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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 16 June 2013 - Saturday 22 June 2013]

[Notebook: DB 76 Liberation]

Sunday 16 June 2013

From formal to physical. The transfinite computer network gives us a candidate model of the fixed points in the divine dynamic. Now we turn to physics, action, love, actual operations in the real world. God = pure act = love, ie undifferentiated attraction a la gravitation. We see the uncertainty arising from the lack of definition at every scale, from quantum mechanics to our own relationships with one another. Do I love xx love me, a complex question which lies at the foundation of a large proportion of creative literature, and is manifest in all our lives during our periods of mate selection.

Leaving the precise an unimpeachable world of Platonic mathematics, we enter the uncertainty of the physical world. This uncertainty is predicted by the mathematical theories of Gödel, Turing and Shannon, which limit the completeness,

[page 16]

computability and communicability of formal systems.

It is almost impossible to imagine anything that executes algorithms more inefficiently than a Turing machine. What it lacks in efficiency , however, it makes up in simplicity and certainty, so we have confidence in Turing's result and expect to see it implemented in physics.

Waugh, Brideshead, Wiki; Douglas Lane Patey ' "the book that seemed to confirm his new sense of a writerly vocation.'' ' Perhaps I am getting one of these now I have a clear answer to Catholic Theology.

Waugh: WWII 'a sweaty tug of war between teams of indistinguishable louts.' ie bosons. Evelyn Waugh - Wikipedia

Orwell, Waugh, Wiki: 'Orwell, an admirer of Waugh's writing concluded that Waugh was "almost as good a novelist as it is possible to be . . . while holding untenable opinions." '

'Nancy Mitford said of him in at television interview "What nobody remembers about Evelyn is that everything with him was jokes. Everything. That's what none of the people who write about him seem to have taken into account at all".' Wiki ref 244, A man disconnected from the world = one acting without credible (= verifiable) guidance.

Monday 17 June 2013

[page 17]

God is love — actus purus

God is Word — transfinite computer network.

Uncertainty is built into the formal network by the principle of requisite variety (Ashby, Chaitin) coming up against the Cantor expansion. In a nutshell, the letters cannot control the words because the entropy of the words is greater than the entropy of the [letters], ie entropy per letter H(a) and the average length of words x gives entropy per word xH(a) > H(A) iff x > 1 Ashby, Chaitin

The rate of communication is measured in orthogonal [distinct] states per second. If a state corresponds to a quantum of action then we have E = hf, where f is measured in states per second. The actual size of the value E it tied exactly to the frequency f regardless of the actual units used to fix the value of h (M, L, T). Mass = rate f action by E = mc2 = hf, which we take to be the definition of space-time.

At this time of the morning in my monkish days [51-46 years ago] I was kneeling stiffly upright on a hard plank for half an hour in the dawn cold (violins) trying to 'meditate', whatever that happened to mean. The predominant view seemed to be to empty the mind of all detail to be receptive to the unity of God. Not easy for an active mind aware of some pain and now, I think, another consequence of the false conception that an omnino simplex living God does not have fixed points. This problem seems to be common to all the religions that hold that we contact God through our minds (the elite view) rather than through our actions (the slaves view). Now I feel that I am much closer to God at five o;clock in the morning sitting in from of the fire and nursing a hot water bottle, drinking coffee and following the ramifications of my dream.

[page 18]

Catch up on the backlog of the notes and then begin to publish them in real time as a 'blog', the moving edge of a 'deposit of faith', ie the set of resolved issues surrounded by the finge of unresolved questions.


The uncertainty principle = the symmetry principle. So we are led to interpret the quantum uncertainty principle as indicating the symmetry of possible observable states, each given a probability, 50:50 in a two state system and any rational value in systems with a countable infinity of states (any 'rational' value means any computable value, like π not necessarily rational).

The trick is always to go far out (to envisage improbable possibilities) and then find new ways home. The journey to far far away is not in principle computable, but the journey home is, so the explorers bring back their journals and their maps of where they have been based on some fixed feature of reality like the rotation of the earth and the positions of the stars.

Symmetry and symmetry breaking. We understand the linkage between formal mathematics and the observed data through the notions of symmetry and symmetry breaking. In practical terms a symmetry is an invisible difference like the sixfold symmetry of a snowflake or the 'continuous' symmetry of a circle. We interpret symmetry in terms of probability, or measure is [as] such. So a system of two symmetrical states is expected to be found in one of them with probability half, like a fair coin.

Symmetry a process in motion. Broken symmetry

[page 19]

observation. Given that quantum systems step through their states in an ordered way (captured [at the cardinal level of resolution] by the overlap integral). the changing probability of any pairwise 'overlap' of states is due to the dynamics of the underlying system, most simply seen in two state systems. Feynman (?) once we understand the two state system we understand them all (with the necessary mathematical adjustments).

Our modern attempt to understand and manipulate the quantum world takes place at the interface between formalism and physics being investigated by workers in the area of quantum information (ie all information) and quantum computation (communication) (ie all communication and computation).

A computation is a set of acts of communication between nodes in a network. In an ordinary computer these nodes are the physical two state memory elements. On this picture, all deterministic computation is digital since all verifiable communication requires orthogonal symbols. So Shannon's theory gives us limits on the rate of computation possible given a certain physical process. So we say that the Universe, insofar as it is deterministic, is digital. What is deterministic is the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of particular systems, What is indeterministic is the actual message to be observed at each independent trial, so that a sequence of quantum measurements has the same general statistical structure as a communication source. [And like a communication, although the sequence of symbols may be indistinguishable from random, those encoding and decoding the message depend upon the precise order of these symbols to convey their meaning through the process of encoding and decoding - gauge invariance?]

Here enters quantum mechanics, because in addition to classical statistics we have Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein constraints on the classical brought about by the indistinguishability [unresolvedness] of particles. Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Wikipedia, Fermi-Dirac statistics - Wikipedia, Bose-Einstein statistics - Wikipedia

[page 20]

A good morning, inching a little closer to the finished product (effectiveness).

The Church is haven to a fundamental evil, the deprecation of physical reality vis a vis the fantasy world of God and his angels and devils that they have created for themselves. (see page 12).

More coffee.

What were they thinking? What picture of reality made it possible for them to sexually molest children and then (worse) try to cover it up [and hide the victims]? The pride of infallibility? The sinfulness of the world? The deprecation of the physcal, all these and more : from an error everything flows.

I was not physically molested (except by caning): what was molested was my mind, so that I was driven by thoughts detailed on page 12 above.

A Victim of the Catholic Church: Statement. In other words a catalogue of the errors I perceive in the Church and a path to their correction. My complaint is motivated by what I believe to be a fundamental error in Catholic dogma, an error which must be corrected before the Church can be transformed into an institution acceptable in modern society.

I treasure my 'victimhood' now because it set me on the path to my present understanding of God and the World which I believe to be scientifically and socially acceptable, at least at the level of the discussion of possibilities for the future of theology and religion.

[page 21]

Why nations fail? elite ripoffs. a) take the money b) deny life to their subjects. Acemoglu & Robinson

There is a fundamental design fault in the Catholic system based on the notion that some people have a right to rule others that is said to derive from an invisible God.

In a nutshell, the Catholic Church worships a false God. Their God is a fiction invented in ancient Greece and Israel and propagated through the Christian churches ever since. This God is completely alien to our world and has communicated to us once for all time through the Bible, which the Church claims as the foundation of its beliefs and policies. The alternative hypothesis is to assume that the world itself is divine so that all our experience is experience of God. No need for Bible and Church, just see God in the way things are and learn to live with and perhaps improve our lot. Christianity is meliorist, so it should welcome a major meliorization

The ideal employees of the Church take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience which means that the Church is practically blind to wealth, sexuality and human freedom.

Fermions generate space and vice versa. Fermion - Wikipedia, Space - Wikipedia

The Universe is inside the initial singularity in reality, but formally there are an infinity of instances of the initial singularity operative in space-time.

The divine right of wisdom, embodied in the sovereign, at the extreme an 'infallible' sovereign.

The theological limit : we can trace our existence to the

[page 22]

initial singularity, but not beyond.

Nucleation in a super-something environment can lead to a phase change, eg freezing. [paradigm change?]

Where we see determinism (computability) we must suspect the presence / existence of computers, however implemented.

From a set theoretical point of view the cardinal of the continuum could just as well be 1 as n where n itself may be an .

What if none of this is true? What if I should ignore my own thoughts and assent to the dogmas of the Church? Does not seem possible., or productive : my future is to be made by introducing a 'disruptive' product, and it cannot be worse than the product it replaces and it does not demand assent under pain ogf eternal punishment as the competition does.

Theology is ten tweets #titt:
1. The Universe is divine
2. All experience is experience of God 3. Theology can therefore become an evidence based science
4. Let us identify the classical God modelled by Aquinas with
5. The observable Universe evolves inside God, not outside it.
6. We only know the fixed points of the Universe. The dynamics connecting the fixed points is invisible to us, hidden by the uncertainty principle.
7. God is pure action, that is purely dynamic. Mathematics tells uis that dynamic systems have fixed points.
8. There

[page 23]

is no contradiction between motion and stillness (time and eternity). So God can be both totally simple [dynamically] and as complex as the system of fixed points which we observe [statically] [observation: synchronizing memory and reality]
9. God is creative, the future is uncertain but there are ways to play our cards to maximize health and safety. These ways are the subject of theology, which embraces all the sciences since it is the classical theory of everything.
10. Believe the God you see and feel ; do not be deceived by inferior products peddles by interested parties.

To be considerably refined.

I have long had a problem with the Roman Catholic Church, more intellectual than emotional (at least that's what I think) but the cover-up of clerical abuse of children has convinced me that the Catholic Church as we know it can only be redeemed by radical reform. It must enter the 21st century in governance, research integrity and quality control and testing of its message. At root it needs a new vision of God and a new epistemology, basing its faith not on ancient texts created within the Church, but by its collective experience of the divine Universe in which it finds itself.

Weizman Institute Faculty

On the reconstruction of The Catholic Church inbto a catholic church, ie maximally broad, embracing all consistent forms of human life, ie consistent with humanity and the health of the planet and all its inhabitants besie ourselves.

[page 24]

Ten Papal Lectures - rewrites of the theory of peace.

We work by excitement and inhibition, that is variation and selection. The election must have sufficient variety to select a fixed point in the motion.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

At the basic level of resolution my dynamic internal states and the fixed points they generate like this sentence (a self observation) are isomorphic to the fixed points generated by atoms, and those generated by the basic universal system, the fundamental particles. Weinberg page 1: '. . . it is historically correct that quantum field theory grew in part out of a study of relativistic wave equations, including the Maxwell, Klein Gordon and Dirac equations. For this reason it is natural that courses and treatises on quantum field theory introduce these wave equations early and give them great weight. Nevertheless it has long seemed to me that a much better starting point is Wigner's definition of particles as representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group . . . ie particle = matrix (formally) diagonal? Weinberg, Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia, Klein-Gordon equation - Wikipedia, Dirac equation - Wikipedia, Eugene Wigner

How doe this fit in with particle is output of computation,

[page 25]

a message on the network. A particle is a variable with a number of states (values) eg frequency and polarization of photon. Polarization superposition of two orthogonal states (a dynamic entity). [a superposition is an unresolved succession of states]

Particle - field = fixed point - dynamics

Weinberg page 2: 'The reason that our field theories work so well is not that they are fundamental truths, but that any relativistic quantum theory will look like a field theory, when applied to particles at sufficiently low energy.' Why does particle behaviour scale with energy, the rate of action (and so also the phase or timing). M = T-1.

page 3: 'The possibility that material particles can like photons be described in terms of waves was first suggested in 1923 by Louis de Broglie.' Properties of particles defined by phase invariance under Lorentz transformation ie (?) preservation of the order of computational operations.

Phase invariant: relative timing is Lorentz invariant, ie the same in all inertial frames. We learn this by transforming our observations on moving systems to their rest frames, using the fixed velocity of light as our starting point.

Velocity - in time = phase change per unit time
- in space = phase change per unit distance.

Phase is everything (2π phase = 1.h) in quantum mechanics and so quantum mechanics is concerned only with timing. With the emergence of space, timing becomes affected by distance.

[page 26]

Weinberg page 5: What does 'electron has intrinsic angular momentum /2 mean?

page 7: Dirac ' "Why do the fundamental constituents of matter have spin /2".'

page 9: Dirac and all who follow apply the Lorentz transformation to the wave function rather than to the observable resulting from a 'measurement induced' collapse of the wave function. Veltmann page Veltman

One can be carried along byt an idea.

page 15: 'This field behaves like the sum of independent harmonic oscillators with angular frequencies ωκ, as had been anticipated 29 years earlier by Paul Ehrenfest.' Phys. Z. 7, 528 (1906)

All traditional religious roles are open to one who would move in a new direction. My role as a prophet is to turn people away from the false God of Christianity toward the true God of the Universe in which we live and move and have our being. [a gradual buildup to action]

Wednesday 19 June 2013

The reconstructed victim statement.

From my point of view Roman Catholic Theology is an hypothesis that has been amply falsified. I cannot believe that a 'sin' by early humans led to the derangement of the whole human condition. I cannot believe that women are inferior to men, and so cannot be priests, not that there is any prohibition against women priests in the principal documents of Xianity. I cannot believe that sex that us not open to reproduction

is a sin, etc. All this is based on the fundamental hypothesis that God is not the Universe and the Church is our only public channel of communication with God. I propose the alAnthony Loewensteinternative. It took me about forty years to come to this position, and I believe that it yields considerable intellectual and practical benefit. Paul VI: Franjo Cardinal Seper: Inter Insigniores On the question of admission of women to the ministerial priesthood

Sydney Morning Herald Stephanie Peating Uneasiness about a woman in power unleashes a sexist maelstrom. PM is a priestly role and women cannot be priests. Priest: one who lays down the law for the rest of us and hears our confessions [and dictates our punishments] [PM] Gillard is facing a maelstrom of sexism and sexual abuse that is built on the Catholic position, as stated by recent Popes. Stephanie Peating

One aspect of going public is the need to present evidence.

Loewenstein: Where is the outrage over Prism in Australia? Perhaps we have never trusted the phones or anything connected with them [the place did start as a sort of very remote Guantanmo Bay, after all. Anthony Loewenstein

IACSInstitute for Advanced Catholic Studies IACS IACS

. . .

A communication channel has effectively zero physical length, only some delay which we can attribute to encoding and decoding to achieve error protection: the longer we measure the more precise the measurement ΔE.Δτ ≈ ℏ.

The world has a self correcting feature in that pain causes the search for relief, and we can consider a considerable fraction [of human activity] under the heading of pain minimization. The rest becomes pleasure maximization. I think the false doctrines of the Church caused me the pain that has driven

[page 28]

me to see that the Church is a castle in the air, in denial of evident reality, like the equality of women and the need to control our reproduction and consumption.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Sampi, Laughland, Guardian. Oliver Laughland

Having established the unity of God and the Universe, the next step os to feel it. Does it help me in my daily round to think that the minutiae of plumbing are as much interaction with God as things like 'Holy Mass' used to be for me in the old days.

Ryan Commonweal Divided by Disputes Patrick J Ryan

Graduate Theological Union GTU

A function represents a process which yields a value for each point in its domain.

Redirecting the Church is a hopeless but necessary task, as I see it, and exciting and worthwhile to see how so many people can be so wrong for so long.

Friday 21 June 2013

Mathematics is empirical (and so scientific) insofar as its arguments appear on paper as the maipulation of physicsl (written) symbols which have been given meaning of function by axioms and rules of inference. What are the rules of inference in the physical world?

[page 29]

one rule is that inferences (events) occur at zero space-time distance, that is by contact, and the outcome of a contact is determined by the relative phase of the particles [amplitudes?] in contact.

Feeling at once strong and feeble — strong because my new theology seems wonderful; feeble because I have little hope of it making an impact in the short term.

So what is holding back the completion of unreasonable effectiveness? The core of the document revolves around the symmetry with respect to complexity of set theory, so that a symbol x may correspond to anything from an atom to the galaxy and all that lies in it, eg us and our local galaxy. From this we deduce that the emission of a photon and one learned mathematical treatise are set theoretically isomorphic implementations of fixed point theory. So it becomes mathematically feasible to manipulate transfinite sets.

Just done my first biggish plumbing job with no leakage on first pressure test.

This general conclusion can be worked out in the transfinite computer network.

. . .

Coding: computable and invertible which means constant entropy [depending on compressibility].

[page 30]

Although I do not understand the underlying mathematics I can take authorities like Wigner and Weinberg at their word (on faith, widely attested).

Faith, based on our experience, physical and cultural (ie what we are told (downloaded with)) as we grow into our community.

My strength is in my faith, my feebleness in the face of the difficulty of making a living from this faith, By continuing to develop the produce I increase the probability of winning acceptance, which may account for the long delay in writing 'unreasonable', which is in effect my doctoral thesis, my key to entry into academia (nobody ever told me this) and it has taken a long time to cotton on: one enters the halls of academia only after being 'doctored' by those already inside, but not, fortunately, in all cases. So unreasonable must appear perfectly reasonable.

I practice physical reasonableness, measuring, cutting, nailing, screwing, soldering, gluing etc to make structures (Turing Machines) that perform a certain function, ie hot water in shower, excreta removal in toilet. Quality control, a feature very clearly lacking in the Catholic managment of child abusers.

I am here to preach theological and religious quality control. As a child (see page 12) . . .

Mathematics can explain its own existence and limitations. It exists in a dynamic Universe

[page 31]

though fixed points in a dynamical system. It is limited by theorems like Gödel, Turing, Shannon, and it explains the increase in entropy through Cantor's theorem.

Everything begins as a point and if it lives, complexifies. Let us hope that this article os a point in the explanation of the existence and utility of mathematica in an inherently dynamic Universe, as he ancients would say actus purus. the living God studied by theology. Theology is the once and future theory of everything.

How does the world implement mathematics? In the same way that mathematics imlements itelf, by devising anddefining and usin physically embodied symbols. In the case of mathematics the familiar alphabet of +, -, x, ÷ . . . , in the case of physics partiles that maintain their identity as they move in space-time, ie are symmetrical with respect to space-time, ie actions, events.

Gravitation is the study of the flow of meaningless symbols. In a more complex computer, symbols are mapped to one another [bonding, binding], that is given meaning but we imagine a basic hardware level where we know nothing about a symbol except that it is accompanied by a quantum of action.

This idea is explored by the idea of general covariance used in the theory of gravitation. Insofar as any symbol may be mapped to any other, the symbols are effectvely all alike and we may call this a continuous symmetry ie one that holds to the limits of resolution of the system of interest. Gravitation sees only energy, that is the rate of action, so the existence of gravitation depends on something

[page 32]

akin to time, and in an inertial frame proper time. We can understand energy to be the rate of messages in each leg of a network, each message bing accompanied by a quantum of action but whose content we (and gravitation) ignore.

Mathematics is the set of computable functions, ie the eigenfunctions of a possible Universe.

Time can be minimally represented by a two state system. Here the ancients have already provided a theory in the study of the Trinity, particularly the procession of the word. Quantum mechanics allows a system to move from one state to two by interacting with itself. See the two slit experiment, where the self-interaction is modulated by physical distance.

The implicit two state system in the Universe is represented by the complex numbers, ie vectors which are a mix of 'real' and 'imaginary' [components]. We can rotate the real into the imaginary and back again so the 'clock' is continuous and closed. Two such clocks coupled will 'beat'.

There is, by definition, nothing to be said about a one state system, though many have tried.

Insofar as I am happy within myself I am becoming a prophet for money [profit]. If I had the money, would I stilly prophesy? Yes, to get more money, and I would enjoy a little bit of public success, to the extent of being considered a reasonable theological voice. Perhaps above all becasue it is my faith that overall reasonable behaviour is the key to fitness and survival on a planet that is essentially wild despite our efforts

[page 33]

to tame it. The best we can hope for is local peace (?).

These lines are written on impulse and not intended to make a connected narrative. Each impulse is fixed enough to be written down, so this sentence applies to itself and all the other sentences in this log.

Energy is a count of action, identical 2π cycles of phase per time.

The observable network reveals itself as particles, invariants of motion in space-time. Every [fundamental, internally structureless?] particle has a 'beginning' the event that emits it, and an end, the event that it next encounters. We ourselves are changed by every encounter with ourselves and others, either directly or through recorded message (particle) — always recorded messages, sound waves in air, potentials in neurons, etc.

I may conceive of all this documentation as revelation of me to myself as I recover from an upbringing that his myself from myself.

The Church is above all a political entity, using political power to suppress dissent, as we have seen in may celebrated cases and many more that make no headlines. Two pronged approach: point out defects in the Church and the remedies I propose: a new vision of God. A new theology is a new vision of God.

Our mathematical model of the emergence of fixed points in a dynamic Universe is quantum mechanics. We represent an isolated quantum system by the equation dΨ/dt = HΨ, where Ψ is a state vectors of any dimension and H is the energy operator represented by a square matrix of the same dimension as Ψ.

[page 34]

We learn something about two isolated systems by bringing them together in a measurement or observation. This process is quite general. applying to all events in the Universe even when a physicist is not present. The probable outcome of an event is defined by the eigenvalue equation and the Born rule. Then as usual, Zurek: orthogonality, Shannon. We are making a well work track through the cosmic jungle. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors - Wikipedia, Born rule - Wikipedia, Wojciech Hubert Zurek, Claude E Shannon

We love people for their desires, even Napoleons.

Sarah Boseley Guardian One in Three women suffers violence global study finds. Sarah Boseley

Saturday 22 June 2013

Unreasonable: Abstract: We regard mathematics as a set of fixed points in the dynamics of the mathematical community which is a subset of the dynamics of the Universe. We guess that the theorems requiring fixed points in a dynamical system are indifferent to the complexity of the system, and we we postulate an isomorphism between the dynamics of the mathematical community and the dynamics of the world. We propose that this isomorphism explains the 'unreasonable effectiveness'' of mathematics in the physical sciences. Under our theological hypothesis, we can regard insights like those expressed in this abstract as revelations of God.

Gauge symmetry is a characteristic of a communication channel which if it is to be faithful must be completely indifferent [symmetrical with respect to] the actual sequences of symbols transmitted through it (fit this is somewhere).

[page 35]

The digital approach to quantum uncertainty provides a way out of the difficulties associated with the self interaction of 'point' particles like the electron and positron. The difficulty arises because the formal integration of the potential of such a particle goes to infinity as we become infinitesimally close to the particle. In the digital model, the measurable distances are parametrized by units of one quantum of action. If this distance goes to zero, we imagine no self interaction (rather like the [stationary] orbitals in an atom) and at the next possible distance (1) we have a finite distance whose inverse in not infinite.

A new theory does not, in the first instance, change reality, except the minds who conceive it and understand it., but it does change our appreciation of the possibilities as Newton's laws opend the way for space travel and Bernoulli's law for heavier than air flight. So may a new theology change our conception of the possibilities of human existence. ANT Intro.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Acemoglu, Daron, and James Robinson, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, Crown Business 2012 "Some time ago a little-known Scottish philosopher wrote a book on what makes nations succeed and what makes them fail. The Wealth of Nations is still being read today. With the same perspicacity and with the same broad historical perspective, Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson have retackled this same question for our own times. Two centuries from now our great-great- . . . -great grandchildren will be, similarly, reading Why Nations Fail." —George Akerlof, Nobel laureate in economics, 2001  
Ashby, W Ross, An Introduction to Cybernetics, Methuen 1964 'This book is intended to provide [an introduction to cybernetics]. It starts from common-place and well understood concepts, and proceeds step by step to show how these concepts can be made exact, and how they can be developed until they lead into such subjects as feedback, stability, regulation, ultrastability, information, coding, noise and other cybernetic topics' 
Chaitin, Gregory J, Information, Randomness & Incompleteness: Papers on Algorithmic Information Theory, World Scientific 1987 Jacket: 'Algorithmic information theory is a branch of computational complexity theory concerned with the size of computer programs rather than with their running time. ... The theory combines features of probability theory, information theory, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, and recursive function or computability theory. ... [A] major application of algorithmic information theory has been the dramatic new light it throws on Goedel's famous incompleteness theorem and on the limitations of the axiomatic method. ...' 
Veltman, Martinus, Diagrammatica: The Path to the Feynman Rules, Cambridge University Press 1994 Jacket: 'This book provides an easily accessible introduction to quantum field theory via Feynman rules and calculations in particle physics. The aim is to make clear what the physical foundations of present-day field theory are, to clarify the physical content of Feynman rules, and to outline their domain of applicability. ... The book includes valuable appendices that review some essential mathematics, including complex spaces, matrices, the CBH equation, traces and dimensional regularization. ...' 
Weinberg, Steven, The Quantum Theory of Fields Volume I: Foundations, Cambridge University Press 1995 Jacket: 'After a brief historical outline, the book begins anew with the principles about which we are most certain, relativity and quantum mechanics, and then the properties of particles that follow from these principles. Quantum field theory then emerges from this as a natural consequence. The classic calculations of quantum electrodynamics are presented in a thoroughly modern way, showing the use of path integrals and dimensional regularization. The account of renormalization theory reflects the changes in our view of quantum field theory since the advent of effective field theories. The book's scope extends beyond quantum elelctrodynamics to elementary partricle physics and nuclear physics. It contains much original material, and is peppered with examples and insights drawn from the author's experience as a leader of elementary particle research. Problems are included at the end of each chapter. ' 
Anthony Loewenstein Where is the outrage over Prism in Australia 'Global surveillance is a threat to our personal freedom. And yet, the NSA revelations have barely caused a ripple on this side of the world' back
Born rule - Wikipedia Born rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The Born rule (also called the Born law, Born's rule, or Born's law) is a law of quantum mechanics which gives the probability that a measurement on a quantum system will yield a given result. It is named after its originator, the physicist Max Born. The Born rule is one of the key principles of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. There have been many attempts to derive the Born rule from the other assumptions of quantum mechanics, with inconclusive results. . . . The Born rule states that if an observable corresponding to a Hermitian operator A with discrete spectrum is measured in a system with normalized wave function (see Bra-ket notation), then the measured result will be one of the eigenvalues λ of A, and the probability of measuring a given eigenvalue λi will equal <psi,|Pi|psi> where Pi is the projection onto the eigenspace of A corresponding to λi'. back
Bose-Einstein statistics - Wikipedia Bose-Einstein statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In statistical mechanics, Bose–Einstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) determines the statistical distribution of identical indistinguishable bosons over the energy states in thermal equilibrium.' back
Claude E Shannon A Mathematical Theory of Communication 'The fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing at one point either exactly or approximately a message selected at another point. Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with certain physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem. The significant aspect is that the actual message is one selected from a set of possible messages.' back
Dirac equation - Wikipedia Dirac equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'IIn physics, more specifically relativistic quantum mechanics, the Dirac equation[1] is a wave equation, formulated by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. It provided a description of elementary spin-½ particles, such as electrons, consistent with both the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity, and made relativistic corrections to quantum mechanics. It accounted for the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum in a rigorous way. The equation also implied the existence of a new form of matter, antimatter, previously unsuspected and unobserved, later discovered experimentally. It also provided a theoretical justification for the introduction of several-component wave functions in Pauli's phenomenological theory of spin. Although Dirac did not at first fully appreciate what his own equation was telling him, his resolute faith in the logic of mathematics as a means to physical reasoning, his explanation of spin as a consequence of the union of quantum mechanics and special relativity, and the eventual discovery of the positron, represents one of the great triumphs of theoretical physics.' back
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors - Wikipedia Eigenvalues and eigenvectors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'An eigenvector of a square matrix is a non-zero vector that, when multiplied by the matrix, yields a vector that differs from the original at most by a multiplicative scalar.' back
Eugene Wigner On Unitary Representations of the Inhomogeneous Lorentz Group Annals of Mathematics Second Series vol 40 no 1 (jan, 1939) pp 149-204 back
Fermi-Dirac statistics - Wikipedia Fermi-Dirac statistics - Wikipedia, the fre encyclopedia 'In statistical mechanics, Fermi-Dirac statistics is a particular case of particle statistics developed by Enrico Fermi and Paul Dirac that determines the statistical distribution of fermions over the energy states for a system in thermal equilibrium. In other words, it is the distribution of the probabilities that each possible energy levels is occupied by a fermion.; back
Fermion - Wikipedia Fermion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In particle physics, fermions are particles with a half-integer spin, such as protons and electrons. They obey the Fermi-Dirac statistics and are named after Enrico Fermi. In the Standard Model there are two types of elementary fermions: quarks and leptons. . . . In contrast to bosons, only one fermion can occupy a quantum state at a given time (they obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle). Thus, if more than one fermion occupies the same place in space, the properties of each fermion (e.g. its spin) must be different from the rest. Therefore fermions are usually related with matter while bosons are related with radiation, though the separation between the two is not clear in quantum physics. back
GTU Graduate Theological Union 'GTU’s academic programs cover a wide range of theological and religious studies. Our partnership of seminaries and graduate schools is the largest in the United States. The GTU is internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary religious thought, study, and practice. At the GTU, the world’s religions engage with each other and with the broader global culture.' back
IACS Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies 'The Institute conducts research on key issues facing society to help move the Church thoughtfully into the 21st Century. Ignorance of religions and their power leads to bigotry and prejudice, and sometimes leads, tragically, to violence. Rooted firmly in Catholic tradition and thought, and dedicated to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, the Institute meets critical needs in the world today.' back
Klein-Gordon equation - Wikipedia Klein-Gordon equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'It is the equation of motion of a quantum scalar or pseudoscalar field, a field whose quanta are spinless particles. It cannot be straightforwardly interpreted as a Schrödinger equation for a quantum state, because it is second order in time and because it does not admit a positive definite conserved probability density. Still, with the appropriate interpretation, it does describe the quantum amplitude for finding a point particle in various places, the relativistic wavefunction, but the particle propagates both forwards and backwards in time. Any solution to the Dirac equation is automatically a solution to the Klein–Gordon equation, but the converse is not true.' back
Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Wikipedia Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In statistical mechanics, Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics describes the statistical distribution of material particles over various energy states in thermal equilibrium, when the temperature is high enough and density is low enough to render quantum effects negligible.' back
Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In classical electromagnetism, Maxwell's equations are a set of four equations that describe the properties of the electric and magnetic fields and relate them to their sources, charge density and current density. Maxwell used the equations to show that light is an electromagnetic wave.' back
Oliver Laughland Evelyn Sampi: pain, pride and the train of the Rabbit-Proof Fence 'In 2002 she starred in a classic Australian film. In a rare – and shocking – interview, the actor explains what happened next back
Patrick J Ryan Divided by Ancient Disputes: Sunnis, Shi'ites and the Future of the Middle East 'Americans wonder what is going on in the Middle East these days, especially the civil and religious strife that is tearing Syria apart – and, potentially, Lebanon and Iraq along with it. Modern Christians, even Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, have little appetite for going to battle over religious differences. Within the House of Islam, however, ancient antagonisms between Sunni and Shi‘ite Muslims are alive and well; indeed, they are currently devastating the heartland of the religion. What is the source of the division between Sunnis and Shi‘ites, and how prevalent is this bifurcation in the whole Islamic world, a community of more than 1.6 billion people? - See more at:' back
Paul VI: Franjo Cardinal Seper Inter Insigniores: On the question of admission of women to the ministerial priesthood '. . . in execution of a mandate received from the Holy Father and echoing the declaration which he himself made in his letter of 30 November 1975, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith judges it necessary to recall that the Church, in fidelity to the example of the Lord, does not consider herself authorized to admit women to priestly ordination.' back
Sarah Boseley One in three women suffers violence, study finds 'More than a third of all women worldwide – 35.6% – will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, usually from a male partner, according to the first comprehensive study of its kind from the World Health Organisation (WHO).' back
Space - Wikipedia Space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The concept of space has been of interest for philosophers and scientists for much of human history. The term is used somewhat differently in different fields of study, hence it is difficult to provide an uncontroversial and clear definition outside of specific defined contexts. Disagreement also exists on whether space itself can be measured or is part of the measuring system. (See Space in philosophy.) Science considers space to be a fundamental quantity (a quantity which can not be defined via other quantities because other quantities — like force and energy — are already defined via space). Thus an operational definition is used in which the procedure of measurement of space intervals (distances) and the units of measurement are defined.' back
Stephanie Peating Uneasiness about a woman in power unleashes a sexist maelstrom back
Wojciech Hubert Zurek Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) "Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on -- to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the ``wavepacket collapse'', designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment -- the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert it into carrying information about them -- into becoming a witness.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls