vol VII: Notes
[Notebook: DB 76 Liberation]
[Sunday 25 August 2013 - Saturday 31 August 2013]
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Sunday 25 August 2013
p3Symbol 60% finished ATheory of Peace 2013 Lecture 3: Symbol
Haight: Jesus, Symbol of God. Jesus was a stationary point in the divine dynamics, as we all are. Haight
Motivation comes from the perception of achievable and beneficial possibility. The Wright brothers became convinced that they could produce a flying machine, followed by those who say how to land people on the moon [and bring them back to Earth!]. I am working under the impression that we can construct a peaceful world, and that the key to this is creating a
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space for everyone is the constrain on the fixed points of the divine dynamics of Cantor's theorem, which says that the number of paths through a network is transfinitely greater than the number of nodes in the network. There are n! ways to that n people can connect to one another.
Once slaves become sufficiently revolting the cheapest way to control them us tio pay them for their work.
The deficiencies of the stock marketing mechanism constrain us to suffer from the activities of those who ar gaming the system.
Cybernetics - WikipediaThe task of government (steersperson) is to guide the ship of state through the sea of reality. This is a cybernetic problem. Norbert Wiener defined cybernetiss as the study of control and communication in the animal and the machine. The word comes from the Greek 'cybernetes' which means the helmsman of a ship. Cybernetics - Wikipedia
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A time is a series of events, ticks of a clock, steps of a computation.Monday 26August 2013
Now that life is calming down I feel capable of living up to my original promise, to reform theology.
We wat to identify and build on the fixed points of God.
Is this all relevant, or simply self ndulgence?
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Tuesday 27 August 2013
Almost every morning I spend an hour or so reading the news online from various local and overseas sources. There is a predominant note of alienation and violence whose source seems to be the ruling elite who count human lives as nothing in their struggle to maintain and extend their power. How do we deal with this? My instinct is to go for the source which seems to me to be encapsulated n the old concept of the divine right of kings. The paradigmatic source of this concept is the Papacy, an organization that claims to be the sole channel of communication with the divinity, giving itself an infallible mandate to tell everyone what to do. Although the Pope has no military divisions under his direct command, he provides the ideological justification for many who do. So the US president, who officially trusts in God, has no compunction about bombing people into the stone age, destroying villages to save them and murdering people at will with his drones. We are not to be surprised that the US has a violence problem with leadership like that.
How do we deal with such violent elites? My personal approach is to found democracy on the premiss that we are all divine creatures, parts of a divine Universe. We all act by divine right, and we are all linked by a common network that serves to relax people to a peaceful state if we remove the advantages of wealth and power enjoyed by actors like Murdoch who have disproportionate control of the information flowing in the human world. Such powerful self interestmust eventually be cut down to size by the scientific recognition that we all have equal rights and equal weight in human
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Angular momentum [action] and energy can exist independently of space and so we see space as an emergent property based on them, memory and fixed points.
The fixed points ar the duals of the dynamics, and from them we seek to understand the event that join the fixed points (both can be seen as continua or symmetries).
Parallelism [parallel processing] with freedom requires memory to adjust synchronization.
The two bit computer, 4 states, complex numbers, phase, recursion.
Although all wheels are geometrically pretty much the same every real embodied wheel is a particular object with a particular history and lifetime in manufacture, storage, use and recycling. Some see the Universe as short process explaining long processes comprising many short processes.
time is what we experience and each of us has a local time which is constrained by day and night, physiological needs and social expectations, ie arrive at work on time. For me timing is everything. It parametrizes the order of my actions [and the order of sub events on my actions . . . ]
Quantum mechanics is the theory of time. Everything that happens in quantum mechanics is a matter of timing, or as they say, relative phase. When waves are n phase they reinforce one another. When they are out of phase they damp one another down. You can study this model in detail by throwing rocks into a pond, and watching the ripples. Interference of the wave on the water surface
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Timing is everything, and since the velocity of light (a signal) is fixed and finite, distance becomes an element of timing If the journey to football takes half an hour, one has to leave half an hour early to get thee on time.
The root of moral failure in the Roman Catholic Church is the belief that we live in an alien world, separated from the initial Paradise and final Heaven which we have been led to believe is our right.
Timing: how are we to understand improvements in the efficiency of internal combusion engines in the last few decades? It is all down to improved timing of the processes n the combustion cycle.
Wednesday 28 August 2013
Thursday 29 August 2013
Man (they say) is made in the image of God. But God (they say) is invisible and anyway way beyond the comprehension of the weak human mind. In other words the God, of which we are the mage, is invisible and unintelligible to us, and so of no practical help in understanding ourselves, the goal of Theology, since to ourselves we are everything and theology is the theory of everything.
Justification (Luther and co): the remedy to one's insecurity by establishing a firm link yo an invincible God (like the Hebrews). Joseph Pohle: Justification
The biggest ie: we are all sinners. We are all pragmatic, guided by various ideas of satisfactory praxis, which
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which sometimes leads to harm to self and others, to be avoided,
Hypocrisy: [The Dominican Order's] motto is veritas. Dominicans
Like music, quantum mechanics is almost completely a matter of timing. Music works over a very wide range of frequencies. If we Fourier analyze apiece of music we will get a power spectrum of the frequencies but we cannot reconstruct the music without a time sequence of summed amplitudes, as in digital recording. Each of these sums depends upon the relative phases and amplitudes of all the frequencies in the signal. In quantum mechanics all frequencies (bases in Hilbert space) have their amplitude normalized to one, so we are left with phase alone. Haven't quite got it yet. All the data is in the Fourier transform as long as we have the phases of all the frequencies running from the maximum audible to the inverse of the length of the piece.How does this look in digital? We digitize music into a position dependent (order dependent) code, but quantum mechanics is not up to this and works by one to one correspondence between actions.
I do not have to worry about the propagation of these ideas. As they become stronger they will drive me to more powerful expressions by finding clearer and clearer representations until people begin to pick it up and it spreads through the network.
In some communities power is beginning to filter down from the ruling elite to the people, but it can't stop with us but must keep on going down to the fundamental structure of the Universe so that it too gets a hearing, and all the plants, animals and ecosystems that lie between out falsely extolled selves and the world of atoms.