[Notebook: DB 60 Spotlights]
[Sunday 11 February 2007 - Saturday 17 February 2007]
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Sunday 11 February 2007
Hobson et al : p 26, '. . . a manifold is any set that can be parametrized' ie mapped onto arithmetic, ie discrete numbers. Hobson
Good law cannot be made to force people to act against their private interests, but should rather be designed to align the interests of individuals and their society. Artacho, Science 315:460. Artacho
'There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ of God or Allah or whatever one calls the supreme being. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are
[page 95]
not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100%. If you disagree with the religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me that if I want to be a moral person I must believe A, B, C and D. Just who do they think they are. Barry Goldwater, US Congressional Record 16 September 1981, quoted in Schermer, Science 315:463 review of The God Delusion, Dawkins. Schermer, Dawkins
We speed search by indexing which reduces the search space to a stepwise sequence of letters of the alphabet rather than taking on the whole thing at once. This approach is possible where words are made of letters (ie non-entangled). In entangled systems, the complexity of the basis is the complexity of the system.
Known = past; my 'known' past is in fact me as a formal structure. My unknown future lies in the degrees of freedom existing between myself ad my environment.
Copied from 6500/300 log 8 February 2006 page 242:
Is writing the best or the worst thing every invented? its worst feature was perhaps its very low bandwidth at the beginning when only a few people could write or read., so they alone reapt the benefits of writing.
[page 96]
Chinese public service exams.
Copied from 3500/300 17 September 2006 p 272:
God creates and God annihilates. traditional gods show quite a lot of temperament when dealing with their flocks. To the writers of the Iliad, they often seemed downright malicious. Homer
Copied from DODGY 30 November 2004 page 18:
Science is based on common experience which may be conveniently and historically divided into subjective and objective experience. Objective or physical experiences are those object and public phenomena studied by physics, chemistry and biology and all their specialized permutations and combinations. Common experience in the subjective realm exists, but is rather harder to pin down. Many women experience experience childbirth, but outside this commonality thee are many variations. The subject of metaphysics or theology is this inner experience. Since, however, inner experience itself depends on nurture as well as nature, theology is recursive and may go into upward or downward spirals.
There is a whole industry devoted to manipulating inner experience - education [plus advertising, religion and in fact all communications between people] This manipulation arises because current western
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education systems are abstract, cut off from the real world in 'schools'.
[the same goes for many non-western systems.
We avoid danger by specificity - SHANNON
DODGY page 33 21 March 2005:
Markets only move when buyer and seller agree on a price.
DODGY page 89:
The standard model [of God] is based on Aristotelian logic and Aristotelian physics. The revised standard model is founded on a logic, mathematics and physics that have developed since the rise of mathematical physics about 400 years ago.
After sixty years of careful thought I can sate my theological and religious positions in a few sentences. First I delete the distinction between god and the world. proceeding on the assumption that the Universe we see is part at least of god. An immediate consequence of this assumption is that theology can become a science: the creation of fiction that is judged by its conformity to reality. Since we say thee is only one god and so one reality, we would expect scientific theology to gradually become unified as the other science have become unified by scientific method and the inherent consistency of the observable Universe. There
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is no room in this approach for the untested opinions of old people to be imposed upon us.
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We do not observe waves, or more correctly, it takes a large number of observations to get enough data to suggest the presence of a wave causing the observed distributions of observables.
Monday 12 February 2007
Tuesday 13 February 2007
Wednesday 14 February 2007
St Valentine's day
The idea of promising fidelity for life in marriage may be seen as a little presumptuous, overlooking the role of higher powers in the affairs of people so beautifully captured in the Iliad. Rather, let us say that what a higher power (God) has put together let no lower power (man) put asunder. On the other hand, god may put asunder what god has put together, and people are in the same boat, but marriages are made and unmade in heaven. The entanglement of two persons is of such great complexity that it cannot be understood as a mere product (cardinal) of two persons. The cardinal of the union is higher than the cardinal of each individual and so, by the cybernetic principle of requisite variety or sufficient cause, individuals cannot have control over their union, except to destroy is by breaking the superposition? This sort of thing may be expressed
[page 99]
in the formalism, by substituting the wavefunction of a person for a qubit, thus expanding the space to the hubit, whose Hilbert space has a certain transfinite cardinality.
The commandment of love or better features of love,
1. like all states it is born and dies, sometimes with the lovers, sometimes before they die. Every state has a lifetime which is longer the more sharply defined the state. Love is subject to creation and annihilation. Because it is a very complex state, subsets of love may be created and annihilated, ie appear and disappear. Appearance is the interface of love.
Primary Colors: Anonymous (then) Now: Joe Klein. Klein
Thursday 15 February 2007
Friday 16 February 2007
Physics is the only subject that deals in truth in the classical world. In this world the truths of physics are eternal. On the other hand the truths of biology and politics have a limited life and new realities are always coming to be, and old ones die out. So, unlike the world of physics, they are a moving target. Theory tells is that to track a moving target we must sample it as twice its speed of movement, the sampling theorem. This theorem tells us how much digital information it may take top represent a continuously changing phenomenon. The answer, in bits per second (bandwidth) is changes per second multiplied by the precision of sample measurement.
[page 100]
At root, physics is an expression of formal theory: this is our hypothesis. To be explained and defended.
The more you stress yourself in pursuit of gain, the more you stress those you deal with? There will be exploitation as long as the system demands exploitation as the price of survival.
. . .
'On the formal world with an application to peacemaking'
'Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity' 60s slogan.
But what is the alternative? Jesus, Ghandi and Buddha may encode examples of peace without fighting? but what is the theory behind this? Quantum mechanics, which shows us the minimum gossip free linear system, with maximum freedom, ie minimum curvature, ie minimum coupling constant (connection)
How many degrees of freedom does general covariance demand in a space where every point is labelled by four independent continuous parameters?
These times are so rewarding, when I can sit down and write something amid the tasks of everyday life.
[page 101]
You will say that many good thing are done voluntarily, but the energy of volunteers is a form of funding , so the axiom holds: no reality without the processing capacity to homeostase in one's environment, ie EXIST.
The Universe has the same cardinality and complexity as the formal systems studied by logic and mathematics. This lays open the possibility of bijective mapping between formal systems and the Universe.
Generically, a formal system is something with a set of symbols and a set of rules (expressible in symbols) for manipulating these symbols, eg differentiable manifold.
The Christian institutions that are held to stabilize our democratic-capitalist-socialist societies are themselves just as corrupt as the parallel locations in Islam.
Ustinov, Monsieur Rene page 213: 'Look at the facts. At the end of the war the victorious allies were embarrassed at the enormity of the Nazi crimes and by their inability to sit in judgment on acts which by their nature defied all comparison with historical precedents. Thus the idea of crimes against humanity crystallized for the first time in the human mind, but before these monsters could be condemned spurious links had to be forged between the legal systems of the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Stalin's Soviet Union, four of the oddest goddesses ever to share a pair of scales and a blindfold. There has always been in some minds a feeling of unease that the rules of the game had to be invented retrospectively before
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culprits could be executed for crimes which had to be defined after they were committed. PAYBACK. Ustinov
At present all crimes are against the crown which depersonalizes them and makes centralized administration easier. But all real crimes are committed against individuals, and the benefit of payback should accrue to the victim also, not just in vengeance but in compensation. With vengeance, everybody loses.
Ustinov page 233: 'Money is perhaps less perceptible in the defence of the innocent than it is in the defence of the guilty, but wherever it is found, it has never learned the art of discretion. That is why it never passes unnoticed.
Know thyself: the hypothesis of symmetry with respect to complexity suggests that the world is full of particles some quite simple, some of unbounded complexity among which are ourselves. What we discuss here are features which all particles share. One the network hypothesis every particle is a message, that is a bond between two nodes in the network. So I am a message as is a pheromone, an atom or a photon.
The bounds on human communication: no violence, no deception.
[page 103]
On this picture the question why is the Universe quantized? is tantamount to asking why are there particles?
A particle is a realized state transition. This formalism is realized in the interactions between atoms and photons. Depending on the energy levels involved.
Accountancy: the arithmetic of trade
Politics: the direction of trade by taxing and spending
Religion: The cultural bounds on politics
Theology: the theory of bounds, why are there particles
Symmetry with respect to the complexity of the message specifies an unbonded communication channel, one which can faithfully reproduce any permutation of the letters of its alphabet. [escape characters]
The olds are still performing well on the feistiness scale, meaning that there social immune systems are still capable of rejecting attempts by other agents to manage their lives.
tread lightly on the children = earth.
Differentiation and integration are the foundation of mathematical physics and so we assume that they reflect come inherent property of the observed Universe.
[page 104]
they model so well.
Hobson page 184: 'Rmn = 0. From this simple equation we can immediately establish a profound result. Consider the number of field equations as a function of the number of spacetime dimensions: then for two, three and four dimensions the number of field equations and independent components of Rmnsr are shown in the table
No of spacetime dimensions |
2 |
3 |
4 |
No of field equations |
3 |
6 |
10 |
Independent components of Rmnsr |
1 |
6 |
10 |
Thus in two or three dimensions the field equations in empty space guarantee that the curvature tensor must vanish, In four dimensions, however, we have 10 field equations but 20 independent components of the curvature tensor. it is therefore possible to satisfy the field equations in empty space with a non-vanishing curvature tensor. Remembering that a non-vanishing curvature tensor represents a non-vanishing gravitational field, we conclude that it is only in four dimensions or more that gravitational fields can exist in empty space. Hobson et al
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'The vacuum' is an inconsistent state?
Turn down the heating, turn up the clothes.
[page 105]
The teacher student dialogue is public insofar as education is.
IPCC: The global organism is gradually developing senses to feel the state of the environment. IPCC