[Notebook NAKEDICAME, DB 53]
[Sunday 29 October 2000 - Saturday 4 November 2000]
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Sunday 29 October 2000
We espouse a rather pragmatic theory of mathematics - if it gives insight and leads to wider views of the world, let it
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be since even ungrammatical sentences convey some meaning, and deliberate grammatical errors may add meaning by drawing attention to a particular point.
If it conveys any meaning at all, it succeeds as art. The amount of meaning it carries, and the accessibility of that meaning determines whether it is good art. Meaning comes from reference or mapping, and so we may feel that the more richly a work is connected to the structures and lack of structures in its environment, the better it will be.
The need for rich connection means that good art evolves slowly as befits its density and complexity. Nevertheless because art is evolving in us all, and we are all moving in different directions in the hyperspace of thought and human actions, there may be great distances between works of art
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as there are great distances between we who make them.
If this distance is too great there may be almost no connection at all between the work and the seer resulting in revulsion and the sort of diatribes artistic establishments occasionally release when something weird but obviously powerful slips into the scene. At the other end of the spectrum is the feeling I wish I had done that, arising from the perception that the work has captured perfectly a view of the world I had been struggling to express.
Good art, then, is a broadband communication channel that says a lot to a lot of people. Such work is preserved and valued since the bottom line in art as in life is survival.
Noetic space is the biological equivalent of cyberspace. It is the space of learning, built
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upon the molecular space of life.
The interplay of energy and entropy that drives physical processes in physical spaces can be seen operating also in the more general space of mind, whose fundamental structures are delineated by mathematics. So theology is properly the study of the dynamics of noetic space. First we have to model the space itself, a transfinite manifold. What distinguishes one manifold from another?
My path has been into (for me) a total unknown, and so it has been my policy to write down every meaty thought (work of art) that crosses my mind in the long term hope that I will be able to select the ingredients for a scientific text from this, which is more artistically inclined.
It has been traditional that there are no limits on the mind.
Any witchcraft is as powerful as it is believed. An operative protocol.
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Every creator is a destroyer. The same Christianity which brought us technology and wealth also brought transportation with all its horrors.
Robert Hughes Hughes
Insofar as individual human gods are different, so they are too small to be the universal god, and must therefore give way to a superior power.
Monday 30 October 2000
Courant-Hilbert - Methods of Mathematical Physics Hilbert
Creativity: Download the algorithm to construct yourself. Minimize action by thinking ahead = looking behind
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Tuesday 31 October 2000
Wednesday 1 November 2000
What is the creative algorithm?
ie just build on top of it (piers if necessary, but not in noetic space)
RESPECT THE PHYSICAL, which fairy tale religions do not do. Religions start practical and unacknowledged, like the current religion that guides the management of the world; they are gradually discovered and criticized as they grow arthritic, by which time they deviate considerably from the physical necessities that formed them.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
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Mind reconstruction is the cheapest way to achieve a goal, if it will work, so government propaganda.
Download dependency = an income from the ruling class.
We see society as a structure of need which, if fulfilled, liberates the life and creativity of all people. So the slogan NEED not GREED.
Why greed? Evolutionary heritage, where oversupply was not a problem nor emotional deprivation (we assume).
Writing for publication now. This is the fastest way to get to the public - as it happens. We want to be free, but we must conspire (breather together, share the spirit) to get it.
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Lust the great leveller. A cat can look at a king.
Writing for publication, now we edit.
Lets all get together and have a good time!
The scale invariance of science: from the Planck length to the Universe, it is all the same method.
Nobody can speak for corporations: they are too complex.
When all is said and done, it is the individual against the multitude. The multitude itself is a corporation of individuals. So we see an individual as an inertial space in a massive Universe, and the tensor connecting between one individual and another is communication.
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What can you expect as a member of the human group? Symmetry, equality, liberty, work.
The person we all fear: one who has nowhere to go.
Thursday 2 November 2000
A depressing day wondering about the future of this work made productive by routine expansion of the book catalogue, looking at a bit of carpentry etc etc. Perhaps the most difficult problem is the search for finance for the project compounded by the notion of who would want to pay for this anyway. Mostly empty worries since I am supported for the rest of my life by my Australian compatriots. At times like this is necessary to go back to the foundations. In particular, now that we conceive of religion in general as all that is learnt by all individuals from birth to death (some of which is published in the public domain) the Cantor Universe of meaning has a load of new food.
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An inspired piece of literature, like an inspired piece of football, owes as much to the moment of its creation as to the years of preparation that may have gone into the development of the skill revealed in the action.
A few beers and a joint and everything looks better, though still impossible. But perhaps we can capture this feeling in the article for nature.
Friday 3 November 2000
The despair tends to set in when I lose sight of the target.
We do not need to distinguish between the art of constructing the work and the art of using the work, that is putting meaning in and getting meaning = MAPPING out. We must think of meaning as
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physical (Bonding) but layered by the length of the physical act, ie nh. So the levels of the Hilbert Oscillator are parametrized by the natural numbers and we move between them by creation and annihilation operators. How do we generalize this from radiation to all reality? The frequencies of the oscillators in an ensemble are determined by the structure (eg atomic structure) and these frequencies are impressed by the fermion structure on the boson structure. This is the bottom end.
At the top end we have Jesus and the wisdom literature: do unto others as you would like them to do to you, this activity to be constrained by the need to survive.
Insofar as we are talking metaphysics we are dealing with being as being. Insofar as we consider the fundamental attribute of being to be consistent and meaningful, so we can model being by mathematics, which gives us a static snapshot (text) of what is possible.
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from a box of screws to a screwed on roof every screw now means something, bonding roof sheet to roof beam.
MEANING is there in the physics for the knower to extract. One mating = 500W for 500 sec, so 250 kJ = 250k/h "actions".
Quantum numbers all count 'action' and the amount of action in any act = integral d(quantum number).
The conviction is that there is something there but it won't come. This must be how termites feel when they are rolling around their balls of mud before somebody puts one on top of another and releases the rest of the building instinct.
The basic binding concept is scale invariance (life is basically the same for great and small), and this is mapped onto reality through. . .
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There are a transfinity of persons.
The classical God of the of the G7 countries and their allies reached its highest theoretical expression in the work of Thomas Aquinas.
This model is not mathematics, but an interpretation of mathematics. We begin with set theory, and in particular the set N of all natural numbers 0 . . .