vol VII: Notes
[Notebook: DB 77 Discretion]
[Sunday 6 July 2014 - Saturday 12 July 2014]
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Sunday 6 July 2014
Working on a commentary on the 24 Theses, on the assumption that these theses are a succinct expression of the 'scientific' foundation of Catholic doctrine, ie a framework into which the revelations of the Bible are fitted. The 24 theses are a long way from modern science, but they represent to some degree the soil in which science as we now know it first grew. They are also the grounds for my expulsion from the Order of Preachers (O felix culpa. . . ). I am reaching an age of reflection, looking back through my life to see how I got here, and the 24 theses played a significant role in this. Felix culpa - Wikipedia
Over the years I have written to the provincials of the Australian province seeking records of my presence in the Order and very little has been forthcoming, It may be an idea to write to the Vatican seeking the evidence upon which the Pope annulled my solemn vows. I would not be surprised of the do not reply or reply saying they have nothing. Thos would add another arrow to my quiver of published whinges about the Church's abduration of its pastoral responsibilities in order to maintain the integrity of its doctrinal delusions.
The principal difficulty of commentary on the 24 thesis is the very great distance between then, which are principally directed to establishing the gulf between God and creation, and my current
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position which identifies God and creation.
Monday 7 July 2014
. . . Radiation therapy
From my point of view, Christianity suffers from two faults or errors: the first is its attitude to evidence and second, a consequence of the first, is that it worships a false God.
Science seeks to explain recurrent observable events like the rising of the Sun every morning and pregnancy as a result of copulation. Christianity, on the other hand, is based on very few unique, mysterious and poorly observed and recorded events like Mary's parthenogensis the Jesus' resurrection from death.
It is fortunate that the theological details of Christianity have very little influence on its fundamental message love God, love your neighbour. It is only when we come to apply this message that we must ask Who is God? Who is my neighbour. Both God and my neighbour come within the class of entities we communicate with, my God and my neighbours.
From a computational point fo view, that Christian law, love god, love your neighbour is an algorithm. When it is in use, we substitute definite values for the variables God and neighbour. Insofar as christianity is a
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universal religion, we can substitute anything we like for the variables god and neighbour, This algorithm says in effect love every God, love every neighbour. To instantiate the algorithm fully we also need to arrive at a formal definition of love, and we will say that to love is communicate truthfully, since we have mathematical and logical theories (models) for truth and communication.
As ever when it comes to loving your neighbour, the devil is in the detail and much of this detail is provided by how individuals who identify as christians implement the commandment of love.
A sound religion delivers freedom from fear just as we are free of fear when crossing a well engineered and long lasting bridge, long half life.
God is love at all peer levels because all these fixed points are simply part of the flow of divine love. The idea here is to turn this poetry into s form where it can be used by engineers to optimize our way of living. Optimization requires an algorithm, like the algorithm for Carnot efficiency.
There is nothing in the house that I want to read, so I must write or turn to the internet.
The third theorem after Brouywer and Cantor is Gödel. Gödel's theorem tells us in effect that the letters themselves do not control how they form the words. This control comes from a higher level in the language. Equivalently, words do not control sentences. Once more a higher layer chooses and orders.
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Daly: 'You get what you measure. Fixing the measurement problems surrounding government activities is good place to start.' We only know this when we are finished and can revise a faster path from the known to the new. [All my writing is a search for a shorter and more convincing path from the status quo to the new theology.] Lew Daly: Our Mismeasured EconomySatan is the boundary of the world, the point at which capital investment ceases to be profitable (ie there is no honour among thieves so there is no point in being an honourable thief among thieves. [We are repelled by Satan back into the move habitable spaces of the world.]
Gödel's theorems tell us that engineering is possible, but the future is uncertain, Turing adds detail to this by defining the set of computable functions upon which engineering predictions can be based.
There are no initial conditions on the divine Universe. The only constraint appears to be that everything observable are consistent with one another. Here we invoke the via negativa whose task is to rule out all the inconsistent formal systems [by a dynamic process?].
Newton General Scholium UC Press II/543 Newton
Each one of us has a personal God, our dual, the space in the Universe in which we exist and must manipulate to achieve our survival interacting with elements of our environment.
The simplest dualisms are in quantum mechanics and relativity and the parameter that joins them, is [proper] time / phase / frequency [/metric].
Maybe I will only accept the mission when I know it so well it will be a pushover, like special relativity [ex abundantia contemplationis. Vincent de Couesnongle
Newton page 545: 'God is the same God always and everywhere. He
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is omnipresent not virtually only, but substantially; for virtue cannot subsist without substance, [ie all information is physically embodied] In Him are all things, contained and moved; yet neither affects the other; God suffers nothing from the motions of bodies; bodies find no resistance from the omnipresence of God. ' No, everything interacts with other things and this is the life of God, subdivided into our little live, the lives of bacteria, atoms and fundamental particles, stretching in the opposite direction through the Earth to the Solar system, the galaxy and ultimately the whole Universe.
Newton is orthodox, but laid the first foundations for scientific heterodoxy.
'As a blind man has no idea of colours, so we have no idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things.' locally, because God is the set of all localities.
Newton page 546: 'We have ideas of his attributes, but what the real substance io anything is we know not.' But we can make accurate formal models of certain chains of events in the Universe, as Newton did.
'A God without dominion, providence and final cause is nothing but Fate and Nature.' Yes, and these are quite some nothings.
'And this much concerning God, to discourse of whom from the appearances of things does certainly belong to natural philosophy'
Brouwer: simple to complex
Cantor: The measure of complexity - transfinite entropy
Gödel: simple cannot control complex
Turing: simple = computable
Shannon: How to make simple out of complex by error correction
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Tuesday 8 July 2014
The divine spirit lives in and between the fixed points of the Universe.
Newton made no hypotheses about how the world worked, but the developers of Newton's ideas eventually concludes that the world favours stationary action. Quantum mechanics, via the path integral method, tends to explain why this is so - because the things that happen because actions are coordinated, in phase, and this, we guess, means that communications are successful when the communicators share the same basis (language).
Bonum ex integro = bonum ex the same phase = bonum ex coupled (causally connected).
What I am trying to grasp is the irresistible power of formalism, the rule of law. The Universe is a dynamic system and some mathematics tells us that under certain conditions (which may be fulfilled in the Universe) every dynamic systems has fixed points. These points are part of the dynamism but they do not move. The fixed points of the Universe discoverd by physics lie at the foundation of all attempts to engineer stable structure and error free software.
The . . . six fundamental theorems of theology: Brouwer, Cantor, Gödel completeness, Gödel incompleteness, Turing, Shannon.
The transfinite network is a system which fills the envelope of the possible., that is of computable sets of operations. This essay is written with Wikipedia in mind and I am comfortable with the Wikipedia articles on all the technical terms mentioned here.
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The political milieu which developed Christianity was monarchical, s we can see in the person of the Pope and all the other Christian monarchs. Christianity 2.0 is adapted to the evidence based approach to managing human society, that is to all the ideas of modern democracy guided through its environment by scientific research, that is an unbiassed attempt to see what is really going on, Secrecy and ignorance are enemies of democracy, whereas they work well in monarchies which maintain their power by keeping their people [in the dark] or even teaching them things about the world which are false.
Wednesday 9 July 2014
Thursday 10 July 2014
a) get the story right;
b) then it will propagate itself: Zygon
One may assume that Aquinas began to write the Summa once he had a clear picture of theology crystallized in his mind and ready to be flattened from the multidimensional image in his mond o the linear image in a book which is a long series of questions and answers beginning with that is theology and planned to end with Christ and his sacraments.
Christianity is an abstract idea summed up with the commandment of love whereas the Catholic Church is an instance of Christianity an institution whose business plan has long involved developing the details of Christianity and propagating its version to the world by preaching, propaganda and sometimes violence. The reform of the Church depends on the reform of Christianity, removing the capital letter and redeveloping the idea od anointed from a special person (Jesus Christ) to all of us, the whole Universe in fact.
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We cannot have completely disjunct parties in a catholic religion.
The Abbott government is very like the Catholic Church, asking people to sincerely believe weird, wonderful sf often totally wrong things on blind faith.
There is a lot of steady work on reinforcing my position so that I can withstand the disagreements of people who take me seriously.
Friday 11 July 2014
Saturday 12 July 2014
My life seems to be a tension [stress-energy tensor] between my desire to enjoy 'retirement', my need to earn some money and my desire to deliver my baby to the world - scientific theology, a la Newton, Einstein, Dirac, etc, delivering a formal structure [which gives a description of reality upon which useful structures may be engineered].
Like Christianity in general, the Catholic Church is based on a series of unique and unverifiable events said to have occurred in the distant past and attested only by records created within the Church itself.
The formalist approach. A law is a fixed point at the end of some sort of political [computational] process responding to the need for a law to govern the interactions of peers on the network. Thus conceived, law [making] operatoes at all levels of the cosmic process. This stationary point represents
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a settlement of the issues (ie errors, conflicts) that gave rise to the political process. Out of the continuum of conflict the aw emerges as the resolution of the problem by the implementation of what is generally considered as a fair algorithm, where we judge fairness ad a level field of operations, ie a field in which we all have the same potential.
Looked at this way, what does the general theory of relativity say about the vacuum, the equiprobable realization of all events from which some process selects the spectrum of discrete events (particles) that we observe. Stephen Weinberg: The cosmological constant problem
'I haven't got very much to say to the shareholders except that it is coming along nicely. How does an internet religion work, for the internet is itself s set of random events that may need to be put into consistent relation to one another, the bond of internet civility. The net is a medium for violence as well as for peace and if the system is to work best we must work out how to minimize the violence.
There are two sources of violence, need and belief. They are closely related, but whereas human needs are relatively fixed, human beliefs and dreams have no limits, and people are brought into conflict nowhere human beliefs are inconsistent, This notion covers vast range of territory from beliefs about the the ultimate nature of reality to beliefs about the ownership of this particular sheep. To keep the peace we need a way to resolve these conflicts, One is trade, the other is flexibility. We settle matters of material value by trade and matters of spiritual value by science, since it is science that brings us into intimate contact with the divine Universe, our guide. Science is an attempt to
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understand the world as it really is, and it may often get up the noses of people who live in fairy tale worlds constructed grot their own benefit, those whose wealth insulates them from reality by enabling them to go further into fantasy. They are the deviants, the most fundamental of whom is the Pope who formally and infallibly defines that the Universe is not divine. Instead, this person says, God is an invisible and mysterious other with whom I have an infallible channel of communication. Wrong. We al do because all our experience are experiences of God.
We espouse the formalist / rule of law approach taken by lawyers and software engineers.
Money: 'the best general purpose tool in the world.' LeCarre Single page 365. le Carre
God is one, the spirit is one, while the fixed points are many as it resolves itself and complexifies.
Any organization like the Church is locked into its vision of the world: it and its vision of the world are duals. So a new vision of the world gives is a much broader ideas of Church membership, covering is all insofar ar we a members of the Earth. Board church / transfinite church.
We may see the transfinite numbers as the cardinals of tensor products of tensor productes . . . of Hilbert spaces, each corresponding, say, to an atom, already a very complex thing of which there are a vast number communicating with one another ('entangled') in the Universe.
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We are material creatures. Potential limits act by decreasing the resolution, as my dynamic envelope decreases as I become older and stiffer. [however, potential does not limit act?]
For a long time the natural religion project seemed to be a hopeless dream, but as I keep writing it becomes more and more concrete and realistic, possible becoming more probable [as the inhibitions to the move from potential to actual are slowly removed].