[Notebook: DB 60 Spotlights]
[Sunday 14 January 2007 - Saturday 20 January 2007]
[page 77]
Sunday 14 January 2007
'An intelligence service, particularly a counterespionage service, depends on its memory and sense of history; without them it is lost.' Wright page 235
Page 236: 'The ancient dilemma of all counterespionage services; in order to investigate, you have to risk approaching and interviewing people, and thus the risks of leakage or publicity increase exponentially the more intense the inquiries you make.'
Hawking and Ellis: 'First there is the question of local laws satisfied by the various physical fields. They are usually expressed in the form of differential equations. Secondly there is the problem of the boundary conditions for these equations and the global nature of their solutions. This involves thinking about the edge of space-time in some sense. Hawking and Ellis, page 1
[page 78]
The 'edge' of god is the boundary between consistency and inconsistency.
Zygon abstract:
The classical model of God perfected by Aquinas bears a number of similarities to the initial singularity predicted by relativistic cosmology. In particular, from a logical point of view, it embraces all possibilities, ie in the medieval exposition of an Aristotelian term, God is pure act. Aquinas derives all the classical properties of god from this axiom.
Following this analogy, we can understand the big bang by analogy to the doctrine of the Trinity. Here, by modelling god as a transfinite network, we show that there is no apparent inconsistency between the classical notion of god and the Universe as we know it.
Aquinas proves the existence of god using arguments analogous to Aristotle proof for the existence of an unmoved mover. In each of Aquinas' five proofs, some aspect of the Universe is shown to be unexplainable by the Universe and therefore attributed to God. A similar argument was used by Lonergan in Insight. Lonergan's error is ignorance of quantum mechanics which leads him to postulate an unexplainable empirical residue in the Universe as a consequence of the assumption of continuity.
[page 79]
Cohen showed that Cantor's continuum hypothesis was independent of set theory, thus bringing to fruition Hilbert's feeling that logical continuity and permutational infinity are the true bases for explanation of reality,
Poorly expressed, but tart-up-able.
Monday 15 January 2007
Tuesday 16 January 2007
Wednesday 17 January 2007
Thursday 18 January 2007
Friday 19 January 2007
Saturday 20 January 2007