[Notebook: DB 61 Warm]
[Sunday 2 September 2007 - Saturday 8 September 2007]
Sunday 2 September 2007
[page 180]
Monday 3 September 2007
MASS = RESOLUTION, by analogy with finite element computer models which decrease mesh size in regions of greater detail, as in eg models of the Universe.
Politics - getting and maintaining power
Statespersonship - exercising power.
We treasure the children because they inject new beauty into the world and we consider people and events that harm children to be the worst. So the form is
which is measured on a normalized entropy scale running from 0 to 1. And we can [write]
In the world of action, everything has a beginning, a middle and an end.
[page 181]
Sub specie aeternitatis. The only foreseeable and unavoidable crisis we face is the sum becoming impossible to live with and we have some billions of years to work out how to deal with that. We have lesser problems ranging in size (measured by complexity) from how to drive a nail in to how to deal with global warming and global human chaos.
So we write a triangle:
Chaos = sacrifice = no control. [As a] last resort, to please the Gods, let us kill our most beautiful child in a horrible way = Jesus.
Christianity has no real control at the top level, only faith. It has spawned control at lower levels like the industrial, political and social revolutions of the past few millennia by acting as an INTERNET, albeit one that decides on protocols by fiat (and conquest) rather than by communication and consensus.
Natural religion is not to be constructed so much as discovered.
Tuesday 4 September 2007
[page 182]
Wednesday 5 September 2007
The approach adopted here may seem circular: we declare god and the Universe to be identical, therefore making scientific theology possible. We then proceed to develop a model which makes this identification plausible. Traditional theology does the opposite, holding that God and the Universe are distinct and producing models which 'prove' this contention. As elsewhere in science deciding between these two propositions is a matter of consistency, of the models within themselves, and of the models and experience.
The model to be proposed and developed here is based on the theories of networks and communication. Scientists and all other distinct entities are taken to be nodes in this universal network and communications between scientists and the world as edges. In this picture, scientific method is a method of decoding the messages received from the world.
The Church feels it necessary to exercise magisterial oversight over its theologians to keep them on the straight and narrow. A scientific theology needs no such oversight, since it is in direct communication with God. Schultenover, ST 68/3 9/2007 p 490. Schultenover
The idea, of course is to knock out the keystone of the Roman Catholic Church raison d'etre with one well aimed whack. I hate having to hit things twice.
[page 183]
The duality of matter and form entered the scientific literature at a very early date and has remained with us in various representations ever since.
murdering idealists: Stalin Hitler, Mao, the Pope (AIDS in Africa and elsewhere).
Identical particles = different embodiments of the same form. the no-cloning theorem tells is that identical particles nevertheless have different states.,
We break degeneracies (symmetries) by subjecting the system to some stress eg magnetic field and atom = Zeeman effect.
Magisterial oversight is necessary because Christian doctrine is arbitrary, like the rules of football.
The only measure is counting.
Any attempt to control science, as in the case of Soviet genetics is perverse and must be resisted. Roll-Hansen, Soyfer
Probability theory is isomorphic to topology, in that both divide sets of points in spaces into subsets. Probability theory is concerned with measure whereas topology is built around smooth (no ruptures) deformations of manifolds.
[page 184]
The symmetric Universe is replete with symmetries yet it is the biggest structure imaginable. In this way order is the source of entropy, although it is fashionable to equate entropy with disorder.
Book title megafuckup MFU
megafuck MF
The megafuckup of the title is the false view of the world that is leading us to the brink of disaster. We're burning global capital like there is no tomorrow because we think we are Masters of the Universe, the Chosen Ones of God. This view is propagated by Christianity. To give the book focus and to take advantage of what I learnt as a Dominican monk, the target of my attack is the Roman Catholic Church, represented in my sights by the Papacy. I have nothing in particular against the Pope himself, only the role. Megafucker.
The problem here is that this title might give a bad name to fucking, so we need something which connotes the combination of invincible error with supreme power. The Ideal Murderer, the Errorist, The Error, TError, TERROR, TOTAL ERROR
Though your sins be as red as blood, your soul will be washed as white as snow, or words to that effect [ though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18]. Isaiah How true? Forgiveness preserves capital, forestalls unnecessary erasure.
[page 185]
Love the sinner, hate the sin. But how do we implement these algorithms?
The structure of quantum mechanics arises from FORMALISM + EMBODIMENT
Matter is the principle of individuation, ie asymmetry (detail)
Evil Empire
All very nice but this is negative thinking. Can we avoid it? Possibly not. How else to create a sensation ie a contrast. Not by violence but by organic growth, ie network reproduction. The idea will spread itself - a fit meme. [it still needs 'activation energy' to get over the initial resistance]
1. Scientific theology
2. Form/symmetry
3. Logic
4. Mathematics
5. Symmetric network
6. Communication
7. Computation
8. Quantum mechanics
9. The physical layer
10 Matter/Detail
11. Creation/No Cloning
James, Innocent Blood page 185: 'We're all of the same blood and we're in the same shipwreck. Recriminations, explanations, panic are all a waste of time. Safety requires only that
[page 186]
we act toward each other with love.' Fair trade. James
Thursday 6 September 2007
Feynman Lectures on Computing Feynman
What works for transfinite numbers works for finite numbers. Line the subsets up against the elements and you find some left over; in fact you can arrange things so that the leftovers contain every subset with two or more elements.
Two ways to create bigger sets: Power set; permutation set [group].
Communication and competition give backbone to the liberal agenda and maybe guide it through difficult areas that previous generations have dealt with by prohibition,
Self justification is important, it can be done by connecting to the environment and discovering consistency. This is the reason for citing references in scientific publications. By citing my sources I allow others to judge the integrity of my work. Emotional motivations might lead to extravagant claims and undue disparagement of contrary views.
Feynman page 292: 'learning how not to fool ourselves is, I'm sorry to say, something we haven't specifically included in any particular course that I know of. We just hope you've caught on by osmosis.'
[page 187]
Feynman page 293 Gleich 'He believed in the principle of doubt, not as a blemish upon our ability to know, but as the essence of knowing.'
Driving in fog, at night (low bandwidth) vs driving in bright sunlight (high bandwidth.
Feynman page 236: 'The presence of amplification is essential for any computing technology.'
page 252: One of the central discoveries of the previous section, which might be general, is that the energy needed to do the switching, multiplied by the time used for the switching, is a constant - at least for resistive systems. We will call this constant the 'dissipated action' (a new phrase I just made up).
[So (Bennet) we can do computing for no energy if we do it at zero speed (reversibly)]
page 277: Rent's Rule [for wiring]
page 280: 3D wiring: [Universe has three dimensions so all connections can be made without crossed 'wires'?]
My basis epistemology surrounds personal safety and productivity on a building site.
Friday 7 September 2007
To do things effectively we need to distill determinism (entropy zero) out of infinity (entropy equivalent to log aleph(n) depending on the layer at which we are working (n)).
[page 188]
The Theology Company is eternal (deterministic) because its existence is guaranteed by texts kept at corporate affairs. On the other hand, the embodied records and record keepers have to be fed (the annual fee) and if that is not paid, the company will eventually be liquidated to get the money.
We encourage things by feeding them and discourage them by starvation
Money as a public transmitter of value. Policy/money.
A measure of value which may be used for the abstract transmission of value.
The truck system.
MODEL/Creation How does creation work? For a start, I don't mean creation our of nothing in the classical sense. What I am interested in is the self-structuring property of the initial singularity subject to no external constraints and the internal constrain of consistencies. Mutually inconsistent states annihilate as soon as the communicate. 'As soon as' implies time.
The classical God, pure act, we might conceive in quantum mechanical terms as the superposition of every possible state.
[page 189]
TURING = Finite state machine with infinite memory.
Many Turing machines may operate on the same tape (environment) but they cannot sit on top of one another, ie on the same square? Does this mean they cannot pass one another?
Feynman page 74: Prob 3.8 Create a unary to binary converter.
The physical (hardware) Universe works in unary notation, so that the probability of events is conserved. [each symbol has the same value, unlike place value notation where symbols have a meaning depending on their position in the numeral]
The symbol x is scale invariant with respect to numbers. The transition from unary to binary notation is not. Basically the size of the binary is log2 (unary size)
UNARY (size n) --> binary (size = log n) --> symbol (n) size = 1.
Memory carries messages through time. Communication carries messages through spacetime.
The basic scientific input into technology (and therefore to fitness etc) is to define and categorize all actions into thing we can do and things we cannot do. The Catholic assumption is that our Mate God can do anything and that he will do it for us because
[page 190]
he loves us. Since the Church can tell us exactly what God wants, we can forge ahead in the full knowledge that we are on the right track. So whatever about AIDS, you people that wear condoms for intercourse are disobeying God because he wants us to outbreed the heathens.
It came as a deep shock, not perhaps felt outside the mathematical, logical, computing and communication fraternities and sororities that, so soon after Hilbert pronounced the Catholic line, non ignorabimus, Gödel, closely followed by Turing, pronounced that there are things that cannot be done, ie actions whose outputs cannot be deterministically controlled.
A shock similar to the uncertainty principle that physics was forced to accept to retain its sanity.
Not only was this a deep shock, but it is a powerful and underexploited weapon against totalitarian organisations like the Roman Catholic Church. Much more powerful, to my mind, than any nuclear weapon. I was terrorized by the nuns, brothers and priests with promises of horrible pain if I did not comply. I was terrorized (to a lesser degree) by the threat of mutual assured destruction which reached its peak (destruction x probability of happening) somewhere in my youth, something of which I was conscious from Scientific American, Nature, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and so on. Scientific American, Nature, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists So I vowed in my own little militaristic mind to produce a weapon which would render all these weapons obsolete by being spiritual rather than [material]
[page 191]
What we want to do is examine all possible events and assign probabilities to them on the scale 0..1, 0 = impossible, 1 = inevitable 1/2 = half the time and so on . . . . This is what quantum mechanics does. This is what romance novels to, and everything else. The whole key is to increase the probability of 'good' events like finding a mate or getting a feed and decrease the probability of unfavourable events like being injured or killed or denied food and mateship.
We vary the probabilities of events by operations.
Babies can protest and frequently do, but it takes a large system of economic relationships to provide them with the deficiencies they are protesting about.
One of the key errors I see in the traditional picture is the existence of 'pure spirits' , ie forms without matter as discussed in qq 50+ of the Summa Theologiae. Aquinas 261 A form we wake to be a body of knowledge (an idea ST I:15 Aquinas 96) So a pure spirit is disembodies knowledge. This assumption we take to be an error and propose instead with Landauer that information is physical and introduce a coefficient of spirituality which is measured in entropy/mass or entropy/energy. Landauer
Everything that can be known (abstracted) is to some extent 'crystalline' (symmetric) so that from a coding point of view it can be compressed (= abstracted).
Humans are distilled from clay (Genesis) as mechanical
[page 192]
energy is distilled out of heat (Carnot).