vol VII: Notes
[Notebook: DB 76 Liberation]
[Sunday 27 October 2013 - Saturday 2 November 2013]
[page 190]
Sunday 27 October 2013
In a self sufficient (divine) Universe, all laws are epistemologically circular, in that they state the symmetries (boundaries) of reality, ie the via negativa 'what is inconsistent is not'. Can we also say that what is not is inconsistent, all pointing to what is consistent is, I am who I am, ie I am a consistent whole. Exodus
[page 191]
The laws of nature are cybernetic insofar as anything that deviates from the path of consistency dies, and to prevent death must be able to foresee an oncoming inconsistency and avoid it. Ultimately (at the Planck scale) this is 'bang-bang' control. Bang-bang control - Wikipedia
Esse est percipi, to be perceived. It is also the ability to send a message, esse est agere, 'esse purum' - actus purus.
Einstein built special relativity on rods and clocks. We and quantum mechanics go deeper, the fundamental dynamical unit being a quantum of action whose minimum value is h.
Einstein 905: 'We assume this definition of synchronization to be free of any possible contradictions' and that A synch B => B synch A, A synch B and B synch C => a synch C.
Memorylessness, Brown 1.6. Kevin Brown
How do we explain c and h as symmetries, ie constraints imposed by non-differentiation?
Memorylessness - 'that the extrinsic properties of rods and clocks may be functions of their current positions and states of motion but not of their previous positions or states of motion.'
Brown 3.2: '. . . the intelligibility of a truly continuous extended substance is questionable, and we know no examples of such a thing in nature.'
'. . . the contrast between total and partial differential equations reflects two fundamentally different conceptual foundations, the
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former based on determinism and the latter on the possibility of free acts.' Computer vs network.
Digital model of light. [oscillation from electric field to magnetic field?]
We interact on a spectrum that runs from murder to love. [eliminate - encourage]
The ultimate foundation [of interaction is] trust, and the foundation of trust is error free communication, successful deals.
Human general covariance, the accident of birth. At its most general, any genetically defined individual may be born into any customarily defined culture, an important element of which is language.
Wiki Xenophanes: Regarding Xenophanes' theology five key concepts about God can be found. God is; beyond human morality, does not resemble human form, cannot die or be born (God is divine, thus eternal), no divine hierarchy exists, and God does not intervene in human affairs.' Xenophanes - Wikipedia
Brown: Zeno: 'Parmenides' belief in the unity and consistency of reality is quite radical and abstract, even by modern standards.'
CHANGE <==> PLURALITY (Hamiltonian)
'On the assumption that matter, space and time are continuous and infinitely divisible (scale invariant) . . . '
'A continuous function (as emphasized by Weierstrass) is a static completed entity.'
We now recognise that position and momentum are incompatible
[page 193]
variables in the sense that the exact determination of one causes the other to become . . . completely indeterminate. According to quantum mechanics the eigenvalues of spatial position are incompatible with the eigenvalues of momentum, so, just as Zeno's argument suggests, it is really inconceivable for an object to exhibit definite position and momentum (motion) simultaneously.' And simultaneity governed by ΔEΔt ≈ h.
The Catholic Church, like the Police State, strives for mind control and mental states (dirty thoughts) can be sins just like the thought crimes constructed by the police state. (NSA, Snowden etc).
The source (essence) of power is deception(?) No, one may get people into synchronism with one's own thoughts by telling the truth. So we must distinguish deceptive (elite) power and true (distributed) power.
'In all four of Zeno's arguments, the implicit point is that if time and space are independent, then logical inconsistencies arise regardless of whether the physical world is continuous or discrete. All these inconsistencies could be traced to the implication that if any motion is possible, then the range of conceivable relative velocities must be unbounded, corresponding to Mach's "unintelligible".'
Can we commnicate? Only if we share a code, a set of shared orthogonal axes. (Zurek )
There is nothing like unrequited love to drive thought: I am endlessly seeking a way to get someone to listen to me.
Nerlich: 'So something more is demanded to ground spatial relations than the existence and intrinsic properties of things.' What?'
[page 194]
'I conclude that mechanics does not imply or suggest that the structure of space, time and spacetime derive from the physics of matter. . . . The metaphysics of spacetime deserves closer and more sympathetic attention than is usually given it.' By whom?
"=" binds two halves of a duality.
Brown 3.8 Beautiful Day: 'It had suddenly become clear to Einstein during his discussion with Besso that the correlation of time at different spatial locations is not absolutely defined, since it depends fundamentally on some form of communication between these locations.' And also between these times.
Conservation laws are an immediate consequence of the layering of the Universe, the linked properties of lower layers appearing as 'conservations' in higher layers. So we see c as the preservation in higher layers of the fact that a lower layer has no distinction between motion and rest, time and space.
Einstein 1954 to Besso: 'I consider it quite possible that physics cannot be based on the field principle, ie on continuous structures. In that case nothing remains of my entire castle in the air, gravitation theory included. [Gravitation works because it deals simply with the count of undifferentiated quanta of action.]
Brown 3.9: 'Minkowski's spacetime interpretation does for special relativity what Boltzmann's interpretation did for thermodynamics,namely it provided an elementary constructive foundation for the theory.'
Natural theology is rooted in something like Boolean algebra, represented in quantum mechanics as 2 x 2 matrices, σi, i = 0 .. 3.
Archibald McLeish: 'Since wars begin in the minds
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of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.
Monday 28 October 2013
Tuesday 29 October 2013
We may guess that all measurements in the Universe boil down to counts of quanta of action, or ratios of such counts. Although there is uncertainty in their occurrence, eigenvalues are defined (it appears) with unlimited (ie digital) precision. This is illustrated by non-commutative multiplication.
Publeaks International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Publeaks.nl
Everything comes down to form and timing. The simplest such system is a computer where the timing is determined by a central clock and the form of each step is determined by the . . . output of the previous step. In the classical world all processes are considered to be continuous and deterministic. This is mathematically possible but cannot be physically realized because determinism required error free processing which communication theory tells ius can only be achieved digitally. Both the world and the symbolic representation of mathematics are digital, written in discrete symbols, some traditional like the ∫ sign and others ad hoc defined by the writer for some particular purpose and provided with a comprehensive definition that establishes its orthogonality to all other symbols.
War is based on the fiction that a sovereign power may authorize and empower its subjects to kill people as long as these people are under the command of an 'enemy' power.
[page 196]
Nothing ever 'approaches' zero, digitally values are either 0, 1, 2, etc, but we can take 0 to be the perfect symmetry, no data, and so not a physically realizable and observable signal / symbol.
Brown 4.4: '. . . because the entire equation identically vanishes at the static solution', ie one cannot be and be equal to nothing, that is to be and not-be, be-true and be-false.
'There are several essentially equivalent formulation of he kinetic equation of non-rotating radia gravitational motion, but all lean to an indeterminate condition at the static solution.
'The commutator of two observable operators is invariably a multiple of Planck's constant so if Planck's constant were zero, all observations would be compatible, their operators would commute, just as do all classical operators'.
A commutator represents one step in a natural computation.
Brown 4.5: 'light is itself an inertial phenomenon, eg it carries momentum.' [and exerts force, so light signalling between two truly inertial frames is impossible].
'there is no unambiguous definition of the "one way speed of light" . . . only closed loop paths.' Full duplex.
Wednesday 30 October 2013
Wade: 'Rich-poor gap is driving migration'. A potential gradient leading to a force, ie changing probabilities. Matt Wade
[page 197]
Simultaneity - phase is a function of time and has the relative values "in" and "out" [of phase].
We conclude from this argument (and assume from now on) that the Universe is digital (quantized) to the core and there is no continuous function driving it, even though the law of large numbers allows us to approximate large numbers of [almost identical] digital processes with continuous functions. Dynamic systems communicate through their stationary, fixed, quantum points, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, which appear to be defined with complete precision, around which precise point we see a scatter whose scale is h.
The answer to the Platonic delusion; symbols of measure zero are unphysical.
Can humans be smart enough to explain their own origins? Why not? It is a process that begins very simple and complexifies, so we should be able to understand this at least.
The theorem that theology is just another name for software engineering is brought into our grasp by the hypothesis that the deterministic aspect of the Universe is 'digital to the core'.
Thursday 31 October 2013
Friday 1 November 2013
Software engineering = handmade representations (embodiments) of algorithms.
The sexual attractor guarantees (to a high probability) the reproduction of a species [and the intellectual attractor contributes to its survival].
[page 198]
What is the difference between electrons interacting at null interval and people making love? At the full symmetry of communication, they are the same, which must tell is something. An electron may be seen as an instance of Dirac's equation, as may a photon (Klein-Gordon).
I pass my time listening to all all the action in my mind (and sometimes controlling it to mix concrete, etc), presumably just like the dog lying over there.
Enthusiansm waxes and wanes. Sometimes when things seem very clear the desire to write diminishes and it is easier just to sit and stare. But this is a job, something to be done to promote the idea that because the world is digital (insofar as it is deterministic) it is also transfinite, as Cantor guesses and so there are unlimited degreed of freedom (defined by sequences of symbols [or processes]) available for us to exploit for our spiritual development. This message is urgent (from an intellectual point of view) but is already operative in reality as we can see in our evolution from hydrogen to Earth.
The Universe is digital => the Universe is mathematics incarnate, subject to its own limitations.
Inertial worldlines / stationary path integrals. Brown 4.7
One cannot communicate with an inertial frame without a transfer of energy / momentum which removes the 'inertiality'.
[page 199]
Einstein: 'No fairer destiny can be allotted to any physical theory, than it should itself point out the way to the introduction of a more comprehensive theory, in which it lives on as a limiting case.' Einstein: Relativity page 98
'The spacetime metric field is endowed with its own ontological existence [?], as is clear from the fact that gravity is itself a source of gravity.' Talk is a source of talk! 'In a sense the non-linearity of general relativity is an expression of the ontological existence of spacetime itself. In this context it is not possible to draw the classical distinction between relational and absolute entities because spatio-temporal relations themselves are active elements of the theory'. Brown, 4.7
Money is a source of money in the sense of interest on loans, but it requires the mechanisms of an enterprise to makle this work so that the borrower can make sufficient from the money invested to pay the interest anf possibly make a profit for itself.
Saturday 2 November 2013