natural theology

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[Sunday 8 November 2009 - Saturday 14 November 2009]

[Notebook: DB 68: Salalah]

Sunday 8 November 2009

Augustine De Trinitate Hill (Translator)
page 298: The psychological model: 'These three then, memory, understanding and will are not three lives only one life, nor three minds but one mind. So it follows, of course, that they are not three substances, but one substance.' Augustine

We are seeing the view from inside God, part of God's life. All the talk about God being Supreme, beyond our understanding etc is thus negated - God is one dynamic system and all parts of it are equal and have a local role in and understanding of the whole.

'Know thyself': I am my local version of the divinity and (apart always from complexity) isomorphic to it.

Summa theologiae question one: Are God and the Universe identical? it seems not . . .

[page 63]

Some insights along the way.

1. There is no empirical residue.
2. Potential and actual energy are coordinate, not one casually prior to the other - so the harmonic oscillator.
3. The view from inside God might be very different from the view from outside: the latter sees nothing because there is nothing outside God.
4. There is nothing to be understood in the undifferentiated initial singularity except the fact of its existence.
5. There is no need for mystery. The assertion of unfathomable mystery is a politically motivated claim.
6. Even God cannot know the future (it is a self contradictory notion) and so God can laugh.
7. The world is dynamically concrete, every leaf process (measure h bar) being coupled by a continuous chain of processes to the initial singularity. This does not preclude local couplings because the initial singularity is [everywhere].

. . .

8. There is no 'purely objective' truth. Every 'seen' is relative to a 'seer'.

Warning: this book could lead you a long way from your staring point and there may be no way back.

Augustine Book XI: '1. No one will doubt that just as the inner man is endowed with understanding, so is the outer man with sensation. Let us try then if we can pick out some trace of the trinity in this outer man too.'

[page 64]

Natural, since every act of communication has the psychological trinity in its makeup.

9. Neither I nor the world are a damaged decadent failure in need of redemption. This is just marketing humbug like the vacuum cleaner salesperson which points out dirt and danger all round your house.

10. The similarity of different theologies tells us that they are all onto something. Their diversity tells us that they have not all got it right yet.

11. the 'active' and 'comtemplative', 'practical (childreasing) and mental (metaphyscicizing) ways of life are equally part of the divine process, the Pope no better than a ditchdigger.

12. My voice has long been suppressed by fear, ignorance, politics and the many other inhibitions instilled into me by the Church trying to create for itself a passive slave. This book is my key to escape from the Catholic prison.

13. Life is what you make it. We are seeing God face to face right now.

14. My contempt is for the institution rather than Christian doctrine in general which was in its day a genuine attempt to understand the world. Yet the Roman Catholic Church is a business, and a good one at that.

15. All information is encoded physically. There are no 'pure spirits'.

Augustine page 391: Cicero Hortensius Michael Mendelson

[page 65]

16. We are all children of God and Gods in the object oriented programming sense.

17. There is no real distinction between substance and accidents. Everything is substantial. This distinction is another Roman Catholic Church business driven bit of doctrine to preserve the fiction of the Eucharist.

It might seem a bit extreme claiming that insight and the 'collapse of the wave function' are the same mechanism at work, but it becomes more plausible if the Universe is divine because we would expect it to be just as intelligible [and intelligent] from beginning to end.

Words and rhythm: stationary points and energy levels.

Conscious and unconscious. The unconscious is infinite relative to the conscious, which is the relevant output from the unconscious processes that are guided by the imperatives of food, security and reproduction, and flexible enough to adapt top almost any environment into which the virgin mind happens to be delivered.

VIRGIN CHANNEL = yet to carry information .

The ruling class get the power to rule by taxing the powers of its subjects.

The 'beat' marks the cycle of a repetitive process whose frequency is governed by its complexity: the longer it takes to do, the less frequently it happens. For zero complexity processes, frequency is directly proportional to energy. In more copmplex processes (like my life) E = n h bar nu where n is a function of a length of the process - ie a zero complexity

[page 66]

process can be completed with one quantum of action. My life on the other hand, involved many quanta of action. If I operated at an average of 150 watts for 100 years, n= ?. Here we have a dimensional problem. E = dS/dt, S = action.

Power = dE/dt = d2S/ dt2, akin to acceleration. Acceleration implies force, we use power to force populations to certain norms of behaviour, particularly in thought and speech. The Roman Catholics are past masters at this.

The Roman Catholic Church shows the power of marketing: pushing complete bullshit for two thousand years and still going strong. Why did it work? By producing a noetic internet, transcending barriers of distance and culture to entrain millions of people in a certain communication protocol that marks them as members of the Church.

The minimum interaction is a elastic collisions a la Boltzmann - energy is conserved and a minimal amount of spatial information is transmitted as measured by the conservation of momentum.

I am always thinking I can make a consistent story of the world but difficulties occur frequently enough to make me think the whole thing is an impossible dream. I am led on by the (subconsciousish) feeling that I am onto something of only I could catch it in words. I have bits and pieces of it splattered all over these notes. The only unity in all this confusion is my own self, so it seems logical to match my academic efforts at dispassionate science with a passionate remembrance of the pressures and pains that have made it necessary for me to propose an alternative to

[page 67]

the Church.

Agatha again: Information flowing back and forth in a network of people, a few of whom are going to die by the hand of one of the others.

Monday 9 November 2009

Probability currents flow in probability circuits because probability is normalized and conserved. These currents are dimensionless, represented by real numbers.

Kill the Church. My illustrious predecessor called his competition a generation of vipers, so there is a precedent for a bit of abuse, an application of odium theologicum arising ultimately from lack of evidence for or against any theological position. Matthew 3:7 Matthew

If what I am saying is true it applies to me as well as to everybody else. We are living in the best of all possible worlds and if we understand it properly and cooperate we can minimize the physical pains of life. All the same time we can gain spiritual insight from the nature of the world and use it to govern our relationships with one another. The creation of heaven (with a dash of Hell - death remains with us) on earth must be a combination of technology and the wise collective deployment of appropriate technology. Kill the Church [now Christianity II ] expands the technical foundation laid in Can Theology be a Science to the moral and political spheres.

Theology lags about four hundred years behind the other sciences, and needs to be brought up to date. The only stress in my life (apart from shortage of cash) is the need to

[page 68]

develop and express a theology powerful enough to push itself into the theological field (which is in a general way isomorphic to space-time). But its promise excites me and keeps me going.

In Kill I treat the Church and my own enterprise as businesses, that is living organisms competing in the marketplace for resources to lie, be secure and reproduce. In other words, just like other organisms. I wish to feed off the carcase of the Catholic Church, ie redirect its resources (ie its members) to my own cause.


(saeculum = natura [?]) saeculum natura

So I am creating a job for myself as a prophet. [Every personality in the Universe is a prophet, revealing its interior, part of God's interior]

An efficient business environment must have effective channels for recycling dead businesses and protecting the people involved. Naturally secular religion would offer jobs to all those who lost their jobs doe to their employer's loss of market share.

The Theology Company is corporate prophet.

. . .

The prospect of action seems always exciting, just as forced inaction may lead to depression.

[page 69]

What I am seeking is the fundamental tautology that drives the Universe, the flow of propbability through a not gate. In probabilistic terms, p(not-x) = 1 - p(x). This describes the fundamental oscillator (the sex chakra?). Chakra - WikipediaThe basic oscillation is between life and death [creation and annihilation].

A personal story with cosmic overtones. It came about like this: theology and metaphysics as they influenced my life.

Catholic Church: thought police. It is a higher form of dictatorship than the political police, who merely imprison and torture those who do not fit in.

The transfinite network is the space of thoughjt, noetic space. We understand the points by understanding the space, and vice versa.

Kangaroos are very mobile for a grazer.

The beauty of the twenty four theses is that they are in a sense fixed points in a philosophical (noetic) space that attempt to makle room for the crearted / uncreated dichotomy.

We need to apply the transfinite network to human problems (and if it has no applications is may be a waste of time from a practical point of view).

A large portion of the world have already broken from the Christian mould into caring secular society with its values, all of which are rooted in the protocols we use to communicate with one another in social and adversarial situations.

[page 70]

To be effective a religion must keep track of how the world is working and direct its adherents to live in productive harmony with the revealed world, the world as it reveals itself.

Putting a belief iunto action and monitoring the outcome closely, as the therpeutic world often does.

The general story in theology is that God is an incomprehensible mystery. I say no. I say that this life we are having now is a bit of God, partly mysterious, partly comprehensible. Our enormous success as a species happened because we can understand our world, that is our God, well enough to be independently living creatures.

The Church is a perfect opponent because it is so dogmatic.

A book based on a technical gripe with the Roman Catholic Church based on the 24 theses, which I am now ready to completely replace with my own version.

So Theological Studies: 'The Twenty Four Theses Revisited'.

I wish I could reproduce my many conversations with the Master of Studies before I was finally asked to leave [the Dominicans Dominicans ]

From missionary believer to missionary unbeliever.

How would they look as modern scientific hypotheses (24 theses). They basically defend the dichotomy between God and the World.

[page 71]

Contrast two views of the world: the world is divine; the world is not-divine; this is the dynamics of existence.

The Universe is not-divine shuts down all trustworthy links to God.

Experience based faith vs institutionally mandated faith.

Basically we're just looking for a religious revolution, a turn to experience based religion, a visible, tangible god.

What is the feel of the book? Triumph over the old enemy. They threw me out because I did not fit in, and rightly so. But I thought then and still think now that I was right so here is my side of the story. How I have reconstructed all the features of a religion in my own mind, something I would like to expose to public scrutiny.

The time has come to change our God. We need a God who will help us deal with the problems we face now, not the problems people faced x thousand years ago, as strongly tradition bound religions tend to hold.

Authenticity vs mythologization.

So far I have been principally concerned with convincing myself of the truth of the equation GOD = UNIVERSE. Now I gradually turn to the practical implications of this formula.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

To a publisher:

[page 72]

Here is a short draft of the preface to a book I feel I am ready to write.

The Book of Genesis was written down about 4000 years ago. We do not know how long it existed in oral form before it was written. Since that time billions of people have heard and read its opening words: 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Two thousand years later Genesis became the foundation for the most powerful religious organization the world has seen, the Roman Catholic Church . . . on with the same old story - The Gods are Us.

Genesis is the first of the books of the Hebrew Bible, the gripping story of the relationship between God the creator and His Chosen People, the Hebrews. Hebrew Bible - Wikipedia

Humming along, making progress.

Phase space: the set of states which are possible states for a system (Khinchin page 10 Khinchin)

'Instead of assigning a whole"ensemble" of systems of the same type to the phase space and then following the evolution of this "ensemble", we simply [speak] of the "natural motion" of the phase space itself (this can be thought of as a space which is continuously being transformed onto itself, the motion being like that of a simple hydrodynamic model.) This description is simple and convincing from both the mathematical and the physical point of view. Only the unnecessary

[page 73]

assignment of some physical system to each point in the phase space is lost.'

The Church itself cannot imagine that it will ever change or die, at least until the 'end of days' when the Saviour will return to judge the living and the dead, the sinners to everlasting pain, the goodies to everlasting bliss, and the whole Universe will be made over into the perfection that it possessed before Eve ate the fatal apple.

What the Serpent promised has come true. My eyes have been opened and I have become as a God, a personality of the infinite Divinity.

Khinchin page 18: 'For our purpose, the mathematical foundations of quantum statistics, only local limit theorems for the case of integral valued random variables are necessary. Therefore we consider only local limit theorems for the case of integral valued random variables and ignore the case of continuous distributions.'

page 56: 'The determination of all possible values of a physical quantity by constructing the spectrum of its corresponding operator is commonly called the "quantization" of this quantity.' Quantization identifies the alphabet of communication between an observer (using an observable) and an observed system. At each event they will exchange one letter of their common alphabet.

[page 74]

Khinchin page 62: 'In quantum mechanics an expression of the principle of causality is the requirement that the form of the function U at any initial time t0 uniquely determines its form at any other (preceding or following) time t. Since, in quantum mechanics the function U determines the statistics (distribution law) of physical quantities and not their values, this requirement has the physical meaning that the statistics of physical quantities at the time t0 uniquely determines the statistics at any other time t.'

Except of course, that the term statistics is only precise in the infinite limit, which might be understood to encompass all time.

The statistics of a quantum source are not stationary but evolve deterministically governed by the wave function.

The fact that quantum mechanics both defines alphabets and distribution laws for these alphabets seems to mark it as a theory of communication, since it leaves open (like a compliant line) the choice of which letter of the alphabet to send (up to the distribution, which may be flat, eigenvalues equiprobable).

This will be a difficult book, nobody said theology was easy, but the message is very simple. We are approaching a series of crises all of which have arisen because we have treated the world with disdain, disdain motivated by the Roman Catholic Church. They think all this was created just for us. They think it is defective, due to be replaced at the end of time. They think it is crass matter, not the divine spirit that they claim to worship. They

[page 75]

are completely wrong, as I hope to show. Simply, the world is divine, it is our parent, the source of our life, intelligence and love.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Quantum mechanics distinguishes particles by their energy and their statistics, so it is very close to gravitation, which sees energy alone.

Every story is a snapshot of the life of the Universe, that is the life of God. It is not so weird that we can talk about the life of God in words. In fact the Bible does it and we find some sort of constant textual basis in every religion. We can begin from this common element, an invariance expressed in text.

. . .

Natural theology is not interested in how people should be, but how they are. And the basic explanation of how things are is the notion of evolution by natural selection. This is the mechanism of intelligence.

Who can you trust? Ultimately, no one, we are all in this game for ourselves and our tendency is cooperation arises because cooperation is the most powerful form of self interest.

. . .

[page 76]

Thursday 12 November 2009

Westinghouse to Tesla (?) 'I believe your polyphase system is the greatest discovery in the field of electricity. It was my efforts to make it available to the world that brought about the present difficulty [crippling royalty payments to Tesla] Cheney

Friday 13 November 2009

Algebra: 'a linear space equipped with a product'. Most generally, something linear with inputs and outputs, a certain type of black box [or process].

If an idea is to spread, its possessor must become a missionary, entering into debate with the local establishment in order to promote its disestablishment.

One must speak of a fait accompli, something done which can be relied on with complete confidence.

Grgin: Our starting point lies behind any particular mathematical theories on the fact that we can construct and write down mathematical theories. Emile Grgin

Saturday 14 November 2009

What is the computing process going on in nature that makes matrices so handy? Is it because they are a representation of linear algebra which applies, in ??? because of the extreme simplicity of the physical layer of reality.

[page 77]

1. Epistemology and continuity: learning from birth
2. God obedience and control
3. Statistics - one versus many
4. Quantum mechanics
5. Computer networks
6. Universal network
7. Relativity
8. Layers
9. Physics
10. Theology

Maybe written from the point of view of a control engineer seeking to design a stable system of unlimited complexity,

On the other hand, the natural and fastest narrative is my own history, but to some extent fictionalized from the story of 0 to the story of x.

Try to integrate these two by running through the life cycle of x from evolution, through conception, birth and death, the story of person x in environment V

x is a variable, that is a container or address, which different human personalities may come to be. The container induces the stationary point The ultimate container of the Universe is no physical boundary, but logic.

Grgin: The 4D Gaussian alias Hilbert space, a natural extension of Descartes and obviously quite complex already compared to the initial singularity. In our picture we see it as the evolution of 1D quantum mechanics into 4D spacetime without a 2D stage.

#bbinclude#="MacBook:Users:jeffrey:Sites:NT:NT_text:aBBIncludes:back_end.txt" -->

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Augustine, Saint, and Edmond Hill (Introduction, translation and notes), and John E Rotelle (editor), The Trinity, New City Press 1991 Written 399 - 419: De Trinitate is a radical restatement, defence and development of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Augistine's book has served as a foundation for most subsequent work, particularly that of Thomas Aquinas.  
Cheney, Margaret, Tesla: Man out of Time, Touchstone 2001 Jacket: 'In Tesla: Man Out of Time Margaret Cheneyexplores the brilliant and prescient mind of the twentieth century's greatest scientist and inventor.  
Khinchin, A Y, The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistics, Dover 1998 'In the area of quantum statistics, I show that a rigorous mathematical basis of the computational formulas of statistical physics ... may be obtained from an elementary application of the well-developed limit theorems of the theory of probability' 
Matthew, and Alexander Jones (editor), in The Jerusalem Bible, Darton Longman and Todd 1966 Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels: '[Matthew is] a dramatic account in seven acts of the coming of the kingdom of heaven. 1. The preparation of the kingdom in the person of the child-Messiah. ... 2. the formal proclamation of the charter of the Kingdom ... i.e. the Sermon on the Mount ... 3. The preaching of the kingdom by missionaries ... 4. The obstacles that the kingdom will meet from men ... 5. Its embryonic existence ... 6. The crisis ... which is to prepare the way for the definitive coming of the kingdom ... 7. The coming itself ... through the Passion and resurrection.' (12) 
Chakra - Wikipedia Chakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Chakra (derived from the Sanskrit cakraṃ . . . ) is a Sanskrit word that translates as "wheel" or "turning". Chakra is a concept referring to wheel-like vortices which, according to traditional Indian medicine, are believed to exist in the surface of the etheric double of man. . . . Much of the original information on Chakras comes from the Upanishads, which are difficult to date because they are believed to have been passed down orally for approximately a thousand years before being written down for the first time between 1200–900 BCE.' back
Dominicans Dominicans: Order of Preachers 'WWW.OP.ORG is the official international Web site of the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans). The branches of the Dominican family are multiple: brothers, contemplative nuns, congregations of contemplative and apostolic sisters, lay persons in fraternities or secular institutes, secular priests in fraternities. "Each one has its own character, its autonomy. However by taking part in the charism of saint Dominic, they share between them a single vocation to be preachers in the Church (Chapter of Mexico, 1992)."' back
Emile Grgin A Historical Approach to research in Fundamental Phyiscs Essay Abstract 'Research that aims at identifying new fundamental ideas in physics can greatly profit from a historical approach. The present essay develops this idea by conceptually analyzing the major physical theories created since antiquity and by distilling from them the research trends that have been unmistakably successful. The author's approach to research is based on extrapolating these trends into the future. It is a method that led to a unification of quantum mechanics and relativity based on a new number system structurally located between the complex numbers and the quaternions. Following a brief description of the concrete results obtained so far, the question of what's ultimately possible in physics is addressed by speculatively generalizing the results in question. back
Hebrew Bible - Wikipedia Hebrew Bible - Wikipedia The Hebrew Bible . . . is a term referring to the books of the Jewish Bible as originally written mostly in Biblical Hebrew with some Biblical Aramaic. The term closely corresponds to contents of the Jewish Tanakh and the Protestant Old Testament (see also Judeo-Christian) but does not include the deuterocanonical portions of the Roman Catholic or the Anagignoskomena portions of the Eastern Orthodox Old Testaments. The term does not imply naming, numbering or ordering of books, which varies (see also Biblical canon).' back
Michael Mendelson Saint Augustine - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Aurelius Augustinus [more commonly "St. Augustine of Hippo," often simply "Augustine"] (354-430 C.E.): rhetor, Christian Neoplatonist, North African Bishop, Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church. One of the decisive developments in the western philosophical tradition was the eventually widespread merging of the Greek philosophical tradition and the Judeo-Christian religious and scriptural traditions. Augustine is one of the main figures through and by whom this merging was accomplished. He is, as well, one of the towering figures of medieval philosophy whose authority and thought came to exert a pervasive and enduring influence well into the modern period (e.g. Descartes and especially Malebranche), and even up to the present day, especially among those sympathetic to the religious tradition which he helped to shape (e.g. Plantinga 1992; Adams 1999). But even for those who do not share this sympathy, there is much in Augustine's thought that is worthy of serious philosophical attention. Augustine is not only one of the major sources whereby classical philosophy in general and Neoplatonism in particular enter into the mainstream of early and subsequent medieval philosophy, but there are significant contributions of his own that emerge from his modification of that Greco-Roman inheritance, e.g., his subtle accounts of belief and authority, his account of knowledge and illumination, his emphasis upon the importance and centrality of the will, and his focus upon a new way of conceptualizing the phenomena of human history, just to cite a few of the more conspicuous examples. back
natura natura - Wiktionary 'Latin [edit]Etymology From nascor (“be born”) [edit]Noun nātūra (genitive nātūrae); f, first declension nature, quality of a thing character, temperament, inclination the natural world (literally, rare) birth' back
saeculum saeculum - Wiktionary 'saeculum (genitive saeculī); n, second declension race, breed generation, lifetime age, time century' back
Secularity - Wikipedia Secularity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Secularity (adjective form secular) is the state of being separate from religion. For instance, eating and bathing may be regarded as examples of secular activities, because there may not be anything inherently religious about them. Nevertheless, both eating and bathing are regarded as sacraments in some religious traditions, and therefore would be religious activities in those worldviews. Saying a prayer derived from religious text or doctrine, worshipping through the context of a religion, and attending a religious school are examples of religious (non-secular) activities. Prayer and meditation are not necessarily non-secular, since the concept of spirituality and higher consciousness are not married solely to any religion but are practiced and arose independently across a continuum of cultures, however it may be argued that these practices have arisen as a result of religious (non-secular) influence. Most businesses and corporations, and some governments, are secular organizations. All state universities in the United States are secular organizations (due to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution) while some private universities are church-related; among many, six church-related examples are Brigham Young University, Boston College, University of Notre Dame, Baylor University, Mercer University, and The Catholic University of America. The public university systems in the United Kingdom and Australia are also secular, although many public primary and secondary schools are religiously aligned. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls