A personal journey to natural theology and religion
This site is part of the The natural religion project
dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.
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[Notebook TTC, DB 54]

[Sunday 2 September 2001 - Saturday 8 September 2001]

[page 119]

Sunday 2 September 2001
Monday 3 September 2001

Luther's reformation had its roots in the Bible; TTC's in the corpus of mathematics.

[page 120]

Tuesday 4 September 2001

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Energy dupliciter dicitur ie with and without information, ie first law only or first plus second law.

[page 121]

We conceive of physics as the flow of A through (or constrained by) B. The A is relative to the B. One way, the energy approach, considers the flow of action through time. Momentum considers the flow of action through space and action is the flow of pure form through spacetime.

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All writing has some source. These pages are no exception. We give the role of author to a character owned by TTC. We place no bounds of colour, age, gender, race, nationality, religion or tribe on the actors who from time to time play this character.

Wednesday 5 September 2001
Thursday 6 September 2001

Religions, though they deny it, are political entities, setting out to mould the minds of their

[page 122]

adherents to a common fiction, provided by theology, so as to ensure unity of action and so common survival. A heretic threatens this unity, and the survival it brings, so earning the wrath of the ruling powers.

Luther's biggest achievement was a democratic revolution in religion.

Trust in power/truth: what are the similarities and differences.

Politics Hard: Simple, fascist, high energy vs Soft: Complex, Democratic, high entropy.

Physics01 Energy and momentum
Physics02 Entropy and information

When will we ever decide how to do physics?

Friday 7 September 2001

TTC > about ttc

Begin with economics, politics, religion and theology in that order, couching it in ancient and modern religious terms modified to suit the overarching fiction that the Universe is divine.

. . .

Much of the trouble in the world is the result of stupidity, bloody mindedness, greed, fear etc etc. If we can eliminate all these things, we could get on a lot better together. The root of all peace is security. We can ensure security by applying Shannon's theorems, using headroom. Headroom is the basic social security payment, the grace of society = divinity.

[page 124]

We are in the process of applying a technology of peace. Like, say, Parsons and his turbine, raising the capital off the plan to realize the plan. This is how INTENTIONALLY LED development occurs.

Go to the logical limit. Exploit all entropy (?) We are looking to explore all possible combinatorial possibilities in order to find peaceful relationships between parts and wholes. Balancing the interests of the parts against the whole is the task of politics and the primary methodological problem for peacemakers.

[page 125]

Intelligent (failsafe) forethought.

Theology is a branch (the enveloping set) of dynamics:

War: liberation/oppression.

The basic dynamic question concerns peace and war. Peace grows, war diminishes (what?) Wise management.

Control must be able to cross a transfinite (one way) barrier.

The dynamics of whole and part is the heart of the matter in an environment of the survival of the fit.

Saturday 8 September 2001

Related sites:

Concordat Watch
Revealing Vatican attempts to propagate its religion by international treaty

Copyright: You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Szilard, Leo, "On the decrease of entropy in a thermodynamic system by the intervention of intelligent beings", Behavioural Science, 9, 4, October 1964, page . 'In memory of Leo Szilard ... we present an English translation of his classial paper Uber die Entropieverminderung in einem thermodynamischen System bei Eingriffen intelligenter Wesen which appeared inthe Zeitschrift fur Physic 1929, 53, 840-56. This is one of the earliest, if not the earliest paper, in which the relations of physical entropy to information (in the snese of modern mathematical theory of communication) were rigorously demonstrated and in which Maxwell's famous demon was successfully exorcised: a miletone in the itegration of physical and cognitive concepts. ' Reprinted in Feld, Bernard T, The Collected Works of Leo Szilard: Scientific Papers, The MIT Press 1972 Amazon  back . back

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