A personal journey to natural theology and religion
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dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.
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[Notebook NAKEDICAME, DB 53]

[Sunday 4 March 2001 - Saturday 10 March 2001]

[page 165]

Sunday 4 March 2001
Monday 5 March 2001

Violence : the RCC claims a monopoly on human mindspace enforced by violence in human physical space. What I have encountered is not dialogue but prohibition.

From the state of play in Rome we perceive that fundamentalism is in the ascendancy,

[pp 166-167 blank]

[page 168]

as it appears to be in Australia, and indeed globally.


(a) errors
(b) limitations of bandwidth

Shannon tells us that given enough bandwidth we can deal with (a)


Aggiornamento has been slow and seems to be stalled with a management with no modern political or social tradition. In the long run, perhaps the most significant event was the change from Latin to vernacular. One important event in this process was the translation by Bernard Lonergan of Medieval Latin Thomistic metaphysics into English (Lonergan)

Science has long since, learned, however, that too much vernacular can be dangerous. So we use a backbone of mathematics for modelling and specialized

[page 169]

nomenclature for identifying the elements of our models and the physical elements that these linguistic conventions apply to.

What we need to do in effect is write the prospectus for a new religion, to be floated in the markets of the world, open to everybody who can adequately identify themselves.

. . .

Brand X is the RCC. The RCC is built on rock solid dogma and totalitarian politics. The blood of millions of martyrs, heretics, soldiers and innocent bystanders has been spilt in defense of the RCC's self image over the last two kyr.

Our literary expression of force is expressed most precisely in geometry (taking geometry to

[page 170]

be a significant portion of the world's literature).

Exponential acceleration requires an exponential drive, ie a drive proportional to acceleration F = ma.

Catholic religion constrains the ACU Department of Theology. So questions of politics and economics intrude into what should be, as far as possible, a purely scientific domain. The task of theology is to model the nature of god as accurately as possible, so that religion applying this theology can submit itself to the divine nature as efficiently as possible for the individual and collective benefit of all.

. . .

[page 171]

. . .

Religion is an industry which has grown like any other, to realize human desires.

The principal products of the religion industry are war and peace.

Inside: shareholder, director, employee
Outside: competitor

Public religion: public error correction, eg health, justice, environment.

Public health = whole planet health.

NATURAL-SPIRIT: health, justice, sanity (remove cognitive dissonance - public lies).

FAITH in ORDER = ERROR FREE (effectively, through error detection and correction)

[page 172]

From corporate political parties to corporate religion. Both may be good moves because they improve publication and regulation.

Although my essays have received very low marks, they have been at the limit of appeasement to the RCC position, merely offering different words for old concepts and limiting the conclusions to be drawn from them.

This seems parallel to what Lonergan did to Thomas, translating him without making explicit the consequences, which might have limited his career in the church. Or else he was genuinely unaware, perhaps blinded by the certainty of his faith.

The RCC is the mother of monarchies. Even now we see its dying monarch stacking the electoral college to see that this system lives on.

Coming up against it now, setting

[page 173]

out to construct the natural religion. Can we construct heaven on earth? Is there ever hope for peace. What if we have full autonomy of every person and complete cooperation (based on full and realized lust)? How far can we go then? Can we all have as much heaven as I have in my own life?

The mind boggles (or is it struggles) to see a big picture, so we must adhere to local principles a) autonomy - I do what is best for me b) cooperation - I do what is best for the whole (which includes me) .

I am a little wary these days and show a tendency to avoid the hard work necessary to get this thing on the road, but the sun will shine again soon.

The answer always seems to be life and death (and takeover) competition between corporations to develop the means to fulfill human desires balanced by birth to death social security for human individuals, so that they can purchase all their needs + the necessary protective legislation for

[page 174]

individuals and the environment.

Dune 31 "That which submits rules" Herbert

A review of Insight for Theological Studies

34: The authoritarian way
The learning of the wise
the justice of the great
the prayers of the righteous
the valour of the brave.

We do it by assuming that all are wise, just, right and brave.

Elements of peace

a) requisite variety/processing power WORK
b) tolerance/size
c) cooperation, energy, goodwill ECONOMICS
d) vision
e) justice/trust POLITICS
f) love/gentleness LOVE

. . .

[page 175]

Religion: we work by contrast with the RCC and others of its ilk.

A system has measure zero (is a point) with respect to a metasystem

meta-system (greek)
sub-system (latin)

if it has enough bandwidth to reduce its error rate to less than any epsilon > 0.


Wrestling : a physical even with deep sensual meaning.

We are, after much talk, taking a few steps in the religion construction business and will soon be able to offer the first products of our production labs.

CATECHISM = 330000

[page 175]

Religion = text production. Theology wing of religion. Theology is the R&D section of religion.

Dune 235 "It occurred to her that mercy was the ability to stop, if only for a moment. There was no mercy where there could be no stopping.

243 Paradise - lose edge.

Stay in the edge of chaos and stay alive. A system is most easily moved when it is in a metastable (chaotic) state where a tiny impulse may have a large effect, which is in some was controlled by the nature of the impulse.

250 'Subtlety and self control, were, after all, the most deadly threats to us all.'

259 'The more life there is within a system, the more niches there are for life.'

LONERGAN on the evolution of mind by INSIGHT = ORGASM = BREEDING

[page 177}

260 'life improves the capacity of the environment to sustain life. . . . Life makes needed nutrients more readily available. It bids more energy into the system through the tremendous chemical dependency from organism to organism [COMMUNICATION]'

Sovereignty of the individual.

. . .

Tuesday 6 March 2001
Wednesday 7 March 2001
Thursday 8 March 2001
Friday 9 March 2001
Saturday 10 March 2001

New advertising campaign for natural religion.org LOVE RELIGION - CLICK HERE

What is business but the realization of what we can do for others to ensure our own welfare.

[page 178]


I am a theatre of processes.

. . .

The silent mind. From hunter gatherers to farmers led to a crystallization of mental space into dogmatic religions.

[page 179]

The problem with such crystal religions lies in the stresses generated at their boundaries as they move in response to tectonic forces impressed upon them from outside. This regime is characterized by earthquakes: it is not peaceful.

LAND RIGHTS = MONEY RIGHTS It is not ecologically sound to divide the surface of the earth up into plots so that everybody can have a bit. To set the natural processes of the earth free again, we have to reduce our footprint in lifespace (physical space) (in the physical spaces that are occupied by systems other than ourselves).

RELIGION = SUBMISSION. But what is submission? This has to be decided by theological investigation. What we may control and what we must leave alone. Layer n is completely transparent to layer n+1 and vice versa.

363 'When religion and politics travel in

[page 180]

the same cart the riders believe that nothing can stand in their way. Their movement becomes headlong, faster and faster. POSITIVE FEEDBACK INTO a) FASCISM b) OPENNESS.

Open systems become stable subsystems by being open to eachother.

The genetic lightcone: my past is all the genotypes that have contributed to mine. My future is all those to which I will have contributed. EFFECT/CAUSE.

The formality of a cause lies in the algorithm that transforms before into after.

. . .

This is a consequence of the fact that the Universe is one, that there is at most one closed system, (and that seems undecidable from within the system (where we reside)) and that all other systems are open and therefore responsive to one another, although the sensitivity of this response varies with the complexity

[page 181]

of the respondees.

Evolution - complexification - means more and more users sharing the same hardware,

. . .

It will eventually settle down to a reliable product.

NEW AD: Startup in the religion industry seeks directorship, management, capital. www.naturaltheology.net [now www.onespecies.net] Not yet. The embryo must develop a mature personality before it is thrown to the wolves.

364 Religion unifies our forces. It is our mystique [OUR LOVE]

CRYSTAL - The unit is a servant/slave of the whole
LIQUID - The unit moves as the whole may move

[page 182]


. . .

Catholic God does not exist in the scientific sense. It is an unverifiable fantasy. If science ever sees a way out, we will know that the Universe is not the whole.

364: Nothing about religion is simple, ie it is the COMBINATORIAL PRODUCT of all human natures . . .

As genetic and cultural inheritances become manifest. I surf two waves and am by this confined to the region here they cross.

What are the qualities of a lubricant?

Fluid/low viscosity. Zero viscosity,

[page 183]

yet separates the layers? Not possible for dynamic reasons. The pressure build up in a nearing is a function of viscosity and velocity or viscosity and rate of shear. . . .


The worst blow is to one's authenticity, being cast as a constitutionally flawed sinner when one is not.

The Roman Catholic Church denies reality for its own corporate gain., just like all the other corporations that take insufficient care of their natural and human environment in the search for profit and or growth.

379. Life was full with happiness until the raiders came {HELICOPTERS]

381: You cannot avoid the interplay of politics within an orthodox religion. This power struggle permeates the training, education and

[page 184]

disciplining of the orthodox community. Because of this pressure, the leaders of such a community inevitably must face that ultimate internal question: to succumb to complete opportunism as the price of maintaining their role, or risk sacrificing themselves for the sake of the orthodox ethic.

As it becomes clear that the Roman Catholic Church has bullshitted billions of people over thousands of years there is going to be a certain amount of sorry to be said, yet it remains true that the people involved can be forgiven because they did not know what they did. Yet the corporation, the meta-person remains guilty, an evil spirit.

Related sites:

Concordat Watch
Revealing Vatican attempts to propagate its religion by international treaty

Copyright: You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Herbert, Frank, Dune, New English Library 1972 Jacket: 'Dune is the finest, most widely acclaimed science fiction novel of this century. Huge in scope, towering in concept, it is a work which will live in the reader's imagination for the rest of his life.'back
Sacks, Oliver, Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood, Vintage 2002 Amazon editorial review From Publishers Weekly 'Sacks, a neurologist perhaps best known for his books Awakenings (which became a Robin Williams/Robert De Niro vehicle) and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, invokes his childhood in wartime England and his early scientific fascination with light, matter and energy as a mystic might invoke the transformative symbolism of metals and salts. The "Uncle Tungsten" of the book's title is Sacks's Uncle Dave, who manufactured light bulbs with filaments of fine tungsten wire, and who first initiated Sacks into the mysteries of metals. The author of this illuminating and poignant memoir describes his four tortuous years at boarding school during the war, where he was sent to escape the bombings, and his profound inquisitiveness cultivated by living in a household steeped in learning, religion and politics (both his parents were doctors and his aunts were ardent Zionists). But as Sacks writes, the family influence extended well beyond the home, to include the groundbreaking chemists and physicists whom he describes as "honorary ancestors, people to whom, in fantasy, I had a sort of connection." Family life exacted another transformative influence as well: his older brother Michael's psychosis made him feel that "a magical and malignant world was closing in about him," perhaps giving a hint of what led the author to explore the depths of psychosis in his later professional life. For Sacks, the onset of puberty coincided with his discovery of biology, his departure from his childhood love of chemistry and, at age 14, a new understanding that he would become a doctor. Many readers and patients are happy with that decision. (Oct.)Forecast: This book is as well-written as Sacks's earlier works, and should get fans engrossed in the facts of his life and opinions. Look for an early spike on the strength of his name, and strong sales thereafter.' Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. 
Bucur, Bogdan G, "Exegesis of Bibical Theophanies in Byzantine Hymnography: Rewritten Bible?", Theological Studies, 68, 1, 2007, page 92-112. 'This arrticle discusses the intepretation of biblical theophanies in Byzantine hymns associated with the so-called Improperia tradition. After presenting the exegesis of specific theophanies as exemplified in hymns, the author argues that this type of exegesis is difficult to frame within the categories commonly used to describe patristic exegesis. He suggests that patristic scholars should instead consider the category "Rewritten Bible" current among scholars of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.'. back
Knill, E, et al, "An algorithmic benchmark for quantum information processing", Nature, 6776, 404, 23 March 2000, page 368-370. Letters to Nature: 'Here we report an experimental relaisation of an algorithmic benchmark using an NMR technique that involves coherent manipulation of seven qubits'. back
Knill, E, "Quantum computing with realistically noisy devices", Nature, 434, 7029, 3 March 2005, page 39-44. 'In theory, quantum computers offer a means of solving problems that would be intractable on conventional computers. Assuming that a quantum computer could be constructed, it would in practice be required to function with noisy devices called 'gates'. These gates cause decoherence of the fragile quantum states that are central to the computer's operation. The goal of so-called 'fault tolerant quantum computing' is therefore to compure accurately, even when the error probability per gate (EPG) is high. Here we report a simple architecture for failt-tolerant computing, providing evidence that accurate quantum computing is possible for EPGs as high as three per cent. Such EPGs have been experimentally demonstrated, but to avoid excessive resource overheads required by the necessary architecture, lower EPGs are needed. Assuming the availability of quantum resources comparable to the digital resources available in today's computers, we show that non-trivial quantum computations at EPGs of as high as one percent could be implemented.' . back

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