
[ Sunday 18 September 1983 - Saturday 24 September 1983 ]

Sunday 18 September 1983
Monday 19 September 1983
Tuesday 20 September 1983
Wednesday 21 September 1983
Thursday 22 September 1983
Friday 23 September 1983
Saturday 24 September 1983

[notebook: Creation - The Metaphysics of Peace II = CMP II: DB31]

[page 162]

Human mental and social process is simply a speeded up version of overall universal process. Larger contexts and deeper meanings allow us to process data faster than anything else.

Hierarchy is a result of restricted channel capacities / communications in a system of individuals. It is also the concrete expression of coding, abstraction and meaning. The objection to hierarchies is not so much intrinsic as to do with their specific implementation.

Higher viewpoint is synonymous with wider viewpoint, and with more meaning due to wider context and greater inclusion of fundamentals.

Perceptions of alternative society: all the world is one; all the Universe is one; nature is more important than people; give life for trees; ownership, human relationships, space, time, openness, care; everything is more complex than it looks conservation / conservationism; harmony not conquest of nature - absorption of Chinese, Indian, primitive beliefs; hatred of police; hatred of money, development; back to nature; resistance to dominant

[page 163]

ideology; peace not war' love not money; harmony not dissension, holism, buddhism, Taoism, healing, rebirthing, assumption that people are damaged; herbs not drugs, marijuana, not tea, coffee, alcohol, opiates; physical contact (human parasites as incentives to grooming); home made music; permaculture; biodynamics; organic farming; reforestation and rehabilitation of land; opposition to development and alienation of natural resources; search for aboriginal culture; outsider may note the prevalence of cars etc and pooh pooh ideas.Dole etc as establishing a new ecological niche; cash cropping as propagating views; negative attitude to constitutional law, strong self image and self will, dubious about benefits of education etc; self control; self knowledge, not to be obfuscated by authority; self determination; self sufficiency;

[page 163]

City is a gigantic immobile animal.
Conficianism belittles earth
feng shui = gemancy

[page 164]

openeness in communication; no games (eg mental); quality of life; freedom; humane everythig; highly literate; cosmopoltan; same feelings for nature as for God and country; . . . faith in technology, but pick the eyes out; do it, don't talk, ie lifestyle; creativity; lateral thinking; experimentation with the new; non-commercialism; government essential in resource transference; socialism not capitalism; isolation for rethinking, meditation; heavy stress on intellectualism; heavy stress on sensuality; simple food; slow, easy human relationships; getting it out, ie crying, screaming, violence, home birth, home death, fight against alienation; high level of problems with police, local government etc - placate or fight; real democracy; cynicism.

Different hypotheses may lead to an explanation of the same results.


[page 165]

Evolution maintains constant fitness, tracking changing environment, rather than increasing fitness. Many people seem to think it increases fitness, which is close to erroneous.