natural theology

This site is part of the The natural religion project
dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.

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[Notebook: TURKEY DB 55]

[Sunday 10 August 2003 - Saturday 16 August 2003]

[page 357]

Sunday 10 August 2003

Sampson page 163: Wriston: 'International banking . . . is a system designed by fate to exist in a certain state of economic unison with all governments, including the most democratic.' Sampson

Monday 11 August 2003

The Theology Company would want to be 'an international corporation that has shed all national identity,'

Tuesday 12 August 2003

May be we most appropriately market religion as the cure for poverty, both material poverty and poverty of spirit, in all our interrelationships.

Religion makes us what we are in the spiritual sense, in that we have an animal foundation in the physical world whose properties (including evolvability) we can exploit in order to obtain the inputs for survival and growth. The first step in this process is to understand what we are. What we are, in turn, is caused by and mirrored in the environment in which we live and move and have our being.

[page 358]

Why do I have such a preoccupation with nuts and bolts and less inclination to write about the beauties of nature : perhaps because it is nuts and bolts which create and sustain beauty and while it is easy to talk about them, beauty is unspeakable. The best I can do is remind you of your own beautiful experiences.

As I listen to sounds, their mending to me is a function of my total evolutionary and experiential history.

The creator is ourselves. This is what the established religions are saying, although adding a political slant to their words by claiming to speak and rule by divine authority. Within this rubric, all that they say is made up by themselves. They are in other words, a confidence (compare 'faith') trick, although a valuable one, since it often helps the individual if we work together for a common goal so profitable that each cooperator ends up with more than if he had worked alone.

POVERTY = deficiency of GOODS

The spirit needs nourishment as the body does, but whereas the body is a dissipative process, governed at many points by thermodynamics, the spirit (like the quantum mechanical world) is not (?) thermodynamically limited. All its processes are reversible : it does not have to kill to live as the body does. Yet without the body the spirit would not exist (given Landauer's axiom Landauer) because all communication has physical roots. Some of these roots are quantum, some thermodynamic. The difference is in the nature and completeness of the formal structure. [quantum mechanics uses infinite dimensional complex numbers (vectors, functions, mappings) and transformations. Thermodynamics uses real numbers]

Wednesday 13 August 2003

Gasgoyne Christians Gascoigne

page 12: 'The poor wretches have convinced themselves that they are going to be immortal and live for all time, by worshipping a crucified sophist and living under his laws. Therefore they despise the things of this world and consider them common property. They receive these doctrines by tradition, without any definite evidence. So if any charlatan or trickster comes

[page 359]

among them, he quickly acquires wealth by imposing on these simple folk (Lucian, Stevenson, A New Eusebius p 135 Stevenson

because he could work miracles

'No type of miracle is more persuasive than a healing miracle.

Here we have a principal feature of the Christian confidence trick. Our existence is a 'miracle', but we see it not as the result of an arbitrary divine act, but as the consequence of gigayears of evolution evolving events with frequencies up to ℵ0 Hz.

My physical labours emphasize to me the improbability and impracticability of miracles. Every little thing must be taken care of in the right order, and this is a dance in spacetime judged by the harshest of critics, the divinity, so that every move has its consequences - build it well and not only will it stand up, but it will be constructed at minimum cost in money, materials, health etc. Otherwise, like the State Rail Authority, poor workmanship will be rewarded by loss.

Removal of poverty = minimization of waste; maximization of productivity

Theology has no externalities, it deals with the whole, including itself.

A basic balance between saving (capital accumulation) and expenditure (potential capital dispersion). Both are necessary in some degree and the question often seems to be a matter of debt. Debt must be serviced and so is best reserved for obtaining the use of capital goods.

Taxation is necessary. In order not to distort the system, every movement of value [which the system makes possible] should be taxed.

[page 360]

Gascoigne page 16: [The disciples] precise and difficult task was to persuade the people of the reality of a departed man-god, no longer visible, for whose recent existence there was only their own solemn word to go by.


Don't worry if you are poor, victimized, even tortured and murdered, your reward will come later.

Matthew: 'Their blood be on us and on our children'.

page 17: 'Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the suffering and degradation of its god.'

Also good for marketing impact along with miracles, which say he didn't have to do it. Ie SUICIDE justified only by RESURRECTION.

Hilbert Oscillator: DEATH (differential operator reduces a continuous function to its eigenvalues (DECOMPOSES) rebirth Integral operator creates a new reality constrained only to have a set of eigenvalues that constitute its genetic heritage.

All religions converge on natural religion.

Christianity emphasized the suffering servant. It is no longer acceptable for servants to suffer. We say the world is wind. By wild we mean that each subsystem in the system acts in its own interest, so that cooperation is a consequence of selfishness. To see this clearly, we need a mathematical theory, the theory of mutually empowering servitude [service?]

The Universe = god is passionate, tense. The stress energy that structures spacetime also structures the quantum world (perhaps).


We hypothesis WILD = PEACEFUL

[page 361]

Hierarchical control theory, in Cantor space.

'Steering a course in the Cantor Universe'

Xianity has taught us nature is a fuckup. In fact it is perfect as we hope to show (in the next few centuries) on this site.

The Theology Co is incorporated to develop and promote the outlook of the natural theology site. Here we take the sociobiological these into the transfinite and study the states of the Hilbert Oscillator by expanding on the notions of differentiation and integration (backwards and forwards in time). Something like recycling entropy. Is there a quantum escape from the heat death - a rest point energy level in which the maximum complexity of the Universe is realized.

The universal tension is malthusian: there are many more potential states than can be actually realized at any moment in time. This creates competition among the possibilities for realization. How do we define realization : a realized system is one which has life (probably a tautology) let us say it is a meaning physically embodied.

Real = autonomously embodied

A real structure is one that has an energy (processing frequency) attributable to it.

Energy: physical; spiritual


Politics: a virtual competition for realization

The whole point of being a thinking woman is to form a partnership with a [partner] best likely to

[page 362]

meet her desires in life and vice versa. The space of satisfaction (like the space of desire) is multidimensional, and one might not find one's dual in a single vector, but in a linear combination of vectors. This is to assume that our relationships add linearly. In reality there are fermion and boson states to the addition process.

The theory is merely in aid of a practical doctrine, as physics and mathematics underlie engineering. The same holds in transfinite space (physics = countable space)

We will not detract form the purity of our line by following arguments into the devilish details. Instead we present a program which feels intuitively realizable. So what is the physics and mathematics relevant to spiritual engineering? Our foundation is the symmetry of theorems theorem.: all consistent systems are the same (at the level of consistency) They are all different, of course in how they are consistent. There is a transfinite space of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues available to them.

We need nature to guide imagination. The most anti-social fiction yet bequeathed to man is the Calvinistic end of Christianity (or any other religion) What we seek is minimal control for maximum peace and wildness.

Thursday 14 August 2003
Friday 15 August 2003
Saturday 16 August 2003

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Gascoigne, Bamber, , William Morrow and Company 1977 Amazon review: 'Bamber Gascoigne's irreverant study of the christians never fails to entertain while at the same time being informative as well as accurate. This study succeeds because of the scrupulous attention that Gascoigne pays to small details, such as when he examines the penitance that monks must pay, while at the same time Gascoigne does not lose sight of the overall historical theme. This study is a must for the non-christian reader interested in the more wordly aspects of the church.' A reader, Oxford, England 
Sampson, Anthony, The Money Lenders, Peter Smith Publisher Inc 1988  
Stevenson, J , A New Eusebius, Abingdon Press 1988  
Landauer, Rolf, "Information is a physical entity", Physica A, 263, 1, 1 February 1999, page 63-7. 'This paper, associated with a broader conference talk on the fundamental physical limits of information handling, emphasizes the aspects still least appreciated. Information is not an abstract entity but exists only through a physical representation, thus tying it to all the restrictions and possibilities of our real physical Universe. The mathematician's vision of an unlimited sequence of totally reliable operations is unlikely to be implementable in this real Universe. Speculative remarks about the possible impact of that, on the ultimate nature of the laws of physics are included.'. back
Landauer, Rolf, "The Physical Nature of Information", Physica A, 217, 4-5, 15 July 1996, page 188-93. 'Information is inevitably tied to a physical representation and therefore to restrictions and possibilities related to the laws of physics and the parts available in the Universe. Quantum mechanical superpositions of information bearing states can be used, and the real utility of that needs to be understood. Quantum parallelism in computation is one possibility and will be assessed pessimistically. The energy dissipation requirements of computation, of measurement and of the communications link are discussed. The insights gained from the analysis of computation has caused a reappraisal of the perceived wisdom in the other two fields. A concluding section speculates about the nature of the laws of physics, which are algorithms for the handling of information, and must be executable in our real physical Universe.'. back
Landauer, Rolf, "Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process", IBM Journal of Research and Development, 5, 3, 1961, page 183. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls