natural theology

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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 17 September 2017 - Saturday 23 September 2017

[Notebook: DB 81: Scientific theology]

[page 172]

Sunday 17 September 2017

I suppose I more or less believed in the Catholic church from birth to my early twenties where what I learnt in the Dominicans of the Church's 'back office' began to tip the balance. Details were not so important as the fact that the Church's 'scientific' basis remains fundamentally Aristotelian and its management style is monarchical. I want to take theology into Cantor's paradise.

An essay: Lets take theology to Cantor's Paradise On leading theology to Cantor's paradise

Given the nature of the entertainment world the propagation of my idea is more likely to be influenced by public relations that by its intrinsic worth, but I am more interested in creating a sound product than the marketing on the ground that of the product is good enough it will sell

[page 173]

itself. That is all I can do anyway since I have no budget for promotion.

One can create a new permutation by local actions such as swapping two symbols (the only possible local action, the group action).

Mathematics is all worked out on the front of the page by conventional symbols and their meanings.

Since the processes generating each new layer in the Cantor universe are identical (permutation) except for their scale, we can learn a lot about the structure of the network by studying the boundary between sets with cardinals n and sets constructed from these with cardinals n+1. This step is modelled in classical mathematics as the boundary between the natural and the real numbers. It is also the boundary of control. We need long strings of digits to represent or measure real numbers. In general these strings have 0 elements and be incomputable. (?)

Monday 18 September 2017

Looking at the wonderful things people do and wondering whether my work will ever make a significant contribution to human welfare. My overall aim is to replace our currently mythological theologies that depend to a large extent on capricious gods with a scientific theology that recognizes that the Universe with all its amazing wonders plays all the roles we have in the past attributed to god, and that we can greatly improve our condition by conforming to the realities revealed by science. Working against a headwind that says we are the children of a benevolent god who will look after us no matter what we do. Yet the Universe has a much bigger heart than the old gods which are largely a reflection of the ruling elite that exploit people for their own benefit.

There are two complimentary approaches to establishing this doctrine. One is to argue from general principles using bold assertions and public relations to convince

[page 174]

people that it is a safe and productive approach. The other is to use the theological ansatz as a key to scientific advances as Newton did by treating god as a frame of reference in which to develop his theory of dynamics. I am trying to do this, in the gravitation essay leaving god out of it while seeing the divinity of the universe reflected in the transfinite nature of the fixed points of the universe.

I am a fixed point of such complexity that there could be a vast number of different humans like me, each with a different permutation of the elements that go to make up humanity. This number cannot be realized through shortage of resources, in my model represented by the space and time boundaries on computation.


My writing evolves from generation to generation so my computer is full of drafts of the divine universe idea seen from different directions.

A very important marketing tool is the relationship of quantum mechanics to music, giving new meaning to 'the music of the spheres' and explaining quantum mechanics in its fundamental implementation in the energy . time domain, ie the inertial frame of the system we are studying. As soon as we begin to think about communication between these inertial frames we are in the realm of [quantum field theory].

At the economic level things are good: money rolling on on the market, words rolling out trying to catch up with the elusive bandersnatch.

Trump is a throwback to the present old days where rulers were business people, warlords and bastards wanting only power and wealth for themselves, their only interests in the population of slaves being to maximize their profitability.

[page 175]

'Heaven knows no frontiers And I've seen heaven in your eyes'. The Corrs

Computation takes care of the periodicity and the complex numbers.

The only algorithm necessary for the quantum root computers are the ability to add and multiply complex numbers. Multiplication can be achieved by repeated adding, exponentiation by repeated multiplication. So we can follow Cantor's tracks as he introduces these mathematical operations into set theory. How do we add complex numbers? By adding the real and imaginary parts separately. Not easy. Go back a step and see how periodicity entered the world in the first place: by breaking the symmetry of action to give us potential and kinetic energy, existing in time which is the number of motion.

Superposition depends upon the time, that is the phase of adding. Each primitive computer is a circle group, and when they add we get a wave carrying both of their frequencies. The point about phase is that it is always normalized to 1 and what counts is the angle a dimensionless [complex] number, counting in units (quanta) of action.

Each basis state in an infinite dimensional energy operator is a circle group of a certain frequency normalized to 1. The superposition is organized by the complex coefficients of these basis states.

What we are really trying to compute are eigenvalues and probabilities, which are real numbers. The superposition is a snapshot of the states of all the circle groups added together, and it too is normalized to one by a condition on the coefficients, the sum of whose absolute squares must be 1. How does nature organize this? By creating a probability density and watching its conserved flow.

[page 176]

Dirac in Van Der Waerdon page 317: 'The conditions on the classical theory that a set of variables Pr, Qr shall b canonical are [ Qr, Qs] = 0, [Pr, Ps] = 0, [Qr, Ps] = δrs.

Heisenberg in Dirac page 307: 'Heisenberg puts forward a new theory which suggests that it is not the equations of classical mechanics that are in any way at fault, but that the mathematical operations by which physical results are deduced from them require modification. All the information supplied by the classical theory can thus be made use of in the new theory.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

In both quantum mechanics and computing everything depends on phase, so we like to see time as the first fixed point to emerge from the eternal beginning. In the beginning was the clock [set in motion by the conversation between Father and Son].

Morale is the thing. The divine universe has looked good to me for fifty years, the problem is to get a hearing. I am stuck in the physics of god's body because that is where the leverage seems most powerful from a scientific point of view and there are serious problems in a current quantum field theory which appears to be taking refuge in outrageous complexity and expensive machinery where one feels that the solutions should be simple. So I am happy with the idea that the determinism we see in the world, somewhat obscured by a cloud of uncertainty, is a clear footprint of a computable process. The problem is to interpret quantum mechanics in terms of computation and I feel confident about moving toward a solution to this problem, led on by little snippets of insight. This mornings's approach involves the reversibility of quantum mechanics and its relationship to non-commutative multiplication which is a

[page 177]

product of the fact that the elements being multiplied in quantum mechanics are complex operators, the Pauli and gamma matrices which serve to define the nature of space along with Minkowski space and the Dirac equation. Only in space [time?] can we have non-commutativity as we can see by arranging the operators in different ways: cook the eggs, then break them vs break the eggs then cook them, boiled vs fried.

. . .

Quantum mechanics closely resembles the scalar product of two vectors. Vector, a sequence of programs (the mosquito has a biting and bloodsucking vector).

H Pierre Noyes is my man. A digital process that does not, however, use the theory of communication to establish the need for discrete symbols to ensure computability. H. Pierre Noyes - Wikipedia

My work is to bridge the gap between theology and physics and digitization, logic and symbolic computation is the key. Noyes has provided me with a giant step forward by using symbolic computation to explain quantum field theory. This gives me a link between physics and the transfinite number. Reality is capabe of computing anything computable, so by putting computers into the Cantor universe, we create a phase space that can be fitted both to physics and theology. the transfinite computer [network] is the bridge. After half a century floating free in the imaginative space of possibility, I have some feet on the ground.

How do we add and multiply complex numbers using nand gates? One way is to have an explicit algorithm. Another way might be something like logical confinement, where numbers to be added or multiplied are confined in some sort of box whose equilibrium position is the sum or product of its contents [think of Feynman's articles 'sniffing out' the best route between two states] [such a box may be the initial singularity].

[page 178]

Errors may sometimes be creative, but on the whole they cause loss and pain, so we might do our best to practise error free creativity.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

The checkerboard model is important because it connects aspects of spin and chirality with propagation in spacetime and is the only sum-over-paths formulation in which quantum phase is discrete at the level of paths, taking only values corresponding to the fourth roots of unity 1, ,, -1, -i. Feynman Checkerboard - Wikipedia

Alternative Natural Philosophy Association ANPA

Blake: Simone Weil: 'All true good carries with it conditions which are contradictory and as a consequence impossible. ' page 6. [do we believe this? Probably not.] Anthony Blake: Unmarked Consciousness, Simone Weil: Contradiction

Consciousness is logical continuity related to [logically continuous] cybernetic feedback.

Thursday 22 September 2017

Phases are discrete when we are dealing with a single computer running on a single clock. As soon as we introduce a network in more than one dimension of space the delay introduced by distance effectively randomizes phase through the randomization of distances between events with the result that the law of large numbers introduces continuity into the network picture. We guess that individual quantum computers each exist in its own inertial frame so that each node in the network has its own frame and communication with another quantum system (particle) introduces Lorentz transformation which mix space and time, or more precisely, enable us to unmix the mixture caused by relative motion so that one frame sees all the other frames obeying the same laws as it does.

[page 179]

The veil of incorporation is one of the many veils devised to hide wealth and its accompanying power from taxation, control, theft, envy and other forces that would like to cut down the tall poppies [and acquire their resources].

Friday 23 September 2017

tantricweb. Into marketing. Christianity renovated Judaism by staging a personal visit of God to Earth. Christianity is now one hundred times bigger than Judaism. The diea here is to do a similar renovation on Catholicism, moving it from a solipsistic sect to a truly catholic view that embraces everybody. Scientific theology is a foundation for this catholicism because science is catholic. All revelations of divinity in the world are the input to science, which seeks to fit all phenomena into a unified view of everything. The purpose of the transfinite network is to expand the scientific vision into the theological realm.

SPIRITUALITY : the superposition of simplicity (unity) and complexity (diversity).

Go forth and multiply: the aim of any organism that wants to beat death. I want to put death in its context, its necessity and its advantages. Genesis 9:7

Settling inot my new life, the lone writer, motivated by a PhD by publication. Find a supervisor.

The game is always me first, but it may be longer or shorter. The short game, played by autocrats, usually requires violence. The long game, played by diplomats, tends towards less violence, but there is often a last straw [which needs to be adjudicated by a higher diplomatic power, if there is one].

A theology is an idea in a person's mind and it has a role

[page 180]

In controlling that person's behaviour. The purpose of theology is to ground the noosphere. We think of the noosphere as the human cloud distributed and stored in all the people on earth more broadly in the whole Earth and more broadly still in the Universe.

Kauffman page 10: 'Discretization of space and time implicates the replacement of space-time by a network, graph or complex that has nodes for points and edges to represented significant relationships between points.'

Noyes in Amson & Kauffman page 386. John C Amson and Louis H Kauffman (eds)

Potential and kinetic energy are related as debt and cash [debt enables us to dig tunnels]. In the physical universe PE = KE [integrated over time] and in the fixed (stationary) solution (ie Newtonian classical) all lagrangians are zero? Is this a consequence of the digital (bitstring) approach to physics. The big thing is if this outlook solves the cosmic coefficient problem. How does this work on quantum mechanics? Read more von Neumann

Politics is a creature of the noosphere, that immense cloud of opinion and feeling which is stored in human minds. Its source is our experience and our imaginative elaborations of experience which are to some extent moulded by gossip, science, the advertising industries and spin doctors and pr operators of every stamp. It is an enormously fluid entity with very few boundaries, as we are seeing in its manifestation in the internet. The noosphere arises from the biosphere. As well as the political dreams of the noosphere, our governments need to be guided by the realities of our physical incarnation. Denying the science is ultimately a fatal option. The populist noosphere will take us all over a cliff. Excessive populism needs to be cured by applied science, like any other disease.

[page 181]

Get serious enough to get a hearing.

Gleick page 5: Feynman: 'All mass is self interaction.' My mass, like an electron, is the measure of my interaction. The photon has no mass because nothing happens in it [outside space and time?]. Gleick: Genius: Richard Feynman and modern physics

In the software sense, all particles of all sizes, including me, are children of god, a layer in the transfinite network rooted in divinity.

The notion of continuum implies that quantum processes represent and process infinite volumes of data but this is not so at the level of fundamental logical operations, whose whole meaning is captured by a truth table. Later, in a computing structure, the operators are given meaning by their role in the process, nand → nandi, a broken symmetry, same nand, different meaning — symmetry breaking is the source of meaning [additional to the meaning already attached to the symmetry by its source].

The assumption that PE = KE means that all stationary Lagrangians are zero, maximum and minimum. One quantum of action [in one unit of time] means Lagrangian = 1, so how does this work? Variation of action 0, unit of action ℏ when frequency in radians. Frequency = energy = action per time, but is energy potential or kinetic or both (complex).

Logical continuity is built on simplicity, not, and, xor.

Address = vector. In the transfinite computer network address and content of address are identical, a sequence of computations or branchings.

Gleick page 51: Maupertuis: "it is not in the little details . . . that we must look for the supreme Being, but in the phenomena whose universality suffers no exception and whose simplicity lays them quite open to our sight.' Bruno Jordan

[page 182]

Saturday 24 September 2017

UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (2016) UNESCO

Go public: Step 1 get a PhD to get in the door of Academia, the academic subset of the noosphere. By publication [?] which means conforming to the publisher's requirements. Need a department and a supervisor. . . .

Correlate network layers to stages in planetary development.

Particle and its meaning are generated as duals, symbol and ground [space-time is ground for elementary particles (no size)].

Insofar as we exist, god also exists by definition, since god is the creator and we are the created. The core issue is whether God is an invisible other or identical with our world. In the first case the nature and will of god can be manipulated for political purposes. This is the business plan of the Roman Catholic Church which long ago took possession of god, declared it to be a mystery and proceeded to make itself God's mouthpiece on Earth. The second approach recognises that the world we observe is god's body, the revelation of god. By studying god's body, as we study our own bodies, we learn about god and how to live with it. This is scientific theology. An important advantage of scientific theology that it has a unifying effect on theology because god is one and the scientific method guides us toward the truth.

Can go back to work now knowing that I have a path ahead.

Deakin in Amson & Kauffman page 65: We use the primary

[page 183]

characteristic of classical mechanics, that all the variables are continuous. John C Amson and Louis H Kauffman (eds): Scientific Essays in Honour of H Pierre Noyes on the Occasion His 90th Birthday

Gleick page 89: 'Quantum mechanical uncertainty was the air that saved the bubble from collapse. Schrödinger's equation showed where the electron clouds would find their minimum energy, and on these clouds depended all that was solid in the world.

page 90: Feynman-Hellman theorem Hellman-Feynman theorem - Wikipedia

page 110; "Suppose radiation to be permitted only when there is a source and a receiver." φφ* [full duplex]

The Lagrangian method is similar to the logical method insofar as it concerned with the operation as a whole considering only the initial and final states and professing to know very little about the intermediate states, insofar as they may be interpolated (in classical physics) by Newtonian methods.

page 183: e + 1 = 0

The photon's antiparticle is itself. It is a superposition ie periodic transformation of a particle and an antiparticle. Both are created when the photon is created; both are annihilated when the photon is annihilated. All 'observers' see photons as outside space and time, their space contracted to 0, their proper time 0, null particles that follow null geodesics. Simply an energy packet prior to space and time.

The divine life can be rather mundane, doing dishes, squeezing pimples, worrying about money and so on, but it has its moments of insight and excitement, particularly when one realizes that because the universe is divine everything is sacred, as many people and traditions hold. The events in life which we perceive are built on the enormous complexity of our own bodies and of the world, built in layer upon layers from the fundamental particles, the first

[page 184]

of which is the initial singularity whose property is gravitation.

Gleick page 279; Feynman ". . . so I find the old saying that 'A Ph. D. thesis is research done by a professor under particularly trying circumstances' is for me the dead truth."

Symmetry = space [broken symmetry particle = address in space].

An electron is logically confined [cardinally confined] to a two state space, up and down. This occurs simply because there is no third state available in the electron world.

What I am trying to do by reading science books and the biographies of scientists is to fit myself more closely to the Universe which on my hypothesis is to assimilate myself to God, a common mystical ambition. Unlike those many mystics who have rejected the world, however, the thesis tells us that everything is divine and therefore sacred.

Gleick page 248: Weinberg: 'Why should the correct theories be the computable ones?' Because the Universe can compute them. It has the algorithm [can physics find it? The recognition of logical continuity might be the first step].

Feynman in Gleick page 428: "For successful technology, reality must take preference over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."

Veltman pge 40: 'One truly may be thankful to nature for tis limiting itself to something which we can compute."

The hardware of the noosphere: brains and cultural artefacts. The noosphere is the cloud of history and its historical records bear the results of individuality, politics and reality.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Christie, Agatha, Crooked House, St. Martin's Minotaur 2002 Amazon Editorial Reviews Book Description 'In the sprawling, half-timbered mansion in the affluent suburb of Swinly Dean, Aristide Leonides lies dead from barbiturate poisoning. An accident? Not likely. In fact, suspicion has already fallen on his luscious widow, a cunning beauty fifty years his junior, set to inherit a sizeable fortune, and rumored to be carrying on with a strapping young tutor comfortably ensconced in the family estate. But criminologist Charles Hayward is casting his own doubts on the innocence of the entire Leonides brood. He knows them intimately. And he's certain that in a crooked house such as Three Gables, no one's on the level... ' 
Gleick, James, Genius: Richard Feynman and modern physics, Abacus Nature: 'A moving, beautifully written, literate and perceptive account of Feynman's life, which Gleick sets sensitively in the context of the physics commnity, of the larger culture and of the times' 
Tomonaga, Sin-itiro, The Story of Spin, University of Chicago Press 1997 Jacket: 'The Story of Spin, as told by Sin-itiro Tomonaga and lovingly translated by Takeshi Oka, is a brilliant and witty account of the development of modern quantum theory, which takes electron spin as a pivotal concept. Reading these twelve lectures on the fundamental aspects of physics is a joyful experience that is rare indeed.' Laurie Brown, Northwestern University. 
ANPA, Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, back
Anthony Blake, Unmarked Consciousness, 'To speak in terms of consciousness we need to approach some idea of levels. It is a common idea, in that the word 'level' is often used, but it is a rather curious one that is rarely examined. One of the ways I want to talk about it is as in contrast with atoms. Atoms in a generic sense, are taken to be the basic irreducible units out of which all things are made. Levels, on the other hand, can be understood as that from which all things are made.' back
Bit-string physics - Wikipedia, Bit-string physics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Bit-string physics is an body of theory which supposes that reality can be represented by a process of operations on finite strings of dichotomous symbols, or bits (1's and 0's). Bit-string physics has developed from Frederick Parker-Rhodes' 1964 discovery of the combinatorial hierarchy: four numbers produced from a purely mathematical recursive algorithm that correspond to the relative strengths of the four forces. These strengths are characterized by the strong, weak, electromagnetic (fine-structure constant), and gravitational coupling constants. Other leading contributors in the field include H. Pierre Noyes, Ted Bastin, Clive W. Kilmister, John Amson, Mike Manthey, and David McGoveran. In a 2001 paper by Noyes, evidence was presented for predictions made by the theory that were later confirmed' back
Bruno Jordan, Maupertuis and the Principle of Least Action, 'The present investigations are concerned with the history of the Principle of Least Action in the hands of Maupertuis, Euler and others. The subject is of great importance in the history of mechanics, both because the principle of least action became, in the hands of Lagrance, "the mother," as Jacobi expressed it, "of our analytical mechanics," and because the. animistic tendency displayed in the search for a maximum or a minimum principle in physics undoubtedly had a great influence on such moulders of mechanical theory as Euler, Lagrange (in his early work), Hamilton, Gauss, and, in our own times, Willard Gibbs.' back
Completeness of the real numbers - Wikipedia, Completeness of the real numbers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'ntuitively, completeness implies that there are not any “gaps” (in Dedekind's terminology) or “missing points” in the real number line. . . . Depending on the construction of the real numbers used, completeness may take the form of an axiom (the completeness axiom), or may be a theorem proven from the construction. There are many equivalent forms of completeness, the most prominent being Dedekind completeness and Cauchy completeness (completeness as a metric space).' back
Feynman Checkerboard - Wikipedia, Feynman Checkerboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Feynman checkerboard, or relativistic chessboard model, was Richard Feynman’s sum-over-paths formulation of the kernel for a free spin-½ particle moving in one spatial dimension. It provides a representation of solutions of the Dirac equation in (1+1)-dimensional spacetime as discrete sums. . . . The checkerboard model is important because it connects aspects of spin and chirality with propagation in spacetime[1] and is the only sum-over-path formulation in which quantum phase is discrete at the level of the paths, taking only values corresponding to the 4th roots of unity.' back
Frank Bongiorno, On marriage equality, Australia's progressive instincts have been crushed by political failure, 'Seen in an international context, Australia now seems a laggard rather than the pioneer it once was. And it is surely deficiencies in our recent democracy rather than deeper historical or cultural issues that lie at the heart of our failure to resolve the issue of same-sex marriage. Australia is not a natural laggard, although it sometimes follows rather than leads.' back
Genesis 9:7, The Covenant of the Rainbow, '7 . . . be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.' back
H P Noyes, A Short Introduction to Bit-String Physics, 'An abstract model for a laboratory notebook and an historical record are developed, culminating in the bit-string representation. I set up a tic-toc laboratory with two synchronized clocks and show how this can be used to analyze arbitrary incoming data. This allows me to discuss (briefly) finite and discrete Lorentz transformations, commutation relations, and scattering theory. Earlier work on conservation laws in 3- and 4-events and the free space Dirac and Maxwell equations is cited. The paper concludes with a discussion of the quantum gravity problem from our point of view and speculations about how a bit-string theory of strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational unification could take shape.' back
H. Pierre Noyes, Observational Evidence for Two Cosmological Predictions Made by Bit-String Physics, 'Abstract A decade ago bit-string physics predicted that the baryon/photon ratio at the time of nucleogenesis η =1/ 2564 and that the dark matter/baryonic matter ratio ΩDMB = 12.7. Accepting that the normalized Hubble constant is constrained observationally to lie in the range 0 . 6 h0 < 0.8, this translates into a prediction that 0 . 325 > ΩM > 0.183. This and a prediction by E.D.Jones, using a model-independent argument and ideas with which bit-string physics is not inconsistent, that the cosmological constant ΩΛ =0.6 ± 0.1 are in reasonable agreement with recent cosmological observations, including the BOOMERANG data.' back
H. Pierre Noyes - Wikipedia, H. Pierre Noyes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'H. Pierre Noyes (December 10, 1923 – September 30, 2016) was an American theoretical physicist. He was a member of the faculty at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University since 1962.[2] Noyes specialized in several areas of research, including the relativistic few-body problem in nuclear and particle physics; foundations of physics; combinatorial hierarchy; and bit-string physics: a discrete model for masses, coupling constants, and cosmology from first principles.' back
Hellman-Feynman theorem - Wikipedia, Hellman-Feynman theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In quantum mechanics, the Hellmann–Feynman theorem relates the derivative of the total energy with respect to a parameter, to the expectation value of the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect to that same parameter. According to the theorem, once the spatial distribution of the electrons has been determined by solving the Schrödinger equation, all the forces in the system can be calculated using classical electrostatics.' back
Joanna Kujawa, Tantra and the Worship of the Goddess, 'To briefly summarise, one of the most important premises of Tantric philosophy is that there is nothing that is not sacred. This is a very radical premise in itself, as most, if not all, organised religions not only focus on the distinction between what is pure and what is impure (or sinful), and treat them as pair of opposites, but also make a living of making us feel like sinners! Tantra is different. Tantra says that everything, the entire Universe/Creation is sacred, is holy, that everything we do is sacred, even, or perhaps especially, those things we have been conditioned to believe to be ‘impure’ or ‘sinful’, such as sexuality and sexual acts.' back
John C Amson and Louis H Kauffman (eds), Scientific Essays in Honour of H Pierre Noyes on the Occasion His 90th Birthday, 'How Pierre came to his appreciation of the essence of discreteness in physics may be worth telling here. It arose through the accidental discovery of what became known as the ‘Combinatorial Hierarchy. . . . At some stage in this Machine Translation milieu it was noticed by Ted Bastin the theoretical physicist, and Frederick Parker-Rhodes he polymath, that the organisational structure of their very tentative binary-based system into successive levels was throwing up the iterated four numbers 3 = 22 - 1, 7 = 23-1, 127 =27 -1 and 2127−1, the number of bit-strings in each of the first four levels.' back
John Gertner, What Could We Lose if a NASA Climate Mission Goes Dark, 'Yet Grace also illustrates how tenuous the golden age of data really is. The two craft, which were launched in 2002, were originally expected to orbit the planet for five years. They are now dying, and in fact the batteries on one of the satellites are so depleted that it periodically goes to sleep. Since 2010, NASA has been planning and building replacements, and if all goes well, they will be in orbit early next year. But if Grace goes dark or perishes before then, there will be a break in NASA’s continuous observation of Earth’s gravity field and water dynamics.' back
Louis H. Kauffman, Noncommutativity and discrete physics, 'Abstract This paper is an introduction to discrete physics based on a non-commutative calculus of finite differences. This gives a context for the Feynman-Dyson derivation of non-commutative electromagnetism, and for generalizations of this result. The paper discusses these ideas and their relations with quantum groups and topological quantum field theory.' back
Nicky Graves Gregory, Mathematics is an extreme sport - watch out!, back
Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Home page of the Pontifical Academy of Scences, 'Founded in Rome on 17 August 1603 as the first exclusively scientific academy in the world by Federico Cesi, Giovanni Heck, Francesco Stelluti and Anastasio de Filiis with the name Linceorum Academia, to which Galileo Galilei was appointed member on 25 August 1610, it was reestablished in 1847 by Pius IX with the name Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei. It was moved to its current headquarters in the Casina Pio IV in the Vatican Gardens in 1922, and given its current name and statutes by Pius XI in 1936.Its mission is to honour pure science wherever it may be found, ensure its freedom and encourage research for the progress of science.' back
Rory Carroll, Sex Dust and vampire repellent: a stroll through Gwyneth Paltrow's new LA store, back
Simone Weil, Contradiction, 'The contradictions the mind comes up against — these are the only realities: they are the criterion of the real. There is no contradiction in what is imaginary. Contradiction is the test of necessity. ' back
The Corrs, No Frontiers, '[SHARON:]
If life is a river and your heart is a boat
And just like a water baby, baby born to float
And if life is a wild wind that blows way on high
And your heart is Amelia dying to fly
Heaven knows no frontiers and I've seen heaven in your eyes . . . ' back
UNESCO, Lists - Intangible Cultural Heritage, 'The Committee meets annually to evaluate nominations proposed by States Parties to the 2003 Convention and decide whether or not to inscribe those cultural practices and expressions of intangible heritage on the Convention’s Lists. By clicking on the inscribed elements below, you can discover the nominations, photos and videos, together with Committee decisions and evidence of community consent.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls