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[Notebook Turkey, DB 55]

[Sunday 5 January 2003 - Saturday 11 January 2003]

[page 144]

Sunday 5 January 2003

. . .

[page 145]

Monday 6 January 2002

Physics started in the the heavens and worked its way down to earth. We start with the data collected by Kepler and the three laws or symmetries he found in this data, known to us as Kepler's laws.

In my religion kissing is worship -> all interactions are worship? passionate kisses.

Tuesday 7 January 2002
Wednesday 8 January 2002
Thursday 9 January 2002
Friday 10 January 2002
Saturday 11 January 2002

Mathematically, a Turing machine has no user in that the state of the tape is simply given and the machine goes through a deterministic course which may or may not reach a final state of the tape. We are only interested in whether the machine stops after ℵ0 cycles or not and we believe (?) that of the ℵ1 possible starting configurations, only ℵ0 halt and the other ℵ1 go on forever.

To give meaning to the operation of the Turing machine we introduce a user who programs the machine to perform a certain computation or set of computations, sets it going, interacts with it (think of the machine as a word processor) and when finished, stops it. The machine then becomes an abstract network machine.

We may model the other machines in the network as Turing machines, and see that they all give meaning to one another. Now we introduce limited resources and competition for survival by noting that there are only ℵ0/ℵ1 halting machines.

The Transfinite network gives us a mathematical model of allegory (cf Dante) and also a structure to understand the Gödel Hierarchy of Power. (GHP?). Gödel.

[page 146]

Sets of cardinal ℵ1 are a space big enough to give all the sets of cardinal ℵ0 a name as well as to give a name to every possible ordering of sets of cardinal ℵ0.

Technical acronyms in lower case

cu = Cantor Universe
ct = Cantor transition
tm = Turing machine
to = transfinite oscillator
cp = Cantor's paradise
tn = transfinite network
rcc = Roman Catholic Church
ttc = the theology company
ghp = Gödel hierarchy of power
mep = McMillan's e-property

The bearing quality of the transfinite transition enables the conversion of text into meaning and meaning into text by arbitrary mappings. These arbitrary mappings are subject to evolutionary pressures which probably favour error proofness, ie the e-property, ie equal distribution in some suitable spatial mapping.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Gödel, Kurt, and Solomon Feferman et al (eds), Kurt Gödel: Collected Works Volume 1 Publications 1929-1936, Oxford UP 1986 Jacket: 'Kurt Gödel was the most outstanding logician of the twentieth century, famous for his work on the completeness of logic, the incompleteness of number theory and the consistency of the axiom of choice and the continuum hypotheses. ... The first volume of a comprehensive edition of Gödel's works, this book makes available for the first time in a single source all his publications from 1929 to 1936, including his dissertation. ...' 
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