vol VII: Notes
Sunday 30 July 2017 - Saturday 5 August 2017
[Notebook: DB 81: Scientific theology]
[page 82]
Sunday 30 July 2017
Auyang page 38: 3 outstanding symmetry principles:
a) principle of special relativity; b) principle of general relativity; c) principle of local symmetry [nothing about scale invariance of quantum mechanics]. Auyang: How is Quantum Field Theory Possible?
page 43: Electromagnetic field is a new form of matter [is it 'real' or just photons, an old form of matter?]
page 45: matter fields — fermions
interaction fields — bosons
page 47: 'Fields are continuous but not amorphous; a field comprises discrete and concrete point entities, each indivisible but each having intrinsic characteristics.'
This seems to be a fundamental contradiction dating since earliest times that a continuum can carry information. Perhaps this is the root error to deal with in christian theology.
'The world of fields is full, in contrast to the mechanistic world, in which particles are separated by empty space across which forces act instantaneously at a distance.' The key to the real world is logical continuity, which is a form of continuity based on discrete logical operations [is logical continuity instantaneous at a distance? No, particle contact.].
An essay on the absurdity of mathematics.
Auyang page 50: 'Continuous quantum systems constitute the basic ontology of the world, according to contemporary physics.' And it seems to me to be completely wrong, although I am a very long way from being able to provide a consistent alternative. My basic plan is to replace geometric continuity with logical continuity and recognise that a real physical continuum carries no information.
[page 83]
Reading Auyang rather incomprehendingly as I have the flu, seems to make the absurdity of physical continuity as an explanation of the world patently obvious.
Auyang page 51: '. . . causality demands that physical effects propagate from point to point with finite velocity.' Causality also demands error free communication which demands quantization (Shannon) so that the system cannot be truly continuous. Claude Shannon: Communication in the presence of noise
page 53: '. . . field theories say particles are epiphenomena and the concept of particles is not central to the description of fields'. Nevertheless particles are the only things that we observe, they are the phenomena. The fields are products of imagination given so many degrees of freedom that they can explain anything.
page 57: . . . the whole point of symmetries is to suppress the undesirable effects of coordinates.' No. There are real symmetries such as conservation of energy.
Goldfarb: Faction Michael Goldfarb: Is the American republic built to withstand a malevolent president?
Orwell: 'To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.' George Orwell: In front of your nose
Signalling through the Central Nervous System is but an infinitesimal fraction of the signalling between cells in the body, either by contact or by hormones and other molecules released into the blood, lymph and other intra and intercellular fluids that serve as communication networks within living systems.
Monday 31 July 2017
Tuesday 1 August 2017
Wednesday 2 August 2017
Thursday 3 August 2017
Friday 4 August 2017
Saturday 5 August 2017
[page 84]
Auyang page 131: It is one thing to set up a formal mathematical correspondence like fibre bundles, but how are these correspondences realized physically? There must be some physical bonding or messaging to implement it.
The force of words is illustrated by an accusation of crime (or a good deed) which has the effect of changing an individual's perception by a community which is reflected in the individual;s perception of self. This holds for people, nations and fundamental particles.