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[Notebook: Transfinite field theory DB 56]

[Sunday 30 May 2004 - Saturday 5 June 2004]

[page 97]

Sunday 30 May 2004

The physicists view: mathematics is an essential part of the language, but we need not worry too much about the logical perfection of our arguments because we are going to check the results against reality anyway. The important thing is to communicate and test the idea.

RESONANCE = error free communication. So low Q = loss of energy = loss of coherence = 'error' (decoherence) [-2 degrees, biro sluggish]

Heaven on earth is possible if a) we accept that death is inevitable and act to optimize our time of death and b) we exploit the spare entropy (headroom) in the Universe to eliminate the errors which we experience as pain and suffering. This 'elimination' is work, and it can be achieved if we exploit the spare capacity for work in the human population. Much of human energy is wasted due to the poor systemic structure in which many people are embedded. Some make useless things, others have no way to act to help themselves.

The 'full success' of metaphysics is to a achieve a unification of the Universe at all scales of space, time and complexity [momentum, energy, action].

Complex numbers are a feature of matrix mechanics necessary for the equations to have solution, ie points at which various equalities hold.

Our discussion of the human peer level is founded on the notion of individual sovereignty. This holds in all peer groups, the creation and annihilation operators operate between peer levels, aleph(m-1), aleph(n), aleph(n+1).

[page 98]

The rotten core of the doctrine of original sin runs right through Insight. Lonergan It has its value, however, in the restatements of old truths upon which we can build, ignoring the rot until we have built a new system that does not need original sin to motivate it.

Lonergan page 259: 'The needed higher viewpoint [to fight the 'social surd'] is the discovery, the logical expansion and the recognition of the principle that intelligence contains its own immanent norms, and that these norms are equipped with sanctions which man does not have to invent or impose.'

We reject empirical residue and make the identification intelligence == nature, so that natural theology is intelligent theology.

Monday 31 May 2004
Tuesday 1 June 2004

What I do is read lots of books and get vague understandings of what they are saying, and then combine and permute these ideas to try to come up with a linked string that leads from A to B. The process, I feel, is probably analogous to the progress of any other particles from some A to some B. So my day consists of reading, thinking and writing interspersed with the practical chores necessary to keep my part of the show on the road.

We can devise a metric for noetic space or any other space in the form of a Hamming distance between permutations. The maximum is the length of the permutation, the minimum is two (swap a pair). What is the distribution? Find out.


DICTATORSHIP - minimal feedback due to the low bandwidth of the dictator.

[page 99]

Wednesday 2 June 2004

God is the great motivator in Aristotle and Thomas. The outer unmoved heaven drove the rest, as both 'efficient' and 'final' cause. It drove the actual movements of earth, water, air and fire that constitute the world. It also drove the aspirations of the sentient beings on earth by being their 'final' cause. This structure is good since the whole notions of design and planning are driven by a vision of a better whatever.

What does motivate the Universe? We see that it conserves energy. When we model energy by the Hamiltonian function in quantum mechanics, energy appears in little packets that we can imagine (Feynman) as little arrows spinning at a certain rate. This visual model contains the same information as the expression phi = exp (i h E). The little arrows go round as time goes by because they have energy. The total number of revolutions (ie integrated over time) is the action E.t or dE.dt, the energy parcel multiplied by a duration.

GERLACH: 'No experiment is so dumb that it should not be tried'.

Thursday 3 June 2004

The search engine theorem: the narrower the search term, the more the results. A theory of everything is a search term that yields the whole Universe.

On modifying expectations by modifying the wave function: "Mechanotransduction . . . ' N 429:83, 6 May 2004, Tschumperlin et al

'Search term' = search structure. There will come a

[page 100]

there will come a time when people interested in anatomy can plug in a sample picture and get all its nearest neighbours displayed on their screen. At the other end of the spectrum, each of us is our own search term in the game of love.

Searching the transfinite network is the same as finding our way around it.

. . .

If this is a theory of everything, it must account for the existence of the searcher as well as the search term. We can understand the network, but we cannot see inside the users. So, in a sense, each peer payers of the transfinite network finds itself nested between two black boxes, one too complex for it to comprehend and the other too small and fast for it to see.

The metaphysical question is what sort of space do we live in. The first bit of data we have in the search for an answer seems to be the sort of idea that Descartes had, cogito ergo sum. Some might say that the unthought life does not exist, or exits only for itself. When reflection enters, so does generation, and the system reflects itself generation after generation, a sequence of events growing out of one another like plant . . . seed . . . plant . . . .

Atomic beads on strings of light. Searching is the basic survival mechanism, searching for the physical objects that fulfill our needs,.

John Maynard Smith, Obit. Eors Szathnary and Peter Hammerstein

Inappropriate behaviour: permutations rejected by the system, or not stationary states,

[page 101]

In the ℵ1 permutations of ℵ0, each element of ℵ0 appears ℵ1 times.

Error is self correcting, since it leads eventually to the death of the erroneous entity.

A basic assumption: two particles with one address are one particle. Perhaps an addressing gauge comes in here, so that if two identical particles try to have the same address, they automatically change one another in an identifiable way. We might distinguish fermions and bosons and the splitting of degenerate states in this way.

The idea is the inverse of the empirical residue which says . . . 'identical particles at the same address' and 'identical particles at different addresses' have no meaningful difference.

Addresses: The Cantor Universe is n addressing system.
Occupants: Ultimately addresses define occupants.

Friday 4 June 2004
Saturday 5 June 2004

Big bang vs continuous creation, an old argument that seems to have been resolved in favour of the bang, but quantum field theory tells us that we are a seething mass of creation and annihilation.

N429:129 13 May 2004 Entanglement. Bouwmeester The whole world is one entangled state; what varies is the strength of the coupling between all the various states. These couplings are al less that 1 (== identity) and can be transfinitely small (1/aleph(n) in our model.

One beauty of the transfinite network is that it is also scale invariant in the 'vagueness' of its operations, ie 20 it equivalent to ℵ0aleph(o), which

[page 102]

tells us that in exponential processes, the size of the basis carries no weight compared to the number of generations.

As we sit here drinking and looking around the model for good bits (wormholes), fits and so on, we are inclined not to be too critical. This seems reasonable in the early stages while the thing is still a baby. Eventually, if it is any good, it will survive without parental care.

To make a loop (Lonergan 'scheme of recurrence' Lonergan page 141 sqq) we need a cycle of Turing machines each one taking the output of another as its input - this is a network - which can be represented by cycles of permutation == groups. So we interpret the transfinite network (tn) as an algebra of transfinite matrices.

Thinking of the transfinite network in terms of information theory, we see that the complex symbols available in sets of cardinal aleph(n) is transfinitely more error proof that the complexity available at aleph(n-1).

The abuse of notation throughout the discussion so far is to let the symbol aleph(n) stand for the whole complex of cardinal and ordinal numbers of cardinal aleph(n)

The added precision is adequate to define (resolve) the new cardinal number of distinct entities. The resolution grows exponentially faster that the number of elements, so paving the way for the next level of elemental complexity.

COMPLEXITY <--> RESOLUTION Walther N 429:158

All communication is force: only those entities feel a given force which can decode it. The found physical forces are the four basic communication channels.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Feynman, Richard, QED: The Strange Story of Light and Matter, Princeton UP 1988 Jacket: 'Quantum electrodynamics - or QED for short - is the 'strange theory' that explains how light and electrons interact. Thanks to Richard Feynmann and his colleagues, it is also one of the rare parts of physics that is known for sure, a theory that has stood the test of time. ... In this beautifully lucid set of lectures he provides a definitive introduction to QED.' 
Higman, Bryan, Applied Group-Theoretic and Matrix Methods, Dover Publications Jacket: '... This work, a comprehensive, thoroughly reliable exposition of the basic ideas of group theory (realized through matrices) and its applications to various areas of physics and chemistry, systematically covers this important ground for the first time. ... Although [it] deals basiclaly with advanced level material, the unusually clear exposition provides much valuable insight and fruitful suggestion for student and specialist alike. Chemists, physicists, mathematicians, and others who would like an idea of the applications and methods of group and matrix theory in the physical sciences will profit greatly from this book. ...'back
Jech, Thomas, Set Theory, Springer 1997 Jacket: 'This book covers major areas of modern set theory: cardinal arithmetic, constructible sets, forcing and Boolean-valued models, large cardinals and descriptive set theory. ... It can be used as a textbook for a graduate course in set theory and can serve as a reference book.' 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '... Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Misner, Charles W, and Kip S Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman 1973 Jacket: 'Einstein's description of gravitation as curvature of spacetime led directly to that greatest of all predictions of his theory, that the Universe itself is dynamic. Physics still has far to go to come to terms with this amazing fact and what it means for man and his relation to the Universe. John Archibald Wheeler. ... this is a book on Einstein's theory of gravity (general relativity).' 
Pais, Abraham, 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford UP 1982 Jacket: In this ... major work Abraham Pais, himself an eminent physicist who worked alongside Einstein in the post-war years, traces the development of Einstein's entire ouvre. ... Running through the book is a completely non-scientific biography ... including many letters which appear in English for the first time, as well as other information not published before.' 
Bouwmeester, Dick, "High NOON for photons", Nature, 429, 6989, 13 May 2004, page 139-141. 'Entangled photons conspire to create interference patterns that would normally be associated with a wavelength much smaller than that of the individual photons, beating the diffraction limit.'. back
Szathnary, Eors and Peter Hammersetin, "John Maynard-Smith (1920-2004)", Nature, 429, 6989, 20 May 2004, page 258-259. 'John Maynard-Smith ... made crucial contributions to several debates in evolutionary theory: the levels -- genes, the individual organism, and so on -- at which natural selection operates effectively; the maintenance of sex as a costly mode of reproduction; the use of game theory for biological analysis of conflict and cooperation; the characteristics of major evolutionary transitions, such as the origin of multicellularity; and the logic of animal signalling. ... Maynard-Smith observed succinctly that twentieth-century biology is more about the role of information in biology than about anything else. The terminology of molecular biology (transcription, translation, proofreading and so on), the concept of positional information in embryology, the nervous system as information processor and the questions on animal signalling (about which he published his last book just a few months ago) all confirm the validity of this point. ... '. back
Tschumperlin, Daniel J, et al, "Mechanotransduction through growth-factor shedding into the extracellular space", Nature, 429, 6987, 6 May 2004, page 83-86. 'Physical forces elicit biochemical signalling in a diverse array of cells, tissues and organisms, helping to govern fundamental biological processes. Several hypotheses have been advanced that link physical forces to intracellular signalling pathways, but in most cases the molecular mechanisms of mechanotransduction remain elusive. Here we find that compressive stress shrinks the lateral intercellular space surrounding epithelial cells and triggers cellular signalling via autocrine binding of epidermal growth factor family ligands to the epidermal growth factor receptor.'. back
Walther, Philip and et al, "De Broglie wavelength of a non-local four-photon state", Nature, 429, 6989, 13 May 2004, page 158-161. 'Superposition is one of the most distinctive features of quantum theory and has been demonstratred in numerous single particle interference experiments. Quantum entanglement, the coherent superposition of states in multi-particle systems, yields more complex phenomena. One important type of multi-particle experiment uses path entangled number states, which exhibit pure higher order interference and potential for applications in metrology and imaging; ... It has been generally understood that in optical implemetations of such schemes, lower order interference effects always decrease the overall performance at higher particle numbers. ... Here we have overcome this limitation, demonstrating a four-photon inteferometer based on linear optics. ... We anticipate that this scheme should be extendable to arbitrary photon numersa, holding promise for realizable applications with entanglement-enhanced performance.'. back
Erik P Verlinde The Origins of gravity and the Laws of Newton 'Starting from first principles and general assumptions Newton's law of gravitation is shown to arise naturally and unavoidably in a theory in which space is emergent through a holographic scenario. Gravity is explained as an entropic force caused by changes in the information associated with the positions of material bodies. A relativistic generalization of the presented arguments directly leads to the Einstein equations. When space is emergent even Newton's law of inertia needs to be explained. The equivalence principle leads us to conclude that it is actually this law of inertia whose origin is entropic.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls