vol VII: Notes
[Sunday 5 April 2015 - Saturday 11 April 2015]
[Notebook: DB 78: Catholicism 2.0]
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Sunday 5 April 2015
Easter Sunday. Jesus reboots - metanoia on the full body scale correcting all the errors that led to death. In life we have our fixed hardware, the capital structure and then all the processes that take place 'inside' the hardware, but also outside it because the software has many more states that the hardware has components becasue (in a binary digital machine or n-ary digital) each hardware component has n states.
From a thermodynamic point of view the probability of someone comping alive after two days dead is transfinitely infinitesimal. The infinitesimal is the smallest discernible symbol [measured by the quantum of action].
The states in our bodies are continually changing at various rates, [driven by] the quanta of metabolic action (ADP <—> ATP) different generic instances of which have different frequencies in different components (eg protein, sugar structures) of my body.
I am always writing to myself. [These words are a logical mirror] The symmetry with respect to complexity supports the idea that I am a microcosm to the universal macrocosm, so that I can make progress in my understanding of myself and my god (environent) by studying the relations between us. The Church told me my lust was evil. My god tells me that it manifests the reproductive potential that maintains the species in the face of individual death.
A fixed point neither gives no requires energy, since it does not move, even though experiencing a force which arises from the potential in which it exists, as gravitational potential forces everything 'down' but does no work
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insofar as some actual structure prevents actual motion.
Posner page 92: British FO official: 'Papal timidity becomes ever more blatantly despicable.' Posner: God's Bankers
War is just a sideshow for business, another environmental problem to deal with.
Money and kinetic energy released as the wrong place and time can casue dmage, as might a leak from an oil pipeline.
Monday 6 April 2015
The fundamental parameters which we must keep in mind in our attempts to design a peaceful society are entropy and its mirror, information. With the dawns of the heat engine age and the information age we are beginning ot learn what makes the world go round. The dynamics are energy, love and money. The statics, which guide the dynamics are entropy and information. Or something like this. A bird's eye view of the human condition built upon what we already know about the world [ie its symmetries = universals].
Handshaking. Depends on how long since we met and how deep was our previous relationship.
Potential energy is energy that has gone invisible to some degree, but it is always visible to gravitation.
Tuesday 7 April 2015
Is the python lying curled up on my verandah
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happy? One imagines that it leads a very Buddhist life eliminating the pain by going with the flow. Pain is a signal that says we are fighting the flow, maybe for a good reason.
A logical operation is the atom of reality, uncuttable, unextended but nevertheless real 'black box' with inputs and outputs.
Wednesday 8 April 2015
Abstractly, we are all symbols and our collective entropy is maximized if we are equiprobable. We imagine that the mathematical idea 'equiprobable' translates into the political sphere as human symmetry since the theory of probability enables us to associate probabilities with points on the natural line.
z01_app_universe_divine may become a draft of the encyclical letter to be circulated among the followers of natural theology and natural religion. Writing is rather like sex, a way to stimulate myself to more output.
Nin, 1958 Seduction of the Minotaur 'We deo not see things as they are, we see them as we are.' No, a superposition (statistical distribution) of both. Sady Doyle Sady Doyle
Thursday 9 April 2015
Friday 10 April 2015
Jigsaws start of easy round the edges, get difficult toward the middle and then easier at the end when pieces begin
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to fall into place. I think I am still working round the edges, but it seems to be going well, the overall layered network proving a fruitful backbone on which to hang everything, a dynamic tree, the Hilbert Oscillator again? An Essay on the Divinity of Money
Saturday 11 April 2015
Slow down and adore the flowers. Letter to a beautiful young woman (from an old [male] heterosexual, stressing divinity and equality.
I have been reading physics books since my school days. In school I paid close attention so I understood the physical reasoning behind the mathematical equations and so manipulated them easily and made interesting calculations. I did not begin to learn quantum mechanics until I was in the monastry reading David Park. I did not really follow or understand the matheamtics, but I fllowed the tet closly and learnt the salient points about quantization, and the relationship between wave functions and observation. At the same time I was trying to reconcile this with the Thomistic philosophy, physics and metaphysics we were being tsught. It seemed to me that Aristotle was onto something, as are the physicists and can we see if they are the same thing expressed in different words, Since then I have lernt the difference between Thomas and physics. For Thomas the source of the world is remote and other. For physics the source is local. Gd, in the form of the initial singularity, is present at every point emanating the action that makes things. This is how we now understand the divine agent, local and inherent rather than remote and exotic.
My role = persona: a tradie honestly advising
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customers about the best way to realize their dreams, be it a new room or a broken toaster. Some things are not worth fixing, to be recycled and replaced, hopefully with a better one, ie one with a smaller footprint.
optimization by iteration can work of there if there are clear criteria for the optimum. In politics we have the problem f two diametrically opposed optima, minimal government (everyone for themselves) and maximal government (we all care for each other). Much of the argument revolves around the economic consequences of the two models for the two major groups, those who live on capital and those who live on labour.
One approach appears to concentrate wealth, minimizing entropy and the other tends ti distribute wealth, maximizing entropy.
Posner: the conflict between personal and corporate goals, of non-cooperation [cheating] among cooperators.
Documents are fixed points and potentials that have the power to change things in the world, eg a bank cheque a commission, laws and contracts in general [, ie words of power]