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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 28 January 2018 - Saturday 3 February 2018

[Notebook: DB 82: Life and Death]

Sunday 28 January 2018
Monday 29 January

[page 117]

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Much proofreading

The complex number i does not make much sense in overt arithmetic, but it does perform an invisible logical [and algebraic] function.

[page 118]

The rate at which unmodulated energy flows into and out of the Earth is pretty constant (if we average over global warming and cooling) but during its stay on Earth this energy becomes a highly modulated potential like myself, to be released and probably returned to space when I die and become food for other creatures which are eaten in their turn and ultimately reject all the energy received from me. The flow of energy is conserved, but entropy increases all the way if we count it by pure thermodynamic methods, but I would like to find a way of counting which maximizes entropy in complex organisms like myself and then sees it goes down as I decay [ie recognizes the capital value of structure, ie the time that ordered structure exists and contributes to organized processes].

Beating noise by complexification: longer strings are on the whole rarer and we eventually find a string [so long that] is essentially unique and therefore 'noiseproof' like my genome.

Wednesday 31 January 2018
Thursday 1 February 2018

A differentiable manifold is structureless (except for its dimensions) and continuous. Einstein's gravitational equations introduce structure through the communication of energy which occurs at all levels beginning with quantum mechanics.

3D space. Motor vehicles are messages. On a 2D road system we need traffic lights and road rules so that some will stop to allow others to cross them [time division multiplexing]. This can be avoided by moving into 3D with over- and underpasses.

[page 119]

We imagine that Newton's inverse square law is a direct consequence of the flow of energy between massive particles - dark energy maybe [this energy flow is also subject to gravitation].

Friday 2 February 2018

Natural languages are fluid. Sacred languages are fixed by long usage and formal institutional control. Another control on language is setting it to music, so that often exact same words are sung frequently in a social context.

[Scientific Theology subtitle: Scientific Theology: A new vision of God]

Saturday 3 February 2018

A real vision of God? A vision of the real God.

From fantastic [phantastic] gods to the real God.

One of my problems is failing to realize that communication is both psychological and ontological.

Exploring the divine Universe. God ≡ Universe ≡ God : identity

No more human sacrifice. Human sacrifice no more.

Human sacrifice nevermore Real God No Bloodshed

The end of human sacrifice


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Calaprice, Alice, and Freeman Dyson, Albert Einsein, The New Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press0691120757 2005 'For the first time in paperback, here is a newly expanded edition of the best-selling book that was hailed as "setting a new standard" for quotation books. Tens of thousands of readers have enjoyed The Quotable Einstein and The Expanded Quotable Einstein, with translations into twenty-two languages. This updated edition--which appears on the 100th anniversary of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity and the 50th anniversary of Einstein's death--offers more than 300 new quotations, or over 1,200 altogether. Nearly all are by Einstein himself and a few are about the self-professed "lone wolf" Time magazine named "Man of the Century" at the turn of the millennium.' 

Cantor, Georg, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers (Translated, with Introduction and Notes by Philip E B Jourdain), Dover 1955 Jacket: 'One of the greatest mathematical classics of all time, this work established a new field of mathematics which was to be of incalculable importance in topology, number theory, analysis, theory of functions, etc, as well as the entire field of modern logic.' 

Hawking, Stephen, A Brief History of Time, Bantam Doubleday Bell 1998  

Hofstadter, Douglas R, Goedel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Basic/Harvester 1979 An illustrated essay on the philosophy of mathematics. Formal systems, recursion, self reference and meaning explored with a dazzling array of examples in music, dialogue, text and graphics. 

Kauffman, Stuart, At Home in the Universe: The Search for Laws of Complexity, Oxford University Press 1995 Preface: 'As I will argue in this book, natural selection is important, but it has not laboured alone to craft the fine architectures of the biosphere . . . The order of the biological world, I have come to believe . . . arises naturally and spontaneously because of the principles of self organisation - laws of complexity that we are just beginning to uncover and understand.'  

Shulman, Seth, Undermining Science: Suprression and Distortion in the Bush Administration, University of California Press 2007 Amazon Book Description 'This vitally important exposé shows how the Bush administration has systematically misled Americans on a wide range of scientific issues affecting public health, foreign policy, and the environment by ignoring, suppressing, manipulating, or even distorting scientific research. It is the first book to focus exclusively on how this explosive issue has played out during the Presidency of George W. Bush and the first to comprehensively document his administration's abuses of science. In 2001, a group of eminent American scientists affiliated with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) contacted Seth Shulman, an experienced investigative journalist, to look into charges of serious mishandling of scientific information in the current administration. Shulman's investigation resulted in the groundbreaking report "Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policy Making," which served as the basis for a highly publicized UCS scientists' statement accusing the Bush administration of a misuse of science that was signed by dozens of Nobel laureates, National Medal of Science recipients, and members of the National Academy of Sciences. To date, more than 8,000 scientists across the country have signed the statement based upon Shulman's reporting. This book, drawing upon scores of interviews and including never-released information, goes beyond the UCS report to document the Bush administration's suppression and distortion of science, bringing this issue to a wider audience.'  

Weinberger, Sharon, Imaginary Weapons: A Journey through the Pentagon;s Scientific Underworld, Nation Books 2005 Amazon Editorial Review:Publishers Weekly 'The Pentagon's fascination with fringe science is old news, writes veteran defense reporter Weinberger in this incisive study, but the Bush administration has pushed it to new levels of wackiness. After reviewing our government's pursuit of antimatter weapons, psychics and telepathy, she focuses on a "nuclear hand grenade" that may cost billions and seems certain to fail. Before the War on Terror and the avalanche of government money for advanced new weapons, few paid attention to physicists who said they could harness the energy of unstable atomic nuclei, or "isomers," through a wildly expensive process involving atomic reactors. But in recent years, a group of fringe scientists aided by defense industry insiders has convinced the Pentagon that America's post-9/11 survival depends on developing an isomer bomb. While proponents compare it to the Manhattan Project, opponents point out that independent researchers have not been able to duplicate the results attained by isomer enthusiasts, and that many assumptions behind the bomb contradict the laws of physics. Though Congress canceled isomer bomb development in 2004, the Department of Energy found $5 million to continue the research.' Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 


Giles, Jim, "PR's 'pit bull' takes on open access", Nature, 445, 7126, 25 January 2007, page 347. '... Eric Dezenhall has made a name for himself helping companies and celebrities protect their reputations . . . Now Nature has learned a group of big scientific publishers has hired the pit bull to take on the free information movement, which campaigns for scientific results to be made freely available. . . . The consultant advised them to focus on simple messages such as "Public access equals government censorship" . . . .'. back

Horgan, John, "Dark days at the White House: Has the George W. Bush administration manipulaed sceince for political ends? Review of Seth Shulman, Undermining Science: Supression and Distortion in the Bush Administration, University of California Press, , 2007.", Nature, 445, 7126, 25 January 2007, page . back

Jeltes, T, et al, "Comparison the the Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect for bosons and fermions", Nature, 445, 7126, 25 January 2007, page 402 - 405. 'Fifty years ago, Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) discovered photon bunching in light emitted by a chaotic source, highlighting the importance of two-photon correlations and stimulating the development of modern quantum optics. The quantum interpretation of bunching relies on the constructive interference between amplitudes involving two indistinguishable photons, and its additive character is intimately linked to the Bose nature of photons. Advances in atom cooling and detection have led to the observation and full characterization of the atomic analogue of the HBT effect with bosonic atoms. By contrast, fermions should reveal an antibunching effect (a tendency to avoid each other). Antibunching of fermions is associated with destructive two-particle interference, and is related to the Pauli principle forbidding more than one identical fermion to occupy the same quantum state. Here we report an experimental comparison of the fermionic and bosonic HBT effects in the same apparatus, using two different isotopes of helium: 3He (a fermion) and 4He (a boson). Ordinary attractive or repulsive interactions between atoms are negligible; therefore, the contrasting bunching and antibunching behaviour that we observe can be fully attributed to the different quantum statistics of each atomic species. Our results show how atom–atom correlation measurements can be used to reveal details in the spatial densityor momentum correlations in an atomic ensemble. They also enable the direct observation of phase effects linked to the quantum statistics of a many-body system, which may facilitate the study of more exotic situations.'. back

Links, You Tube Algorithm, 'On YouTube, there are: One billion hours watched daily . . . back

Craig Stevens and Christina Hulbe, Climate scientists explore hidden ocean beneath Antarctica's largest ice shelf, 'Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf is the world’s largest floating slab of ice: it’s about the size of Spain, and nearly a kilometre thick. The ocean beneath, roughly the volume of the North Sea, is one of the most important but least understood parts of the climate system. We are part of the multi-disciplinary Aotearoa New Zealand Ross Ice Shelf programme team, and have melted a hole through hundreds of metres of ice to explore this ocean and the ice shelf’s vulnerability to climate change.' back

Falza Patel, Why the Trump administration is trying to make Muslim immigration seem dangerous, 'Attempting to find alternative facts to support the Trump administration’s preferred immigration policies, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security recently issued a report that brazenly manipulates numbers and cherry-picks statistics to bolster Trump’s prejudices.' back

Paul Lewis, 'Fiction outperforming reality': how YouTube's algorithm distorts truth, 'Company insiders tell me the algorithm is the single most important engine of YouTube’s growth. In one of the few public explanations of how the formula works – an academic paper that sketches the algorithm’s deep neural networks, crunching a vast pool of data about videos and the people who watch them – YouTube engineers describe it as one of the “largest scale and most sophisticated industrial recommendation systems in existence”.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls