
[ Sunday 11 September 1983 - Saturday 17 September 1983 ]

Sunday 11 September 1983
[notebook: Creation, the Metaphysics of peace I: CMP I: DB 20]
Monday 12 September 1983

Table of contents

1. Metaphysics
2. Intelligence
3. Time
4. Space to particle
5. Atom to molecule
6. Life
7. Society
8. Consciousness
9. Metaphysics
10. Future/Ethics

Maybe we should do Metaphysics / Life / Intelligence / Time / Space / Atom/ Society etc

[pag 119]

Complete explanation of every point = no references = a book. Nil explanation at each point = very short = many references. Many references can also mean deep dependence for conceptual development on the ideas of others, and therefore a place in the mainstream of progress.

To be a writer is to have some startling new ideas and not just be a compiler of the work of others, How can I possibly write a book yo show that the universe is intelligent. How can I joust with those immortals. I am just a simple, stupid man. Send something to Scientific American? What? And yet I think I am ahead of them, they are going the wrong way. What pathological arrogance!!

At every turn in an intelectual discussion one must make choices, The number of possible total theories is immense Given the choice, it is god to present the reader with a much longer discussion of the pros and cons of the choice. Idea builds an idea.

I can't teach anybody anything, I don;t know anything really.

Tuesday 13 September 1983

[page 120]

Wednesday 14 September 1983

Prigogine deals in dissipative structures, which bring order out of chaos by a continual supply of energy which drives them far from equilibrium. But the state counting methodology says that equilibrium is just the most probable state, where thousands of equiprobable microstates are taken into account. Here he says entropy can decrease but that is only in the eye of the beholder looking after the fact. In fact the entropy of an atom is far greater than the entropy of its parts and that is why the atomic order exists. The entropy of the order is greater than the entropy of the parts. This should be a relatively simple calculation to produce [by permutation].

Thursday 15 September 1983

[notebook Creation - The Metaphysics of Peace II = CMP II: DB31]

[page 155]

David Park Introduction to the Quantum Theory. Park

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[page 156]

Park page 8-9: 'In view of the known successes of Maxwell's theory, it looks at this point as thought the reader was being invited to conclude that light is at the same time a wave and a particle. Such a conclusion is, of course, absurd; the two models are irreconcilable. A closer look, however, reveals that whereas the wave picture is established by its correspondence with Maxwell's theory and the phenomena of interference and diffraction which it explains, the particle picture has rather a different basis. In fact all we have shown is that the electromagnetic field carries momentum and energy, and that when it exchanges them with matter, it does so discontinuously.'

Compton scattering is an exchange of momentum and energy. Perhaps the absorption and emission of a photon. An electron is a photon chasing its own tail. No time therein.

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page 20: Quantum mechanics, like electromagnetism, contains unphysical quantities.

page 21: The wave function, ψ(x, y, z, t) represents all that can be known about the system it represents.

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[page 158]

Park page 26: Quantum mechanics goes from particle to waves. We want to go from both to communication phenomena.

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[page 159]

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A field: a function of space and time defined throughout the region of interest.

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[page 160]

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A complete description in quantum mechanics is less complete than classical mechanics assumes it to be. The energy level of a stationary (bound) state can be measured with arbitrary precision. . . .

Park page 21: Differential equations serve as heuristic approaches to reality. What we are saying is that the intelligent information processing Universe has a number of constraints, from which we hope to derive the laws of physics and everything else using the creation operator passing from formless to formed, chaos to meaning.

. . .

We must speak of particles communicating with one another and with themselves, and of the energy and momentum involved determining the rate of communication and therefore the time and space resolution of the interaction between the particles.

[page 161]

Park page 35: These discussions, using Fourier [transforms] etc are explorations of the mathematics of the situation, and are in effect different ways of saying the same thing.

List of definitions
Consciousness is a form of feedback. Once it worked from generation to generation. Now it applies to individuals. Jaynes; Origin of Consciousness . . .

Consciousness is a form of feedback. Once it worked from generation to generation. Now it applies to individuals.

Definitions: 1. information; 2. complexity; 3. entropy; 4. insight; 5. inteligence; 6. consciousness; 7. feedbacj; 8. reationshi; 9. communication; 10.sciece; 11. channel; 11a. bandwidth; 12. capacity; 13. receiver; 14. code; 15. bit; 16. creation; 17. evolution; 18. gee; 19. meme; 20. meaning; 21. context; 22 prototime; 22.ontotoime; 24. proper time; 25. time; 26. form; 27. system; 28. consistent; 29. mathematics; 30. contradiction; 31. chaos; 32. random; 33. refresh/create; 34.isomorphism; 35. being; 36. heuristic; 37. structure; 38. possible; 39. actual; 40. rounding error; 41. violence; 42. meta-; 43 formal system; 44. creative system; 45. ecosystem.

energy limits time resolution
momentum limits space resolution

The human world is developing a very high metabolic rate. What does this mean? Communication? Communication requires energy, speed requires energy.

Friday 16 September 1983
Saturday 17 September 1983