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[Notebook: DB 60 Spotlights]

[Sunday 25 February 2007 - Saturday 3 March 2007]

[page 106]

Sunday 25 February 2007

Survival = f(fear)

The game of life is so complex that official maturity is defined to occur around 18 years of age in my part of the world.

Children are educated at different rates in different subsets of society.

Science is a product of frustrated desire. We conceive of something and want it. Thomas was clear about this: first the image and then the desire. The advertising industry is built on this premiss. To advertise honestly we must have a product (that is a form represented in matter) which satisfies the desire. All the activities promoted in advertising come under the heading of trade. Trade in a given environment may be fair or unfair.

PEERAGE = FAIRNESS A fair price for honestly represented goods.

[page 107]

The spectrum runs from destructive slavery, forced labour until death, to peerage. Equilibrium slavery rewards the slave just enough to maintain its efficiency. Destructive slavery keeps up the work rate with violence.

We can give a network meaning or interpretation to all the features of modern society. In particular we can define states of maximum entropy and maximum stability.

The Gaia hypothesis applied to the current human condition. Lovelock

Physical particles (living n a world of limited cardinality) are born fully educated and do not have memory or learning. Instead the shape is demanded by the requirements of consistency in a field of limited variety.

Hobson et al

All knowledge requires a coordinate system: the coordinates for my knowledge are my (ever changing) formal structure eg it is the structure of my visual processing system which makes these atoms deposited on paper, all emitting and not-emitting photons appear to me as 'my writing'.

Hard work (reroofing a house in summer) and a sort of despair which I know will dissipate when in get back to work on something to be [finished soon].

Monday 26 February 2007
Tuesday 27 February 2007
Wednesday 27 February 2007
Thursday 1 March 2007

[page 108]

Friday 2 March 2007

Einstein's field equations constrain the relationships of point in a 4-D manifold in a way which exactly matches observed reality. What we seek is a set of 'field equations' that constrain the transfinite network in a way which exactly matches our world of experience.

In the end, promotion of my picture of the world depends on how credible I myself find the picture. This depends on internal processing, but also on communication from peers who can see the merit on my proposals.

Saturday 3 March 2007

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Denzinger, Henricus, and Adolphus Schoenmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum, Definitionum et Declarationum de Rebus Fidei et Morum, Herder 1963 Introduction: 'Dubium non est quin praeter s. Scripturam cuique theologo summe desiderandus sit etiam liber manualis quo contineantur edicta Magisterii ecclesiastici eaque saltem maioris momenti, et quo ope variorim indicum quaerenti aperiantur eorum materiae.' (3) 'There is no doubt that in addition to holy Scripture, every theologian also needs a handbook which contains at least the more important edicts of the Magisterium of the Church, indexed in a way which makes them easy to find.'back
Lovelock, James, Ages of Gaia: A Biography of our Living Earth, W W Norton 1995 'This book describes a set of observations about the life of our planet which may, one day, be recognised as one of the major discontinuities in human thought. If Lovelock turns out to be right in his view of things, as I believe he is, we will be viewing the Earth as a coherent system of life, self regulating and self-changing, a sort of immense living organism.' Lewis Thomas 
Manning, Henry Edward, The Vatican Council and its Definitions: A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy, P J Kennedy, Publisher to the Holy See, Excelsior Catholic Publishing House 1905 back
Lovelock, James, "Gaia as seen through the atmosphere", Atmospheric Environment, 6, , 1972, page 579-580. 'The purpose of this letter is to suggest that life at an early stage of its evolution acquired the capacity to control the global environment to suit its needs, and that this capacity has persisted and is still in use. In this view the sum total of species is more than just a Catalogue, "The Biosphere", and like other associations in biology is an entity with properties greater than the simple sum of its parts. Such a large creature, even if only hypothetical, with the powerful capacity to homeostat the planetary environment needs a name: I am indebted to Mr William Golding for suggesting the use of the Greek personification of mother Earth, "Gaia".' . back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls