vol VII: Notes
[Notebook: DB 78: Catholicism 2.0]
[Sunday 14 December 2014 - Saturday 20 December 2014]
[page 67]
Sunday 14 December 2014
To communicate is to copy, the network way of increasing entropy.
Monday 15 December 2014
Probabilities are measured by time and time is the fundamental liner parameter of the Universe (The fundamental exponential parameter is entropy). So when we say that the probability of ai is pi what we mean is that pi of the times we look at the system we see ai (here treating a quantum [system] with a source alphabet ai and a probability distribution pi such that ∑i pi = 1). This is a requirement of all probability spaces, that they be complete.
Theology in the public service.
The world is full of noise. We need a binary cutthrough.
Tuesday 16 December 2014
Slowly transcribing 30 years of diaries. Narcissism? Self discovery?. I am a phenomenon to myself, my conscious output (ie the content of my awareness) being transformation od the inputs I have received personally since conception, within a processing framework developed by billions of years of prior evolution. Talking in abstract formal network and computational terms gives a language to understand the data of our personal consciousness, ie a theology. [Intro to Notes]
[page 68]
The Church is not a democracy. The faithful are governed by the pope through his ishops and priests (confessors) . . .
Wednesday 17 December 2014
Reading Zygon, approaching its 50th year. Pleased to see people saying the Fall did not happen (49:4, Marinov page ?) On the other hand we have here a record of fifty years of effort to reconcile science and religion, an impossible task because so much religious belief is unverified an unverifiable fiction and from a scientific point of view wrong. The Fall is the root example. Marinov
Language = coordinate system.
general covariance - all mappings between system and coordinates are equivalen, but some are more useful than others.
Continuity i te theory of gravitation points so symmetry, that is absence of information (= broken symmetry). The information content of a broken symmetry is equal to the entropy of the symmetry.
Thursday 18 December 2014
We are fashioned in the image of God. The principal difference is entropy. I exist as an individual at the human level o the universal network whereas there is no upper bound on the entropy of God, ie the whole Universe The transfinite numbers are the scale of entropy.
The idea of general covariance allows a transfinite number
[page 69]
of mappings of the natural numbers onto themselves. It also allows for many different languages at different levels of complexity, and makes room for the four different languages of physics, gravitation, strong, weak, electric.
The theologians are avoiding reality, hiding behind their scriptures and their Jesus.
Corruption: leakage of value from the system
Much of the tribal thing gives the 'Elders' unfair power over the young, including the power to peremptorily request them to break the law, rather like the Mafie and some instances of the Catholic Church.