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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 13 September 2015 - Saturday 19 September 2015]

[Notebook: DB 79: Galileo Wins]

[page 75]

Sunday 13 September 2015

Elements of metaphysics = [root] symmetries:
1. The universe is divine, conservation of act, gauge symmetry
2. conservation of energy - time
3. Symmetry with respect to complexity
4. Definition = 1/Universality
5. Fixed point theory
6. Logical continuity vs geometric continuity
7. gravitation is tone deaf

Can I convince myself of the truth of my gravitation story? [it remains a suggestion]

Gravitation is tone deaf and therefore continuous (equiprobable, every point on the real line has an equal chance [of 1/ℵn where n is the cardinal of a continuum].

Lets say that fixed points are logically bound. They come in pairs at each end of an invariant operator [codec], that is a bit of software in the network model. Networks open sets to mapping, so we can imagine every natural number correlated to every other natural numbers, one at a time, as the basic group of the world modelled as a network.

The constraint of quantum mechanics is that a message must be codable and decodable, ie reversible elements of a group. [orthogonal, Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Quantum origin of quantum jumps]

Groups of computations, logical group. Gravitation as the generator of the transfinite discrete (logical) group.

[page 76]

Gravitation is the protocol for sending an empty message from one point to another, The only constraints in Einsteins theory are continuity and the conservation of energy, a consequence of the conservation of action and the relationship ℏ = E / ω, E and ω are the same number, cardinal.

The group of the universe increases in order like the transfinite numbers. Order (group theory) - Wikipedia

What is fixed is the metric, relating , time and distance [space-time interval].

The space of computable numbers, computable transformations. The codec group, comptising all the pairs (a, b) = I, ie b = a-1. Quantum reversibility is the fundamental constraint.

We begin with the Lorentz transformation in 2D universe (the other two space dimensions are ignored). So we can say the group of Lorentz transformations is the group of codecs [isomorphic up to a cardinal with the circle group].

Quantum codec |ψ|2 = ψψ* = 1. Can write this but do I understand it. The network idea is leading me deeper into the woods.

ie to be real a quantum message must be a product of two components ψ and ψ* representing the forward and return phases of communication, send and check.

The software of spacetime underlies all observable action.

Spacetime is the smallest self-sustaining computation, in a consistent system of energy conservation, potential and kinetic.

[page 77]

Lonergan judgement: is this idea worth going on with?

Field theory is an example of space filling plumbing which we imagine as a network of discrete leakproof pipes whose cross section is proportional to flow [and volume to flow2 ?].

The desire to construct a logically consistent picture of a divine universe has taken me a long way away from both Christian and physical dogma.

Every act is consistent is guaranteed by the uncertainty principle.

MTW: page 305 '(5) Between every every event and every nearby event there exists a frame independent coordinate independent space-time interval ("Riemannnian geometry"). (6) Space-time is always and everywhere locally Lorentz in character. . . . " Misner, Thorne & Wheeler: Gravitation

Einstein's geometry is descriptive rather than explanatory. It does not actually tell us what makes things tick. This is true of all continuous theories. We need discrete computation to explain things.

The unit of space-time is the quantum of action. The unit of space-time is the velocity c [the unit of all events is the quantum of action].

Quantum mechanics describes the physical realization of a computer. Computation becomes universal in 4-space. Meaning? Tba. 'Not' is a logical tool, can be used to create both sequential and simultaneous dualities (boson, fermion).

Lorentz = 2D. Lorentz × Lorentz (geodesic deviation) = 4D.

Memory: fixed point

[page 78]

Lorentz × Lorentz = first order to second order. Gravitation binds to itself.

How do we express fixed points in terms of amplitudes and probabilities. The Born Rule. So a state of fixed (potential) energy is a stationary state: stationary / potential; dynamic / kinetic.

An impasse.

points to make
: gravitation may be continuous / carries no information
: it is a subroutine in every process because it affects them all
: coterminous with Lorentz transformation, the symmetry that couples inertial frames
: second order, created by interacting with itself
: second order metaphysics, after first order, in which essence and existence are indistinguishable
: gravitation is the unifying symmetry of space-time
; gravitation = metaphysics (again)
: potential

Have we come to a dead end? What is it? How are quantum states propagated? Encoded in particles. Gravitation and entanglement. Quantum computation operators used to make a Lorentzian 4-space. Quantum circuit for Minkowski space. Particle - fixed point - memory - potential.

Monday 14 September 2015

Developing a fork of Christianity. Fork (software development) - Wikipedia

A coupling based on differentiation is a flow coupling. What flows in general relativity? Energy. The disposition of

[page 79]

the energy that we see in the current universe depends forst of all om gravitation, and then on particle physics when gravitational collapse heats things to fusion temperatures, and, in the inverse sense, the universe expands toward zero temperature and energy is conserved and recycled through the network of pipes described by quantum theory, ie mappings of the natural numbers to themselves.

I think I am gradually making my way from timid interloper into a confident player on the science / theology scene. A slashy.

Fixed points are surrounded by potentials. Curvature = potential

Trying to bring the principles to bear. The Einstein equation embodies the idea that all continuous second order transformations with an invariant metric are possible in spacetime. What is the digital version of this, starting from 2D Lonentz - 2 basis states, 1 fixed, the other continually advancing in phase, perpetual motion. So we consider the Pauli matrices. Particles 1D, 2D, 3D. So we have a basis vector |space, time>, |momentum, energy>, |4-momentum>. The basis of the universe is the energized qubit.

Now we consider digital transformation beginning with not and we imagine a structure <not-p|operator|p>, where the operator may be considered to be any invertable transformation whatever, [the computer group].

We are avoiding detail by being abstract, broadening the focus by reducing the resolution until we come to zero resolution, we see a big formless nothing which then, like a developing egg, begins to divide in the sequence 2, 4, 8, 16 etc. How do we see this happening in a network? How many divisions

[page 80]

until we have dynamic 4-space? Construct space as one constructs an embryo. What we need to do is construct a pre-geometry to explain the space of the universe.

At the pointy (simple) end, God and gravitation.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Einstein's general transformation is co complex in 4D that the elucidation of gravitational physics did not really get going until computers were invented. What we wish to do here is examine the transform in smaller spaces, starting with the single dimension of local (proper) time which predates the Lorentz transformation and then working up to 4D and beyond into particle physics, biology, psychology and theology.

the basic question for relativity is how do the dimensions interact [how are their measures related]. In Euclidean and Minkowski space metrics between dimensions are transformed by pythgoras' theorem: r2 = x2 + y2 + z2. At high velocities we introduce time into the equation, transforming it to distance with the constant c and prefixing it with the operator i. The basic dimension is represented by the recurrent phase of the circle group [which we might imagine as running forward and backward in time, a superposition of opposing complex phases].

How would you build a computer given no constraints, [that is no hardware?]. In other words how do we introduce constraints into an unconstrained system, and in particular how do we introduce constraints that introduce no constraint, ie they leave the unconstrained system unconstrained and simply exist as fixed points in the unconstrained dynamics. God = dicttor = captain = etc, unconstrained constraint.

[page 81]

The beauty of the monastery was that it was all time to think. This was enforced by the rule of silence (except in recreation periods). I remember sitting at recreation reading Park's book on quantum mechanics: antisocial in the quest for knowledge? Maybe a lifetime characteristic - come home from the party early and read. I feel that id have come a long way not becasue I am particularly intellgicne but becasue I have kept my nose to one gridstone for about fifty years and have followed a fairly straight trajectory from How universal until now, where I am trying to see the relation between God and spacetime, the interface where we meet God [God's face].

Communication relies on orthogonality but also breaks it when rotating vectors into new codes, The maximum entropy form of a vector has all components equal.

Sets: containerization and packing my car.

Complexity increases with dimension because the computation of each dimension in a transformation concerns not only its pythogorean relation to other dimensions, but also their first and second derivative with respect to it So in 4-space we need an array of 64 connection coefficients, culled by symmetries. [connection coefficient = probability of traffic]

Space-time provides 'powered lego blocks' for the construction of systems.

MTW: the pregeometry of gravitation is quantum mechanics.

We need the coordinates and their first and second derivatives to design a consistent flow of ? [probability?] in the universal system.

Dirac, on transformation. Gravity introduces Goedel, self reference and creation [the Word of God]. Gravitation introduces incomputability?

page 82]

Why is this? Because the gravitational mapping is the complete mapping of the natural numbers onto themselves, most of the elements of which are incomputable.

Geometric gravitation is computable because the local code is finite, but the curvature introduces uncertainty (through the second derivative) through recursion.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Transformations operate at different 'depths', leaving some things the same and changing others. The hierarchical layered network models this behaviour. The 'width' of a transformation is the set of events that it effects. The deepest and widest transformation is gravitation which couples every event on the universe to every other by being in effect the basic hardware of the universe. In mathematical terms let us consider gravitation as the mapping of the natural nubmers onto themselves. An infinitesimal fragment of these mapping are computable, the rest incomputable, but the computable mappings have the advantage that they can reproduce themselves and so increase their probability of occurrent. Incomputable transformations occur at random, computable transformations on the other hand can take control of the transformation process by establishing memory and fixed points, Is this not a beautiful insight, which opens the way to completing phys09.

Einstein: In 1907 when I was working on a review of the consequences of special relativity . . . I realized that all the natural phenomena could be discussed in terms of general relativity except the law of gravitation. I felt a deep desire to understand the

[page 83]

reason behind this . . . It was most unsatisfactory to me that although the relation between inertial and energy is so beautifully derived [in special relativity], there is no relation between inertial and weight. I suspected that this relationship was inexplicable by means of special relativity. Pais, page 179

Transformation from seed to plant [what is conserved?].

General relativity deals only with computable transformations [?].

Pais page 213:

Einstein: 'The decisive step of the transition to generally covariant equations would certainly not have taken place [had it not been for the following consideration]. Because of the Lorentz contraction in a reference frame that rotates relative to an inertial frame, the laws that govern rigid bodies do not correspond to the rules of Euclidean geometry. Thus Euclidean geometry must be abandoned if noninertial frames are to be admitted on an equal footing.

Particle (like me, {hardware, software}, {layer}.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Einstein: local to global. General relativity is 'local' to the whole universe, ie a symmetry present everywhere: global metric.

Principle of equivalence couples weight and inertia. How do we couple logic and distance? [action, uncertainty, size of atom]

The Towers of Hanoi: on rearranging a layered software system. Tower of Hanoi - Wikipedia

General linear group: matrices represent groups of operators.

De Jonge: phasing out the old guard: Evolution. Alice De Jonge

[page 84]

Evolution is made possible by feedback, that is the 'reality field' couples to itself. We have randomization and selection.

Pais page 201: 'In 1907 and 1911 Einstein had stretched the kinematic approach to gravitation to it limits. This time [1912] he embarked on one of the hardest problems of the century: to fins the new gravitational dynamics. His first steps were taken gingerly,"

It is difficult or impossible to build a useful computer on 2 space becasue of the crossed wire problem So the advantage of 3 spce over 2 space more than payys for the added complexity. We think of a processor moving around a memory, coupled to each location, two inputs and an output by connection coefficients, ie mappings.

What we need is the whole of mathematics, ie all consistent transformations. This is the space of quantum mechanics.

Catholic evil: Humanae Vitae 1968. Steinfels.

First break in the symmetry gravitation/energy is fermion/boson. Photon and electron early examples.

The main reason I do not understand things is that I do not take the trouble and the reason I do not take the trouble is that i am still flying around at high altitude trying to get together a general picture of logically constrained world and only occasionally trying to bring this into line with the arithmetically constrained world in which we find the bulk of physics.

Friday 18 September 2015

A bit of morning despair helped along by the news of

[page 85]

continuing destruction of the world by fundamentalists of various stripes. It seems in a way that my literary fight against fundamentalism is doomed to struggle — making reality your God is very hard in the face of the public relations stories of heaven and hell that the fundamentalists have dreamt up over the years. In the case of Christianity it is the false promise that we never die.

There is a sense of urgency to get things done and this suggests shortcuts, but this may lead to poor work. Einstein sought a transformation in space-time that left real (and physically operative) distances invariant. These are the distances that govern the interactions of events, that is of particles. Events are essentially the creation and annihilation of forms of energy. Aristotle and Thomas made the dual of form passive matter. The view here is that the dual of form is [active energy].

My biggest target and most clearly defined in the fairy tale world of Catholic belief.

Physics has always confined itself to space and time, energy and momentum and left questions of information and meaning to metaphysics. Following Lonergan, it is time to turn things upside down and explain physics not as some fixed structure set in place by the creator but the mind of God at work projected on the screen of spacetime. Einstein explored the space of all spacetime transformations that preserve distances. Quantum mechanics explores the space (we think) of all possible computable functions. We begin our metaphysics by considering all possible mappings of a st onto itself, ie the permutation group, and we believe that evolution selects efficient computable transformations out of all the possibilities.

Saturday 19 September 2015

[page 86]

Quantum mechanics operates in a system that predates space - there is no need to take account of distance, only energy, frequency, [phase] or time. The advent of spacetime honours this symmetry by making null geodesics possible by introducing the metric signature 1, -1.

The history of fundamentalism suggests that it is basically a set of opinion espoused by warlords to justify their supremacy. The role of violence in maintaing peace is the ability of the violent to kill alternative opinions, ie to maintain ancient symmetries built around the opinions of the rulers. The answer to fundamentalism of the source of evolution is the fact that complex systems can have better survival value than simpler ones because they can reproduce themselves more efficiently and thus claim a larger share of the available energy. In government this means spending more of the tax take on improving social awareness and communication ie extending the perks of the king to everyone.

Landauer tells us that meaning is not an imaterial thing. It is embodied in the structures of the world I am my own meaning, and I gain further meaning from my mappings to my environment.

Einstein's last few problems with gravitation revolved around the fact that the reference systems used by physicists are largely arbitrary and not part of reality. To simplify our work we choose the reference systems that make things appear simple, like making space and time symmetrical. The beauty of the network is that it is self referencing, My place in the network is represented by my address, which is effectively me and all my interactions with the environment is mediated by addresses - I go there to do that. A meeting is a bosonic device where a number of entities share an address, ie are simultaneously in the same place. Pais page 252: 'One may choose a coordinate

[page 87]

system at one's convenience simply because coordinate systems have no objetive meaning.'

We are becoming more aware of the effects of the social stresses experiences by people who are different. Jane Cadzow: Magda unmasked

phys10BosonFermion: What is the moral here: we are exploring a universe where all consistent possibilities are allowed, but their frequencies vary by 'survivability'.

Covariance emphasizes the fact that frames of reference are not part of physical reality.

How does the metric signature 1, -1 relate to the boson fermion distinction? Metric signature - Wikipedia, Boson - Wikipedia, Boson - Wikipedia, Fermion - Wikipedia

Defeating fundamentalism in physics is analogous to defeating fundamentalism in any other universe of discourse [ie taking a more comprehensive view].

Do photons cause Maxwell's equations or vice versa? How do we write a digital version of them? A photon can have any energy, but only spin 1. Photon - Wikipedia. Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Cercignani, Carlo, Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms, Oxford University Press, USA 2006 'Cercignani provides a stimulating biography of a great scientist. Boltzmann's greatness is difficult to state, but the fact that the author is still actively engaged in research into some of the finer, as yet unresolved issues provoked by Boltzmann's work is a measure of just how far ahead of his time Boltzmann was. It is also tragic to read of Boltzmann's persecution by his contemporaries, the energeticists, who regarded atoms as a convenient hypothesis, but not as having a definite existence. Boltzmann felt that atoms were real and this motivated much of his research. How Boltzmann would have laughed if he could have seen present-day scanning tunnelling microscopy images, which resolve the atomic structure at surfaces! If only all scientists would learn from Boltzmann's life story that it is bad for science to persecute someone whose views you do not share but cannot disprove. One surprising fact I learned from this book was how research into thermodynamics and statistical mechanics led to the beginnings of quantum theory (such as Planck's distribution law, and Einstein's theory of specific heat). Lecture notes by Boltzmann also seem to have influenced Einstein's construction of special relativity. Cercignani's familiarity with Boltzmann's work at the research level will probably set this above other biographies of Boltzmann for a very long time to come.' Dr David J Bottomley  
Lo, Hoi-Kwong, and Tim Spiller, Sandra Popescu, Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information, World Scientific 1998 Jacket: 'This book provides a pedagogical introduction to the subjects of quantum information and computation. Topics include non-locality of quantum mechanics, quantum computation, quantum cryptography, quantum error correction, fault tolerant quantum computation, as well as some experimental aspects of quantum computation and quantum cryptography. A knowledge of basic quantum mechanics is assumed.' 
Misner, Charles W, and Kip S Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman 1973 Jacket: 'Einstein's description of gravitation as curvature of spacetime led directly to that greatest of all predictions of his theory, that the universe itself is dynamic. Physics still has far to go to come to terms with this amazing fact and what it means for man and his relation to the universe. John Archibald Wheeler. . . . this is a book on Einstein's theory of gravity. . . . ' 
Pais, Abraham, 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford UP 1982 Jacket: In this . . . major work Abraham Pais, himself an eminent physicist who worked alongside Einstein in the post-war years, traces the development of Einstein's entire ouvre. . . . Running through the book is a completely non-scientific biography . . . including many letters which appear in English for the first time, as well as other information not published before.' 
Alice De Jonge, China's grip still tight on state-owned-enterprises, 'The larger SOEs maintain monopolies over key sectors of the economy (energy, mining, infrastructure) and smaller SOEs are characterised by low productivity and high debt levels. A lot of the problems and inefficiencies stem from the fact that the interests controlling SOE behaviour are not necessarily aligned with those of the wider economy or society.' back
Boson - Wikipedia, Boson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In particle physics, bosons are particles with an integer spin, as opposed to fermions which have half-integer spin. From a behaviour point of view, fermions are particles that obey the Fermi-Dirac statistics while bosons are particles that obey the Bose-Einstein statistics. They may be either elementary, like the photon, or composite, as mesons. All force carrier particles are bosons. They are named after Satyendra Nath Bose. In contrast to fermions, several bosons can occupy the same quantum state. Thus, bosons with the same energy can occupy the same place in space.' back
Child process - Wikipedia, Child process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A child process is a computer process created by another process (the parent process).' back
Fermion - Wikipedia, Fermion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In particle physics, fermions are particles with a half-integer spin, such as protons and electrons. They obey the Fermi-Dirac statistics and are named after Enrico Fermi. In the Standard Model there are two types of elementary fermions: quarks and leptons. . . . In contrast to bosons, only one fermion can occupy a quantum state at a given time (they obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle). Thus, if more than one fermion occupies the same place in space, the properties of each fermion (e.g. its spin) must be different from the rest. Therefore fermions are usually related with matter while bosons are related with radiation, though the separation between the two is not clear in quantum physics. back
Fork (software development) - Wikipedia, Fork (software development) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In software engineering, a project fork happens when developers take a copy of source code from one software package and start independent development on it, creating a distinct and separate piece of software. The term often implies not merely a development branch, but a split in the developer community, a form of schism. Free and open-source software is that which, by definition, may be forked from the original development team without prior permission without violating copyright law. However, licensed forks of proprietary software (e.g. Unix) also happen.' back
Gary Younge, Corbyn victory energises the alienated and alienates the establishment, '[Corbyn's] trajectory these last few months has conformed to that dictum for radical reformers generally attributed to Gandhi: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” back
General covariance - Wikipedia, General covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, In theoretical physics, general covariance (also known as diffeomorphism covariance or general invariance) is the invariance of the form of physical laws under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations. The essential idea is that coordinates do not exist a priori in nature, but are only artifices used in describing nature, and hence should play no role in the formulation of fundamental physical laws.' back
Jane Cadzow, Magda unmasked, 'Szubanski, 54, is one of Australia’s favourite comic actors. “Everybody loves Magda,” says her friend, documentary producer Miche Bonett-Horton. “But nobody truly knows who she is.” Now Szubanski has written a page-turner of a memoir, Reckoning, to be launched this week, in which she effectively peels away a layer of protective coating and explains in unflinching detail what lies underneath. “It was really emotionally gruelling,” she says when we meet on a cool, bright Melbourne morning. But cathartic. “Once I turned the tap, I couldn’t stop the gush of words.” ' back
Jon Jureidin and Melissa Raven, Antidepressant's trial's upended results show need for sharing all data, 'We found that paroxetine was no more effective than a placebo, which is the opposite of the claim in the original paper. We also found significant increases in harms with both paroxetine and imipramine. Compared with the placebo group, the paroxetine group had more than twice as many severe adverse events, and four times as many psychiatric adverse events, including suicidal behaviours and self-harm. And the imipramine group had significantly more heart problems.' back
Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia, Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In classical electromagnetism, Maxwell's equations are a set of four equations that describe the properties of the electric and magnetic fields and relate them to their sources, charge density and current density. Maxwell used the equations to show that light is an electromagnetic wave.' back
Metric signature - Wikipedia, Metric signature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Given a finite-dimensional real vector space V with a metric tensor (or scalar product) g, then for every orthogonal basis of V, the metric applied to each basis vector eμ, i.e. g(eμ, eμ), 1 ≤ μ ≤ n will produce a value that is a positive, negative or zero. By Sylvester's law of inertia, the number of values of each of these three cases is independent of the choice of orthogonal basis. The signature (p, q, r) of g is the number of positive, negative and zero values respectively. When r is nonzero, the metric tensor g is called degenerate; when q = r = 0, g is called positive definite; and when p = r = 0 it is called negative definite.' back
New York Times Editorial Board, Crazy Talk at the Republican Debate, 'And that, America, is frightening. Peel back the boasting and insults, the lies and exaggerations common to any presidential campaign. What remains is a collection of assertions so untrue, so bizarre, that they form a vision as surreal as the Ronald Reagan jet looming behind the candidates’ lecterns.' back
Order (group theory) - Wikipedia, Order (group theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In group theory, a branch of mathematics, the term order is used in two unrelated senses: The order of a group is its cardinality, i.e., the number of elements in its set. Also, the order, sometimes period, of an element a of a group is the smallest positive integer m such that am = e (where e denotes the identity element of the group, and am denotes the product of m copies of a). If no such m exists, a is said to have infinite order. The ordering relation of a partially or totally ordered group. This article is about the first notions.' back
Peter Steinfels, Why the Catholic Church should talk about contraception, 'Nothing has divided the church more than its prohibition against contraception, even among married couples. Approximately 80 percent of U.S. Catholics, including the thoroughly devout, disagree with that stance (support for changing the ruling is nearly as high around the world). And the vast majority ignore the teaching altogether — one study suggests that 68 percent of sexually active American Catholic women have used birth control, sterilization or IUDs.' back
Photon - Wikipedia, Photon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is the force carrier for the electromagnetic force, even when static via virtual photons. . . . In the Standard Model of particle physics, photons and other elementary particles are described as a necessary consequence of physical laws having a certain symmetry at every point in spacetime. The intrinsic properties of particles, such as charge, mass and spin, are determined by the properties of this gauge symmetry.' back
Robert Mickens, Who Will (& Will Not) Attend the Synod on the Family, 'It looks like it will be “standing room only” next month when more than 260 Synod Fathers and some seventy other non-voting participants gather for the second round of the Synod on the Family. This past Tuesday the Synod office finally published the complete list of all those who will be attending the upcoming meeting—and none too soon. The gathering’s opening Mass on October 4 is now less than three weeks away.' back
Roulette - Wikipedia, Roulette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Roulette is a casino and gambling game named after a French diminutive for "little wheel". In the game, players may choose to place bets on either a number, a range of numbers, the colors red or black, or whether the number is odd or even. To determine the winning number and color, a croupier spins a wheel in one direction, then spins a ball in the opposite direction around a tilted circular track running around the circumference of the wheel. The ball eventually loses momentum and falls on to the wheel and into one of 37 (in European roulette) or 38 (in American roulette) colored and numbered pockets on the wheel.' back
Simon Critchley, There Is No Theory of Everything, back
Tower of Hanoi - Wikipedia, Tower of Hanoi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: Only one disk can be moved at a time. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack. No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.' back
Wojciech Hubert Zurek, Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical, 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) "Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on -- to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the ``wavepacket collapse'', designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment -- the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert it into carrying information about them -- into becoming a witness.' back
Zoe Williams, Jeremy Corbyn is redefining opposition - come what may, 'What is obvious, however, is that the new question for the opposition is not “how can we win?” but “who can we help?” The Blairite line is, nobody; not until you have the keys to No 10. If Corbyn can crack open the certainties of politics, so that the alienating verities of centrism, fake moderation and evasiveness have to cede to something more like a contest between genuinely different ideas, opposition may become a meaningful pursuit even while power is unknowably distant.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls