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vol III Development:

Chapter 2: Model

page 3: Immensity: the transfinite symmetric universe


Traditionally, God is infinite. To talk about God, therefore, we need a language capable of dealing precisely with infinity. To get such a language, we must augment natural language with mathematics. Aquinas

Mathematics begins from natural languages like, as here, English. Nowak et al note that

Animal communication is typically non-syntactic, which means that signals refer to whole situations. Human language is syntactic, and signals consist of discrete components that have their own meaning. Syntax is requisite for taking advantage of combinatorics, that is 'making infinite use of finite means'. Nowak et al

Mathematics goes further, making transfinite use of infinite means. The infinite means are the natural numbers, 0, 1, 2, 3 . . . . The properties of these numbers are summarized by the Peano axioms. Beginning with zero, each new number is generated by adding one to its predecessor. There is no last natural number. Even though every natural number is finite, the set of all the natural numbers is infinite, in the language of set theory 'countably infinite'. Peano axioms - Wikipedia.

Set theory was founded by Georg Cantor toward the end of the nineteenth century. Because of its clarity and simplicity, set theory has become an important way to represent mathematical ideas. Although it has been formalized and vastly extended since Cantor's time, we will follow Cantor's 'naive' approach. Cantor, Jech.

Cantor defined a set (or 'aggregate') as 'any collection into a whole S of definite and separate objects s of our intuition or our thought'. These objects are called the elements of S. Symbolically, we write

S = { s }

So we write the set of natural numbers N = {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . }.

Cantor defines the 'power' or 'cardinal number' of a set S as 'the general concept, which, by means of our active faculty of thought, arises from the set S when we make abstraction of the nature of the various elements s and the order in which they are given.' Cantor, 86 That is we consider the set as simply a collection of units of no specific kind.

Since there are an infinite number of natural numbers, the cardinal number of N cannot be represented by natural number. Instead Cantor uses the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, aleph, and we write card(N) = ℵ0. (Cantor, page 103)


The natural numbers described by the Peano Axioms have a natural order which arises from the process of their generation, so that N is an ordered set. From an ordered set we derive the notion 'ordinal type' 'which is itself an ordered set whose elements are units which have the same order of precedence amongst one another as the corresponding elements of S, from which they are derived by abstraction.' (112)

Cantor notes that

'the concept of ordinal type developed here, when it is transferred in like manner to multiply ordered aggregates embraces, in conjunction with the concept of cardinal number or power . . . everything capable of being numbered (Anzahlmässige ) that is thinkable, and in this sense cannot be further generalized. page 117

Here I understand thinkable to mean consistent, something that fits together seamlessly. Sometimes appearances can be deceiving, as with many of Mauritz Escher's paradoxical two dimensional representations of three dimensional spaces. M. C. Escher Company B. V.

Following the lead of natural language, we can make larger numbers out of the natural numbers by combinations and permutations. Given the set {1, 2, 3} we can produce the following six permutations: <1, 2, 3>, <1, 3, 2>, <2, 1, 3>, <2, 3, 1>, <3,1,2>, <3,2,1>. A set of cardinal number four can be arranged in 24 different permutations, and in general, a set whose cardinal is n can be ordered in n ! (n factorial) = n x (n-1) x . . . x 2 x 1 different ways. The size of n! grows exponentially with n, as Stirling's formula shows. Stirling's approximation - Wikipedia

The permutations of the natural numbers N may be considered the elements of a set with an even greater transfinite cardinal, 1. Since these permutations have a natural ('dictionary') ordering, we may consider the permutations of these permutations to arrive at a set with cardinal number 2. This construction of larger and larger ordered sets may continue without end. Like the natural numbers, there is no last transfinite number.

The generation of transfinite numbers seems to be closely related to the functioning of imagination. The proces of imagination like building with blocks, is a continual exploration by combination and permutation of the relationships of different elements, the characters in a drama, for instance.

We may call the sequence of transfinite numbers envisaged as a recursive process of permutation the symmetric Universe, by analogy with the symmetric groups constructed by permutation. Because there is no upper limit to the size of transfinite numbers, we can be assured that there will be enough transfinite numbers to form a one to one correspondence with the fixed points in the Universe no matter how many fixed points there are in the divine Universe.

We may consider the observable fixed points in the Universe as revelation of the seamless dynamics of God. The correspondence between these fixed points and the transfinite numbers serves as a measure of the immensity of the divinity. Our modern understanding the of Universe, with its vast spaces and huge numbers of particles, ranging from fundamental particles to planets, stars and galaxies is an observable representation of this immensity.

(revised 15 August 2014)


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Cantor, Georg, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers (Translated, with Introduction and Notes by Philip E B Jourdain), Dover 1955 Jacket: 'One of the greatest mathematical classics of all time, this work established a new field of mathematics which was to be of incalculable importance in topology, number theory, analysis, theory of functions, etc, as well as the entire field of modern logic.' 
Hallett, Michael, Cantorian set theory and limitation of size, Oxford UP 1984 Jacket: 'This book will be of use to a wide audience, from beginning students of set theory (who can gain from it a sense of how the subject reached its present form), to mathematical set theorists (who will find an expert guide to the early literature), and for anyone concerned with the philosophy of mathematics (who will be interested by the extensive and perceptive discussion of the set concept).' Daniel Isaacson. 
Jech, Thomas, Set Theory, Springer 1997 Jacket: 'This book covers major areas of modern set theory: cardinal arithmetic, constructible sets, forcing and Boolean-valued models, large cardinals and descriptive set theory. ... It can be used as a textbook for a graduate course in set theory and can serve as a reference book.' 
Dauben, Joseph W, "Georg Cantor and the origins of transfinite set theory", Scientific American, 248, 6, June 1983, page 112-121. 'How large is an infinite set? Cantor demonstrated that there is a hierarchy of infinities each one 'larger' than the preceding one. His set theory is one of the cornerstones of mathematics.'. back
Nowak, Martin A, Joshua B Plotkin and Vincent A A Jansen, "The evolution of syntactic communication", Nature, 404, 6777, 30 March 2000, page 495-498. Letters to Nature: 'Animal communication is typically non-syntactic, which means that signals refer to whole situations. Human language is syntactic, and signals consist of discrete components that have their own meaning. Syntax is requisite for taking advantage of combinatorics, that is 'making infinite use of finite means'. ... Here we present a model for the population dynamics of language evolution, define the basic reproductive ratio of words and calculate the maximum size of a lexicon.'. back
Aquinas 35, Summa: I 7 1 Is God infinite?, 'Since therefore the divine being is not a being received in anything, but He is His own subsistent being . . . it is clear that God Himself is infinite and perfect.' back
Binary tree - Wikipedia, Binary tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two child nodes, usually distinguished as "left" and "right". Nodes with children are parent nodes, and child nodes may contain references to their parents. Outside the tree, there is often a reference to the "root" node (the ancestor of all nodes), if it exists. Any node in the data structure can be reached by starting at root node and repeatedly following references to either the left or right child.' back
M. C. Escher Company B. V., M. C. Escher - The Official Website, 'This website is published by the M.C. Escher Foundation and The M.C. Escher Company B.V. in Baarn, the Netherlands. The site is available in both English and Dutch. Version 5.0 - Last updated: December 31, 2013 Mission The goal of this website is to promote M.C. Escher's artwork and legacy.' back
Peano axioms - Wikipedia, Peano axioms - Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematical logic, the Peano axioms, also known as the Dedekind-Peano axioms or the Peano postulates, are a set of axioms for the natural numbers presented by the 19th century Italian mathematician Giuseppe Peano. These axioms have been used nearly unchanged in a number of metamathematical investigations, including research into fundamental questions of consistency and completeness of number theory.' back
Stirling's approximation - Wikipedia, Stirling's approximation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, Stirling's approximation (or Stirling's formula) is an approximation for large factorials. It is named in honour of James Stirling.' back
Symmetric group - Wikipedia, Symmetric group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, the symmetric group Sn on a finite set of n symbols is the group whose elements are all the permutations of the n symbols, and whose group operation is the composition of such permutations, which are treated as bijective functions from the set of symbols to itself.[1] Since there are n! (n factorial) possible permutations of a set of n symbols, it follows that the order (the number of elements) of the symmetric group Sn is n!.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2014 © Jeffrey Nicholls