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Renee Descartes

1596 - 1650

Descartes was a pivotal figure in the great seventeenth-century revolution that marked thge emergence of modern philosophical anbd scientific thinking. Gottingham.


Further reading


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Damasio, Antonio, Descartes Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain, Avon Books 1995 Amazon Customer Review: eviewer: Ever since the Renaissance roughly two different camps have existed. One (still the predominant paradigm today) is the rationalistic school represented by Descartes et al., the other represented by Hume, Rousseau et al. The latter group postulated a great many things about how emotions and feelings were important, but no proof could be produced at the time. With Antonio Damasio's book, however, we finally have the proof we have waited 400 years for! Emotions are indeed important, and the body and mind are not seperate entities but rather a united whole. This is not just a philosophical matter now, but a scientific theory corroborated by clinical evidence. Damasio even describes accurately just how these emotions and feelings influence and guide us. ... ' Jesper, 
Davis, Phillip J, and Reuben Hersh, Descartes Dream: The World According to Mathematics, Penguin 1988 Preface: 'We are concerned with the impact mathematics makes when it is applied to the world that lies outside mathematics itself; when it is used in relation to the world of nature or of human activities. This is sometimes called applied mathematics. This activity has now become so extensive that we speak of the "mathematisation of the world." We want to know the conditions of civilisation that bring it about. We want to know when these applications are effective, when they are ineffective, when beneficial, dangerous or irrelevant. We want to know how they constrain our ives, how they transform our perceptionof reality.' 
Descartes, Rene, and (Translated by David Eugene Smith and Marcia L Latham) , Geometrie , Dover 1956 Jacket: ' ... With this volume, Descartes founded modern analytical geometry. Reducing geometry to algebra and analysis and, conversely, showing that analysis can be translated into geometry, it opened the way for modern mathematics. ... This edition contains the entire definitive Smith-Latham translation of Descartes three books: Problems the Construction of which requires Only Straight Lines and Circles; On the Nature of Curved Lines; On the Construction of Solid and Supersolid Problems. Interleaved page by page with the translation is a complete facsimile of the 1637 French text, together with Descartes' original illustrations. ...' 
Gaukroger, Stephen, Descartes: An Intellectual Biography, Clarendon Press 1995 Jacket: 'Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is the father of modern philsoophy and one of the greatest of all thinkers. This is the first intellectual biography of Descartes in English; it offers a fundamental reassessment of all aspects of his life and work. ... Descares' early work in mathematics and science produced ground-breaking theories, methods and tools still in use today. This book gives the first full acount of how this work infomred and influenced the later phisosophical studies for which, above all, Descartes is renowned.... [It] offers for the first time a full understanding of how Descartes developed his revolutionary ideas. It will be a landmark publication, welcomed by all readers interested in the origins of modern thought.' 
Gottingham, John G, Descartes, Rene in The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford University Press 1987 'Descartes was a pivotal figure in the great seventeenth-century revolution that marked thge emergence of modern philosophical anbd scientific thinking. ' 
Smith, David Eugene, and Marcia L Latham (translators), The Geometry of Rene Descartes, Dover 1954  


Catholic Encyclopaedia Rene Descartes Clodius Piat. '... On 10 November, 1619, he felt a strong impulse to set aside the prejudices of his childhood and of his environment, and to devote his life to the restoration of human knowledge, which was then in a state of decadence; and for him this mission took on quite a mystical character. He had a dream which he interpreted as a revelation, and he became convinced that "it was the Spirit of Truth that willed to open for him all the treasures of knowledge".' back
Garth Kemerling Descartes 'This site offers helpful information for students of the Western philosophical tradition.' back
J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Descartes 'Born: 31 March 1596 in La Haye (now Descartes),Touraine, France. Died: 11 Feb 1650 in Stockholm, Sweden.' back
Manley and Taylor Descartes Meditations A Trilingual HTML Edition edited by David B. Manley and Charles S. Taylor: 'The publication of this English-Latin-French HTML edition of DesCartes' Meditations on First Philosophy is quite simply an experiment in electronic scholarship. We decided to make this edition available and to encourage its free distribution for scholarly purposes. The idea behind the experiment is to see how others involved in electronic scholarship might put these texts to use. We have no pre-determined ideas of what such use may be when transformed from this origin. The texts have no hypertext annotations except for those used for navigation. We invite others to download this edition and to create their own hypertext annotated editions and then to publish those additions on their own Web servers for everyone to use.' back
Online Literature Library Rene Descartes back
Rene Descartes A Discourse on Method The Project Gutenberg Etext of A Discourse on Method: Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences, by Rene Descartes back


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