilities.

page 243: E: "According to our theory, there do not exist independent qualities of space." Here we think space is a quantum network guided by the general theory but transmitting only identical message, ie bosons.

Pais 252: 'One may choose a coordinate system at one's convenience simply because coordinate systems have no objective meaning.'

We can look at a differentiable manifold as a network that is . . . is an atlas of local Euclidean or Lorentzian patches (charts) which are the sources of observable particles, since quantum mechanics works within each of them and the messages sent between them are represented by the connection coefficients expressed in the three index symbol [of covariant differentiation].

Pais page 256: '[E] still did not know [the Bianchi identities] on November 25 [1915] and therefore did not know that the energy-momentum conservation laws Tμν; ν = 0 follow automatically from [his field equation and the Binachi identites. Instead he used these conservation laws as a constraint on the theory!'

Next step: Quantum field theory, ie fermions and bosons. Three types of network statistics, boson, fermion, classical. Khinchin: The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistics

[page 32]

Tuesday 23 May 2017

The multitude of investigations into the Church's cover-up of child sexual abuse have exposed the moral and ethical bankruptcy of the Church The situation arises from its intellectual bankruptcy, which I am working to expose be developing an alternative.

Original sin: 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.' Exodus 20:16 Exodus, 20:16

How did the conservatives get control of Bible interpretation? Probably became fixed in the system in the time of Constantine. Fixed point is an algorithm.

The fixed points in the world are data and algorithms stored in memories as physical states.

Geodesic deviation and force. Inertial frames remain inertial even though they are geometrically accelerated with respect to one another without [feeling] any force, that is without communication. There is no communication in gravitation, and therefore no quantization.

Could my dream come true? I think why not? It could be no worse than the present crop of sado-masochistic religions that we have inherited from a more ignorant and violent past. At present the governments of the world cover a wide spectrum from those who work for the people to those who work for themselves. This is a political argument, however, that carries little weight scientifically, but it still has weight. Faith is based on feeling and feeling is developed as one matures, and it is the input to intellect It is my feeling that is driving me. On the one hand I

[page 33]

suffered from my expulsion since I stupidly thought in those days that theology was a modern rather than an ancient science. Then I began to realize that it could be a real science, and have spent about 40 years trying to make a model big enough to talk about God, that is a model touching the bounds of speakability set by Gödel and Turing. This model is big enough to deal with any subset of the fixed points of God. These fixed points are a revelation of the invisible divine dynamics. By observing these fixed points we attempt to understand the dynamics and establish technologies based on the way the world works. Damasio: The Feeling of What Happens : Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness, Bell: Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics

What we are saying is that the general theory establishes the structure of spacetime which is executed by quantum mechanics, the layer beneath spacetime [whose only fixed point is conservation of energy, implemented by the fact that quantum mechanics does not see energy absolutely, but only energy differences]. Perhaps we might see quantum communication (movement) as a process of copying and increasing entropy. As the copies multiply, the energy per copy goes down in a constructed system.

We cannot have copies without structure [since each copy needs a unique phyical address to actually exist]. Structure and entropy are duals. We do not have simply multiplication of particles. A structure is necessary to provide an orthogonal slot for each new state, so the Hilbert space has to keep getting bigger.

Fixed points realize a countable subset of the transfinite hierarchy of continua, beginning with the real numbers. The eigenvalue equation picks out such a subset of the real line, and we guess that this subset is at a maximum equinumerous with the natural numbers and a complete set of functions, 0 different algorithms with 0 different inputs.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Churches of paedophilia. The most effective attack on

[page 33]

the Church may be to emphasize the connections between its false doctrines and the findings of the Royal Commission. This might make a chapter in the book length version of scientific theology.

Where is the weak spot? Where I got bogged down 30 years ago with the relativity of transfinity. Why is there not a continuous gradation of species across the living spectrum? The answer, I think, lies in the quantization of communication, keeping the symbol [alphabet] space small enough to ensure error free communication. Species are lines in the living spectrum We can say that in an ordered set each element is transfinite with respect to its predecessor 2>1. Adding one in the transfinite space means moving to the next set of permutations.

In a layered network, each layer carries the symmetries (ie algorithms) that serve the layer above it.

Gravitation is the unobservable connection between inertial frames [that we postulate to account for their observed relative acceleration, ie our weight. Wave equation has similar status].

We manipulate quantum systems [guided by the theory] to change the [nature and] probabilities of various outcomes. We can, in theory, do the same to society and badly designed strategies can lead to an increase in undesirable outcomes like road accidents and terrorist attacks.

The fundamentalist answer to everything they do not like is to kill it, whether it be mosquitoes, forests or people, Stalin practised this very thoroughly, regularly purging his cabinet by murder. Great Purge - Wikipedia

Diplomacy: You might not like them that much but they are real and they have to be taken into account.

[page 35]

Quantum mechanical processes are 'by their nature' to be found in Lorentz spaces because they are too small / outside space to be curved / accelerated.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Demand management to make optimum use of limited and sporadic power sources is causing evolution and adaptation in the electric power world.

The Church must adapt to science.

People can cause themselves a lot of pain by what they think, and it may often turn out that this pain is unnecessary because what they think is wrong, on the relative chances of being killed in an air accident and a road accident, for instance, or an enhanced far of germs, or any other non-evidence-based fear.

I am aways writing to stretch my mind to the maximum, leading myself by the words, trying to give meaning to the endless permutations of possible meanings that the words can represent. The words are a finite boundary on a transfinite space of possibility, so Cantor's principle of finitism. Hallett: Cantorian Set Theory and Limitation of Size, page 7

Need to make my comfort zone large enough to contain my aspirations.

The church and many other autocratic organizations feel that anything goes to defend their position and practice control by accusation, as happened in Malaysia to [Anwar Ibrahim]. Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trials - Wikipedia

[page 36]

Friday 26 May 2017
Saturday 27 May 2017

Decisions, that is applied insights, are cyclic processes : she loves me, she loves me not, etc.

In my monastic days . . . sex was my saviour because it not only inspired my mind with a glimpse of beatitude, but was probably ultimately instrumental to my dismissal. A necessary beginning to the next decades of work to justify my stance, which seems to be coming slowly to fruition in an essay initially aimed at Theological Studies. Theological Studies

The distances between our minds range from identity, loving bosonicity, to opposition, a is not b, which in its ultimate human terms means murder, particularly the organized version we call war.

In the old world women are prey (and children), in general those who seem to be weaker.

Psychologica trauma has many soures on the spectrum from violence to indoctrination. I feel that I suffered from indoctrinal trauma, not when I acepted the docrine unthinkingly, but when I thoughtfully rejected it, since a significant proportion of my self esteem has had to be rebuilt, and I still feel some of the stress of being a heretic rather than going with the flow, which these days is becoming chaotic as we make the transition

[page 37]

to a new calmer laminar flow regime, basically making the pipe bigger. The Reynolds number of fluid flow in a pipe [is given by Re = ul/ν, where u is the velocity of the fluid, L a characteristic length and ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (m2/sec).

The Church damaged my sense of authenticity by casting me as damaged goods, not just a scratched panel but a crippled functionality, the higher powers (devoted to social symmetry) being unable to control the lower, devoted to self expression.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Adams, Douglas, The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, Random House 1996 Jacket: 'Finally, here they are in one outrageous volume - all six bestslling Hitchhiker stories by Douglas Adams, including his latest addition to the collection, Mostly Harmless. Plus you'll find a perplexingly frank introduction by the author himself, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the books and the zany radio series that inspired them' 
Bell, John S, Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 1987 Jacket: JB ... is particularly famous for his discovery of a crucial difference between the predictions of conventional quantum mechanics and the implications of local causality . . . . This work has played a major role in the development of our current understanding of the profound nature of quantum concepts and of the fundamental limitations they impose on the applicability of classical ideas of space, time and locality. 
Bix, Herbert P, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, HarperCollins Publishers 2000 Introduction: 'One of the most fascinating and complex figures in twentieth-century Japanese hitory, Hirohito began his reign in late 1926, on the eve of renewed conflict in Japan's relations with China. It continued for sixty two years of war, defeat, American occupation, and Cold War peace and prosperity. During the first twenty years he was at the centre of the nation's political, military and spiritual life in the broadest and deepest sense, exerting authority in ways that proved disastrous for his people and for those countries they invaded. Though the time span of his great Asian empire was brief, its potential was enormous. He had presided over its expansion and had led his nation in a war that cost (according to the official estimates published by governments after 1945) nearly 20 million Asian lives, more that 3.1 million Japanese lives, and more than 60 000 Western Alllied lives.' Events nad not turned out as he had anticipated and hoped. Yet when his turn came to provide explanations of the role he had played in those events, and so set the record straight, he and his aides were far from candid. They skillfully crafted a text deseigned to lead to the conclusion that he had always been a British-style constitutional monarch and a pacifist. ... ' 
Cercignani, Carlo, Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms, Oxford University Press, USA 2006 'Cercignani provides a stimulating biography of a great scientist. Boltzmann's greatness is difficult to state, but the fact that the author is still actively engaged in research into some of the finer, as yet unresolved issues provoked by Boltzmann's work is a measure of just how far ahead of his time Boltzmann was. It is also tragic to read of Boltzmann's persecution by his contemporaries, the energeticists, who regarded atoms as a convenient hypothesis, but not as having a definite existence. Boltzmann felt that atoms were real and this motivated much of his research. How Boltzmann would have laughed if he could have seen present-day scanning tunnelling microscopy images, which resolve the atomic structure at surfaces! If only all scientists would learn from Boltzmann's life story that it is bad for science to persecute someone whose views you do not share but cannot disprove. One surprising fact I learned from this book was how research into thermodynamics and statistical mechanics led to the beginnings of quantum theory (such as Planck's distribution law, and Einstein's theory of specific heat). Lecture notes by Boltzmann also seem to have influenced Einstein's construction of special relativity. Cercignani's familiarity with Boltzmann's work at the research level will probably set this above other biographies of Boltzmann for a very long time to come.' Dr David J Bottomley  
Damasio, Antonio R, The Feeling of What Happens : Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness , Harcourt Brace 1999 Jacket: 'In a radical departure from current views on consciousness, Damasio contends that explaining how we make mental images or attend to those images will not suffice to elucidate the mystery. A satisfactory hypothesis for the making of consciousness must explain how the sense of self comes to mind. Damasio suggests that the sense of self does not depend on memory or on reasoning or even less on language. [it] depends, he argues, on the brain's ability to portray the living organism in the act of relating to an object. That ability, in turn, is a consequence of the brain's involvement in the process of regulating life. The sense of self began as yet another device aimed an ensuring survival.' 
Dirac, P A M, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (4th ed), Oxford UP/Clarendon 1983 Jacket: '[this] is the standard work in the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, indispensible both to the advanced student and the mature research worker, who will always find it a fresh source of knowledge and stimulation.' (Nature)  
Haight, Roger, Jesus Symbol of God, Orbis Books 1999 Jacket: 'This book is the flagship of the fleet of late twentieth century works that show American Catholic theology has indeed come of age. Deeply thoughtful in its exposition, lucid in its method, and by turns challenging and inspiring in its conclusions, this christology gives a new articulation of the saving "point" of it all. . . . Highly recommended for all who think about and study theology.' Elizabeth Johnson CSJ, Fordham University. 
Hallett, Michael, Cantorian Set Theory and Lmitation of Size, Oxford UP 1984 Jacket: 'This book will be of use to a wide audience, from beginning students of set theory (who can gain from it a sense of how the subject reached its present form), to mathematical set theorists (who will find an expert guide to the early literature), and for anyone concerned with the philosophy of mathematics (who will be interested by the extensive and perceptive discussion of the set concept).' Daniel Isaacson. 
Khinchin, Aleksandr Yakovlevich, The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistics, Dover 1998 'In the area of quantum statistics, I show that a rigorous mathematical basis of the computational formulas of statistical physics . . . may be obtained from an elementary application of the well-developed limit theorems of the theory of probability.' 
Pais, Abraham, 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford UP 1982 Jacket: In this . . . major work Abraham Pais, himself an eminent physicist who worked alongside Einstein in the post-war years, traces the development of Einstein's entire ouvre. . . . Running through the book is a completely non-scientific biography . . . including many letters which appear in English for the first time, as well as other information not published before.' 
West, David, Virgil: The Aeneid, Pengui Books 2001 Introduction: 'A poem for our time: The Aeneid is the story of a man who lived three thousand years ago in the city of Troy in the north-west tip of Asia Minor. What has that to do with us? Troy was besieged and sacked by the Greeks. After a series of disasters, Aeneas met and loved a woman, Dido, Queen of Carthage, but obeyed the call of duty to his people and his gods and left her to her death. Then, after long years of wandering, he reached italy, fought a bitter war against the people of Latium and in the end formed an alliance wth them which enabled him to found his city of Lavinium. From these beginnings, in 333 years, in 753 B.C., the city of Rome was to be founded. The Romans had arrived in italy. ... The Aeneid presents a heroic view of the life of man in all its splendour and anguish, but it is full of just observation and of details of individual behaviour. It is not yet out of sate.' 
Yourgrau, Wolfgang, and Stanley Mandelstam, Variational Principles in Dynamics and Quantum Theory, Dover 1979 Variational principles serve as filters for parititioning the set of dynamic possibilities of a system into a high probability and a low probability set. The method derives from De Maupertuis (1698-1759) who formulated the principle of least action, which states that physical laws include a rule of economy, the principle of least action. This principle states that in a mathematically described dynamic system will move so as to minimise action. Yourgrau and andelstam explains the application of this principle to a variety of physical systems.  
Bennett, Charles L, "Cosmology from start to finish", Nature, 440, 7088, 27 April 2006, page 1126-1131. Cosmology is undergoing a revolution. With recent precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, large galaxy redshift surveys, better measurements of the expansion rate of the Universe and a host of other astrophysical observations, there is now a standard highly constrained cosmological model. It is not a cosmology that was predicted. Unidentified dark particles dominate the matter content of our universe, and mysteries surround the processes responsible for the accelerated expansion at its earliest moments (inflation?) and for its recent acceleration (dark energy?). New measurements must address the fundamental questions: what happened at the birth of the Universe, and what is its ultimate fate?. back
Carroll, Sean M, "Is our universe natural", Nature, 440, 7088, 27 April 2006, page 1132-1136. 'It goes without saying that we are stuck with the Universe we have. Nevertheless, we would like to go beyond simply describing our observed Universe, and try to understand why it is that way rather than some other way. When considering both the state in which we find our current Universe, and the laws of physics it obeys, we discover features that seem remarkably unnatural to us. Physicists and cosmologists have been exploring increasingly ambitious ideas in an attempt to explain how surprising aspects of our Universe can arise from simple dynamical principles.'. back
Goedel, Kurt, "On the completeness of the calculus of logic", in Solomon Fefferman et al (eds), Kurt Goedel: Collected Works Volume 1 Publications 1929-1936, New York, OUP 1986, , , , , page 61-101. '1. Introduction The main object of the following is the proof of the completeness of the axiom system for what is clled the restricted functional calculus, namely the system given in Whitehead and Russel 1910 part 1 *1 ns *10 ... Here 'completeness' is to mean that every valid formula expressible in the restricted functional calculus ... can be derived from the axioms by means of a finite sequence of formal inferences. ...'. back
Adam Morton, Direct action fund would cost taxpayers $23b if used to meet Paris climate targets, 'Following a request by the Greens, the federal Parliamentary Budget Office estimated the cost of using the fund to meet the target the Coalition submitted at the Paris climate summit – a 26 to 28 per cent emissions cut compared with 2005 levels by 2030.' back
Andrew Grice, Theresa May cuts a reassuring figure but her anti-terrorism plans for the future leave a lot to be desired, 'Baroness Warsi, the former Tory chairman and first Muslim cabinet minister, says the Prevent brand has become 'toxic', while a former adviser on terrorism has told MPs: 'Prevent has become a more significant source of grievance in affected communities than the police' back
Anthony J. Baxter-Tomkins, Affiliation, commitment and identity of volunteers in the NSW Rural Fire and State Emergency Services, 'A research thesis submitted to Southern Cross University in fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Southern Cross Business School Southern Cross University June 2011' back
Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trials - Wikipedia, Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trials - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trials are a source of considerable political controversy in Malaysia. The first trial was held in 1998, and resulted in former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim being convicted, and given a nine-year prison sentence. This verdict was overturned in 2004, resulting in Anwar's release from prison. While being the leader of the Pakatan Rakyat opposition, Anwar was charged in 2008 with sodomising a male aide. He was tried in 2010 and 2011 and, in January 2012, was acquitted. In March 2014, the acquittal was overturned by the Court of Appeal, which convicted him and imposed a sentence of five years imprisonment. Anwar appealed to the Federal Court, which in February 2015 re-affirmed the conviction and sentence. Anwar is serving the sentence in Sungai Buloh Prison in Selangor.' back
Cassie Tongue, Mr Burns: The Simpsons meets apost-apocalyptic world in a dizzyingly clever production, 'In the third act, which takes place another 75 years after the second, we see how those campfire stories – the narratives that survived – have merged with fact and become myth. In the style of a passion play or an opera, the act is a hagiography of the Simpson family, a classical story of sung-through struggle. The music is choral, hopeful, tinged with Eminem’s Lose Yourself and Britney Spears’ Toxic, a little bit Broadway and a little bit ecclesiastical; enduring human turmoil repackaged with new gods.' back
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2476, False witness and perjury, '2476 False witness and perjury. When it is made publicly, a statement contrary to the truth takes on a particular gravity. In court it becomes false witness.276 When it is under oath, it is perjury. Acts such as these contribute to condemnation of the innocent, exoneration of the guilty, or the increased punishment of the accused.277 They gravely compromise the exercise of justice and the fairness of judicial decisions.' back
Daniel Lewia, Zbignieuw Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89, 'In his scholarly certitude, Mr. Brzezinski sometimes showed a tendency to believe that any disagreement between theory and reality indicated some fault on the part of reality. In his 1962 book “Ideology and Power in Soviet Politics,” for example, he asserted that the Communist bloc “is not splitting and is not likely to split” just as Beijing and Moscow were breaking apart.' back
Exodus, 20:16, False witness, ' Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV) 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.' back
Fareed Zakaria, How Saudi Arabia played Donald Trump, 'But Trump was talking not of his host, Saudi Arabia, but rather of Iran. Now, to be clear, Iran is a destabilizing force in the Middle East and supports some very bad actors. But it is wildly inaccurate to describe it as the source of jihadist terror. According to an analysis of the Global Terrorism Database by Leif Wenar of King’s College London, more than 94 percent of deaths caused by Islamic terrorism since 2001 were perpetrated by the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and other Sunni jihadists. Iran is fighting those groups, not fueling them. Almost every terrorist attack in the West has had some connection to Saudi Arabia. Virtually none has been linked to Iran. Trump has adopted the Saudi line on terrorism, which deflects any blame from the kingdom and redirects it toward Iran.' back
Great Purge - Wikipedia, Great Purge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Stalin's role Historians with archival access have confirmed that Stalin was intimately involved in the terror. Russian historian Oleg V. Khlevniuk states ". . . theories about the elemental, spontaneous nature of the terror, about a loss of central control over the course of mass repression, and about the role of regional leaders in initiating the terror are simply not supported by the historical record." back
Holland Cotter, Venice Biennale: Whose Reflection Do You See?, 'Their presence was disconcerting. It revived the “primitivism” debate of 30 years, its terms unchanged: We in the West continue to import the Other for our pleasure, while remaining complicit in a global economy that is destroying the Other’s world. True to this Biennale’s frustratingly muted politics, no curatorial statement appears, acknowledging these issues.' back
Jennifer Rubin, Trump's un-American speech in Saudi Arabia, 'Despite some pro forma language about “reform,” Trump all but condoned the lack of basic human and political rights in the Muslim world. Abrams observes that “this was a very minor theme in the speech, and he contradicted it by saying that he had not come to lecture them or tell them how to govern.”' back
Mehdi Hasan, Don't be fooled by Trump's Saudi Arabia speech. He's still an Islamophobe, 'What is quite revealing was what was left unsaid in Trump’s address. Despite addressing a room full of autocrats, dictators and despots from across the majority-Muslim world, the word “democracy” did not appear anywhere in Trump’s 3,400-word speech. There were also zero references to “human rights” and “freedom.” His target audience consisted of the governments of majority-Muslim countries (“We are not here to lecture”) rather than the residents of those countries, including activists, dissidents, political prisoners and protesters struggling for free and fair elections and basic civil rights.' back
Quintan Wiktorowicz, Why Trump's speech on terrorism was such a missed opportunity, 'If you can’t draw a straight line from radical Islam to terrorism, what might be driving extremism in the Middle East? The answer is complicated, but since the 1970s, study after study suggests that socioeconomic factors — not religion or ideology — lay the groundwork for violence. The vast majority of young people in places like the Middle East and North Africa face a bleak socioeconomic future.' back
Reynolds number - Wikipedia, Reynolds number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Reynolds number (Re) is an important dimensionless quantity in fluid mechanics used to help predict flow patterns in different fluid flow situations. It has wide applications, ranging from liquid flow in a pipe to the passage of air over an aircraft wing. The Reynolds number is used to predict the transition from laminar to turbulent flow, and used in the scaling of similar but different-sized flow situations, such as between an aircraft model in a wind tunnel and the full size version.' back
Robert Fisk, Donald Trump's speech to the Muslim world was filled with hypocrisy and condescension, 'Even more incredibly, he blamed Iran – rather than Isis – for “fuelling sectarian violence”, pitied the Iranian people for their “despair” a day after they had freely elected a liberal reformer as their president, and demanded the further isolation of the largest Shiite country in the Middle East. The regime responsible for “so much instability” is Iran. The Shiite Hezbollah were condemned. So were the Shiite Yemenis. Trump’s Sunni Saudi hosts glowed with warmth at such wisdom.' back
Sean Um, Ingrid Ward, Peter Veth, Tiina Manne, Cave dig shows the earliest Australians enjoyed a coastal lifestyle, 'But we do know that the earliest Australians were originally seafarers. They came from island southeast Asia and no matter which route they followed had to make sea crossings of up to 90km to get here. The earliest landfall on the continent is now likely to be at least 50m below the present ocean. Until now we have known very little about these first coastal peoples. Our research, published this week in Quaternary Science Reviews, begins to fill in some of these gaps.' back
Theological Studies, Theological Studies Inc, a Jesuit-sponsored jurnal of Theology, Theological Studies is a quarterly journal of theology, published under the auspices of the Jesuits in the USA. Located at Marquette University, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it is under the general editorship of David G. Schultenover, SJ, in concert with its editorial consultants: back
Wikipedia, William of Moerbeke, 'Willem van Moerbeke, known in the English speaking world as William of Moerbeke (ca 1215 -1286) was a figure of great culture, in touch with many of the first minds of his day. He was the most prolific medieval translator of philosophical, medical and scientific texts from Greek into Latin. His translations were influential in his day, when few competing translations were available, and, more to the point, are still respected by modern scholars.' back
Wojciech Hubert Zurek, Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical, 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) "Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on -- to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the ``wavepacket collapse'', designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment -- the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert it into carrying information about them -- into becoming a witness.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls