vol VII: Notes
Sunday 20 December 2015 - Saturday 26 December 2015
[Notebook: DB 79: Galileo Wins]
[page 171]
Sunday 20 December 2015
Eureka Street Paradigm change. Gradually becoming aware of our own role in the future of the world, a trend which may have begin with the construction of hydrogen bombs, and evolved through nuclear winter to global warming. In the last decade it was generally become known that burning carbon, the element that makes life possible, can lead to trouble. We can see this awareness arising in the history of western religion at a much slower pace, beginning with the remote God and evolving through the God-man Jesus to the more realistic view that the whole universe is divine. This religious evolution runs parallel to the political evolution from monarchy to democracy; every particle in the universe is equally divine, a quantum of pure action.
The big paradigm change (Vance Packard) Vance Packard - Wikipedia
It has taken the RC into child abuse to open my eyes to the evil role played by the Roman Catholic Church in my early youth.
[page 172]
Monday 21 December 2015
Fear is a response to a lack of control. As a species we are currently living in fear because we cannot control our lives, and the reason for this is that the buk of the effective theologies in the world are riddled with error. The first and definitive indication of this is that even though we all agree locally that god is one, globally we find a huge number of theologies, mostly mutually inconsistent, either dogmatically or politically, at one point of another, So we need something like a theological field theory to unify the world while allowing local variations within the span of the symmetries of the divinity.
At this point theology meets physics. While the theologians have been dreaming the physicists have been looking at the world we really inhabit and finding that as fas as we can tell the universe is divine, ie it has all the properties identified by Aquinas as properties of God, We could follow this trail exhaustively though the first part of the Summa but in this short space there is only room to state the idea at the root of physical theology, the scale invariance of networks [even closer to the root is the requirement for consistency].
It seems clear that both the physical world and the human social world are communication networks. When we say that networks are scale invariant we are saying that the elements of any network obey the same rules whether there are two or an infinity of them, and no matter how small and simple or big and complex the messages exchanges between the players on the network.
The first thing to notice is that all communications take place along pairwise channels between the players. Unlike a
[page 173]
a broadcast system where one signal serves many, a network requires one to one communication to conserve entropy (?) and energy. In the broadcast system like TV there is a vast output of signal an infinitesimal fraction of which is captured by receivers. In a network system, the Would be broadcaster must send a copy to each recipient by [eg] printing a book, a record or an online site.
The first step in a theological revolution must be political. The Church must free its theologians from dogmatic bondage and all that rubbish about the Church having the gift of truth. The Church must work for the truth like everybody else and not just make things up, like eg women are inferior to men, no female priests, bishops, cardinal or popes.
Communication demands consistency. Even lies are couched in sentences that are consistent with the language in which they are represented,
The Universe reaches the limits of consistency and is therefore [formally] indistinguishable from God and mathematics.
Consistency = identity, ie error free transmission, attested by identity of sent and repeated messages.
Wednesday 23 December 2015
Why are we so attracted to shiny glistening things? Maybe because an important shiny thing in the ancient world (pre-technological) is water and wet surfaces.
Reproductive ecstasy, an analogue of the beatific vision related to the continued existence of the family and the species.
[page 174]
The key to theology is evolution / emanation, the sequential replacement of fixed points in the Universe under some sort of control ythat leads to a net increase in entropy, that is complexity, that is the cardinal of the network, since a network is the dual of dust, fully connected dust as opposed to isolated particles whch are 'dark' t one another, except through gravitation, the theory of continuous cosmic dist bound (like a manifold) by differentiability (continuity) ie lack of structure = discontinuity. The meaning of this writing is encoded in the discontinuity between paper and ink covered paper.
We cannot have conservation laws without communication from past to future (which may include communication from place to place). Quantum mechanics is pure communication through time.
Slogans: we are saved by the reality that created us.
Forget the formal history. It is just an obiter dictum in the explanation of the new.
Among the most intense experiences of life, in which the stakes are high and the failure modes many, are [those] associated with reproduction, an essential element in our evolution,
Josephson effect Josephson effect - Wikipedia
Quantum Hall effect Hall effect - Wikipedia
A bit tired to write. Reminds me of monastic tales about
[page 175]
singing matins in the early hours: the combination of music and exhaustion was considered conducive to mystical visions.
Thursday 24 December 2015
Western theological tradition records a number of paradigm changes in our vision of God. In the earliest phase we find multiple gods whose personalities are often modelled on the emperors and warlords who dominated the literate elements of the ancient world. The Hebrews replaced this approach with the idea that there was but one omnipotent, omniscient and ubiquitous God who is both mysterious and invisible, ruling the world. Christianity replaced this remote divinity with Jesus of Nazareth, whose personality was both divine and human. The New testament record of the Messiah's life introduced a further change: God is a trinity of persons, Father, Son and Spirit who are all equally divine. The theological and political power of the Catholic Church has managed to maintain and establish this view of God in the minds of a large fraction of the human population. Now, driven by the multiple views of God which are in conflict around the world, it is time to make the next step and bring God fully down to Earth. To date theology has been largely a fictional metaphysical construct. The Church managed to keep theology out of the Galilean paradigm change toward empirical science. Now let us assume that the Universe is completely divine, so that all our experiences are experiences of God and the evidence upon which we can build a scientific theology. Since God and the Universe are one, theology, working under this new paradigm, will eventually become one science as we have seen with physics, biology and psychology. Margaret O'Brien Steinfels
Theology itself is part of the universe and so part of the divine dynamics.
[page 176]
Friday 25 December 2015
Kraut, Plato: 'abstract objects . . . because they are not located in space or time.
'We are urged to transform our values by taking to heart the greater reality if the forms and defectiveness of the corporeal world. . . . In a few of Plato's works we are told that the soul always retains the ability to recollect what it once grasped of the forms, when it was disembodied prior to its possessor's birth . . . and that the lives we lead are to some extent a punishment or reward for choices made in a previous existence. Richard Kraut - Plato
Mystical experience: knowledge that by passes the senses (?). Mystical experience - Wikipedia
Sex: to see the beauty without the sin after a Catholic upbringing that emphasizes the potential sinfulness of all pleasure. How many sexy videas do I have to watch to reinforce my break from Catholic sexual control.
We watch videos of people fighting or fucking or engaged in some intermediate behaviour and we can imagine how they feel from our experiences of similar situations.
The difference between fucking for love and fucking for money is measured by the transfinite transition. Love tends toward complexity, it is creative. Money toward simplicity, it is annihilative, like boiling down whales to get oil to sell.
Imagining God: Cantor's ordinal types can represent everything representable and computer can make every computable transformation, so we have a phase space for the fixed points of God. [page 177]
Saturday 26 December 2015
The divine dynamics are one and simple because the fixed points in the dynamics are not breaks in the dynamics but simply points that are mapped to themselves.