A personal journey to natural theology and religion
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dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.
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[Notebook TTC, DB 54]

[Sunday 19 August 2001 - Saturday 25 August 2001]

[page 114]

Sunday 19 August 2001

Harry Potter and the desire for magic - miracles <-> Jesus

Let us assume that reality is fully determined (which is not to say that the future is determined) and that it can be represented (to a first approximation) by a boolean formula.

Such a formula may be a tautology, always true, or a contradiction, never true, or some function of an instantiation of its variables. The point of the story is that full determination arises from the concatenation of various determinants, as a point in n space is determined by the intersection of n lines (?)

However, QM tells us that no event can be fully determined by preparation. . . .

[page 115]

This paper must have sweat or wax on it. A celebration of the trivial which by scale invariance is no more nor less intrinsically interesting than anything else. Every point is determined by the whole Universe, and vice versa. Particles are Fourier transforms of fields and vice versa.

Monday 20 August 2001


What we need is a founding fiction which maximizes peace. The fiction is that we are all one organism, part of the divinity, and (this is a parallel argument) global cooperation is best for each of us in the long run. [But there are fluctuations at all scales, so some will miss out.]

Religion has two senses, a body of thought and a body corporate.

Tuesday 21 August 2001
Wednesday 22 August 2001
Thursday 23 August 2001
Friday 24 August 2001
Saturday 25 August 2001

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Copyright: You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Weil, Simone, Oppression and Liberty, Routledge 2001 Amazon Product Description 'The remarkable French thinker Simone Weil is one of the leading intellectual and spiritual figures of the twentieth century. A legendary essayist, political philosopher and member of the French resistance, her literary output belied her tragically short life. Most of her work was published posthumously, to widespread acclaim. Always concerned with the nature of individual freedom, Weil explores inOppression and Liberty its political and social implications. Analysing the causes of oppression, its mechanisms and forms, she questions revolutionary responsesand presents a prophetic view of a way forward. If, as she noted elsewhere, 'the future is made of the same stuff as the present', then there will always be a need to continue to listen to Simone Weil.' 

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