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vol VII: Notes



[Notebook: DB 76 Liberation]

[Sunday 13 October 2013 - Saturday 19 October 2013]

[page 168]

Sunday 13 October 2013

The bottom line
1. There is no information in a continuum
2. The only computation that quantum mechanics requires is the addition and multiplication of complex numbers (Feynman, Lectures. QED), ie with 2D vectors with special rules. [and here only with integral coefficients in the complex numbers?].

In real numbers multiplication can be implemented by repeated addition. This same rule holds for the multiplication of a complex number by a real, ie 2z = z + z. Multiplication of complex numbers does not work like this because i x i = -1, a statement not realizable by addition.

Complex numbers are 'modular' mod 2π when expressed in Euler's equation z = |z| arg z, e = cos θ - i sin θ. We understand this by a series like ex = 1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! etc.

This is a sort of perturbation series similar to the orders of Feynman diagrams.

Energy equation is vector space version (ie expansion) of Einstein equation E = hf. Its solutions form an infinite spectrum of 'frequencies', which are effectively just real numbers which we compute to be the zero's (fixed points) of polynomials representing the eigenfunctions (fixed points) of the process (operator) we are studying (observing).

So we come a big circle: there is no information in a continuum is the foundation of Lonergan's claim for

[page 169]

empirical residue, but there is no empirical residue because it is not observable (being an information free continuum).

Monday 14 October 2013

Like the dog that chases cars, I am a bit apprehensive about what will happen if I catch one. My crusade against the church is beginning to seem so well founded that they will eventually have to take notice and react, and their reaction may be unpleasant. I am prepared to oppose the Church because I know it is out of the murdering phase of thought control and reacts merely by withdrawing a living from those it judges to be heretical.

The first thing a heretic needs is a new belief outside the orthodox box, the orthobox. Then the heresy needs promotion.

All we have to do is show that the digital approach to the world gives the same results as e harmonic approach. So we want to wire up a Hilbert space with a network of computers.

Does quantum mechanics (including gravitation) describe the zero entropy network which has energy but no information? [but energy is a count/frequency which carries some information] This is gravitation?

Quantum mechanics describes the interaction of a network of computers with a potential continuum of frequencies which interact in proportion to relative phase. The countable spectrum of frequencies is the alphabet generated by quantum mechanics from which the rest of the Universe is built.

Gravitation / zero entropy / general covariance / permutation

[page 170]

The simplest computer is a two state harmonic oscillator, an undifferentiated clock. The action [associated with] clock pulses is determined by memory, if any, that is space. The length of a memory being proportional to the distance travelled by a photon travelling in space (existing in photon space).

The delusion of digitized continuity. [epsilon/delta arguments: (ε, δ)-definition of limit - Wikipedia]

It is assumed without proof that we can differentiate action, ie take it to the mathematical limit without heeding the finite size of Planck's constant, which represents a turn of phase [2π radians] in quantum mechanics, one clock period of computation. What happens in a clock period is a function of the state of the computer at the beginning of the period.

Instead of pixellating in infinitesimals, we pixellate in units of .

Tuesday 15 October 2013

At the gravitational level the Universe is fully decoherent because the only fixed point is the initial singularity that does not have the variety to constrain frequencies/energies to 'lines'.

Evolution is intelligent design.

The Christian God, which is both structureless and the repository of an infinity of information, is a self contradictory impossibility, since a continuum without marks can carry no information. Nevertheless, modern physics, with its unobservable wave function embodies a very similar idea and because it is such a global falsehood (ie big lie) nobody questions it.

[page 171]

Calculus works because continuous functions have no features that would cause an error in the derivative process, ie no discontinuities.

Quantum mechanics is an implementation of complex linear algebra based on two symbols with the properties 1 x 1 = 1, i x i = -1. All we need is a machine to do this and we are done: 12 + i2 = 0.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

SYMMETRY = CONTINUUM = NOP (energy without meaning)

The elite rule by obfuscation (reducing resolution) going against the grain of the Universe which seems to maximize communication, that is entropy. Their idea is to reduce the entropy of the whole population to that of the ruling class so that the ruling class is in a position to control the masses insofar as the principle of requisite variety is concerned. Variety (cybernetics) - Wikipedia

. . .

Mathematics makes explicit those things which the ruling class would rather deny, ie maximization of entropy, which means the elimination of an entropy limiting ruling class.

The ruling class, poncing around the planet telling everyone what to do.

The Papal Letters, copies to Sacred Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith and Papal Academy of Sciences.

[page 172]

So we find the ruling class claiming possession of mysteries which are beyond the ken of ordinary mortals. So with the Christian model of God, an inconsistent and therefore non-existent set of properties attributed to the Supreme Being, absolutely simple and omniscient, a contradiction upon close examination simply because the representation of information requires a discrete symbol whose existence is denied by the attribuite of absolute simplicity.

There is an answer to this problem now available via fixed point theory, mathematics in a divine context, ie the fixed points in a transfinite formal space.

The simplest computer is a clock, ie an harmonic oscillator whose structure is determined by the properties (ie statistics) of bosons.

. . .

So the elite deny empirical information because it does not fit in with their desired model, themselves in control, entropy minimizing rather than maximizing entropy. Reality-based community - Wikipedia

Maximum entropy = free society = perfect human symmetry, as opposed to a class of bosses and a class of slaves.

So thee is a fundamental error in the claim that one person, the Pope, can speak authoritatively for everybody. In fact, like everybody else, he can speak only for himself from his own experience, just like all the rest of us. His exalted position is a theological monotheist delusion that has bound the human spirit for quite a long time now. We see it in monarchs, despots and dictators everywhere.

[page 173]

In spacetime (locality) entropy = local bandwidth, a static quantity that places no constraint on the messages transmitted, so a good communication channel does not distort any of the possible messages.

The maximum bandwidth is determined by the rates of encoding and decoding messages, which is limited by the uncertainty principle which pixellates the world at the scale h.

You can never really tell with girls (boys), you just have to take your chances, a very quantum thing operatong at our scale. Why won't the chainsaw start? It has petrol and spark,but not a peep out of it. Cleaned plug etc. Why? I'll just go and get a new one, they're so cheap. Why won't she fall for me? Same thing. An inhibition or error, a break in the cycle that makes things go.

One's personal performance is also uncertain. Who knows that we are going to hear or say next, or at least some time in the future. As much as we would like to steer a definite course, we are at the mercy of events.

Mysticism is bunk? Ecstasy is not? It is nice to dream but most people have to deal with a real world which introduces a lot of detail into the mystical unity. We se see unity where we can see no differentiation, continuity.

The fundamental elite scam is coming to an end after ruling humanity for (say) 5000 years since kings and slaves became commonplace (perhaps long before this). So we may see a new step in the entropy or bandwidth of humanity.

[page 174]


Matrix mechanics is network mechanics. Matrix mechanics - Wikipedia

Mystery: the invisibility theorem. You cannot give a detailed description of what you are doing at the same time as you are doing it, and the same for any machine.

Denial. The mystics promote self-denial as a path to enlightenment, but there seems to be no reason to believe that denying oneself experience will lead to a better knowledge of the divinity present in every human experience, and in fact every event in the Universe.

Agatha, Poirot, Clocks '"Everything makes sense. Everything." ' Christie

Correlations travel faster than light speed

Thursday 17 October 2013

Now thatI am comfortable with interpreting the energy equation via matrix mechanics as network mechanics, the next two targets are the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation. We might guess that quantum mechanics deals with entities with one dimension in spacetime (Zee), Klein-Gordon with two and Dirac with the whole four dimensions of spacetime. ASt the same time looking at the reason de three spatial dimensions, to avoid connected crossed wires.

The heuristic principle is that the world starts off zero dimensional (the classic omnino simplex God and then works through 1, 2, 4, $D spacetime being the hardware of atoms

[page 175]

molecules, plats, animals, etc.

Information is physical so network communications are equivalent to moving physical objects, not undetectable wavefunctions.

George Orwell: To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle. George Orwell

Friday 18 October 2013

The great debate between conservative and liberal is zeroed around the point of minimum = integral action. Creation requires error,that is a deviation from a previously determined process. So our politics is to a large degree concerned with trying to control the rate of evolution by the rate of deviation from established norms. What we are seeking is the optimum error (uncertainty) rate , ie the optimum size for the pixel, which the Universe has fixed at h, the universal equivalent of the number 1 and one starting point for mathematics, the other being 0, represented by the empty set ∅ a 1 with nothing in it, a unit with nothing in it, the atom of action.

Peter D, Hart: ' "The Republicans are not tone deaf, they are stone deaf"' '. Mark Murray Mark Murray

Dirac equation: Dirac equation - Wikipedia

Klauber: canonical quantization Robert D. Klauber

Transition amplitude from a tob is the output of quantum field theory.

Klauber: Surprisingly, the solutions to the relevant wave equations

[page 176]

in QFT are not states (not particles). In QFT, it turns out that these solutions are actually operators that create and destroy states. [create, bring out of the vacuum; destroy, put back into the vacuum]

From which operators we compute transition possibilities.

First quantization: particle; second quantization: field.

Poisson bracket Poisson bracket - Wikipedia

Poisson bracket - Wiki _ Poisson brackets are canonical invariantes, ie fixed points of the motion.

Moyal bracket Moyal bracket - Wikipedia

Which comes first, the space or the delay? Space - delay - memory. A memory has a trajectory that is invariant with respect to time, changing [or fixed?] with respect to space, ie outside time, symmetrical with respect to time.

All observable communication through space involves delay, so we must use relativistic expressions when we move through space as well as time.

Music is 1D because the velocity of sound in air is almost independent of frequency so phase is conserved on the was from source to sink (listener).

Natural units, ℏ, c, G, k. Make c =ℏ = 1 (dimensionless quantitites), and energy has dimension energy = mass = frequency.

[page 177]

Schroedinger picture: waves move, operators are constant
Heisenberg picture: waves constnt, operators are evolving.

Uncertainty principle = (Shannon) definitelness principle (iℏ = pixel size [pixel = 1 revolution of phase, 1 unit of process]),

4D differential geometry. Differential geometry - Wikipedia

Klauber chapter 3: Scalars: Spin 0 fields
spin 1/2: spinors - Dirac
spin 1: vectors - Proca (massless = Maxwell) Proca action - Wikipedia

Resolution of pain (localization in space and time) (error signal). Intensity of pain. Pain - Wikipedia

Politics: lowest common denominator, minimum resolution. Vote yes or no and count the votes to determine the majority toward which collective behaviour will be drawn by preponderance of numbers (maximum entropy).

Because of an historical point of view ['heat death'] entropy is frequently seen as a bad thing that grows spontaneously without cause. Perhaps this is not so that the Universe follows Cantor's strategy of using order to create cardinality as we say that a real number is represented by a countably infinite decimal. Heat death of the universe - Wikipedia

How do we implement Clifford (Dirac) algebra? Clifford algebra - Wikipedia

Future can only be made predictable by constraining it to the variety of the present.

Orthogonality = no crossed wires ==> 3D.


Saturday 19 October 2013

Grassman - vector space/algebra Exterior algebra - Wikipedia


What we are suggesting is that the boundary between quantum and classical is an artefact of the misunderstanding of continuity, whose historical foundation is a misunderstanding of the nature of God.

Algebra: Wiki 'Algebra can essentially be considered as doing computation similar to that of arithmetic with non-numerical mathematical objects.' Algebra - Wikipedia

Universe is a [embodied] computer network.

The hypothesis that the information density of the physical continuum is zero rather than infinite greatly simplifies our understanding of the physical world. At present we imagine an isolated quantum system as a continuous wav function evolving deterministically. Under our hypothesis this is true in the null sense, that the empty set is deterministic because there is only one of it. In this sense the continuum is totally unconstrained, ie from a fixed point point of view it is nothing.

Being as we experience it is the flow of messages, messages between myself and myself and between myself and my environment. The boundary between self and environment is not very clearly defined. My body is the environment of my mind. A self is a quasi=closed system. Dark matter is very selfish?

Zurek, Decoherence, Physics Today 10/1991 page 36. Zurek

Zurek page 36: 'Quantum mechanics works exceedingly well in all practical applications. No example of a conflict between its predictions and experiment is known, . . . Yet well over a half a century after its inception, the debate about the relation of quantum mechanics to the familiar physical world continues.'

The basic coupling mechanism is identical (or close) match in frequency.

page 36: 'The only "failure" of quantum theory is its inability to provide a natural framework that can accomodate our prejudices about the workings of the universe.

'Given almost any initial conditions the universe described by |φ> evolves into a state that simultaneously contains many alternatives never seen to coexist in our world.'

This is a mathematical artifact of misunderstanding of continuity.

'. . . at the root of our unease with quantum mechanics is he clash between the principle of superposition—the consequence of the linearity of equation 1—and the everyday classical reality in which the principle appears to be violated. [because it is a statistical principle, honoured in large numbers, violated in every instance.].

All is quantum: there is no classical! [ie observed 'classical' is quantum, birds, bees, quanta]

Always trying to squeeze understanding out of the unknown / invisible / symmetrical, ie trying to break symmetries by constructing things. This piece of would could be anywhere [symmetry] but now it is fixed here.

Does the invisibility theorem apply to complex numbers [one gets from 1 to -1 viai, -i.]

[page 180]

Heilman, Haaretz, comment: It all depends on what you mean by religion. The old religions are dying, rightly so. The new and growing religion is an expression of the equal, free fair supportive and humane communities which are being developed in civil environments.' Samuel Heilman

the harmonic paradigm: a quantum of action is a cycle; 2π, 360° of phase.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Christie, Agatha, The Clocks, HarperCollins Publishers Canada 1988 Amazon costomer review: 'The first time I read this novel, I had to reread it again. Why? So many questions still linger at the end of the story even though the pages has ended. I wondered and reread and after the third reading, I finally got it all. The Clocks is a story that has two main plots, and the one has absolutely nothing to do with the other. But they were connected in a way when a young typist finds a dead body in a livingroom of a blind woman. From there it's red herring all the way. But bits of real clues emerge when Mr Lamb (a fake name) talks to a girl with a broken leg. Poirot only comes in now and then but became more interested when another murder occurs, while Lamb becomes Poirot's legs, ears and eyes. Oh yes, there are clues aplenty, but a broken high heel has never been this important as a clue. Christie delivers this story with delightful take that neither too wordy nor too lengthy. This is another often neglected classic Christie, so get it. madonluv 
le Guin, Ursula, The Wizard of Earthsea (Earthsea Trilogy, Part 1), Atheneum 1990 Amazon Editorial Review: 'Often compared to Tolkien's Middle-earth or Lewis's Narnia, Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea is a stunning fantasy world that grabs quickly at our hearts, pulling us deeply into its imaginary realms. Four books (A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore, and Tehanu) tell the whole Earthsea cycle - a tale about a reckless, awkward boy named Sparrowhawk who becomes a wizard's apprentice after the wizard reveals Sparrowhawk's true name. The boy comes to realize that his fate may be far more important than he ever dreamed possible. Le Guin challenges her readers to think about the power of language, how in the act of naming the world around us we actually create that world. Teens, especially, will be inspired by the way Le Guin allows her characters to evolve and grow into their own powers.  
Zurek, Wojciech H., "Decoherence and the Transition from Quantum to Classical", Physics Today, 44, 10, October 1991, page 36-44. 'Quantum mechanics works exceedingly well in all practical applications. No example of conflict between its predictions and experiment is known. Without quantum physics we could not explain the behavior of solids, the structure and function of DNA, the color of the stars, the action of lasers or the properties of superfluids. Yet well over half a century after its inception, the debate about the relation of quantum mechanics to the familiar physical world continues. How can a theory that can account ith precision for everything we can measure still be deemed lacking?'. back
Algebra - Wikipedia, Algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations, and the constructions and concepts arising from them, including terms, polynomials, equations and algebraic structures. Together with geometry, analysis, topology, combinatorics, and number theory, algebra is one of the main branches of pure mathematics.' back
Clifford algebra - Wikipedia, Clifford algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, Clifford algebras are a type of associative algebra. As K-algebras, they generalize the real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions and several other hypercomplex number systems. The theory of Clifford algebras is intimately connected with the theory of quadratic forms and orthogonal transformations. Clifford algebras have important applications in a variety of fields including geometry, theoretical physics and digital image processing. They are named after the English geometer William Kingdon Clifford. back
Differential geometry - Wikipedia, Differential geometry - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia, 'Differential geometry is a mathematical discipline that uses the techniques of differential calculus and integral calculus, as well as linear algebra and multilinear algebra, to study problems in geometry. The theory of plane and space curves and of surfaces in the three-dimensional Euclidean space formed the basis for development of differential geometry during the 18th century and the 19th century. Since the late 19th century, differential geometry has grown into a field concerned more generally with the geometric structures on differentiable manifolds.' back
Dirac equation - Wikipedia, Dirac equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In particle physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation formulated by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. It describes fields corresponding to elementary spin-½ particles (such as the electron) as a vector of four complex numbers (a bispinor), in contrast to the Schrödinger equation which described a field of only one complex value' back
(ε, δ)-definition of limit - Wikipedia, (ε, δ)-definition of limit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In calculus, the (ε, δ)-definition of limit ("epsilon-delta definition of limit") is a formalization of the notion of limit. It was first given by Bernard Bolzano in 1817. Augustin-Louis Cauchy never gave an () definition of limit in his Cours d'Analyse, but occasionally used arguments in proofs. The definitive modern statement was ultimately provided by Karl Weierstrass.' back
Exterior algebra - Wikipedia, Exterior algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, the exterior product or wedge product of vectors is an algebraic construction used in Euclidean geometry to study areas, volumes, and their higher-dimensional analogs. The exterior product of two vectors u and v, denoted by u ∧ v, is called a bivector and lives in a space called the exterior square, a geometrical vector space that differs from the original space of vectors. . . . The exterior algebra, or Grassmann algebra after Hermann Grassmann,[2] is the algebraic system whose product is the exterior product.' back
George Orwell, In front of your nose, There is no use in multiplying examples. The point is that we are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield.' back
Heat death of the universe - Wikipedia, Heat death of the universe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The heat death is a possible final state of the universe, in which it has "run down" to a state of no thermodynamic free energy to sustain motion or life. In physical terms, it has reached maximum entropy. The hypothesis of a universal heat death stems from the 1850s ideas of William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) who extrapolated the theory of heat views of mechanical energy loss in nature, as embodied in the first two laws of thermodynamics, to universal operation' back
Heresy - Wikipedia, Heresy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause,[2] and blasphemy, which is irreverence toward religion.' back
Mark Murray, NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate damages GOP, 'The Republican Party has been badly damaged in the ongoing government shutdown and debt limit standoff, with a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding that a majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, and with the party’s popularity declining to its lowest level.' back
Matrix mechanics - Wikipedia, Matrix mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Matrix mechanics is a formulation of quantum mechanics created by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan in 1925. Matrix mechanics was the first conceptually autonomous and logically consistent formulation of quantum mechanics. It extended the Bohr Model by describing how the quantum jumps occur. It did so by interpreting the physical properties of particles as matrices that evolve in time. It is equivalent to the Schrödinger wave formulation of quantum mechanics, and is the basis of Dirac's bra-ket notation for the wave function. back
Moyal bracket - Wikipedia, Moyal bracket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Moyal bracket is a way of describing the commutator of observables in the phase space formulation of quantum mechanics when these observables are described as functions on phase space. It relies on schemes for identifying functions on phase space with quantum observables, the most famous of these schemes being Weyl quantization. It underlies Moyal’s dynamical equation, an equivalent formulation of Heisenberg’s quantum equation of motion, thereby providing the quantum generalization of Hamilton’s equations.' back
Pain - Wikipedia, Pain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Pain is an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli, such as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut, and bumping the "funny bone". The International Association for the Study of Pain's widely used definition states: "Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage."' back
Poisson bracket - Wikipedia, Poisson bracket - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 'IIn mathematics and classical mechanics, the Poisson bracket is an important binary operation in Hamiltonian mechanics, playing a central role in Hamilton's equations of motion, which govern the time-evolution of a Hamiltonian dynamical system . . . In a more general sense: the Poisson bracket is used to define a Poisson algebra, of which the algebra of functions on a Poisson manifold is a special case. These are all named in honour of Siméon-Denis Poisson.' back
Proca action - Wikipedia, Proca action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, specifically field theory and particle physics, the Proca action describes a massive spin-1 field of mass m in Minkowski spacetime. The corresponding equation is a relativistic wave equation called the Proca equation. The Proca action and equation are named after Romanian physicist Alexandru Proca.' back
Reality-based community - Wikipedia, Reality-based community - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The source of the term is a quotation in an October 17, 2004, New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush: The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.' back
Robert D. Klauber, Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory, 'There are two main branches to (ways to do) quantum field theory called • the canonical quantization approach, and • the path integral approach (also called the many paths or sum over histories approach). The first of these is considered by many, and certainly by me, as the easiest way to be introduced to the subject, since it treats particles as objects that one can visualize as evolving along a particular path in spacetime, much as we commonly think of them doing. The path integral approach, on the other hand, treats particles and fields as if they were simultaneously traveling all possible paths, a difficult concept with even more difficult mathematics behind it. This book is primarily devoted to the canonical quantization approach, though I have provided a simplified, brief introduction to the path integral approach in Chap. 18$near the end. Students wishing to make a career in field theory will eventually need to become well versed in both.' back
Samuel Heilman , Losing our faith in religion, 'Young urban U.S. Jews are accurately reflecting their non-Jewish peers by ditching their affiliation to religion. If you want a place where 'integrating' doesn't mean assimilating, go to Israel.' back
Variety (cybernetics) - Wikipedia, Variety (cybernetics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The term Variety was introduced by W. Ross Ashby to denote the count of the total number of states of a system. The condition for dynamic stability under perturbation (or input) was described by his Law of Requisite Variety. Ashby says: Thus, if the order of occurrence is ignored, the set {c, b, c, a, c, c, a, b, c, b, b, a} which contains twelve elements, contains only three distinct elements- a, b, c. Such a set will be said to have a variety of three elements. He adds The observer and his powers of discrimination may have to be specified if the variety is to be well defined. Variety can be stated as an integer, as above, or as the logarithm to the base 2 of the number i.e. in bits.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls