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[Notebook: DB 61 Warm]

[Sunday 27 May 2007 - Saturday 2 June 2007]

Sunday 27 May 2007
Monday 28 May 2007

An hypothesis: movement is caused by 'discomfort'. a degree of inconsistency on a scale 0 = inertial bliss to 1 = fatal error. We move to relive the discomfort, and exploiting the scale invariance of networks, postulate that all systems move when they are under stress, if possible. So we imprison people to punish them, restricting movement to increase discomfort. The decision to move is a function of the level of perceived inconsistency (need for reform) and the cost of movement. Presumably the fittest thing to do is to solve one;s problems with the minimum of action.

All this work is an attempt to move myself to be at peace with myself after being for a long time imprisoned in contradictory beliefs about my own nature. Without those contradictions (ie if I was a 'true believer") none of this would have happened.

The following ideas may well turn out to have a life of their own. . . .

Tuesday 29 May 2007
Wednesday 30 May 2007

[page 76]

Thursday 31 May 2007

An interpretation of the standard model.

The important thing about the numbers is not so much their size as their order. Both. [physics deals with size. Theory with order]

In quantum mechanical terms the messages in an error free channel are orthogonal so that the probability of one being confused with another is formally 0.

Peacock page 3: '. . . we say that special relativity requires all true physical relations to be written in terms of 4-vectors. Peacock

Peacock page 5: The rest mass (= internal processing rate, metabolism) of a particle is a relativistic invariant, independent of the gravitational (= network) environment in which [the] particle finds itself.

Computable = compressible which yields a speedup in the computation and s fitness.


The power of a symmetry is the number of cases it applies to. [the highest power belongs to the Cantor (set) symmetry, which applies at every observable point]

Gauge = coordinate system. Change of gauge is not observable; reality is independent of any gauge. [but in the realm of meaning, every particular gauge is a new reality, to us and beyond]

[page 77]

It is not hard to interpret quantum mechanics as information. A set of quantum events fulfills the information theoretic definition of a source, tat is an entity with an alphabet of letters emitted with a certain probability normalized to 1 over the whole alphabet.

Friday 1 June 2007
Saturday 2 June 2007

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Lo, Hoi-Kwong, and Tim Spiller, Sandra Popescu, Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information, World Scientific 1998 Jacket: 'This book provides a pedagogical introduction to the subjects of quantum information and computation. Topics include non-locality of quantum mechanics, quantum computation, quantum cryptography, quantum error correction, fault tolerant quantum computation, as well as some experimental aspects of quantum computation and quantum cryptography. A knowledge of basic quantum mechanics is assumed.' 
Peacock, John A, Cosmological Physics, Cambridge University Press 1999 Nature Book Review: 'The intermingling of observational detail and fundamental theory has made cosmology an exceptionally rich, exciting and controversial science. Students in the field — whether observers or particle theorists — are expected to be acquainted with matters ranging from the Supernova Ia distance scale, Big Bang nucleosynthesis theory, scale-free quantum fluctuations during inflation, the galaxy two-point correlation function, particle theory candidates for the dark matter, and the star formation history of the Universe. Several general science books, conference proceedings and specialized monographs have addressed these issues. Peacock's Cosmological Physics ambitiously fills the void for introducing students with a strong undergraduate background in physics to the entire world of current physical cosmology. The majestic sweep of his discussion of this vast terrain is awesome, and is bound to capture the imagination of most students.' Ray Carlberg, Nature 399:322 
Landauer Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process Rolf Landauer: Abstract: 'It is argued that computing machines inevitably involve devices which perform logical functions that do not have a single-valued inverse. The logical irreversibility is associated with physical irreversibility, and requires a minimum heat generation, per machine cycle, typically of the order of kT for each irreversible function. The dissipation serves the purpose of standardizing signals and making them independent of their exact logical history. Two simple, but representative, models of bistable devices are subjected to a more detailed analysis of switching kinetics to yield the relationship between speed and energy dissipation, and to estimate the effects of errors induced by thermal fluctuations. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls