[Notebook Turkey, DB 55]
[Sunday 7 April 2002 - Saturday 13 April 2002]
[page 63]
Sunday 7 April 2002
The key to Physical Theology is quantum information theory. Have been thinking this for a few years. Essential is the contrast with classical, giving a cycle CLASSICAL - QUANTUM - CLASSICAL ie INPUT - COMPUTATION - OUTPUT. What the quantum computation ensures is that the output is consistent with (but not necessarily provable from) the input.
Monday 8 April 2002
[page 64]
Tuesday 9 April 2002
The structure of the operator necessary to transform one state into another reveals to us the difference (or relationship) between the states. The differences between the spin states of the electron are encoded in the Pauli matrices. RELATIVITY: the transform between what is sent and received.
Wednesday 10 April 2002
Vice in all its forms {from drugs to war} (= abuse of power) has its origin in frustration. As frustration increases with time (integral of a potential with respect to time) so does the need to move toward the hard (violent, vicious) end of the spectrum. Frustration is caused by lack of power to fulfill need. Need is a feature of dissipative structures., that is ones which are far from equilibrium = far from maximum complexity.
The transfinite network can capture all this.
Cantor's theorem only works in cases of instantaneous global consistency, ie it is NEWTONIAN ie FORMALIST. How does this theorem look in a real dynamic Universe, equipped with finite processing rate at every point except the initial singularity = the whole Universe.
Peace theorem: order and chaos.
One can maintain peace as long as one is connected to an oracle = GOD.
[page 65]
Science is the revelation that keeps us on the straight and narrow - through it we know god and if we act on that knowledge we will be saved.
The theorem begins from an upper and lower stable context (boundaries) and shows how the stability of the boundaries brings structure between them. CONSISTENCY of [by?] COMMUNICATION.
Once again a brilliant light shines after a moment of depression - the basic idea for the peace theorem and its corollaries - BOUNDARIES INDUCE STRUCTURE - FIXED POINTS. [In the good old days the boundaries were god and the devil]
Thursday 11 April 2002
Weinberg, Quantum theory of Fields I, 1 ' . . . it has long seemed to me that a much better starting point [for quantum field theory] is Wigner's definition of particles as representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group . . . '
In quantum mechanics transition probability between two states must be independent of reference frames.
Friday 12 April 2002
Infinity machine: Earman & Warton - a computer which speeds up exponentially to do all computations in finite time - the exponential increase in frequency as we go toward the 'time' end of the transfinite network - Hogarth-Malament spacetimes . . . . Davies.
a) matter is Archimedian and b) communication is instantaneous (in the initial singularity)
Davies: 'We believe our machine is consistent with any physics knows in the year 1850' . . . 'In some respects the real world is less peculiar than a purely mechanical continuous Newtonian Universe
[page 66]
would be.'
'It is known that machines with infinite numbers of parts with no lower limit on their sizes can give rise to paradoxes (8).'
Recursive contraction with memory2 = 2 memory1, linear size2 = linear_size1/16, clock_period2 = clock_period1/8. So this is just a convergent series.
This machine can be modelled by the transfinite network with a clock ratio of 8 rather than ℵ0 !
Each generation of machine tools and computers is used to build the next.
'In our Universe the Lieb-Thirring proof of the stability of matter depends upon quantum mechanics and the Pauli exclusion principle.
'Wigner's lower bounds on the size and mass of a clock running at a given speed are not relevant .. Barrow, J D, Physical Review 54D (1996) 6563-4.
Mechanical = noiseless.
Philosophical assumption: 'To claim that the existence of a solution to some infinite problem about numbers in an imagined Universe implies anything about the mathematics of our Universe depends upon a philosophical assumption. This is that the imagined mathematics of the imagined Universe has the same properties as the real mathematics in ours.
Modal realist = many worlds.
[page 67]
MACHINES work on REPRESENTATIONS of the objects they process.
Hilbert space enables us to create a representation of an transfinite group.
The bond of love is the potential well for bringing new members into the group.
Apply group theory to the quantum+relativistic theory to arrive at a set of elements = operations. The elements of a group transform one another.
Ian Macdonald: The Theory of Groups.
21 'The objects of study in the theory of groups are the equivalence classes of isomorphic groups and relations between these classes. CLASS = ABSTRACT GROUP.
We study relations between abstract groups. Realized in nature because they are the most succinct way to express transformations.