vol VII: Notes
[Notebook: DB 77 Discretion]
[Sunday 23 March 2014 - Saturday 29 March 2014]
[page 97]
Sunday 23 March 2014
[page 98]
The question of me being wrong and the Church being right crosses my mind now and then. I imagine at some time gathering enough traction (a constituency) in the public media and having to defend my position against both scientists and establishment theologians. From my point of view, I have good arguments in every direction, and feel that I have built a bridge between matter and spirit, physics and theology which is well founded at both ends and consistent in the middle.
Just as we cannot observe both sies of a coin face on at the same time, so we canot measure the position and mometum of a particle at the same time. We are only getting half the information at each reading.
geodesic = free fall = no communication = adiabatic in all modes.
Back to authenticity. I suppose I have always felt a bit inadequate, not performing to the desired standard. But looking back on my work, I see a lot of interesting stuff which I am now becoming quite proud of as I expand and test it.
Monday 24 March 2014
All this looks rather speculative, but it is a meme up for selection, a conjecture up for rejection. Natural election rejects the possibilities that do not work (ie couple to kinetic energy) and lets the workers be. Death is shocking but normal. Like childbirth, much emotion, but a mirror image, joy vs sadness, birth vs death. We have seen the death of the old God, now[page 99]
we are ready for the birth of the new.
Turbulence and the transfinite numbers. God is the underlying dynamic driver of the Universe. We see its stationary points and try to learn what is going on, Whatever we see, so far as it is visible, is computable, ie self [demonstrably] consistent, so our observations never reveal mistakes in the physical process, because it is fully reversible. Mistakes at higher levels are possible because the system has grown as powerful as arithmetic and so Goedel, Turing, Shannon's and many other theorems come into play, representing the deterministic [provable] connections in the netwok as opposed to the free connections.
We start with a blank sheet, a tabula rasa, and omnino simplex or more generally a symmetry. The initial symmetry is the Classical God described by Aquinas, actus purus in the form omnino simplex. Then we begin to write, breaking symmetries in a turbulent patterns, the inverse of fractalization which is transfinite expansion.
A second edition of A Theory of Peace, to put it into the public record with an addendum to explain the 25 intervening years.
Gravitation and the reference mollusc: The flow of logical possibility, bounded by logical impossibility. Physical impossibilities are instances of the parent idea logical impossibility. Think of the physical and logical structure of the computer. My body is the physical implementation of a very complex networked logical structure.
The future is simple. I must promote myself. In the plumbing business here no promotion is needed because I am needed and people ring up. On the other hand people do not know
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that they need my books, so they have to be promoted if they are to grow fast, or I can just rely on word of mouth / internet etc to slowly 'go viral'.
Worshipping the Sun is actually a matter of discussing human ecology in the context of planetary ecology [a bit narrow, all action is Sun worship].
Sol Invictus: putting reality back in theology
There is no information in a symmetry.
We proceed to demolish the Catholic Church using the via negativa. The beliefs and moral guidelines developed by the Catholic Church [are often quite positive] and it may be that many of the better features of some societies have their origin in Catholic social doctrine which is rooted in love. However [these] may be distorted by the institutional requirements of the Curia. It is this dogmatic, doctrinal and bureaucratic structure that is in need of reform. It is obsolescent and we can catalogue its principal defects in the areas of governance, . . .
The Bible is a noisy and confused channel or message, which accounts for the large number of interpretations available and the need for the Catholic Church to lay down the law so that its credibility is not dissipated by conflicting messages. Natural theology offers a much more secure connection to God, with unlimited bandwidth in space (momentum) and time (energy)
Tuesday 25 March 2014
The Sun, the local vicar of the Universe
[page 101]
Entropy and information are additive duals, H = -I, H + I = 0.
The via negativa implies that I have a lot more to say about the bad guy (the Church) than the good guy (the Sun).
Catholics worship a false God, and because God is Love they worship a false love, one whose unity is broken into three segments, eros, agape and thanatos, lust, love and death. True lust is the answer to death and both serve as bounds on love.
Wednesday 26 March 2014
Marketing Natural Theology : go to atheist groups, starting with DawkinsNietzsche (Wiki):'As early as his 1862 essay "Fate and History" Nietzsche had argued that historical research had discredited the central teachings of Christianity. Friedrich Nietzsche - Wikipedia
We want to convert everyone to natural religion: the natural party (of government).
Saudi Oil Minister Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani: 'The Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones". Thomas L Friedman
Quantum mechanics is the most fundamental symmetry linked to the relationship between time and energy, duals of one another ΔtΔE = nℏ, multiplicative. See above entropy/information additive dual.
They key in quantum mechanica is that hases, represented by complex numbers add linearly, just like frequencies and energies.
The complexity of a system can be measured by the number of overtones (not necessarily harmonious) [that] are included in the basic rhythm
Muaic is modulated by a) the rate of change of notes; and
b) the choice of note sequence mapped to frequency.
John Palmer, Parmenides Standford '2.1 The motif of the initiate is important, for it informs Parmenides' portrait of himself as one whose encounter with a major divinity has yielded a special knowledge or wisdom.'
Thursday 27 March 2014
Duality is inherent in knowledge. God and the Word, knower and known. We can see it in the complex conjugates of quantum mechanics and in the covariant and contravariant tensors of relativity.
We are trying to get from the Trinity to the current Universe via the fixed point theorem. We assume that the fixed points emerge from and are connected by the underlying and invisible dynamics, and so our modelling of the relationships between the fixed points must be dynamically executable, since the dynamics is omnino simplex and therefore inherently error free and so propagates at infinite velocity a la spooky action as a distance.
Quantum mechanics gives us sets of fixed points (eg atomic orbitals) and continuous transitions between the fixed points that appear (in the case of atoms) to yield photons whose energy is equal to the
[page 103]
potential differences between the orbitals.As old age dims the frequency and intensity of physical orgasms, we may seek to replace them with more intense mental orgasms / insights, based on wider and wider syntheses of higher and higher viewpoints.
Friday 28 March 2014
Bancroft: Religions of the East: 'What is Hinduism? At its very heart of the belief that this perishable, changing bundle of thoughts and emotions which we call man is really one with the Sublime Essence, the Ground of Being;, ie the Universe is divine, page 13. Bancroft
'They believe that at some stage in the mystery of creation, Brahman will the world into existence by breathing the words 'May I be many'. Having created the world by an act of will, he sustains and finally reabsorbs it. In the Chandogya Upanishad, Brahman is spoken of as tajjalan—that from which all things are born, into which they dissolve, and in which they breathe and move. Tajjalan - Wikipedia
So the Universe is divine fits Hinduism.
Hindu meditation seems to be an attempt to escape the created detail and revert to the uncreated simplicity, Bancroft page 27: 'At last we realize the truth of 'THAT ART THOU', the profoundest statement of all Hinduism.' Perhaps we would do better to follow Bell and Wittgenstein and say nothing about the unspeakable. Here we are more interested in seeing how the fixed points of the Universe multiply into the immensely complex world which must know in at least local detail in order to survive. Bell: Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics, Wittgenstein: Tractatus logico-philosophicus
[page 104]
Bancroft page 30: 'Many people all over the world have found it easier to reach God through one of its manifested forms, and in Hinduism there are as many Gods as there are aspects of the universe. Seen as objects of worship in themselves these deities could indeed be mistaken for graven images, but this is never their purpose.'
In the divine Universe all observables are personalities of God!
page 39: 'Samadhi is the name given to [the] ultimate state and it means "togehter (sam) with the Lord (adhi)". It is the integration of man's time-place-bound mind with the timeless and limitless Ground of existence.' Or so says the mystical imagination. We lose track of time naturally when we are involved with something or somebody.
Shiva - potential; Shakti kinetic, being and becoming etc.
page 41; 'Tantric followers believe that it is through fulfillment and not through austerity that man finds Reality.'
page 65: 'Avatar, an incarnation of the supreme reality.'
page 78; Siddartha: 'There will be someone who will understand me."
page 80: 'As Martin Luther opposed the hypocrisy of the priests who sold indulgences, so the Buddha broke the hold of the Brahmins by preaching a religion which was devoid of authority and which relied on the individual to trea the path by his own power. It was a religion in which there were no secrets and no speculation.' (?)
Saturday 29 March 2014
Bancroft page 83: 'Constantly the Buddha came back to one point—that there is nothing wrong with life or death but only with our attitude to them.'
There seem to be two complementary routes to happiness, change oneself or change the world. The Eastern approach seems to accept the world as it is and to concentrate on meditating oneself into a shape that fits it. the western approach, on the other hand, is to modify the world to meet our desires, rather than modify our desires to meet the world. Both seem to me to be necessary, but both start in the main, with a theory of peace. In both cases we seek to avoid suffering and find pleasure. My project is basically implementing this program for myself, making an income by fixing things for other people and trying to generate and publish ideas for which people will pay, that is following the Eastern path of modifying myself into happiness. Practical actions to overcome the feeling of hopelessness.
Soutphommasane: 'It is the mark of a civilized society that it protects the vulnerable from the powerful'. Tim Soutphommasane
Errol Morris NYT 27/3: This is one of my favourite themes, believing is seeing. We see what we are prepared to see. The problem as not absence of evidence. There was a glut of evidence. The problem was how to interpret it, how to see it. Errol Morris
NSW Court of Appeal May 2007 (Ellis) 'proper defendant rule'.
Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church v Ellis and Anor [2007] NSWCA 117, 70, NSWLR 565