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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 24 June 2018 - Saturday 30 June 2018

[Notebook: DB 82: Life and Death]

[page 161]

Sunday 24 June 2018

The panpsychist approach demands that we consider all quantum behaviour as logical. In silicon etc digital computers we only observe the static states of the computing elements because the

[page 162]

state transitions are in effect hidden inside the clock pulses, between the leading and trailing edge. We seem to have an exactly analogous situation in nature where the actual continuous (?) dynamics of quantum behaviour is hidden from us and we only see the formal outcome in terms of observed particles, observed creations and inferred annihilations. Whereas the clocking in a techno computer is quite precise and regular, natural events have a half life but but their exact timing has a random elements. What is not random is the actual form of events which is determined to a high degree of precision by the assumed logical events which determine the outcomes of the randomised completion of operations.

What determines the actual timing of quantum event? There is obviously some control because events of a given form have a very definite half life. [Maybe it is a network phenomenon something like the randomness of human insight.]

Monday 25 June

6. Cantor's paradise
7. A transfinite computer network
8. Quantum mechanics describes a computer network
9. Shannon: why is the universe quantized?
10. Creation, annihilation and logic

Here we introduce energy, so section name is the logical creation of energy.

Tuesday 26 June 2018
Wednesday 27 June 2018

[page 163]

The classical version of the logical not is a pendulum going from potential to not-potential = kinetic to not-kinetic = potential and so on.

Then we go to quantum harmonic oscillator, creating energy from action and time, creating the foundation for quantum mechanics -- is the classical foundation for quantum mechanics, ie wave equation, deterministic, also the foundation for space-time?

Thursday 28 June 2018

Here is the question at the root of panpsychism: How big is the quantum of action? Answer: it is the physical equivalent of the logical distance between p and not-p. Here is the source of my honours thesis (maybe)/

A bright idea a day keeps the gloom away.

The bifurcation of energy into potential and kinetic requires a space and a potential, maybe the beginning of gravitation, the first and most persistent potential in the universe which arises from spatial dynamics = curvature [= geometry according to Misner, Thorne and Wheeler] which requires at least two dimensions, one space, one time, ie energy must bifurcate into space and time, creating curvature and potential in one move. Where does momentum come into this? We've got shapeless bits of jigsaw to be moulded and connected. Misner, Thorne & Wheeler: Gravitation

Until we have space we cannot have c [velocity of light] which couples time frequency (energy) to space frequency (momentum).

[page 164]

We want to assemble all the quantum mechanical tool into a network a quantum harmonic oscillator maybe which has a potential arising from boson statistics. We just chat about all this until something falls together. How many dimensions of space-time do we ned to make a fermion?

The conservation of energy holds because all energy in the universe comes from the same [local] source. Conservation of action and momentum also [and the velocity of light, due classically to the local behaviour of Maxwell's equations].

For a long time we have been thinking that gravitation is not quantized because there is no possibility of error, ie it is purely classical [the error resisting power of quantization is not necessary because gravitation sees only to energy, so all its messages are effectively identical so error is not an issue].

Trying to stay close to the simplicity argument, increasing entropy 1 unit at a time, mapping to the transfinite numbers where 0 = (say) 2 and growing from there. See energy as a process of action, each action being the simultaneous creation and annihilation of a state. This is pure energy / time, E = ℏω = h/t, ℏ = E.t or ΔEΔt = ℏ.

Boson, fermion, trinity, causality, velocity of light.

In a closed universe light can only go in circles as it does in a black hole, or behind the event horizon of black holes. So the null geodesics are geometrically

[page 165]

confined in closed trapped surfaces - keep rattling the kaleidoscope. Photons can exist in 2D space-time, electro = potential, magnetic = kinetic with curl.

So perhaps in the continuous zone where [error free] communication [is not important] Maxwell's equations hold and the photons are steered by the curvature of space — so null inertial geodesics remain inside the universe because there is no outside, ie outside is inconsistent and therefore does not exist? What can this mean? Space can maintain fermionic inconsistency so long as particles are spacelike separated. Another bifurcation: spacelike and fermion came into existence simultaneously. So members of the Trinity are spacelike separated, like fermions, but they can communicate through bosons.

Quantum harmonic oscillator does not need space to exist, only a spectrum of frequencies beginning with two different frequencies as boson potential [and some electrons to absorb and emit photons, enabling them to reach equilibrium]. O for the mind of a Feynman [but I've only got myself and my philosophical / theological / scientific dreams].

Friday 29 June 2018

Electric and magnetic fields related through special relativity and need space to exist and the finite velocity of light, so we have a chicken and egg here, reflected in Maxwell's equations. Electric charge is necessary for photon, and it is a measure of the rate of communication between particles. We like to think that gravitation is the initial 'force' in the universe, a topological result of the shape of space. The basic heuristic here is the layered network idea, beginning with act: Im Anfang war die Tat The second feature of this heuristic is that the function of networks is to copy, ie increase entropy and

[page 166]

entropy is the measure of a panpsychic expanding universe. We can write about all these ideas without reaching any conclusions, just 'brainstorming' and putting it out so someone else may be able to ice the cake.

Physicists are hoping to get to the ultimate structure of the universe by going to higher and higher energies per particle on the view that this gets them closer to the conditions existing nearer and nearer to the origin of the big bang. However their efforts make everything more complex since high energies enable the creation of huge numbers of low energy particles which obscure what is happening. They may be completely on the wrong track if the universe started off with zero energy.

I we can provide a plausible story of the creation of the universe from the panpsychic point of view it would be a very significant breakthrough in our understanding of the world. The difficult question might be how do the high energy phenomena we observe in the universe come to be. The answer might be in high energy physics, beginning with the cyclotron where we make high energy particles by repeatedly passing them through a potential that increments their energy in relatively small steps.

We might imagine that all the high energy processes in the universe are ultimately sourced from gravitational processes even though gravitation is the weakest 'force' in the universe. So it is capable of creating black holes by accreting a large number of relatively low energy particles through its universal attractiveness.

[page 167]

High energy simply means a big gap between potential and kinetic energy and we can make high kinetic energy through a sequence of small potentials and perhaps a high potential through a sequence of small kinetics ending in a sharp collision.

Why does the universe complexify despite its energy being zero? By increasing entropy creating more states at constant energy, which implies less energy per state and so lower temperature. Can we think of mass as potential energy? Is binding energy the source of mass? How does a point electron carry its mass and energy? Does it exist in some sense outside space? Are mass, energy and time all the same reality?

Where do potentials come from? From the bifurcation of generic energy which is identical to frequency into potential energy (static structure) and kinetic energy. Has the principle of requisite variety got something to do with this because potentials are a product of uncertainty? Uncertainty and potentials are oriented toward the future, the arrow of time, whereas generic energy has no particular direction, nor has time. Time's arrow is an entropy thing. Potential will always realize themselves unless blocked by something deterministic.

Why complexity? Cantor's theorem, and uncertainty and requisite variety.

More bits and pieces to rattle into the jigsaw. [A rattled bolt will come undone, so we need castellated nuts and loctite.]

Saturday 30 June 2018

Equivalence of physical and mental effort. As a youth I was encouraged to compete physically in various sports and make a maximum effort which might be accompanied by a certain amount of pain. This did not seem to have much application in the mental sphere, but now that I am ageing both physical and mental activities seem to require equivalent amounts of effort and I have an equivalent tendency to shy away from them. My mental ambitions, however, require that I make the effort on the basis of use it or lose it. As I see my father ageing I see my own future and I want to put off my loss of physical and mental agility as long as possible.

How do we get from formalism to physics, from thought to action? We begin with Landauer's contention that information is physical and the idea that the quantum of action measures the distance between p and not-p. The quantum of action has the dimensions of energy.time, ie ML2T-2.T = ML2T-1. How does the logical defintion acquire these physical dimensions?

Action is our atom, and the appearance of dimensions is closely related (we guess) to the bifurcation into space and time consequent upon the origin of time on the sequence of creations and annihilations. We think of e+ + e-γ + γ as a transformation conserving energy and making the transformation between identical particles (the γs) and different particles, (e+, e-). So energy is the symmetry connecting e+ and e- to one another and in fact all particles to one another. But, we think, this symmetry

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has already bifurcated into massive (potential) and massless (kinetic), since electrons have rest mass but photons are never at rest. Photons imply the existence of space and time in that both are necessary for their existence.

Mass, energy, inertia, momentum. We might be able to understand all this from special relativity. The layered network idea gives us a means of classifying and ordering the appearance of new features in the growing universe as it complexifies.

Mass energy equivalence is a consequence of Lorentz invariance which establishes a relationship between the dimensions L and T which inputs into the measurement of inertia. So we can bring everything down to the question of measurement. — Father measures the Son, quantum of action measures the distance between p and not-p. When nothing happens (no action) v simply stays p.

Relativity = communication = measurement. Where is the zero point of energy?When frequency =0, ie eternity = pure formalism ie on a null geodesic?? No spacetime interval, but photons travel through space (at c) from the beginning of the universe 14 billion years BP, 14 billion light years away. Ie zero spacetime interval bifurcates into large amount of space and time.

Modern physics talks about particles and fields, the particles being in effect quantized units of energy (messages) and fields continuous entities used to predict the nature and frequency of the appearance and disappearance of particles. It is thought that there is a

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field for gravitation whose fields create spin 2 'gravitons'. Physicists like Einstein and Weinberg seem to feel that continuous fields are the real reality and that particles are simply observable manifestation of this reality rather like the old time idea that the universe is a manifestation of God, which seems consistent with the identification of God and the universe proposed here.

Panpsychists: Spinoza; Leibniz. Baruch Spinoza - Wikipedia, Gottfried Leibniz - Wikipedia

Goff: 'for Spinoza physical science is a way of studying the psychology of God.' Philip Goff et al., (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Schopenhauer: 'will is the inner nature of all things.'

Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947): Events and processes are the core of th world.

Panexperimentalism: conscious experience fundamental and ubiquitous
Pancognitivism: thought is fundamental and ubiquitous

"Constitutive cosmopsychism: — the view that all facts are grounded in / realized by / constituted of consciousness-involving facts at the cosmic level."

Can we explain consciousness in terms of processes that do not involve consciousness, or should we explain complex consciousness in terms of more fundamental forms of consciousness?

[page 171]

Consciousness: feedback / layering.

Goff: 'Indeed we can explain the extraordinary success of physics in terms of the fact that from Galileo onwards it focused on the more limited project of capturing matter's causal structure, rather than speculating about the underlying nature of the stuff that has that structure.' Maybe, as Aristotle might say, the form is all there is and there is nothing to be known about material prima: "nec quid, nec quale, nec quantum, nec aliquid eorum quibus ens determinatur."

Knowledge is a reality created by measurement, the creative role of quantum mechanics. The world is god's knowledge. There are not two copies of the world, in itself and in gods mind, but just one, held in place by the quantum mechanical no cloning theorem. Measurement in quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, No cloning theorem - Wikipedia

Eddington quoted in Strawson in Goff: 'It is rather silly, given that we know nothing from physics of the intrinsic nature of matter, to suppose that its nature is incongruent with mentality and then to wonder where mentality came from.'


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Ashby, W Ross, An Introduction to Cybernetics, Methuen 1964 'This book is intended to provide [an introduction to cybernetics]. It starts from common-place and well understood concepts, and proceeds step by step to show how these concepts can be made exact, and how they can be developed until they lead into such subjects as feedback, stability, regulation, ultrastability, information, coding, noise and other cybernetic topics.' 

Bede, and Leo Sherley-Price (translator), D. H. Farmer, Ronald E. Latham (editors), Ecclesiastical Hitory of the Rnglish People, Penguin Classics 1991 'Written in AD 731, Bede's work opens with a background sketch of Roman Britain's geography and history. It goes on to tell of the kings and bishops, monks and nuns who helped to develop Anglo-Saxon government and religion during the crucial formative years of the English people. Leo Sherley-Price's translation brings us an accurate and readable version, in modern English, of a unique historical document. This edition now includes Bede's Letter to Egbert concerning pastoral care in early Anglo-Saxon England, at the heart of which lay Bede's denunciation of the false monasteries; and The Death of Bede, an admirable eye-witness account by Cuthbert, monk and later Abbot of Jarrow, both translated by D. H. Farmer.' 

Hobson, M P, and G. P. Efstathiou, A. N. Lasenby, General Relativity: An Introduction for Physicists, Cambridge University Press 2006 Amazon Editorial Reviews Book Description 'After reviewing the basic concept of general relativity, this introduction discusses its mathematical background, including the necessary tools of tensor calculus and differential geometry. These tools are used to develop the topic of special relativity and to discuss electromagnetism in Minkowski spacetime. Gravitation as spacetime curvature is introduced and the field equations of general relativity derived. After applying the theory to a wide range of physical situations, the book concludes with a brief discussion of classical field theory and the derivation of general relativity from a variational principle.'  

Jaynes, Julian, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Mariner Books 2000 Jacket: 'At the heart of this book is the revolutionary idea that human consciousness did not begin far back in animal evolution but is a learned process brought into being out of an earlier hallucinatory mentality by cataclysm and catastrophe only 3000 years ago and still developing.' 

Jech, Thomas, Set Theory, Springer 1997 Jacket: 'This book covers major areas of modern set theory: cardinal arithmetic, constructible sets, forcing and Boolean-valued models, large cardinals and descriptive set theory. . . . It can be used as a textbook for a graduate course in set theory and can serve as a reference book.' 

Kolmogorov, A N, and Nathan Morrison (Translator) (With an added bibliography by A T Bharucha-Reid), Foundations of the Theory of Probability, Chelsea 1956 Preface: 'The purpose of this monograph is to give an axiomatic foundation for the theory of probability. . . . This task would have been a rather hopeless one before the introduction of Lebesgue's theories of measure and integration. However, after Lebesgue's publication of his investigations, the analogies between measure of a set and mathematical expectation of a random variable became apparent. These analogies allowed of further extensions; thus, for example, various properties of independent random variables were seen to be in complete analogy with the corresponding properties of orthogonal functions . . .' 

Misner, Charles W, and Kip S Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman 1973 Jacket: 'Einstein's description of gravitation as curvature of spacetime led directly to that greatest of all predictions of his theory, that the universe itself is dynamic. Physics still has far to go to come to terms with this amazing fact and what it means for man and his relation to the universe. John Archibald Wheeler. . . . this is a book on Einstein's theory of gravity. . . . ' 

Peskin, Michael E, and Dan V Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Westview Press 1995 Amazon Product Description 'This book is a clear and comprehensive introduction to quantum field theory, one that develops the subject systematically from its beginnings. The book builds on calculation techniques toward an explanation of the physics of renormalization.'  

Stewart, Ian, Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry, Basic Books/Perseus 2007 Jacket: ' ... Symmetry has been a key idea for artists, architects and musicians for centuries but within mathematics it remained, until very recently ,an arcane pursuit. In the twentieth century, however, symmetry emerged as central to the most fundamental ideas in physics and cosmology. Why beauty is truth tells its history, from ancient Babylon to twenty-first century physics.' 


Jordan, Stephen P., Keith S. M. Lee, John Preskill, "Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Feld Theories", Science, 336, 6085, 1 June 2012, page 1130-1133. 'ABSTRACT Quantum field theory reconciles quantum mechanics and special relativity, and plays a central role in many areas of physics. We developed a quantum algorithm to compute relativistic scattering probabilities in a massive quantum field theory with quartic self-interactions (ϕ4 theory) in spacetime of four and fewer dimensions. Its run time is polynomial in the number of particles, their energy, and the desired precision, and applies at both weak and strong coupling. In the strong-coupling and high-precision regimes, our quantum algorithm achieves exponential speedup over the fastest known classical algorithm.'. back


Ann Applebaum, The dark history behind Trump's inflammatory language, 'Yet these different [dictatorial] regimes did all have one thing in common. It was the obsession that one French scholar , writing of Cambodia, called the “mania for classification and elimination of different elements of society.” In each one of them, the groundwork for violence against a specific group — whether an ethnicity, an economic class or a political faction — was originally laid by a very particular way of using language.' back

Asia News/Agencies, Saudi Arabia: Jeddah: 35 Ethiopian Christians still in prison after praying in private home, 'They were arrested in December 2011. Despite US pressures, Saudi authorities deny religion was the motive behind their detention. Since 2006, praying in private has been allowed in Saudi Arabia.' back

Baruch Spinoza - Wikipedia, Baruch Spinoza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Baruch Spinoza born Benedito de Espinosa, Portuguese: 24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677, later Benedict de Spinoza) was a Dutch philosopher of Sephardi/Portuguese origin. By laying the groundwork for the 18th-century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the self and the universe, he came to be considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy.' back

Beatrice Alba, Women show sexual preference for dominant men -- so is gender inequality inevitable?, 'Women’s choice of taller men might indicate a preference for men who are more dominant, which may be due to the way that biological evolution has shaped our brains. This in turn may have shaped our culture, and the norms that reinforce the expectation that a man should be taller than his female partner. Fortunately, we can change our culture.' back

Beatrice Alba, The evolutionary history of men and women should not prevent us from seeking gender equality, 'Compared to women, men are more aggressive and enjoy being promiscuous. These are just two examples of the sorts of statements that are linked to research findings from evolutionary psychologists. If such conclusions are accurate, it raises concerns that our biology might prevent us from progressing towards gender equality. But I argue this is not the case, and that we need to understand our evolutionary history in order to overcome gender inequality.' back

CERN - LHC, The Atlas Experiment, 'This is a schematic diagram of the ATLAS detector. The components shown in various colors will be described to you in this tour, as will the basic physics involved with their purpose. This tour will give you general information about detectors, and then will talk specifically about the ATLAS detector.' back

David A Love, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the future of US politics, 'The US is witnessing the future of politics and a new generation of leaders who are providing a new vision for the nation and resistance to the policies of Donald Trump. If the US Democratic Party is to have a future - and if American democracy itself is to have a fighting chance against the forces of authoritarianism - that future is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.' back

David D. Cole, Move over, Dred Scott, 'The Supreme Court’s approval of President Trump’s travel ban barring entry to some 150 million people from five overwhelmingly Muslim countries is likely to be judged by history as one of the court’s greatest failures — in a league with Dred Scott v. Sandford, which helped bring on the Civil War, and Korematsu v. United States, which upheld the wartime detention of more than 110,000 Japanese Americans and noncitizens of Japanese descent.' back

Deborah Zion, Yes, the US border policy is harsh -- but Australia's treatment of refugee children has also been deplorable, 'However, Trump is not the only leader to incarcerate children and use their suffering as a form of deterrence. The detention of asylum-seeker children has a long and brutal history in Australia. Trump’s policy invites us to reflect on our own policies regarding the detention of asylum seekers and the situation of children and families fleeing persecution.' back

Elizabeth C Economy, The great firewall of China: Xi Jinping's internet shutdown, 'The challenge for China’s leadership is to maintain what it perceives as the benefits of the internet – advancing commerce and innovation – without letting technology accelerate political change. To maintain his “Chinanet”, Xi seems willing to accept the costs in terms of economic development, creative expression, government credibility, and the development of civil society. But the internet continues to serve as a powerful tool for citizens seeking to advance social change and human rights. The game of cat-and-mouse continues, and there are many more mice than cats.' back

Eva Cox, The new child care package is the final nail in the community service coffin, 'The government’s new package of fee relief for children’s services has clearly abandoned the basic principle of funding children’s services to meet the needs of children and parents per se. The new funding criteria, starting on 2 July, clearly establish that the government’s interests are limited to the economic benefits of increasing paid work participation by mostly mothers. Their eligibility for hourly based fee relief will be based on activities related to employment or potential employment. This ignores needs of children for time away and their experiences of educational activities, except for 15 hours per week in the year before school enrolment.' back

Eva Nisa and Faried F. Saenong, Female suicide bombers: how terrorist propaganda radicalises Indonesian women, 'In 2010, conducting research on women attached to terrorist networks in Indonesia, one of us met a woman who nicknamed herself Umm Mujahid (a mother of a male fighter). Asked why, she said: I want my nickname to be my prayer. I hope my little son will be a mujahid in the future, so he can bring me to God’s heaven. This kind of ideology has become ingrained in the hearts and minds of radicalised women. Therefore, it is not surprising that bombings in Indonesia are beginning to involve women and children.' back

Gottfried Leibniz - Wikipedia, Gottfried Leibniz - Wikipedia, the free encycloppedia, 'Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz . . . (July 1, 1646 - June 21, 1716) was a German mathematician and philosopher. He wrote primarily in Latin and French. back

Hafsa Kanjwal, Is Islam the only way to talk about Christian fundamentalism?, 'Hasan's video relegates Islamic terminologies, which Muslim leaders and scholars have been working hard to reclaim, to the inaccurate definitions advanced by Islamophobes. In turn, "mullah" - which simply refers to someone who is learned in Islamic law and theology - becomes synonymous with "religious bigot". Sharia - which is a way of life for Muslims - is equated with the right wing's fixation on "sharia law," or a myopic legal system that seeks to infringe on everyone's rights. Caliph - which means a civic and religious leader - becomes synonymous with a fascist ruler.' back

John Haltiwanger, Ths is the platform that launched Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old Democratic socialist to the biggest political upset of the year, 'Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, won a shocking victory against Rep. Joe Crowley in the New York Democratic congressional primary on Tuesday night. With a progressive platform and message aimed at the working class, Ocasio-Cortez defeated Crowley, who’s represented New York’s 14th district since 1999, in a landslide. She won 57.5% of the vote, while Crowley had just 42.5%. Ocasio-Cortez is a Bronx native, member of the Democratic Socialists of America, and former campaign organiser for Sen. Bernie Sanders.' back

Marguerite Johnson, Spells, charms, erotic dolls: love the ancient Mediterranean, 'Magic is widely attested in archaeological evidence, spell books and literature from both Greece and Rome, as well as Egypt and the Middle East. The Greek Magical Papyri, for example, from Graeco-Roman Egypt, is a large collection of papyri listing spells for many purposes. The collection was compiled from sources dating from the second century BC to the fifth century AD, and includes numerous spells of attraction.' back

Measurement in quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, Measurement in quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The framework of quantum mechanics requires a careful definition of measurement. The issue of measurement lies at the heart of the problem of the interpretation of quantum mechanics, for which there is currently no consensus.' back

No cloning theorem - Wikipedia, No cloning theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The no cloning theorem is a result of quantum mechanics which forbids the creation of identical copies of an arbitrary unknown quantum state. It was stated by Wootters, Zurek, and Dieks in 1982, and has profound implications in quantum computing and related fields.' back

Universe (mathematics) - Wikipedia, Universe (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, and particularly in set theory and the foundations of mathematics, a universe is a class that contains (as elements) all the entities one wishes to consider in a given situation. There are several versions of this general idea, described in the following sections.' back

Wolf Biermann, The Tragedy of Angela Merkel, 'HAMBURG, Germany — Now, in the 21st century, we Germans are standing at yet another crossroads: between a bold advance to a liberal, cosmopolitan Europe and a cowardly retreat to 19th-century petty nationalisms.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls