vol VII: Notes
Sunday 14 May 2017 - Saturday 20 2017
[Notebook: DB 81: Scientific theology]
Sunday 14 May 2017
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Monday 15 May 2017
Always trying to focus sharply on the heart of the matter, which to me is science versus authority. The relevant outbreak of this tension was the modernist crisis whose net result was for the Church to declare itself infallible and retreat into its magisterial shell. There was a bt of fresh air let in by John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council but this simply assumed that the Church could rely on the scriptures and quoted them at great lengths. There were tweaks in the liturgy and relationships to other churches, but the central dogmatic tenet that the Church is our sole route to God, extra ecclesiam nulla salus remains firmly in place for all but the invincibly ignorant of the Gospel.
Conversation: Forgas Joseph Paul Forgas: Why are some people more gullible than others?
Grow into role: sharp critic of the Roman Catholic Church with a new, alternative and credible theology to replace the old system.
Intercept: Hussain Murtaza Hussain: "Misunderstanding Terrorism": How the Us VS. Them Mentality Will Never Stop Attacks
Peace and complexity. Trump refused to accept evidence based reasons for formulating policy and relies on his very poorly informed gut feelings (a gut trained to put me first).
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Scientific theology is the key to growing the global in group under one theology and one religion, the science and technology of global peace and sustainability. The transfinite network is the largest imaginable space in which to construct a universe.
The narrow path is the computable path meandering through the incomplete and incomputable wilderness.
Intercept: Hussain and Currier. Murtaza Hussein and Cora Currier: U.S. Military Operations Are Biggest Motivation for Homegrown Terrorists, FBI Study Finds
Marc Sageman: Misunderstanding Terrorism Sageman
Hammer: The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu Hammer
Child sexual abuse: grievous and long lasting psychological harm, a subset of child psychological abuse simpliciter
Tuesday 16 May 2017
Superogation may be a product of low self-esteem, trying too hard. What was I thinking when I joined the Order of Preachers? That I had to so it to 'save my soul'? Because I was scared of life in the real world? If nothing else it was an interesting experience that gave me some insight into the Roman Catholic Corporation.
The message is very clear to me, but what about the recipients? Two angles: redress for mental abuse; and propagation of a consistent model which lies at the limits of completeness and computability.
The Roman Catholic Church is essentially a quack that gets its income from
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treating a non-existent disease using the honeyed words of the sacraments.
The book will probably not sell unless I put the boot in to finish off the work done by the Royal Commission. Australian Government: Royal Commission into Institutional Resonses to Child Sexual Abuse
Wednesday 17 May 2017
Conversation: Nunn Patrick D. Nunn: Sidelining God: why secular climate change projects in the Pacific Islands are failing
The driving force behind my theological efforts is my perception of the errors propagated by the Catholic Church and the damage they are doing to society. The worst, I think, is the doctrine of Original Sin. Humanity became defective, that is a set of sinners, due to some ancestral fault, and only the Church can save us with its sacraments, beginning with Baptism which removes the 'stain' of original sin from the soul without removing the consequent conflict between 'emotion' and 'reason'. Paul III - Council of Trent: Decree Concerning Original Sin
In the light of the suspicion created by the Church, it is very hard to prove ourselves innocent when we are surrounded by wars and violations of human rights that are often instigated by the religions that are seeking evidence for our original depravity. One source of hope is the theory of evolution which shows us that the struggle for existence knows no bounds in times of desperation, and leads to murderous behaviour. We can cure this by not driving people to desperation, as the Australian government is doing to refugees in its offshore camps. The implementation of a self-fulfilling prophecy: treat them badly and they will fight back, justifying even worse treatment. Ben Doherty, Nick Evershed and Behrouz Boochani: Revealed: year-long campaign to make conditions harsher for Manus refugees
The root of Vat II Christian ecumenism is the common source
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of all the Christian churches in the Bible, particularly the New Testament. The plan here is human ecumenism, whose common source is the [divine] universe we inhabit. Second Vatican Council: Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio
If Theological Studies will not take scientific theology, could we try it on the New Yorker? The point? Much unnecessary pain arises from false opinions about reality, ie untested fictions that seem appealing [usually to the ruling class].
The authorities gradually fail because they use their authority to prevent themselves having to adapt to a changing world and ultimately find themselves completely in the dark night of denial.
I have led a very careful like trying to maximize the time I can spend on theology to the exclusion of as much as possible of the rest while nevertheless hoping to contribute a fair share to raising the children. The need for maximum time relates to the relationship between the size of the task and the speed of my thought. I now see that I have held onto the same track for fifty years and have made steady progress without many serious trips up wrong tracks. Every now and then I think that it is time to put thrift aside, but the task is drawing me on, attracted by a beautiful potential, pure act. This progress has been a backdrop of daily life which serves as the observable data for my personal theology, that is my personal vision of God. Which is not all ecstatic bliss. There is loss and pain also, but the net gain is delightful.
Watching a horror movie with Dracula's daughter. We do like to explore the dark side, perhaps as an antidote do actually experiencing something terrible, like having one's blood drunk, although I hold more than a Vampire could take
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at one sitting so I might survive.
I have kept my vow of poverty but chastity and obedience have gone out the window, thank God. Poverty is the only valuable counsel.
Thursday 18 May 2017
The reason for quantization becomes clear when we begin to understand quantum mechanics as a description of a network. Networks do not see space so I can communicate with you as though you are in the same place (identified by this text).
Slowly making the transition from physical to mental labour and learning to enjoy it as I do physical activity.
Where are we now? Fitting the transfinite network to the real world, beginning with physics [the physical layer].
So: Modelling I: Physics - relativity
II: Physics - quantum mechanics
III: physics - symmetry (which establishes structure in I and II
New ideas are a pain because I have to rearrange everything to fit them in but they are adding physical theology as the physical layer of the universal network. We build up the layers by analogy to the internet.
Quantum mechanics comes before relativity [fully operational in the time domain].
Friday 19 May 2017
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My Catholic upbringing coupled sensuality and sexuality directly to original sin. Later I learnt that original sin also introduced an error in the human psyche which (they said) broke the ability of reason to control feeling. Now I see feeling (ie conscious experience) to be the input to reason and not vice versa. So we argue about the things we see but this does not change them but our perception of them.
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Public relations vs law (science, evidence etc).
Lost in the space of possible sentences. What is scientific theology trying to show: the structure of the fixed points in the divine dynamics. The first fixed point is purer action equivalent to the classical God. Then we move to quantum mechanics, which is linear, reversible and not creative. The next step is relativity which creates the dualities space-time, momentum.position - energy.time. The interface of relativity and quantum mechanics gives us quantum field theory, which we apply to the creation and annihilation of particles at all scales, from fundamental particles via me to stars and galaxies.
Quantum mechanics conserves energy and entropy and these parameters are not distinguishable at this level.
Conservation of momentum = conservation of states of motion.
The growth of space-time corresponds to the growth of the Hilbert space of the universe through multiplication of dimensions and sets of dimensions, multiplication of fixed points. We will try to male this growth of Hilbert paces in the universal space correspond to layers in the transfinite network. If this works out everything will be dirt simple [dirt being one of the most complex things there is].
Always getting out of my depth, but always enjoying it becasue it pushes me forward. How does Hilbert space grow? Gravitation describes the kinematics, quantum mechanics the dynamics constrained by the conservation of 4-momentum.
Saturday 20 May 2017
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'The truth will make you free' John 8:32.Contrariwise, error binds us. Every time something goes wrong we have to spend time recovering from the error before we can go on with out lives. The error of the Catholic Church is so vast that the only ay we can circumvent it is by building up the secular world to have power over the Church, as we have seen with the child abuse Royal Commission.
My theological work is toward building the foundation for a successful impassionate plea for us all to be released from the fundamentalist Catholic / Christian prison, and for many other people to be liberated from parallel prisons in cultures I do not know.
How does countable computing power deal with incomputable situations? By meaning or correspondence: we can not only establish correspondences between elements of different sets, we can also establish correspondences between the elements of a set of singletons and a set of sets, and by processing the countable set f singletons we can reach conclusions about the corresponding sets. Although I may be considered a set with a transfinite cardinal, the department of social security, using my name and other [corresponding] details, pays my pension every fortnight.
Relativity of transfinite - 2 is transfinite with respect to 1, 3 with 2 and so on [transfinity = orthogonality]. This is so in the physical world where conservation of energy prevents the construction of [equinumerous] physical representations of sets with transfinite cardinal powers.
OSX Sierra installation stops, every minute, to calculate how much longer it takes to install.If it does this frequently enough,
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It will never install. For the last five minutes it has repeatedly told me that it had 33 minutes to go.
Einstein page 83: gravitational mass = inertial mass. Einstein: Gravitation