vol VII: Notes
Sunday 5 February 2017 - Saturday 11 February 2017
[Notebook: DB 80: Cosmic plumbing]
[page 304]
Sunday 5 February 2017
Scientific theology embraces all the sciences.
Set theory, algebra, meaning, symmetry. x means all symbols with the symmetry of being like x, whatever that may be, a set of numbers, or of persons / sources.
The world is being damaged by the reductionisr approach of seeing everything through the eyes of monetary profit, rather like looking at forests simply as biomass for energy production. Have said these things so many times. The project now is to link all these ideas together under the umbrella of theology.
Joseph page 512: ' . . . if there is single universal object that transcends linguistic, national and cultural barriers and is acceptable to all and denied by none, it is our present set of numerals. From its remote beginnings in India, its gradual spread in all directions remains the great romantic episode in the history of mathematics.' Joseph: The Crest of the Peacock
Monday 6 February 2017
Tuesday 7 February 2017
Peace and complexity: war is the breakdown of same, dropping down to simple and harder layers. The hardest is God (the
[page 305]
Father) the single universal act (of being). What we are doing behind the scenes is using the transfinite computer network to give new meanings to a lot of old terms, giving then new connections to one another. After actus purus comes potency and act, which we now call potential and kinetic energy. By making the Universe divine we convert potential from something passive (in Aristotle / Aquinas) to something active in God. The potentials are the fixed points that are the dual of the dynamics. The duality can collapse into the Father (better call it the parent from now on and remove the reference to gender).
Wednesday 8 February 2017
Where am I? What am I? etc? In a state that has arisen from 14 billion years of evolution and my own experience since conception. Everybody else is in a similar state but all these states are unique. The human state is a unique state [defined by the human genome] but it is a fermion state. We may consider Turing machines as states and networks of Turing machines (as I am) to also be states which, taken as fixed points, determine (to a degree sufficient for life) how inputs are processed (food, information etc) to give responses. We have long since categorized human states as lysing on a spectrum running from left to right, where left emphasizes the social aspect of human existence and right emphasizes the individualistic aspects of life. Individualism requires the wealth and freedom to act individualistically (eccentrically) and so may be found more among the wealthy, establishing correlations between poor and social and rich and anti-social. So Thatcher: 'there is no such thing as society'. Margaret Thatcher: Epitaph for the eighties? "there is no such thing as society"
[page 306]
A state is a set of fixed points. We represent a state symbolically by ψ(ai), where the ai are the letters of an alphabet which we may take to be an orthogonal basis for a Hilbert space.
Ridderbos: entropy cannot increase in a deterministic system becasue of Liouville's theorem. Katinka Ridderbos: The coarse-graining approach to statistical mechanics: how blissful is our ignorance?
Thursday 9 February
Trump is stress testing US democracy. What I would like to be able to do is give a mathematically sound argument that democracy must be a winner because it has superior processing power delivered by networking and meaning, parallel processing that takes advantage of the fact that the world is full of symmetries, the Turing machines that the Universe (ie God) uses to process itself. God, insofar as it is deterministic is computable.
Maintenance: doing the dishes, pumping warer. Carnot's theory (like Shannon's) tells us how much certainty we can extract from an essentially random system.
Overfilled the sink, but wrote a good para, above.
The omnipotent / omniscient God of classical physics and classical theology has impossible powers. It is understood ro be able to solve incomputable problems. In the modern era this hope os embedded in the belief that quantum computers can outperform Turing
[page 307]
machines. Market down but ideas good. Gradually
Today's key idea: survival, reproduction, computability.
Friday 10 February 2017
Saturday 11 February 2017
Clean coal, renewable energy, global warming. Many people seem to have an interest in maintaining the status quo in the energy industry. This might be because they cannot believe the science, or they have a vested interest in the old ways financially, intellectually or emotionally. Because many people will not change their minds and the issue is urgent, they must be cut out of the decision making so that the body politic can go ahead and do what is necessary. In Australia the Federal government is dragging the chain to help the coal interests but the banks and other players i9n the energy industry know we are in a new world where must adapt or go broke (be annihilates, become extinct, etc).
Peacemaking: the generation of a continuous spectrum where once there was a step discontinuity.
Energy cannot increase in a deterministic system (?). Does determinitic mean reversible? Erasure kills reversibility? not at the fundamental level [?].
Fire out. Temperature 40 degrees. Fortunately almost no wind and it looks like no storm tonight. No lightning good. No rain, bad.
So what is the algorithm for a good policy? Something derived
by variation of a Lagrangian. In biological evolution the variation is 3ncodes n the genome of the children. This suggests that the Euler-Lagrange to develop physical theories may be applied to political situations f we ca identify the analogue of the Lagrangian in them. The world likes things where KE - PE is a constant, which may as well be 0 since quantum mechanics recognises no absolute scale of energy (?) [frequency = energy difference is all it sees].