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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 10 December 2017 - Saturday 16 December 2017

[Notebook: DB 82: Life and Death]

[page 65]

Sunday 10 December 2017

Newman: Apologia documents his transition from the Anglican to the Catholic Church. He was a great man doing great deeds. I am no great man but fate has led me to attempt and even greater deed, to replace the unverifiable dogmas of Christianity by a scientific theology. This work began in the monastery where my stay ended in a period of great spiritual turmoil associated with my expulsion from the order for holding the heretical view that I have spend the rest of my life developing. At present I am struggling to write a book documenting this heresy, which I call a scientific hypothesis. When this book is complete I wish to write a companion volume documenting my personal experiences in this quest designed by analogy with Newman's work. It can be written anonymously and name no names because its central theme revolves around the sexual pain engendered in me by the Church's doctrine of supererogation. This has been brought home to me by the extensive world wide judicial enquiries into the sexual crimes committed by the servants of the Church and hidden by its hierarchy. Every war entails collateral damage, and the war against the crimes of the Church is no different. Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse: Final Report

Entropy is a count of possibilities. The information carried by a point in space is equal to the entropy of the space [so the information carried by a given transfinite cardinal number is equal to the entropy of the set of which it is a member. Each such number is represented by one of the permutations of the set whose cardinal is the previous transfinite cardinal]. This is true in the information theoretical world but what

[page 66]

abut the physical thermodynamic world? Each of Boltzmann's complexions is a symbol. The logarithm of the count of complexions is the entropy of the system, an extensive quantity. What is my entropy, the entropy of a human being? How much information do I represent? Do the transfinite numbers make any sense at all or have I been chasing a chimaera since 1987 = 30 years? Time to ditch a silly idea or save it by sunset tonight.

At the quantum mechanical level, since quantum mechanics is reversible, conservation of energy and conservation of entropy are closely coupled, but when we branch out into the realm of large numbers of particles entropy grows exponentially while energy remains constant so the conservation of energy no longer controls the conservation of entropy as Boltzmann struggled to prove. Cercignani: Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms

Monday 11 December 2017

A cold sunny morning and a feeling that the book scientific theology is not going so well. It is the best I can do but it does not seem good enough to do the job intended, which is to cause a revolution in theology. It works for me, but will it work for anybody else? In the sprit of evolution, it is a variation going into the word, its survival, as they say, is in the lap of the Gods.

. . .

[page 67]

Now of course everything is going beautifully and I have managed to write an easy explanation of Minkowski space as I [discuss the emergence of the space-time/momentum-energy layer built on the time/energy layer].

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Both the dream and the difficulty of the theory of peace revolve around the transfinite numbers. They have fascinated me since I began to talk about them with on of my Leaving Honours class at Blackfriars, surname Fogg Christian name forgotten. Is this how we addressed one another in 1961? The theory of peace seemed at the time a good step forward but full of dodgy looking arguments that have become clear to me since 1987 [when it was published on 2BOB Radio]. The dream side of the transfinite numbers, Cantor's paradise, remains the fundamental mathematical tool for exploring the divine Universe, a system which we take to be bound only by consistency. We explore the consistency in mathematics by logic and in the real world by physics. The idea is to show that physics is the complete implementation of consistency. The layered network and the Cantor universe give us a path to the explanation of the coexistence of consistency and disaster, the problem of evil. So we get back to the theory of peace. the Cantor universe is the space in which we can write this theory just at the differentiable manifold became Einstein's canvas.

The theory of peace is implemented in the nature of the world.

The Cantor universe is a list of all possible processes [at its foundation, each natural number maps to Turing machine].

Visualizing the Cantor universe is like writing software, visualizing a result that can be obtained with the currently available hardware and software and then setting out to construct the visualization in some [medium].

[page 68]

My cardinal sin was touching myself, looking for physical consciousness, a no no in the Catholic world of controlling fantasy, the evil flesh.

Sexual crimes are the result of misguided concupiscence. every potential has a region of creation and a region of annihilation which the general theory measures as curvature. We may see it as a spectrum from true love to rape.

The theory of peace tells us how to find and avoid the black holes in the universal structure. They are the equivalent of infinite loops in computers, a useless incommunicative 'freeze'.

consistency - layer - evil, ie orthogonality of layers in transfinite model because n has measure zero in the context of m+n, m ≥1.

Been beating about the bush a bit, getting the idea that we chose the transfinite numbers because the represent every [possible computation. Deterministic computation are local = Minkowski?]. Minkowski space - Wikipedia

The orthogonality of layers. Time is marked by the orthogonalities in transitions from one transfinite layer to the next.

Because we are talking in logic, numbers do not matter. The whole of continuous mathematics deals with the infinite numbers of points by which we mean no specific number. This is an expression of the symmetry of numbers, seen one, seen them all, or more precisely, see the relationship

[page 69]

between any two of them tells one the relationship between them all - they are all orthogonal. Orthogonality is the foundation of entropy.

Creation of photons and electrons is the creation of numbers, in some way to be understood as 'adding 1', as described by Peano's axioms or the axiom of transfinite permutation. The good think about it is that is describes all possible sequences of action by a computer. The fundamental creative symmetry is adding one by whatever means. In the formal world it is easy. We just write +1. In the real world how is this implemented?

So the paradise essay becomes chapter 9. The first eight chapters are just foreplay. Building up the lust necessary to make possibilities come true, a potentially creative mating. The theory of peace is in effect my lifetime mental orgasm, like the Eureka that could not get me out of the bath.

The theory of peace is my killer blow against the Catholic Church, the forge that will take it from sword to ploughshare.

We understand things by our errors and the big error is hier[archy] and the doctrine of martyrdom for a cause. We cannot control thoughts, only actions because of the orthogonality between mind and matter which is repeated at every transfinite moment.

The answer to the transfinite energy question is that we have

[page 70]

to imagine it in space-time as bandwidth, ie 4-momentum, ie 4-space realized insofar as special relativity is a true representation of the software algorithm of space seen through the law of large numbers.

A hypothesis about peace, the control of action.

Software is the formalism that makes a compliant physical system, ie one that reads and executes the software, as inertial space executes Minkowski space.

Lady Bird Greta Gervig; 'Don't you think they are the same thing, love and attention?' Christine Smallwood: Greta Gerwig's Radical Confidence

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Finally getting a handle on the theory of peace. The Universe is bounded by the three theorems of Cantor, Gödel and Turing. To go outside them is to go into contradiction and nothing ness. The transfinite computer network has as axioms these three proofs.

Trump is gradually running aground on sexual violence in the same way as the Catholic Church has done. Des Cahill and Peter Wilkinson: Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: An Interpretative Review of the Literature and Public Inquiry Reports

A measure of human entropy is heart, ie the cardinal of the space of acceptance. A maximum heart is a black body.

[page 71]

Helen Mirren: 'The trick of life is learning to deal with it'.

On symmetry and the identity of particles: Boltzmann [Cercignani [page] 165 On the axiomatic foundations of mechanics.

Cercignani page 166: 'What does it mean when we say that two particles are identical but distinguishable? . . . To make the issue clear, suppose that we show someone two identical balls on a table and then ask this person to close his/her eyes and a little while later to open them again We then ask whether the balls have been switched around in the meanwhile. He/she cannot tell because the two balls are identical. Yet we know the answer. If we have switched the balls we have been able to follow the continuous motions which took them from their initial positions to their final positions.'

In logical physics, is there a difference, since the continuous motion may be meaningless? Perhaps we can solve some boson/fermion problems with the logical approach [maybe quantum mechanical identity is evidence for logical physics]. FLP III:4 Identical Particles

Thursday 14 December 2017

RMIT Study [Cahill & Wilkinson] page 28: 'For the past several centuries, with few exceptions, the laity has been excluded from all key decision making deliberations in the Catholic Church. . . . Essentially, it is a closed and secretive system, with the final determination being made by the pope on advice from his episcopal curial officials.'

page 29: Subsidiarity. Subsidiarity - WikipediaBack

[page 72]

Cahill & Wilkinson page 33: 'The intention of this chapter is to provide the evidence, circumscribed though it is, that child sexual abuse within the family or by priests and religious, has always been known to the Church right back to the very beginnings in the first century.'

page 33: '. . . the provisions of many international concordats between sovereign states and the Holy See have served to keep much of the criminal abuse hidden away from the pubic view.'

Hindrance factors
Diocesan secret archives
Use of code words and euphemisms
The omission of negative material
The nn-searching of archives
The contested history of childhood
Vatican concordats with nation states

page 36: Muriel Fraser Concordat Watch

Jesus: children central focus of ministry.

page 38: Elvira Synod: First Synod or Council with written records. Synod of Elvria - Wikipedia

Canon 12: 'parents and other Cristians who give up their children to sexual abuse are selling others' bodies, and if they do so or seel their own bodies, they shall not receive communion, even at death.

John Cassian John Cassian - Wikipedia

[page 73]

Cahill & Wilkinson page 39: Seal of confession Catholic Catechism: Sacramental seal of confession

page 40: Peter Damian: Liber Gomorrhianus. Liber Gomorrhianus - Wikipedia

page 41: 1215 Synod of Angers: 'it must be said that every voluntary emission is a mortal sin in both males and females unless excused by legitimate marriage (Payer 2009). This is what I was taught [but no mention of female emission].

page 42: Payer page 196: confession 'was meant to shape behaviour in such a way as to ensure that people lived in harmony with God and to offer them the opportunity through forgiveness to re-establish that harmon when it was disrupted. Initially, of course, the system was one of moral control . . . and then by extension became a system of social control.' Payer: Sex and the New Medieval Literature of Confession, 1150-1300

page 46: Luis Martin Garcia Luis Martin - Wikipedia

page 55: 'This chapter will suggest that child sexual abse by piests and religious is a world wide phenomenon in the global, universal Catholic Church even where the research evidence is either scanty or non-existent.

page 56: Crimen Sollicitatianus, Pius XI Ad Catholici Sacerdoti Ska-P: Crimen Sollictationis, Cardinal Ottaviani: Instruction On the Manner of Proceeding in Causes involving the Crime of Sollicitation

page 59: Paul VI, Humanae Vitae: 'Humanae Vitae re-emphasized the traditional sexual morality based on isolated acts which are regarded as either as being 'ordered to nature' or 'ordered against nature' rather than a sexual morality based on relationality. Such was the intensity of the division it caused that it led to a dangerous and damaging situtation, whereby the Catholic Church effectively lacks an accepted sexual morality with any regretful consequences. Paul VI: Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae on the Regulation of Birth

[page 74]

Cahill & Wilkinson page 60: Sylvia's Site. Sylvia's Site: Blogging the sex abuse scandal and betrayals of trust in the Roman Catholic Church in Canada

. . .

page 72: John Jay Reports: 'they seriously underplayed the issues of secrecy, secret archives and obedience.' John Jay Report - Wikipedia

page 79: Ireland: 'The Church and State had colluded in protecting abusive priests, leading to public disenchantment with an institution once regarded as all-powerful and untouchable.

page 90: Poland, Overbeek: 'why has there been silence in Poland for so long? . . . a fourth reason was the deeply enshrined value of sacrificial suffering which was quietly accepted by the Polish people during the Communist period although based on a deeper Polish history and heritage of suffering,'

page 110: Victoria: Betrayal of Trust Parliament of Victoria: Betrayal of Trust

page 112 Betrayal of Trust page 11: 'Contrary to the repeated assertions of a number of (Church) leaders, there has been demonstrated a deliberate adoption of policies that involved a disregard for the basic human rights and dignity of the victims and those associated with them.'

page 112 Secreta Continere, Tapsell 2014, pp 127-40. Tapsell: Potiphar's Wife: The Vatican's Secret and Child Sexual Abuse, Pontifical secret - Wikipedia

page 120: 'Calvary' Calvary (film) - Wikipedia

[page 75]

Cahill & Wilkinson page 128: Sacerdotalis Caelibatus Paul VI 1967 Paul VI 1967: Sacerdotalis Caelibatus: On the Celibacy of the Priest

page 194: '. . . the research literature is adamant that children do not lie about what has happened to them.'

page 197 Chapter 8: 'What theological frameworks and personal practices have been associated with the perpetuation of child sexual abuse by priests and religious, and the lacklustre response of the Holy See, bishops and leaders of religious institutes?'

page 199: Drewermann: 'At the core of his analysis of the current crisis in the Catholic Church is the notion of clerical sacrifice [The Drewermann psychospiritual model of the clergy ideal].'

page 202: David Ransom: Patriarchal imagery of God and the Church's ambiguous theory of sexuality.

page 203: 'Celibacy in many many cases has been regarded as almost the vanquisher of eros. But the failure to fully cultivate eros in life denudes caritas of its natural warmth and spontaneity, it robs agape of its specificity.' Eros is the ground layer of agape.

page 204: Boston Model; page 205 Keenan model.

page 207: Winship cursedness model: 'The Church's traditonal views on sexuality and the link it makes between human sexuality and original sin encourages a lack of integration of sexuality.'

page 209: Ulm-Rome model

Scandal - Catechism 2284 Catholic Catechism 2284: Scandal

[page 76]

Cahill & Wilkinson page 220: Confessional seal and criminal law. See also page 344 sqq.

page 222: 'In a religiously competitive market place Catholic exceptionalism and commitment to it has the potential to be a dangerous commodity in supporting risky practice and policy failure.'

page 224: 'All sexual abuse is first and foremost an abuse of power.' [Bishop] Geoffrey Robinson. [He says it is arguable that spiritual power is the most dangerous power of all because it makes judgements about eternal realities and spiritual and moral matters. He argues that clericalism gives a veneer of respectability to the possession of spiritual power and that it can lead to an inability to accept dissent, failure, and vulnerability.]

page 228: 'The Magisterium of the Catholic Church has always maintained its anti-masturbatory stance, traceable back to Pope Leo IX in 1054 who declared that "masturbators should not be admitted to sacred orders.'

page 233: '. . . Adrian Thatcher . . . has argued that until about the eighteenth century, people in the West assumed that there was only a single sex, much like we use the word 'species' today and that the thinking of Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas and Luther needs to be interpreted according to the one sex theory, which considers all persons, whatever their gender or sexuality, to belong to the same sex'

Chapter 9: A big question: are there more child sexual abusers (proportionally) inside or outside the clergy? Mannat Mohanjeet Singh, Shradha S, Parsekar and Sreekumaran N Nair: An Epidemiological Overview of Child Sexual Abuse

page 249: 'Several studies highlight that clerical chid sex offenders were characterized by unique factors that differentiate them from non-clerical offenders.'

page 251: Divini Illius Magistri, Pius XI against mixed schooling. Pius XI, 1929: On Christian Schooling

[page 77]

Cahill & Wilkinson page 256: Pius X Quam Singulari Pius X (1910): On First Communion

page 259; Celibacy, Catechism, 1579. Catholic Catechism: 1579: Celibacy

page 281: Error has no rights Second Vatican Council: Dignitatis Humanae: Declaration on Religious Freedom

page 282: Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Holy See

page 284: Albert Bandura: 'Why, over the centuries, has much destructive behaviour been perpetrated by decent people in the name of religious ideologies, religious principles and nationalist ideologies.' Haidt: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion

page 286: 'From the late 60s, the reality was that no new bishop would be appointed unless he explicitly supported Catholic Church teaching against masturbation, artificial contraception and abortion in every circumstance, homosexual acts and same sex unions, in vitro fertilization and the ordination of women. The result was a church full of obedient episcopal drones who were managers and administrators rather than episcopal leaders and entrepreneurs for the Christian Gospel (Cornwell 2005)'

page 289: 'and [the authors'] continuing faith commitment to the Catholic Church

Friday 15 December 2017

To be branded a sinner is bad for one's self esteem and introduces feelings of ostracism and helplessness, particularly, as in the case of original sin, the accusation is manifestly unjust, visiting the sins of the parents on the children.

[page 78]

The conflict zone lies above the highest layer of cooperation. So two teams cooperate within themselves in an attempt to win the conflict.

Saturday 16 December 2017

. . .

Malesic on Thomas. Jonathan Malesic: A Burnt-Out Case

Turing on computable numbers Alan Turing: On Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem

Gödel, Stanford Juliette Kennedy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy): Gödel


You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Cercignani, Carlo, Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms, Oxford University Press, USA 2006 'Cercignani provides a stimulating biography of a great scientist. Boltzmann's greatness is difficult to state, but the fact that the author is still actively engaged in research into some of the finer, as yet unresolved issues provoked by Boltzmann's work is a measure of just how far ahead of his time Boltzmann was. It is also tragic to read of Boltzmann's persecution by his contemporaries, the energeticists, who regarded atoms as a convenient hypothesis, but not as having a definite existence. Boltzmann felt that atoms were real and this motivated much of his research. How Boltzmann would have laughed if he could have seen present-day scanning tunnelling microscopy images, which resolve the atomic structure at surfaces! If only all scientists would learn from Boltzmann's life story that it is bad for science to persecute someone whose views you do not share but cannot disprove. One surprising fact I learned from this book was how research into thermodynamics and statistical mechanics led to the beginnings of quantum theory (such as Planck's distribution law, and Einstein's theory of specific heat). Lecture notes by Boltzmann also seem to have influenced Einstein's construction of special relativity. Cercignani's familiarity with Boltzmann's work at the research level will probably set this above other biographies of Boltzmann for a very long time to come.' Dr David J Bottomley  

Cornwell, John, The Pope in Winter: The Dark Face of John Paul II's Papacy, Penguin 2005 'The Late John Paul II was portrayed by admirers as one of history's great popes. But in The Pope in Winter, leading Vatican expert John Cornwell seriously questions the workings of his papacy and points to fundamental flaws - exacerbated by age and infirmity - that have alarming consequences for both the Catholic Church's future and John Paul II's successor. ' 

Haidt, Jonathan, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion, Pantheon 2012 Book description: 'Why can’t our political leaders work together as threats loom and problems mount? Why do people so readily assume the worst about the motives of their fellow citizens? In The Righteous Mind, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt explores the origins of our divisions and points the way forward to mutual understanding. His starting point is moral intuition—the nearly instantaneous perceptions we all have about other people and the things they do. These intuitions feel like self-evident truths, making us righteously certain that those who see things differently are wrong. Haidt shows us how these intuitions differ across cultures, including the cultures of the political left and right. He blends his own research findings with those of anthropologists, historians, and other psychologists to draw a map of the moral domain, and he explains why conservatives can navigate that map more skillfully than can liberals. He then examines the origins of morality, overturning the view that evolution made us fundamentally selfish creatures. But rather than arguing that we are innately altruistic, he makes a more subtle claim—that we are fundamentally groupish. It is our groupishness, he explains, that leads to our greatest joys, our religious divisions, and our political affiliations. In a stunning final chapter on ideology and civility, Haidt shows what each side is right about, and why we need the insights of liberals, conservatives, and libertarians to flourish as a nation.' 

Payer, Pierre J., Sex and the New Medieval Literature of Confession, 1150-1300, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies 2009 'This volume rounds out an important trilogy of studies by Pierre Payer on the topic of sex in the ecclesiastical thought and writings of the middle ages that began with Sex and the Penitentials: The Development of a Sexual Code, 550-1150 (1984) and continued with The Bridling of Desire: Views of Sex in the Later Middle Ages (1993). In every way the equal of the two magisterial studies that preceded it, this third volume examines the treatment of sex in the 'new' literature of penance and confession. Composed by canon lawyers and by theologians for the instruction of priests, it is one of the most popular genres of writing of the later middle ages, although it remains largely unknown and underutilized as a historical source. Pierre Payer guides readers through this varied and heterogenous corpus with great patience and erudition. His analysis ranges over the origin and development of the idea of lechery as one of the capital sins and the distinction between natural and unnatural acts, and explores the moral consequences of sexual beahviour even within marriage, providing us much insight into the act, and art, of confession and the intimate relationship between priest and penitent that underlies it. [Brepols Publishers] 

Tapsell, Kieran, Potiphar's Wife: The Vatican's Secret and Child Sexual Abuse, ATF Press 2014 Back cover: 'For 1500 years the Cathilic Church acepted that clergy who sexually abused children deserved to be stripped of theur status as priests and then imprisoned. . . . That all changed in 1922 when Pope Pius XI issues his decree Crimen Sollicitationi that created a de facto 'privilege of clergy' b imposing the 'secret of the Holy Ofice' on all infomration obtained through the Church'd canonincal investigations. If the State did not knw abut these crimes, then there would be n State trials, and the matter could be treated as a ourely canonical crime to be dealt with in secret in the Church courts.. 


Alan Turing, On Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem, 'The "computable" numbers may be described briefly as the real numbers whose expressions as a decimal are calculable by some finite means. Although the subject of this paper is ostensibly the computable numbers, it is almost equally easy to define and investigate computable functions of an integral variable of a real or computable variable, computable predicates and so forth. . . . ' back

All Together Now, Who Watches the Media? Race-related reporting in Australian mainstream media, 'To investigate the extent to which race-related reporting is an issue in Australia, All Together Now worked with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to create a framework for collecting data about race-related reports. The research team used the framework to monitor and collect data published by Australia’s four most read online newspapers (The Australian, Daily Telegraph, Sydney Morning Herald, Herald Sun), and the four most watched TV current affairs programs (A Current Affair, The Project, 60 Minutes, 7:30).' back

Amy Sullivan, America's New Religion: Fox Evangelicalism, 'Yet the students around me agreed unreservedly with Wayne LaPierre, chief executive of the National Rifle Association, who was seen in the film asserting that “in the world around us, there are terrorists, home invaders, drug cartels, carjackers, knockout gamers, rapers, haters, campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers.” This worldview is familiar to anyone who has spent time watching Fox News, where every day viewers are confronted with threats to their way of life.' back

Calvary (film) - Wikipedia, Calvary (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Calvary is a 2014 Irish drama film written and directed by John Michael McDonagh.' back


Cardinal Villot, Rescriptum ex Audientia Instructio Secrete Continere, De Secreto Pontifico, back

Catholic Catechism p2, s2, c2, a4, VIII The Minister of the sacrament, 1467 Given the delicacy and greatness of this ministry and the respect due to persons, the Church declares that every priest who hears confessions is bound under very severe penalties to keep absolute secrecy regarding the sins that his penitents have confessed to him. He can make no use of knowledge that confession gives him about penitents' lives. This secret, which admits of no exceptions, is called the "sacramental seal," because what the penitent has made known to the priest remains "sealed" by the sacrament. ' back

Catholic Catechism p2, s2, c3, a6, V. Who Can Confer this Sacrament?, '1579 All the ordained ministers of the Latin Church, with the exception of permanent deacons, are normally chosen from among men of faith who live a celibate life and who intend to remain celibate "for the sake of the kingdom of heaven." Called to consecrate themselves with undivided heart to the Lord and to "the affairs of the Lord," they give themselves entirely to God and to men. Celibacy is a sign of this new life to the service of which the Church's minister is consecrated; accepted with a joyous heart celibacy radiantly proclaims the Reign of God.' back

Catholic Catechism p3, s2, c2, a5, II. Respect for the Dignity of Persons, '2284 Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. The person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor's tempter. He damages virtue and integrity; he may even draw his brother into spiritual death. Scandal is a grave offense if by deed or omission another is deliberately led into a grave offense.
2285 Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized. It prompted our Lord to utter this curse: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." Scandal is grave when given by those who by nature or office are obliged to teach and educate others. Jesus reproaches the scribes and Pharisees on this account: he likens them to wolves in sheep's clothing.' back

Christine Smallwood, Greta Gerwig's Radical Confidence, 'That’s Gerwig: one of the few women in America so un-self-conscious, so well adjusted, that she was able, as an eighth grader, to look back on a recent episode of classroom incontinence and turn it into something “funny and sweet.” What she fixates on, telling the story now, is the girl who helped her.' back

Concordat Watch, Concordat Watch, "A concordat is a pact between the Vatican and a nation-state whereby the Vatican gains certain political and financial benefits in return for support of a policy or arm of the national government. Such a concordat in a nation with numerous Catholics is also helpful in getting their allegiance or in curbing opposition to the government."Prof. John M. Swomley, St. Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, Missouri: back

David Child, Nuclear weapons: In conversation with ICAN, 'The 2017 Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) for the campaign's "ground-breaking efforts" to secure a prohibition on such weapons.' back

Des Cahill and Peter Wilkinson, Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: An Interpretative Review of the Literature and Public Inquiry Reports, 'For the first time in Australia, a ground-breaking research study has analysed the systemic reasons why the abuse of children has plagued the Catholic Church worldwide. Taking five years to complete, it is the most comprehensive report on the issue ever produced. Based on their analysis of a vast array of theological and scientific studies, the authors outline a matrix of factors that have contributed to the tragedy – cultural, historical, organisational, social, psychological and theological.' back

Douglas Jacobs, We're Sick of Racism, Literally, 'Even if Mr. Zerai-Misgun and his colleague were never directly physically harmed, the experience probably took a toll on their bodies. Perceptions of discrimination like those the officers experienced, as well as those that are less direct, may make us sick. And in the current political environment, with its high-profile expressions of racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia and xenophobia, along with widely covered acts of hate and bigotry, countless Americans are at risk of this type of harm.' back

Ella Buchan, Inside the Misisippi Human Rights Museum That's Tackling American Racism Head On, 'Blood still stains the driveway of Medgar Evers’s home in Jackson, Mississippi. It’s soaked into the flagstones where the 37-year-old civil rights campaigner – who led efforts for desegregation and black voter registration in America’s South – fell to the ground on 12 June 1963, shot in the back by a sniper’s bullet as he unloaded his car. The murder weapon is now displayed at the new Mississippi Civil Rights Museum, among other emotive exhibits that hold a mirror up to the state’s history of racism.' back

Feynman, Leighton & Sands III:4, III Chapter 4: Identical Particles , 'In the last chapter we began to consider the special rules for the interference that occurs in processes with two identical particles. By identical particles we mean things like electrons which can in no way be distinguished one from another. If a process involves two particles that are identical, reversing which one arrives at a counter is an alternative which cannot be distinguished and—like all cases of alternatives which cannot be distinguished—interferes with the original, unexchanged case. The amplitude for an event is then the sum of the two interfering amplitudes; but, interestingly enough, the interference is in some cases with the same phase and, in others, with the opposite phase.' back

Harriet Sherwood, Prince Charles accession 'could trigger debate on disestablishment, 'The report concludes: “The voices of religious privilege are loud and their vested interests are strong. But if the problems of the 21st century life are to be effectively addressed, and if Britain is to become a modern state rather than one in which parliament continues to cleave to its medieval past, then the separation of church and state needs to be part of the solution.” ' back

Jackson Diehl, Will someone save Trump from this disastrous decision?, 'President Trump inherited a Middle East convulsed by crisis and civil war with two fragile exceptions: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iran’s nuclear program, both of which were quiescent. With two impulsive, egotistical decisions, taken against the strong recommendations of his national security team, he has endangered the status quo on both fronts. Now the question is whether Congress or European allies will save him from a potentially disastrous third strike./ back

James M. Furland, Grant J. Williamson and David M.J.S Bowen, Simulating the effectiveness of prescribed burning at altering wildfire behaviour in Tasmania, Australia, 'Prescribed burning is a widely accepted wildfire hazard reduction technique; however, knowledge of its effectiveness remains limited. To address this, we employ simulations of a widely used fire behaviour model across the ecologically diverse Australian island state of Tasmania. We simulate three broad scenarios: (1) no fuel treatment, (2) a maximal treatment, with the most possible prescribed burning within ecological constraints, and (3) 12 hypothetically more implementable state-wide prescribed-burning plans. In all simulations, we standardised fire-weather inputs to represent regionally typical dangerous fire-weather conditions. Statistical modelling showed that an unrealistically large maximal treatment scenario could reduce fire intensity in three flammable vegetation types, and reduce fire probability in almost every vegetation type. However, leverage analysis of the 12 more-realistic implementable plans indicated that such prescribed burning would have only a minimal effect, if any, on fire extent and that none of these prescribed-burning plans substantially reduced fire intensity. The study highlights that prescribed burning can theoretically mitigate wildfire, but that an unrealistically large area would need to be treated to affect fire behaviour across the island. Rather, optimisation of prescribed burning requires careful landscape design at the local scale. Such designs should be based on improved fire behaviour modelling, empirical measurement of fuels and analysis of actual wildfires.' International Journal of Wildland Fire - Submitted: 31 March 2017 Accepted: 17 October 2017 Published online: 15 December 2017 back

John Cassian - Wikipedia, John Cassian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Saint John Cassian (c. 360 – 435 AD), John the Ascetic, or John Cassian the Roman (Latin: Ioannes Eremita Cassianus, Ioannus Cassianus, or Ioannes Massiliensis),[2] was a Christian monk and theologian celebrated in both the Western and Eastern Churches for his mystical writings. Cassian is noted for his role in bringing the ideas and practices of Christian monasticism to the early medieval West.' back

John Jay Report - Wikipedia, John Jay Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States, commonly known as the John Jay Report, is a 2004 report by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, based on surveys completed by the Roman Catholic dioceses in the United States. The initial version of the report was posted on the Internet on February 27, 2004, with corrections and revisions posted on April 16. The printed version was published in June 2004. The church's own John Jay Report is online at John Jay Report. back

Jonathan Malesic, A Burnt-Out Case, 'What I experienced—and what I see, admittedly somewhat anachronistically, in the final days of Thomas Aquinas—is burnout. We toss around that term imprecisely, applying it to languorous teens, drug addicts, and Graham Greene characters. But psychologists who study the phenomenon have a definition for it. Burnout is a response to the chronic stress of work, manifested in exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of inefficacy.' back

Juliette Kennedy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy), Kurt Gödel, 'In his philosophical work Gödel formulated and defended mathematical Platonism, the view that mathematics is a descriptive science, or alternatively the view that the concept of mathematical truth is objective. On the basis of that viewpoint he laid the foundation for the program of conceptual analysis within set theory (see below). He adhered to Hilbert's “original rationalistic conception” in mathematics (as he called it); and he was prophetic in anticipating and emphasizing the importance of large cardinals in set theory before their importance became clear. back

Kristen Roupenian, Cat Person, back

Lawrence H. Summers, The economy is on a sugar high, and tax cuts won't help, 'The idea that U.S. fundamentals have importantly improved since the election is further called into question by the observation that the dollar has declined by 8 percent against the yen and 7 percent against the euro. If something fundamental had happened to improve the U.S. business environment, we would have seen capital inflows and an appreciating currency.' back

Liber Gomorrhianus - Wikipedia, Liber Gomorrhianus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Liber Gomorrhianus (Book of Gomorrah) is a book authored and published by the Roman Catholic priest St. Peter Damian circa AD 1051. It is a treatise regarding the vices of the clergy, principally sodomy, and the consequent need for reform.' back

Lorenzo Fioramonti, Why capitalism wins. And how a simple accounting move can defeat it, 'As I show in my book Gross Domestic Problem, even socialist systems largely accepted capitalism’s accounting approach, ultimately failing to beat capitalism at its game. But the global debate is shifting. The Sustainable Development Goals recognise that real value is only created when economic development leads to improvements in social and environmental dynamics. I argue that, by changing our headline indicators of prosperity in line with this new thinking, we can show capitalism’s inefficiencies and contribute to its demise.' back

Luis Martin - Wikipedia, Luis Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Very Rev. Luis Martín García, S.J. (19 August 1846 – 18 April 1906) was a Spanish Jesuit, elected the twenty-fourth Superior General of the Society of Jesus.' back

Mannat Mohanjeet Singh, Shradha S, Parsekar and Sreekumaran N Nair, An Epidemiological Overview of Child Sexual Abuse, 'Abstract: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a universal problem with grave life-long outcomes. The estimates vary widely depending on the country under study, the definitions used, the type of CSA studied, the extent of coverage, and quality of data. This study intended to assess the magnitude and the issues related to CSA. We searched databases such as PubMed, Google scholar, web (newspaper reports), and government websites. The relevant data was extracted from these sources for gathering evidence on CSA and secondary data analysis was done. The prevalence of CSA was found to be high in India as well as throughout the world. CSA is an extensive problem and even the lowest prevalence includes a huge number of victims. It also has various adverse effects on the psychological, physical, behavioral, and interpersonal well-being of the victim. Hence, stringent measures should be taken for the prevention and control of this hidden public health issue. back

Minkowski space - Wikipedia, Minkowski space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematical physics, Minkowski space or Minkowski spacetime is a combination of Euclidean space and time into a four-dimensional manifold where the spacetime interval between any two events is independent of the inertial frame of reference in which they are recorded. Although initially developed by mathematician Hermann Minkowski for Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism, the mathematical structure of Minkowski spacetime was shown to be an immediate consequence of the postulates of special relativity.' back

Parliament of Victoria, Betrtayal of Trust, 'Chaor's foreword: On receiving our terms of reference, it was immediately evident that our Committee had been tasked with a significant and historic Inquiry. It is the first of its kind in Victoria and it has been challenging on many levels—for the victims who re-lived their traumatic experiences, for the community hearing their accounts, and for trusted non‑government organisations opening themselves to scrutiny and conceding wrongdoings.' back

Paul VI, Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae on the Regulation of Birth, '14. Therefore We base Our words on the first principles of a human and Christian doctrine of marriage when We are obliged once more to declare that the direct interruption of the generative process already begun and, above all, all direct abortion, even for therapeutic reasons, are to be absolutely excluded as lawful means of regulating the number of children. Equally to be condemned, as the magisterium of the Church has affirmed on many occasions, is direct sterilization, whether of the man or of the woman, whether permanent or temporary. Similarly excluded is any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation—whether as an end or as a means.' back

Paul VI 1967, Sacerdotalis Caelibatus: On the Celibacy of the Priest, 'To the Bishops, Priests and Faithful of the Whole Catholic World. Priestly celibacy has been guarded by the Church for centuries as a brilliant jewel, and retains its value undiminished even in our time when the outlook of men and the state of the world have undergone such profound changes. ' back

Pius X (1910), Quam Singulari: On First Communion, 'After careful deliberation on all these points, this Sacred Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments, in a general meeting held on July 15, 1910, in order to remove the above-mentioned abuses and to bring about that children even from their tender years may be united to Jesus Christ, may live His life, and obtain protection from all danger of corruption, has deemed it needful to prescribe the following rules which are to be observed everywhere for the First Communion of children. 1. The age of discretion, both for Confession and for Holy Communion, is the time when a child begins to reason, that is about the seventh year, more or less. From that time on begins the obligation of fulfilling the precept of both Confession and Communion.' back

Pius XI, 1929, Divini Illius Magistri: On Christian Education, '68. False also and harmful to Christian education is the so-called method of "coeducation." This too, by many of its supporters, is founded upon naturalism and the denial of original sin; but by all, upon a deplorable confusion of ideas that mistakes a leveling promiscuity and equality, for the legitimate association of the sexes. The Creator has ordained and disposed perfect union of the sexes only in matrimony, and, with varying degrees of contact, in the family and in society. Besides there is not in nature itself, which fashions the two quite different in organism, in temperament, in abilities, anything to suggest that there can be or ought to be promiscuity, and much less equality, in the training of the two sexes.' back

Pontifical secret - Wikipedia, Pontifical secret - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The pontifical secret or pontifical secrecy or papal secrecy is the code of confidentiality that, in accordance with the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church, applies in matters that require greater than ordinary confidentiality: "Business of the Roman Curia at the service of the universal Church is officially covered by ordinary secrecy, the moral obligation of which is to be gauged in accordance with the instructions given by a superior or the nature and importance of the question. But some matters of major importance require a particular secrecy, called 'pontifical secrecy', and must be observed as a grave obligation." Pontifical secrecy is the subject of the instruction Secreta continere of 4 February 1974 issued by the Secretariat of State. The text is published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 1974, pages 89–92.' back

Rafael A. Calvo and Dorian Peters, Engineers, philosophers and sociologists release ethical design guidelines fo future technology, 'This is an important step toward breaking the protective wall of specialisation that allows technologists to separate themselves from the impact of their work on society at large. It will demand that future tech leaders take responsibility for ensuring that the technology we build as humans genuinely benefits us and our planet.' back

Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, Cat Person going viral shows how rare it is to explore women's sex lives, '. . . this week, Kristen Roupenian’s first story to be printed in the New Yorker was greeted with unparalleled enthusiasm on social media and off it as well. But why? There are no stylistic fireworks on display in Cat Person, a simply written tale of Margot, a 20-year-old college student’s sexual encounter with 34-year-old Robert. Nor are there daring experimentations with form or structure. It is a tale, straightforwardly told through the eyes of a young woman, of an unpleasant sexual encounter that she has with a somewhat ambiguous stranger who turns out to be actively unpleasant. And lord, has it resonated painfully, especially with young women.' back

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Final report, 'On 12 November 2012 the then Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, announced that she would recommend to the Governor-General that a Royal Commission be appointed to inquire into institutional responses to child abuse. . . . On 15 December 2017 the Royal Commission presented a final report to the Governor-General, detailing the culmination of a five year inquiry into institutional responses to child sexual abuse and related matters.' back

Ruth Schuster, Man Has Been Trikling Out of Africa for 120,100 Years, Archaeologists Say, 'The paradigm that all people arose from a single mass exit from Africa by Homo sapiens 60,000 years ago isn’t accurate, says a team of archaeologists summing up the most recent archaeological and genetic research. Modern humans began to exit Africa in small hunter-gatherer groups some 120,000 years ago, wandering and mating with various other species of hominin as they went along – and they may have left traces in the DNA of some groups existing today. back

Second Vatican Council: Dignitatis Humanae, Declaration on Religious Freedom, Second Vatican Council, Declaration on Religious Freedom, on the right of the person and of comunities to social and civil freedom in matters religious, promulgated by His Holiness Pope John Paul VI, on December 7, 1965. back

Shaun Walker, Nureyev premieres in Moscow with director under house arrest, 'The most hotly anticipated and controversial Russian ballet in years has been premiered as Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre finally staged Nureyev, which tells the life story of the dancer. The theatre’s best dancers took to the stage on Saturday night with much of the Russian elite in the audience. But the ballet’s director, Kirill Serebrennikov, was conspicuously absent, having spent the past few months under house arrest.' back

Ska-P, Crimen Sollicitationis, 'Music video by Ska-P performing Crimen Sollicitationis. (C) 2008 Sony Music Entertainment España, S.L.' back

Subsidiarity - Wikipedia, Subsidiarity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Subsidiarity is a principle of social organization that originated in the Roman Catholic Church. In its most basic formulation, it holds that social and political issues should be dealt with at the most immediate (or local) level that is consistent with their resolution.' back

Sylvia's Site, Blogging the sex abuse scandal and betrayals of trust in the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, 'Father Denis Vaillancourt, the former long-time Chancellor of the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, has been sentenced to 12 months house arrest, followed by 12 months probation and must donate $500 towards charity. Thankfully for the victim and his family it’s over. Please keep them in your prayers.' back

Synod of Elvria - Wikipedia, Synod of Elvria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Synod of Elvira (Latin: Concilium Eliberritanum, Spanish: Concilio de Elvira) was an ecclesiastical synod held at Elvira in the Roman province of Hispania Baetica, now Granada in southern Spain.[1] Its date has not been exactly determined but is believed to be in the first quarter of the fourth century, approximately 305–6. It was one of three councils, together with the Synod of Arles and the Synod of Ancyra, that first approached the character of general councils and prepared the way for the first ecumenical council. It was attended by nineteen bishops and twenty-six presbyters, mostly resident in Baetica.' back

The Editors, Commonweal, Salt in the Wound, 'As long as this wound remains open, anything worth calling diplomacy will at least avoid rubbing salt in it. For the past seven decades, U.S. presidents of both parties have understood this. They have also understood that the status of Jerusalem must finally be determined as part of a peace agreement, not in advance of one. But these considerations appear to be lost on President Trump. He seems to care only that he is the first president who has dared to keep this irresponsible campaign promise—the consequences be damned.' back

Zena Tahhan and Farah Najjar, Why Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel, 'Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem effectively put the entire city under de facto Israeli control. Israeli jurisdiction and ownership of Jerusalem, however, is not recognised by the international community, including the United States. The status of Jerusalem remains one of the main sticking points in efforts to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls