natural theology

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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 13 August 2017 - Saturday 19 August 2017

[Notebook: DB 81: Scientific theology]

[page 89]

Sunday 13 August 2017

At this point in my life I find the Christian gospel severely deceitful, particularly in its claim for eternal life and the power of control over us which it derives from this claim. Despite its falsehood, the gospel is a source of comfort to people and nothing is lost when, after they are dead, people 'learn' that there is no eternal life simply by the absence of life after death. Because it is so comforting, people cling strongly to this belief. At a recent funeral the preacher cited a number of weighty authorities to argue that Jesus' resurrection is a historical fact that points to the fact that we will all be resurrected [how?].

In time, for the sake of realistic peace on earth, these false doctrines must be replaced with the truth, which links death, reproduction, error, evolution and so on into a coherent picture of the Universe as we experience it. The function of the complex structure of the living world is error free communication which can overcome error in computable spaces

[page 89]

but not in regions of incompleteness and incomputability which systems must avoid if they are to maintain control.

Another major problem with the Christian message is its incorporation of human sacrifice and cannibalism. Frazer: The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion

The writing business can be quite emotional and I am getting excited about the possibilities of digital_field. The key issue seems to be the claim that the continuous wave or harmonic paradigm can be replaced with a logical paradigm. Zee: Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell

Dirac Auyang page 61: 'The growth of the use of transformation theory as applied first to relativity and later to quantum theory, is the essence of the new method in theoretical physics. Dirac: Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Auyang page 62: 'The philosophical task of this work is to articulate a sense of the objective world that accounts from the working understanding and the success of quantum theories. . . . My concern is how we have managed to understand the quantum world to the extent that we do without a satisfactory quantum measurement theory.

Measurement of a quantum source requires the establishment of a common basis for the measurement operator and the system being measured. Zurek. Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical

Zurek: Dirac (Principles) ' . . . a measurement always causes the system to jump into an eigenstate of the dynamical variable that is being measured . . . '

So we are thinking of quantum measurement as a network interface requiring a handshake, a data transfer and a signoff.

The input and output of a quantum source are both digitized,

[page 91]

so we would expect the processing behind the scenes to also be digitized. We digitize quantum mechanics by considering eigenfunctions to be Turing machines but how does this work? And how do we understand the computation of inner products that determine the probabilities of quantum events?

In communication theory we can count the rate at which the different letters of the source alphabet are emitted and from that compute a source entropy which could be maximized by making the letters of the alphabet equiprobable.

There are two quantum mechanical computations which we understand to be performed in complex numbers: addition in superposition, and multiplication pairwise [multiplication] followed by addition calculating the inner product.

Monday 14 August 2017

A tale of two paradigms: harmonic vs logical, Zee and Weinberg. Steven Weinberg: The Search for Unity: Notes for a History of Quantum Field Theory

Everything that we can see is quantized. We know that all our senses work on particles, photons, phonons electrons and to on, We know that out nervous systems (and so our minds) also work digitally through 'action potentials'. We know that our neurons act through superposition, summing inhibitory and excitatory impulses to decide when to fire themselves, and so on. Yet we insist on the invisible harmonic paradigm, like the churches that discount the visible world in the light of invisible worlds to come (see, cannot keep theology out of it). This seems common in all primitive people who blame invisible forces for everything that happens and must find someone to blame when things go wrong. The foundation of modern civilization is innocent until proven guilty by real evidence, not gossip. Geoffrey Robertson. Action potential - Wikipedia, Robertson: Freedom, the Individual and the Law, Kurdaitcha - Wikipedia

[page 92]

The conclusion of the article might be a digitization of the Dirac equation (4 coupled energy equations) and something about the Feynman path integral.

From macroscopic to microscopic made possible by symmetry with respect to complexity.

Feynman showed how to devise computational Hamiltonians and the linearity and reversibility of quantum processes are consistent with communication theory. We are inclined to think of quantum computation as a resource to be used by giving inputs to quantum computers and taking outputs from them but in reality all quantum processes take place within the universal network and the presence or absence of human users and observers is irrelevant. Feynman: Feynman Lectures on Computation

How does an eigenvector or eigenfunction represent a Turing machine? It is a point in a Hilbert space of some finite dimension, beginning presumably with 1. We are saying that human insight, the collapse of the wavefunction and any other process is a passage from indeterminate to determinate, as this paragraph is becoming another determinate step on the way to a more complex story. By deleting the dichotomy between physics and psychology we open up a new explanatory paradigm which can lead from God conceived as the initial singularity to God conceived as the total complexity of the universe.

The mathematical foundation of creation is permutation [permutation of identical processes gets us nowhere, but permutation of different processes yields new more complex processes].

The psychological point of view can be exhibited by considering the mathematical community and their devotion to logical rather than geometric continuity. The conscious mind

[page 93]

of a mathematician awaiting insight may be a featureless continuum but then something springs into mind, the next step in a proof for instance, and something has been constructed. Our mathematical foundation for creation we take to be permutation and we construct a phase space for the creative universe based on Cantor's construction of transfinite numbers. So my blank mind, looking out the window and listening to the crows, has formulated another permutation of English words to represent an element of [an essay] digital_field.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

An advantage of the digital approach is that it would remove the occurrence of zero denominators and consequent infinities in field theory, converting renormalization from hocus-pocus [to logical sense] and perhaps rendering gravitation renormalizable. It will take me much study to understand this, but it will be worth the effort.

It is generally assumed in quantum theory that the quantum of action can be divided into infinitesimal elements and then integrated, a mathematical procedure that does not reflect physical reality [nevertheless, because the fictitious integration is performed over a featureless continuum, the result may be the same as if the quantum of action was considered logically as a whole, that is the execution of a Turing machine].

Perhaps what I am really seeking for the proposal that the Universe is divine is compensation for the realization that the promise of eternal life in heaven after death [is false] in the form of assurance that I am part of God in this life and should open my eyes to the beauties and pleasures of the life that I enjoy. Of course I experience some hell in this life too, but always hope to minimize it by careful management.

Robertson: Reason, in the hands of kings, judges and parliament puts many constraints on human behaviour which are inculcated into us from birth in the society of our parents [usually with an eye to peaceful and prosperous social interaction]. We meditate and pray to convince ourselves of truths which we feel,

[page 94]

often from social pressure, that we must believe All this is in effect adopting our personal minds to the region of the noosphere in which we find ourselves. Noosphere - Wikipedia

So I meditate on the divine universe analyzing and rejecting the Christian notion that it is a vale of tears, a region of pain and sorrow bracketed by the pains of birth and the pains of death, rendered ontologically defective by an angry and petulant creator which could not control the behaviour of its own creation [blaming the victim like so many autocrats ever since].

It is comforting in the light of my early indoctrination into the work ethic to have reached well beyond retirement age so I feel that I can stop work if I want to although I retain the ambition to write something that will revolve the noosphere toward the belief that we live in God, and explain the practical consequences of this vision.

Goldsmith; The Stable Society Goldsmith

Group: closed space of computations: 2 inputs one output.

Feldman: QED renormalizablity Feldman, Hurd, Rosen & Wright: QED: A Proof of Renormalizablity

Computer network

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Heisenberg picture - operators f(t), state vectors fixed Heisenberg picture - Wikipedia
Schrödinger picture, ψ(t), operators fixed. Schroedinger picture - Wikipedia

We follow S since physicists choose and control the operators. In this case a state vector is an element rotating in Hilbert pace which is the vector sum of all the elements of the state vector rotating in their one dimensional subspaces.

[page 95]

The quantum turing machine adds complex numbers [angles]. Perhaps it can also multiply by repeated addition. Perhaps phase can be digitized in π, π/2, π/4 etc to give a similar result to the orthogonal basis of an observable / observer.

The rule of law digitizes human behaviour by putting us into bins compliant / noncompliant etc.

Trying to see what is in front of my nose. If the world started off completely simple, it must be pretty simple to understand, one would think. So I open my mind to simplicity and the exponential series 2, 4, 8, 16 of bifurcating trees. So we begin from the Trinity, two fermions and a boson. Why not? Then build space-time on this, building up a little operating system and some software for the Universe which is in fact described by linear algebra in Hilbert space, things differentiated by their orthogonality. Now orthogonalities are generated by the tensor product. So we see spacetime as a network of fermions communicating with the bosons at the fundamental level and them complexifies both fermions and bosons by building transfinite spaces as tangent spaces to every event, fitting it into the overall network scheme whose total rate of communication is the energy of the Universe.

Was Socrates wife mad or just a bitch? I feel somewhat surrounded by mad women, an inspiring state as one explores how to fit the madness into a peaceful community. Xanthippe - Wikipedia

We cannot just have particles filling space-time like dust. Their individual existence depends upon them being coupled into a network that gives them an identify, a reason for living.

Thursday 17 August 2017

[page 96]

The idea that quantum theory predates relativity and is a consequence of the emergence of time and energy may bring us back to an even simpler era for the creation of the operation of computation where we think of each computation simply as a action, a 'pure' action whose essence and existence are identical as in the classical God, and we imagine the next step as the bifurcation of action into an analogue of the trinity which we see as two fermions communicating by the exchange of bosons in a situation that can be described by the energy equation with no particular frequency.

DeNeen Brown: Taney, Dred Scott: 'When the Constitution was ratified, Taney ruled back people were "regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had no rights that the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his own benefit." ' DeNeen L. Brown: Removing a slavery defender's statue: Roger B. Taney wrote one of the Supreme Court's worst rulings

It seems quite difficult to explain the digital universe without invoking theology, but the key lies in the psychological / physical distinction. God is a psychologial creation whose physical aspect lies in the fixed points used to communicate in the divine, mind, ie the universal process.

What an I do? Write on.

Friday 18 August 2017

The continuous variable in the Schroedinger picture is the state vector ψ which is the superposition of all the solutions of the energy equation ∂ψ = Hψ. If we wish to digitize quantum mechanics to the core we need to digtize ψ which we may do by picking out only those vectors ψ that represent halting computers. How do we map a computer to a state vector? A computer is a sequence of operations, each requiring action h. If we think of Hilbert space wth countably infinite dimension, each computaion would seem to need h.ℵ0 quanta of action, which does not seem right since each event in quantum mechanics is measured by one quantum, so we must have something like the collapse of the wave function where only one of the elements of the state vector is executed. Here might be a case of the effort to make Hilbert space complete, in the sense of the real numbers, we have introduced a vast [continuous] space of extra complexity which is fictitious, analogous to the gauge [freedom] introduced by the application of continuous mathematics to physics in general. Following the words, we get to weird places, like science fiction.

Science fiction, produced by imagination, is the source of science. History seems to have taught us that truth is stranger than fiction, so that we have to stretch our fictional imaginations to the utmost to achieve understanding of things like special and general relativity. Einstein imagined travelling alongside a photon and eventually came up with the group of Lorentz transformations. Lorentz group - Wikipedia

Robertson (and many others) document systematic breaches of human symmetry. Robertson: Crimes Against Humanity: The Struggle for Global Justice

Basic energy equation is simply the moving phase of a complex number z(t). Then we add dimensions, providing a tensor product of two energy equations observing [interacting, superposing on] one another, finding a common basis [harmony] as in a quantum measurement. We construct the wave function of the universe by a tree of tensor products modelled by the transfinite computer network. Sounds lovely but how do we make it all fit the word we live in? By a surfeit of states culled by a selective process.Just say all this to myself again and again and proceed very slowly like polishing glass. Circle group - Wikipedia

Saturday 19 August 2017

[page 98]

Every elementary event involves one quantum of action eg absorption and emission of a photon. The question for quantum mechanics is now much energy is associated with this event. The computation of the energy can be very subtle as we see in QED, eg Lamb shift [the subtlety arises from low frequency connections in the network]. Lamb shift - Wikipedia

[Scientific theology] Chapter 9: How do we make peace in a divine world?

Feynman's path integral is a form of natural selection. One imagines all possible paths between two states and assumes that the path taken is the one where the phases in the vicinity of the path are relatively stationary with respect to one another and additive. Path integral formulation - Wikipedia

I am relying on simple mindedness to guide me through the complex thicket of field theory to the underlying simplicity of the divinity and then build up the fixed points to the complex world we see now.

Agatha Secret Adversary [chapter 22]: 'On the other hand it is quite impossible to lead him astray through his imagination. He hasn't got any—so he's difficult to deceive.' The priests working for the kings who thought up the whole god and divine right thing had too much imagination and politics and theology have been sucked in ever since. Christie


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Christie, Agatha, The Secret Adversary, HarperCollins 2015 'The grand dame of the cozy English murder mystery, Agatha Christie introduced Tommy and Tuppence, her duo of likeable upper-class detectives, in this 1922 novel, her second book. International intrigue, secret treaties, disguises, and blackmail follow this roguishly charming 1920s couple in their globetrotting quest to unravel the riddle of their disappearing client, disappearing diplomatic papers, and a devious plot that goes back to the sinking of the Lusitania.' 
Dirac, P A M, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (4th ed), Oxford UP/Clarendon 1983 Jacket: '[this] is the standard work in the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, indispensible both to the advanced student and the mature research worker, who will always find it a fresh source of knowledge and stimulation.' (Nature)  
Feldman, Joel S, and Thomas R Hurd, Lon Rosen, Jill D Wright, QED: A Proof of Renormalizability, Springer Verlag 1988  
Feynman, Richard, Feynman Lectures on Computation, Perseus Publishing 2007 Amazon Editorial Reviews Book Description 'The famous physicist's timeless lectures on the promise and limitations of computers When, in 1984-86, Richard P. Feynman gave his famous course on computation at the California Institute of Technology, he asked Tony Hey to adapt his lecture notes into a book. Although led by Feynman, the course also featured, as occasional guest speakers, some of the most brilliant men in science at that time, including Marvin Minsky, Charles Bennett, and John Hopfield. Although the lectures are now thirteen years old, most of the material is timeless and presents a "Feynmanesque" overview of many standard and some not-so-standard topics in computer science such as reversible logic gates and quantum computers.'  
Frazer, James, The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, Penguin Books 1996 Preface: "The primary aim of this book is to explain the remarkable rule which regulated the succession of the priesthood of Diana at Aricia. ...' 'Such was the rule of the sanctuary. A candidate for the priesthood could only succeed to office by slaying the priest, and having slain him, he retained office till he himself was slain by a stronger or a craftier.' [p 1]  
Goldsmith, Edward , The Stable Society: Its Structure and Control: Toward a Social Cybernetics, Wadebridge 1978 The Stable Society: Its structure and control : towards a social 'The book set out to examine the systems of social control that, according to the author, once ensured stability in so-called primitive societies. The attenuation of these control systems – religion, the family, recognition of ‘natural’ limits – has contributed to the ‘undifferentiated’ and ‘unstable’ character of modern societies. So far, so good. But what should one do about all this? Well, the central and controversial message of this book is that if we want to live in a stable society then the ONLY way to get to one is to return to pre-industrial (or even pre-Christian – it isn’t clear which) ways of life! Women must return to traditional roles, religion be re-established in its role as a societal control mechanism, a cultural hierarchy must be re-imposed, and presumably most forms of technology abandoned. Only thus can we achieve stability and order.' Richard A. Slaughter in Foresight International 
Kuhn, Thomas S, Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1894-1912, University of Chicago Press 1987 Jacket: '[This book] traces the emergence of discontinuous physics during the early years of this century. Breaking with historiographic tradition, Kuhn maintains that, though clearly due to Max Planck, the concept of discontinuous energy change does not originate in his work. Instead it was introduced by physicists trying to understand the success of his brilliant new theory of black-body radiation.' 
Pais, Abraham, 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford UP 1982 Jacket: In this . . . major work Abraham Pais, himself an eminent physicist who worked alongside Einstein in the post-war years, traces the development of Einstein's entire ouvre. . . . Running through the book is a completely non-scientific biography . . . including many letters which appear in English for the first time, as well as other information not published before.' 
Robertson, Geoffrey, Crimes Against Humanity: The Struggle for Global Justice, Penguin Books 2000 Jacket: 'First used at Nuremberg to condemn the Nazi rulers, the concept of 'crimes against humanity' gave universal recognition to the need to hold political leaders accountable for the wars, genocide and torture which disfigure our world. ... In this powerful and timely book, Geoffrey Robertson QC is cautiously optimistic about bringing tyrants and torturers to heel, but unsparingly critical of the corruption, hypocrisy and political bias of international diplomacy. Nevertheless, as we go into the twenty-first century, we are, he explains, on the brink of a new era of human rights - the age of enforcement.' 
Robertson, Geoffrey, Freedom, the Individual and the Law, Penguin Books 2015 Jacket: 'For twenty-five years this book has been a watchdog for civil liberties, warning against legal developments against legal developments that threten the everyday freedoms that ctizens should possess. Previous editions have inspired sgnficant changes in our legislation.' 
Weeks, Jeffrey R, The Shape of Space, CRC 2001 Amazon Editorial Reviews Book Description 'Maintaining the standard of excellence set by the previous edition, this textbook covers the basic geometry of two- and three-dimensional spaces Written by a master expositor, leading researcher in the field, and MacArthur Fellow, it includes experiments to determine the true shape of the universe and contains illustrated examples and engaging exercises that teach mind-expanding ideas in an intuitive and informal way. Bridging the gap from geometry to the latest work in observational cosmology, the book illustrates the connection between geometry and the behavior of the physical universe and explains how radiation remaining from the big bang may reveal the actual shape of the universe.' 
Zee, Anthony, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press 2003 Amazon book description: 'An esteemed researcher and acclaimed popular author takes up the challenge of providing a clear, relatively brief, and fully up-to-date introduction to one of the most vital but notoriously difficult subjects in theoretical physics. A quantum field theory text for the twenty-first century, this book makes the essential tool of modern theoretical physics available to any student who has completed a course on quantum mechanics and is eager to go on. Quantum field theory was invented to deal simultaneously with special relativity and quantum mechanics, the two greatest discoveries of early twentieth-century physics, but it has become increasingly important to many areas of physics. These days, physicists turn to quantum field theory to describe a multitude of phenomena. Stressing critical ideas and insights, Zee uses numerous examples to lead students to a true conceptual understanding of quantum field theory--what it means and what it can do. He covers an unusually diverse range of topics, including various contemporary developments,while guiding readers through thoughtfully designed problems. In contrast to previous texts, Zee incorporates gravity from the outset and discusses the innovative use of quantum field theory in modern condensed matter theory. Without a solid understanding of quantum field theory, no student can claim to have mastered contemporary theoretical physics. Offering a remarkably accessible conceptual introduction, this text will be widely welcomed and used.  
Action potential - Wikipedia, Action potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physiology, an action potential occurs when the membrane potential of a specific axon location rapidly rises and falls: this depolarisation then causes adjacent locations to similarly depolarise. . . . Action potentials occur in several types of animal cells, called excitable cells, which include neurons, muscle cells, and endocrine cells, as well as in some plant cells. ' back
Adam Goodheart, Regime Change in Charlottesville, 'Trump’s presidency is a kind of rearguard action for an America that used to be; his whole campaign promised a “greater,” whiter America that looks a lot like 1924. The right-wing extremists’ chant in Charlottesville, “You will not replace us,” captures his entire political message in five words. So it should be no surprise when he reflexively defends Confederate monuments and suggests that Lee and Jackson are no different from Washington and Jefferson—ignoring the fact that two of those built the nation, and the other two fought to rip it apart.' back
Circle group - Wikipedia, Circle group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, the circle group, denoted by T, is the multiplicative group of all complex numbers with absolute value 1, i.e., the unit circle in the complex plane or simply the unit complex numbers.' back
DeNeen L. Brown, Removing a slavery defender's statue: Roger B. Taney wrote one of the Supreme Court's worst rulings , 'As the country wrestles with removing Confederate memorials and statues from Charlottesville to Durham, N.C., another slavery defender’s legacy has come under fire: Supreme Court Justice Roger B. Taney.' back
Donald Earl Collins, Have black historians been wrong all along?, 'I have been a black student of black history for nearly 30 years. Yet, I find myself with a question that feels like a splinter lodged in my nail bed. For all the examples of African American success and American racism reduced, blacks are as far away from the "Promised Land" as their great-great-grandparents were 150 years ago.' back
Heisenberg picture - Wikipedia, Heisenberg picture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, the Heisenberg picture (also called the Heisenberg representation) is a formulation (largely due to Werner Heisenberg in 1925) of quantum mechanics in which the operators (observables and others) incorporate a dependency on time, but the state vectors are time-independent, an arbitrary fixed basis rigidly underlying the theory.' back
Kurdaitcha - Wikipedia, Kurdaitcha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Kurdaitcha (or kurdaitcha man) is a ritual "executioner" in Australian Aboriginal culture (specifically the term comes from the Arrernte people). . . . Among traditional Indigenous Australians there is no such thing as a belief in natural death. All deaths are considered to be the result of evil spirits or spells, usually influenced by an enemy. . . . A Kurdaitcha may or may not be arranged to avenge them. ' back
Lamb shift - Wikipedia, Lamb shift - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, the Lamb shift, named after Willis Lamb (1913–2008), is a difference in energy between two energy levels 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 (in term symbol notation) of the hydrogen atom which was not predicted by the Dirac equation, according to which these states should have the same energy. Interaction between vacuum energy fluctuations and the hydrogen electron in these different orbitals is the cause of the Lamb Shift, as was shown subsequent to its discovery.' back
Lorentz group - Wikipedia, Lorentz group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics (and mathematics), the Lorentz group is the group of all Lorentz transformations of Minkowski spacetime, the classical setting for all (nongravitational) physical phenomena. The Lorentz group is named for the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz. The mathematical form of the kinematical laws of special relativity, Maxwell's field equations in the theory of electromagnetism, the Dirac equation in the theory of the electron, are each invariant under the Lorentz transformations. Therefore the Lorentz group is said to express the fundamental symmetry of many of the known fundamental Laws of Nature.' back
Noosphere - Wikipedia, Noosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The noosphere . . . is the sphere of human thought.The word derives from the Greek νοῦς (nous "mind") and σφαῖρα (sphaira "sphere"), in lexical analogy to "atmosphere" and "biosphere". It was introduced by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in 1922 in his Cosmogenesis.' back
Path integral formulation - Wikipedia, Path integral formulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is a description of quantum theory which generalizes the action principle of classical mechanics. It replaces the classical notion of a single, unique trajectory for a system with a sum, or functional integral, over an infinity of possible trajectories to compute a quantum amplitude. . . . This formulation has proved crucial to the subsequent development of theoretical physics, since it provided the basis for the grand synthesis of the 1970s which unified quantum field theory with statistical mechanics. . . . ' back
Sam Waterston, When 'getting away with it' is all Trump cares about, 'The phrase “getting away with it” didn’t even exist as an expression until the middle of the 19th century. It came into general use over the following few decades, coincident with the Darwinian phrase “survival of the fittest” and Nietzsche’s “God is dead.” In the 2012 book “Missing Out,” in a chapter entitled “On Getting Away With It,” psychiatrist Adam Phillips suggested we had, just in the last century, gone from regarding “getting away with it” as immoral . . . to its elevation to a highest-value goal.' back
Schroedinger picture - Wikipedia, Schroedinger picture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, the Schrödinger picture (also called the Schrödinger representation) is a formulation of quantum mechanics in which the state vectors evolve in time, but the operators (observables and others) are constant with respect to time.' back
Shashi Tharoor, The Partition: The British game of 'divide and rule', 'On August 15, 1947, India won independence: a moment of birth that was also an abortion, since freedom came with the horrors of the partition, when East and West Pakistan were hacked off the stooped shoulders of India by the departing British.' back
Steven Weinberg, The Search for Unity: Notes for a History of Quantum Field Theory, 'In its essentials this point of view has survived to the present day, and forms the central dogma of quantum field theory. The essential reality is a set of fields, subject to the rules of special relativity and quantum mechanics; all else is derived as a consequence of the quantum dynamics of these fields'
Vik Sohonie, Uncovering Somalia's forgoten music of the 1970s, 'The East African coast's role as multicultural crossroad imbued Somali culture with the traditions of its biggest trading partners, leaving an indelible mark on language, cuisine, dress, worldview, and, revealingly - its music. Indian scales, Yemeni chord progressions, Sumatran melodies, and the rhythms of Bantu peoples just to the south created a sound that reveals not only the intermingling of Somalia's past but of the world's. That rich legacy could be heard in a newly recovered archive of more than 10,000 cassettes and master recordings we came across last year in Hargeisa, Somaliland. Radio operators hid this music, recorded in the 1970s, until 1987, to protect it during the bombardment ordered by Somalia's then military dictator.' back
Wojciech Hubert Zurek, Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical, 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) "Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on -- to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the ``wavepacket collapse'', designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment -- the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert it into carrying information about them -- into becoming a witness.' back
Xanthippe - Wikipedia, Xanthippe - Wikipedia, the free enyclopedia, 'It is the example of the rider who wishes to become an expert horseman: "None of your soft-mouthed, docile animals for me," he says; "the horse for me to own must show some spirit" in the belief, no doubt, if he can manage such an animal, it will be easy enough to deal with every other horse besides. And that is just my case. I wish to deal with human beings, to associate with man in general; hence my choice of wife. I know full well, if I can tolerate her spirit, I can with ease attach myself to every human being else.' Xenophon, Symposium back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls