natural theology

This site is part of the The natural religion project
dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.

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[Notebook: Language DB 57 ]

[Sunday 10 October 2004 - Saturday 16 October 2004]

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Sunday 10 October 2004

A night of belly dancing ('Eastern dance') with many goddesses.

Politics: In our imagined distributions of power in the human world, we like to think of religion as above

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or outside politics. It is the relatively static framework within which politics seethes and struggles. It give structure to these struggles, we postulate, with an eye to fitness. For religions, while theoretically outside politics are practically embroiled in it like everybody else. For there are many religions competing to embed themselves in newborn minds, and so the malthusian constraint on variety manifests as a struggle or existence. This religious struggle has no reason to cease until we are all united in one religion. We have defined the function of religion to be to bind groups of people together. But as long as there exist incompatible religions, to bind [us together] is also to separate [us from them].

Can we bind ourselves into one religion. I think the answer is yes, and we are already well on the way. [The unity of biological science based on the unity of the life is our clue] Apart from exceptions like Lysenko, political forces do not introduce error into biology. They might of course influence the direction of biological research, and so perhaps give some ideas undue weight and starve others.

We know without doubt that we are one species, living on one planet. The evolutionary assumption guarantees that all the elements of the world work together. Things that don't 'work' don't happen, like a cracker that does not go off. So we know [that] each of us, and every distinct entity, has an unbroken pedigree stretching back to the initial singularity.

The initial singularity is the natural religion version of god. It is indefinable, because you can only define things by putting them in a box, and the initial singularity, like the Universe that has emanated from it cannot by

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definition be put in a box because it is all there is. There can be no box outside it. Apart from this undefinability, the initial singularity enjoys another important feature of god, it is the source of everything, the creator.

This is nice, but where did the initial singularity come form? Where did god come from? Both questions have the same answer: we don't know, we just know we are here. The difference is in the [assumed] relationship between god and creation. In the old view, we are outside god. Looks contradictory really, we are a little box outside god but not containing it. In a scientific religion we are inside god and can look around, see how things work and plan our activity to increase our chances of good success.


The formal, funded part of this search is called science. But all knowledge, even gossip, has a scientific element. We observe (listen, pry), use our imagination to form hypotheses and then communicate these hypotheses to the rest of the community. Finally, we wait expectantly to see what everyone (= the Editors) think of the story.

Similar operations are performed in our individual selves. Playing tennis we watch a ball, form opinions about its future trajectory and then try to intercept is and return it on a trajectory out of the opponent's reach.

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Science is the senses of the human religious organism. The rise of our technological culture over the last few centuries shows us the power of science. Not just the science of the Watts and Newtons, but the science of the bankers and politicians who had to learn how to deal with the violent new input of energy from fossil fuels and the assembly of large units of capital.

Science gives us the options. The political allocation of energy to particular options beings them to life. The options for religion are defined by theology, since every organism needs a knowledge of its environment to navigate safely and successfully.

Some would say that there are limits to science, but these are at least as wide as the limits of imagination and experience.

Corruption: politicization of religion, science, ie force wins over form, degrading the subtlety of form and the selectivity of force.

They key to a peaceful nation is a consistent set of laws implemented by an honest bureaucracy.

Monday 11 October 2004

Life is a rollercoaster ride: it looks like a stock market chart. The degree of fluctuation in price depends to come degree on the size of the company and the reliability of its business.

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The general drift, measured by various indices, similarly maps the feeling in the national and global equity markets. To design a social system independent of stock prices, we have to establish orthogonality between the market and the relevant social parameters. It may not be good (or even possible) to produce a social system completely homeostatic with respect to economic conditions because then individuals may lose some of their adaptability. What we seek here, as everywhere in life, is not an absolute but an optimum (given the conditions).

If we live in trees the distance between points (entropy) varies as the logarithm of the number of points.

Roads, plumbing, flow conservation : our basic problem is to reconcile change and stability. What we observe is an hierarchy of structure ranked by durability. We understand the high frequency things through the low frequency things. More generally, we extrapolate from our own scale o all the other scales in the Universe by assuming that they are all the same to themselves as we are to ourselves. This, in a way, is the fundamental symmetry of consciousness.

We can divide life into reasonable and emotional. These correspond, in the model, to countably infinite and

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FINITE = RATIONAL (Turing Machinable)

Love one another is good, but let us all treat one another nicely is more practicable = practical.

FORMALISM : that part of a dynamic system for which d(whatever)/dt = zero.

The theology company is going into the Jesus business.

Jesus was an old paradigm loser. He died to correct an error. Now we make money out of correcting errors - SERVICE

The more you do for yourself the smaller the economy.

Our business is to put ourselves out of business by showing you how to do it for yourself.

TTC morality : be nice / Be true.

A big question for me is how can one person, Caesar, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, influence the lives of so many people. More generally, what is the structure of human power over one another. Or Aquinas, Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Galileo, Newton, Kant etc. From a thermodynamic point of view, we may see each of these people as a

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'nucleation centre' for a certain condensation (phase change).

How do we understand phase changes in religion = {human communication protocols}.

Original sin is a self fulfilling prophecy. To be brought up Catholic is to be brought up disabled. But also abled. And the question is does the cost/benefit of being a member outweigh the cost/benefit of not being a member.

The industrial revolutionists found [again] that formalism was power and took it to such extremes that their employees suffered.

. . .

The bureaucracy determines (by formal decree on paper) how individuals will act in order to achieve the ends of the bureaucracy which are as ever avoiding sudden death, growth and reproduction.

Infinite = unresolved; finite, rational, logical = resolved.

. . .

Anewtheology can follow the order of the Summa.

We progress by 'discretizing' things into tasks (the basic ones ad not and nand) and ordering the tasks to achieve the imagined end.

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The spiritual ones, the literate ones, the 'celebrities' may seek to isolate themselves from the masses, to be a closed partition of the boundless masses. This closed set lives off the masses, and so tends to cultivate them to maximize return, a a gardener might. Gardeners, of course, may be a well rewarded by the beauty of the garden as by its contribution to their domestic economy.

In a similar way, domestic economies are the closed system which cultivates the global economy ( and vice versa) and more generally, human minds are the (closed?) finite systems which radiate order into the body politic. [as the sun does] A polity that does not enhance the fitness of its population may not be worth the trouble.

By complexity invariance, we draw a line from economic faith, hope and charity to spiritual faith, hope and charity, that is from closed to open.

This hypothesis directly contradicts the notion that matter is inert, evil, dark, the enemy of spirit. It is the foundation of spirit. Landauer. Spirit therefore need to look after matter as its own

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land, the source of its life.

Tuesday 12 October 2004
Wednesday 13 October 2004
Thursday 14 October 2004
Friday 15 October 2004
Saturday 16 October 2004

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Pétrement, Simone, and Raymond Rosenthal (translator), Simone Weil: A Life, Schocken 1988 Jacket: 'A French Jew who broke with Judaism and wavered on the edge of Roman Catholicism, the daughter of a respected physician, the sister of one of the century's greatrst mathematicians, Simone Weil devoted her life to the search for truth and God amid the poverty and misery of the poor.

Since her death in 1943 at the age of thirty-four, Simone Weil has become a person of legend. T>S> Eliot, Dwight Macdonald, Leslie Fiedler and Robert Coles spoke of her as the saint of the twentieth century who lived the contradictions of our era more intensely and continuously than anyone else.' 

Landauer, Rolf, "Information is a physical entity", Physica A, 263, 1, 1 February 1999, page 63-7. 'This paper, associated with a broader conference talk on the fundamental physical limits of information handling, emphasizes the aspects still least appreciated. Information is not an abstract entity but exists only through a physical representation, thus tying it to all the restrictions and possibilities of our real physical Universe. The mathematician's vision of an unlimited sequence of totally reliable operations is unlikely to be implementable in this real Universe. Speculative remarks about the possible impact of that, on the ultimate nature of the laws of physics are included.'. back
Landauer, Rolf, "The Physical Nature of Information", Physica A, 217, 4-5, 15 July 1996, page 188-93. 'Information is inevitably tied to a physical representation and therefore to restrictions and possibilities related to the laws of physics and the parts available in the Universe. Quantum mechanical superpositions of information bearing states can be used, and the real utility of that needs to be understood. Quantum parallelism in computation is one possibility and will be assessed pessimistically. The energy dissipation requirements of computation, of measurement and of the communications link are discussed. The insights gained from the analysis of computation has caused a reappraisal of the perceived wisdom in the other two fields. A concluding section speculates about the nature of the laws of physics, which are algorithms for the handling of information, and must be executable in our real physical Universe.'. back
Landauer, Rolf, "Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process", IBM Journal of Research and Development, 5, 3, 1961, page 183. back
Landauer Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process Rolf Landauer: Abstract: 'It is argued that computing machines inevitably involve devices which perform logical functions that do not have a single-valued inverse. The logical irreversibility is associated with physical irreversibility, and requires a minimum heat generation, per machine cycle, typically of the order of kT for each irreversible function. The dissipation serves the purpose of standardizing signals and making them independent of their exact logical history. Two simple, but representative, models of bistable devices are subjected to a more detailed analysis of switching kinetics to yield the relationship between speed and energy dissipation, and to estimate the effects of errors induced by thermal fluctuations. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls